387 lines
10 KiB
Executable File
387 lines
10 KiB
Executable File
import copy
import diskcache
import h5py
import json
import os
import subprocess
import sys
import time
from dataclasses import asdict, dataclass
from dataclasses import dataclass, field
from functools import cached_property, cache
from pathlib import Path
from omegaconf import OmegaConf
import torch
class _Config:
cfg_path: str | None = None
def relpath(self):
return Path(self.cfg_path)
def ckpt_dir(self):
return self.relpath / "ckpt"
def log_dir(self):
return self.relpath / "logs" / str(self.start_time)
def start_time(self):
return int(time.time())
def git_commit(self):
cmd = "git rev-parse HEAD"
return subprocess.check_output(cmd.split()).decode("utf8").strip()
return ""
def git_status(self):
cmd = "git status"
return subprocess.check_output(cmd.split()).decode("utf8").strip()
return ""
def dumps(self):
data = {k: getattr(self, k) for k in dir(self) if not k.startswith("__")}
data = {k: v for k, v in data.items() if not callable(v)}
return json.dumps(data, indent=2, default=str)
def dump(self, path=None):
if path is None:
path = self.log_dir / "cfg.json"
path.parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
with open(path, "w") as f:
def _is_cfg_argv(s):
return "=" in s and "--" not in s
def from_yaml( cls, yaml_path ):
return cls.from_cli( [f'yaml="{yaml_path}"'] )
def from_cli(cls, args=sys.argv):
cli_cfg = OmegaConf.from_cli([s for s in args if cls._is_cfg_argv(s)])
# Replace argv to ensure there are no omegaconf options, for compatibility with argparse.
sys.argv = [s for s in sys.argv if not cls._is_cfg_argv(s)]
if cli_cfg.get("help"):
print(f"Configurable hyperparameters with their default values:")
print(json.dumps(asdict(cls()), indent=2, default=str))
if "yaml" in cli_cfg:
yaml_cfg = OmegaConf.load(cli_cfg.yaml)
yaml_path = Path(cli_cfg.yaml).absolute()
cfg_path = Path(*yaml_path.relative_to(Path.cwd()).parts[:-1])
cfg_path = cfg_path.with_suffix("")
cfg_path = f'./{cfg_path}'
yaml_cfg.setdefault("cfg_path", cfg_path)
yaml_cfg = {}
merged = OmegaConf.merge(yaml_cfg, cli_cfg)
return cls(**dict(merged))
def __repr__(self):
return str(self)
def __str__(self):
return self.dumps()
class Dataset:
training: list[Path] = field(default_factory=lambda: [])
validation: list[Path] = field(default_factory=lambda: [])
temp: list[Path] = field(default_factory=lambda: [])
# de-implemented, because the data isn't that large to facilitate HDF5
hdf5_name: str = "data.h5"
use_hdf5: bool = False
workers: int = 8
cache: bool = True
class Model:
name: str = ""
tokens: int = 0 # number of token types
len: int = 1 # how long a sequence can be
dim: int = 512
def full_name(self):
return self.name
class Models:
_models: list[Model] = field(default_factory=lambda: [
def get(self, name=None):
if not name:
return [ Model(**model) for model in self._models ]
for model in self._models:
if model.name == name:
return model
raise ValueError
class Hyperparameters:
batch_size: int = 8
gradient_accumulation_steps: int = 32
gradient_clipping: int = 100 # to be implemented in the local backend
optimizer: str = "Adamw"
learning_rate: float = 3.25e-4
scheduler_type: str = "" # to be implemented in the local backend
scheduler_params: dict = field(default_factory=lambda: {})
class Evaluation:
batch_size: int = 64
frequency: int = 250
size: int = 64
steps: int = 500
temperature: float = 1.0
class DeepSpeed:
zero_optimization_level: int = 0
use_compression_training: bool = False
def get_ds_cfg(self, model):
weights = [ name[0] for name in model.named_parameters() ]
bits = 8
scheduler_params = {}
for k in cfg.hyperparameters.scheduler_params:
scheduler_params[k] = cfg.hyperparameters.scheduler_params[k]
if cfg.hyperparameters.scheduler_type == "WarmupDecayLR" and 'total_num_steps' not in scheduler_params:
scheduler_params['total_num_steps'] = cfg.trainer.iterations
ds_cfg = {
"train_micro_batch_size_per_gpu": cfg.hyperparameters.batch_size,
"gradient_accumulation_steps": cfg.hyperparameters.gradient_accumulation_steps,
"optimizer": {
"type": cfg.hyperparameters.optimizer,
"params": {
"lr": cfg.hyperparameters.learning_rate,
"scheduler": {
"type": cfg.hyperparameters.scheduler_type,
"params": scheduler_params,
} if cfg.hyperparameters.scheduler_type != "" else None,
