# Credits to https://gist.github.com/nnuudev/56ed3242023c8582a32e3130ef59730b / https://boards.4chan.org/trash/thread/51463059#p51472156 import os import re import json import time import shutil import math import urllib.request config = { 'input': './in/', # files to process 'output': './out/', # files to copy files to 'tags': './tags.csv', # csv of tags associated with the yiffy model (replace for other flavor of booru's taglist associated with the model you're training against) 'cache': './cache.json', # JSON file of cached tags, will speed up processing if re-running 'rateLimit': 500, # time to wait between requests, in milliseconds, e621 imposes a rate limit of 2 requests per second 'filenameLimit': 245, # maximum characters to put in the filename, necessary to abide by filesystem limitations # you can set this to 245, as the web UI has uncapped the prompt limit, but I have yet to test this if this limit was also lifted for textual inversion 'filter': True, # fill it with tags of whatever you don't want to make it into the filename # for starters, you can also add "anthro", "male", "female", as they're very common tags 'filters': [ # "anthro", # "fur", # "male", # "female", "animal genitalia", "genitals", "video games", ], 'filtersRegex': [ r"clothing$", r"fluids$", r" (fe)?male$", ], # treat these tags as already being included in the # if you're cautious (paranoid), include species you want, but I found I don't really even need to include specis # you can also include character names / series names if you're using this for hypernetworks 'tagsOverride': ["character", "copyright"], # useful for textual inversion training # 'tagsOverride': ["character", "species", "copyright"], # useful for hypernetwork training 'tagsOverrideStart': 1000000, # starting score that your overriden tags will start from, for sorting purposes # tags to always include in the list # I HIGHLY suggest including these tags in your training template instead 'tagsAutoInclude': [], 'removeParentheses': True, # removes shit like `blaidd_(elden_ring)` or `curt_(animal_crossing)` without needing to specify it all in the above # good because it messes with a lot of shit 'onlyIncludeModelArtists': True, # if True, only include the artist's tag if in the model's taglist, if false, add all artists # i've noticed some artists that weren't included in the taglist, but is available in LAION's (vanilla SD) 'reverseTags': False, # inverts sorting, prioritizing tags with little representation in the model 'tagDelimiter': ",", # what separates each tag in the filename, web UI will accept comma separated filenames, but will insert it without commas } with open(config['tags'], 'rb') as f: csv = f.read().decode('utf-8').split("\n") config['tags'] = {} for i in csv: k, v = i.split(',') config['tags'][k] = int(v) for i in range(len(config['tagsOverride'])): override = config['tagsOverride'][i].replace("_", " ") config['tags'][override] = config['tagsOverrideStart'] config['tagsOverrideStart'] = config['tagsOverrideStart'] - 1 cache = {} try: with open(config['cache'], 'rb') as f: cache = json.loads(f.read().decode('utf-8')) except: pass def parse(): global config, cache files = [] for file in os.listdir(config['input']): files.append(file) for i in range(len(files)): file = files[i] # try filenames like "83737b5e961b594c26e8feaed301e7a5 (1).jpg" (duplicated copies from a file manager) md5 = re.match(r"^([a-f0-9]{32})", file) if not md5: # try filenames like "00001-83737b5e961b594c26e8feaed301e7a5.jpg" (output from voldy's web UI preprocessing) md5 = re.match(r"([a-f0-9]{32})\.(jpe?g|png)$", file) if not md5: continue md5 = md5.group(1) print(f"[{(100.0 * i / len(files)):3.0f}%]: {md5}") rateLimit = False if not md5 in cache: rateLimit = True with urllib.request.urlopen(urllib.request.Request(f"https://e621.net/posts.json?tags=md5:{md5}", headers = { 'user-agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/87.0.4280.88 Safari/537.36' } )) as r: j = json.loads(r.read()) cache[md5] = j["posts"][0] if j["posts"] else {} json_meta = cache[md5] if not json_meta: continue tags = config['tagsAutoInclude'].copy() artist = "" content = { "s": "safe content", "q": "questionable content", "e": "explict content", }.get(json_meta["rating"], "") for cat in json_meta["tags"]: override = cat in config['tagsOverride'] if cat == "artist": tag = "by " + " and ".join(json_meta["tags"]["artist"]) if config['onlyIncludeModelArtists'] and not tag in config['tags']: continue artist = tag else: for tag in json_meta["tags"][cat]: tag = tag.replace("_", " ") if not override: override = tag in config['tagsOverride'] if override: if tag not in config['tags']: idx = config['tagsOverride'].index( cat ) if idx >= 0: scale = math.pow(10, len(config['tagsOverride']) - idx + 1) else: scale = 1 config['tags'][tag] = config['tagsOverrideStart'] * scale config['tagsOverrideStart'] = config['tagsOverrideStart'] - 1 elif tag not in config['tags']: continue if "/" in tag or ":" in tag: continue # illegal filename character if config['filter']: should = False if tag in config['filters']: continue # was break in the original script, fixed ;) for filter in config['filtersRegex']: if re.search(filter, tag): should = True break if should: continue tags.append(tag) tags.sort(key=lambda x: -config['tags'][x], reverse=config['reverseTags']) if artist: tags.insert(0, artist) if content: tags.insert(0, content) jointmp = "" filtered = [] for i in tags: if len(jointmp + config['tagDelimiter'] + i) > config['filenameLimit']: break jointmp += config['tagDelimiter'] + i if config['removeParentheses']: i = re.sub(r"\(.+?\)$", "", i).strip() filtered.append(i) joined = config['tagDelimiter'].join(filtered) shutil.copy(os.path.join(config['input'], file), os.path.join(config['output'], file.replace(md5, " "+joined).strip())) if rateLimit and config['rateLimit']: time.sleep(config['rateLimit'] / 1000.0) # NOOOOOOOO YOU'RE WASTING SPACE BY PRETTIFYING with open(config['cache'], 'wb') as f: f.write(json.dumps(cache, indent='\t').encode('utf-8')) if __name__ == "__main__": parse()