"gradient_clipping": cfg.hyperparameters.gradient_clipping,
"fp16": {
"enabled": True,
"auto_cast": True,
} if cfg.trainer.weight_dtype.lower() == "float16" else None,
"bf16": {
"enabled": cfg.trainer.weight_dtype.lower() == "bfloat16"
"compression_training": {
"weight_quantization": {
"enabled": True,
"quantizer_kernel": True,
"schedule_offset": 0,
"quantize_groups": 64,
"quantize_verbose": True,
"quantization_type": "symmetric",
"rounding": "nearest",
"quantize_weight_in_forward": True,
"enabled": False,
"quantize_change_ratio": 1
"different_groups": {
"wq1": {
"params": {
"start_bits": bits,
"target_bits": bits,
"quantization_period": 0
"modules": weights
"activation_quantization": {
"enabled": True,
"quantization_type": "symmetric",
"range_calibration": "dynamic",
"schedule_offset": 0
"different_groups": {
"aq1": {
"params": {
"bits": bits
"modules": weights
} if self.use_compression_training else None,
"zero_optimization": {
"stage": self.zero_optimization_level,
"contiguous_gradients": True,
"overlap_comm": True,
"reduce_scatter": True,
"reduce_bucket_size": 5e8,
"allgather_bucket_size": 5e8,
"sub_group_size": 5e8,
"round_robin_gradients": True,
"offload_optimizer": {
"device": "cpu",
"pin_memory": True
"offload_param": {
"device": "cpu",
"pin_memory": True
} if self.zero_optimization_level > 0 else None,
"comms_logger": {
"enabled": False
null_keys = [ k for k in ds_cfg if not ds_cfg[k] ]
for k in null_keys:
del ds_cfg[k]
if os.path.exists("./config/ds_config.json"):
ds_cfg.update(json.load(open("./config/ds_config.json", "r", encoding="utf-8")))
return ds_cfg
class Trainer:
iterations: int = 100_000
save_tag: str = "step"
load_tag: str | None = None
save_on_oom: bool = True
save_on_quit: bool = True
save_frequency: int = 100
load_state_dict: bool = False
load_states: bool = True
strict_loading: bool = True
restart_step_count: bool = False
aggressive_optimizations: bool = False
check_for_oom: bool = True
gc_mode: str | None = None
weight_dtype: str = "float16"
backend: str = "deepspeed"
deepspeed: DeepSpeed = field(default_factory=lambda: DeepSpeed)
def dtype(self):
if self.weight_dtype == "float16":
return torch.float16
if cfg.trainer.weight_dtype == "bfloat16":
return torch.bfloat16
return torch.float32
class Inference:
use_vocos: bool = True # artifact from the VALL-E trainer
class BitsAndBytes:
enabled: bool = False
injects: bool = False
linear: bool = False
embedding: bool = False
class Config(_Config):
device: str = "cuda"
dataset: Dataset = field(default_factory=lambda: Dataset)
models: Models = field(default_factory=lambda: Models)
hyperparameters: Hyperparameters = field(default_factory=lambda: Hyperparameters)
evaluation: Evaluation = field(default_factory=lambda: Evaluation)
trainer: Trainer = field(default_factory=lambda: Trainer)
inference: Inference = field(default_factory=lambda: Inference)
bitsandbytes: BitsAndBytes = field(default_factory=lambda: BitsAndBytes)
def get_device(self):
return torch.cuda.current_device() if self.device == "cuda" else self.device
def cache_dir(self):
return ".cache" / self.relpath
def diskcache(self):
if self.dataset.cache:
return diskcache.Cache(self.cache_dir).memoize
return lambda: lambda x: x
def load_yaml( self, config_path ):
tmp = Config.from_yaml( config_path )
cfg = Config.from_cli()
# OmegaConf doesn't actually coerce the dicts into the @dataclass decorated classes, for some god forsaken reason, so we coerce them ourselves
cfg.dataset = Dataset(**cfg.dataset)
cfg.models = Models(**cfg.models)
cfg.hyperparameters = Hyperparameters(**cfg.hyperparameters)
cfg.evaluation = Evaluation(**cfg.evaluation)
cfg.trainer = Trainer(**cfg.trainer)
cfg.inference = Inference(**cfg.inference)
cfg.bitsandbytes = BitsAndBytes(**cfg.bitsandbytes)
cfg.trainer.deepspeed = DeepSpeed(**cfg.trainer.deepspeed)
# cached_property stopped working...
if cfg.dataset.use_hdf5:
cfg.hdf5 = h5py.File(f'{cfg.cfg_path}/{cfg.dataset.hdf5_name}', 'a')
except Exception as e:
print("Error while opening HDF5 file:", f'{cfg.cfg_path}/{cfg.dataset.hdf5_name}', str(e))
cfg.dataset.use_hdf5 = False
if not cfg.dataset.use_hdf5:
cfg.dataset.training = [ Path(dir) for dir in cfg.dataset.training ]
cfg.dataset.validation = [ Path(dir) for dir in cfg.dataset.validation ]
if __name__ == "__main__":
print(cfg) |