Merge branch 'master' into textual__inversion
This commit is contained in:
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
# Please read the [contributing wiki page]( before submitting a pull request!
If you have a large change, pay special attention to this paragraph:
> Before making changes, if you think that your feature will result in more than 100 lines changing, find me and talk to me about the feature you are proposing. It pains me to reject the hard work someone else did, but I won't add everything to the repo, and it's better if the rejection happens before you have to waste time working on the feature.
Otherwise, after making sure you're following the rules described in wiki page, remove this section and continue on.
**Describe what this pull request is trying to achieve.**
A clear and concise description of what you're trying to accomplish with this, so your intent doesn't have to be extracted from your code.
**Additional notes and description of your changes**
More technical discussion about your changes go here, plus anything that a maintainer might have to specifically take a look at, or be wary of.
**Environment this was tested in**
List the environment you have developed / tested this on. As per the contributing page, changes should be able to work on Windows out of the box.
- OS: [e.g. Windows, Linux]
- Browser [e.g. chrome, safari]
- Graphics card [e.g. NVIDIA RTX 2080 8GB, AMD RX 6600 8GB]
**Screenshots or videos of your changes**
If applicable, screenshots or a video showing off your changes. If it edits an existing UI, it should ideally contain a comparison of what used to be there, before your changes were made.
This is **required** for anything that touches the user interface.
@ -79,6 +79,7 @@ titles = {
"Highres. fix": "Use a two step process to partially create an image at smaller resolution, upscale, and then improve details in it without changing composition",
"Scale latent": "Uscale the image in latent space. Alternative is to produce the full image from latent representation, upscale that, and then move it back to latent space.",
"Eta noise seed delta": "If this values is non-zero, it will be added to seed and used to initialize RNG for noises when using samplers with Eta. You can use this to produce even more variation of images, or you can use this to match images of other software if you know what you are doing.",
@ -127,7 +127,7 @@ def prepare_enviroment():
if not is_installed("xformers") and xformers and platform.python_version().startswith("3.10"):
if platform.system() == "Windows":
run_pip("install", "xformers")
run_pip("install", "xformers")
elif platform.system() == "Linux":
run_pip("install xformers", "xformers")
@ -36,6 +36,7 @@, "Enabling TF32")
device = device_gfpgan = device_bsrgan = device_esrgan = device_scunet = device_codeformer = get_optimal_device()
dtype = torch.float16
dtype_vae = torch.float16
def randn(seed, shape):
# Pytorch currently doesn't handle setting randomness correctly when the metal backend is used.
@ -59,9 +60,12 @@ def randn_without_seed(shape):
return torch.randn(shape, device=device)
def autocast():
def autocast(disable=False):
from modules import shared
if disable:
return contextlib.nullcontext()
if dtype == torch.float32 or shared.cmd_opts.precision == "full":
return contextlib.nullcontext()
@ -207,7 +207,7 @@ def create_random_tensors(shape, seeds, subseeds=None, subseed_strength=0.0, see
# enables the generation of additional tensors with noise that the sampler will use during its processing.
# Using those pre-generated tensors instead of simple torch.randn allows a batch with seeds [100, 101] to
# produce the same images as with two batches [100], [101].
if p is not None and p.sampler is not None and len(seeds) > 1 and opts.enable_batch_seeds:
if p is not None and p.sampler is not None and (len(seeds) > 1 and opts.enable_batch_seeds or opts.eta_noise_seed_delta > 0):
sampler_noises = [[] for _ in range(p.sampler.number_of_needed_noises(p))]
sampler_noises = None
@ -247,6 +247,9 @@ def create_random_tensors(shape, seeds, subseeds=None, subseed_strength=0.0, see
if sampler_noises is not None:
cnt = p.sampler.number_of_needed_noises(p)
if opts.eta_noise_seed_delta > 0:
torch.manual_seed(seed + opts.eta_noise_seed_delta)
for j in range(cnt):
@ -259,6 +262,13 @@ def create_random_tensors(shape, seeds, subseeds=None, subseed_strength=0.0, see
return x
def decode_first_stage(model, x):
with devices.autocast(disable=x.dtype == devices.dtype_vae):
x = model.decode_first_stage(x)
return x
def get_fixed_seed(seed):
if seed is None or seed == '' or seed == -1:
return int(random.randrange(4294967294))
@ -294,6 +304,7 @@ def create_infotext(p, all_prompts, all_seeds, all_subseeds, comments, iteration
"Denoising strength": getattr(p, 'denoising_strength', None),
"Eta": (None if p.sampler is None or p.sampler.eta == p.sampler.default_eta else p.sampler.eta),
"Clip skip": None if clip_skip <= 1 else clip_skip,
"ENSD": None if opts.eta_noise_seed_delta == 0 else opts.eta_noise_seed_delta,
@ -398,9 +409,8 @@ def process_images(p: StableDiffusionProcessing) -> Processed:
# use the image collected previously in sampler loop
samples_ddim = shared.state.current_latent
samples_ddim =
x_samples_ddim = p.sd_model.decode_first_stage(samples_ddim)
samples_ddim =
x_samples_ddim = decode_first_stage(p.sd_model, samples_ddim)
x_samples_ddim = torch.clamp((x_samples_ddim + 1.0) / 2.0, min=0.0, max=1.0)
del samples_ddim
@ -533,7 +543,7 @@ class StableDiffusionProcessingTxt2Img(StableDiffusionProcessing):
if self.scale_latent:
samples = torch.nn.functional.interpolate(samples, size=(self.height // opt_f, self.width // opt_f), mode="bilinear")
decoded_samples = self.sd_model.decode_first_stage(samples)
decoded_samples = decode_first_stage(self.sd_model, samples)
if opts.upscaler_for_img2img is None or opts.upscaler_for_img2img == "None":
decoded_samples = torch.nn.functional.interpolate(decoded_samples, size=(self.height, self.width), mode="bilinear")
@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ def apply_optimizations():
ldm.modules.diffusionmodules.model.nonlinearity = silu
if cmd_opts.force_enable_xformers or (cmd_opts.xformers and shared.xformers_available and torch.version.cuda and torch.cuda.get_device_capability(shared.device) == (8, 6)):
if cmd_opts.force_enable_xformers or (cmd_opts.xformers and shared.xformers_available and torch.version.cuda and (6, 0) <= torch.cuda.get_device_capability(shared.device) <= (8, 6)):
print("Applying xformers cross attention optimization.")
ldm.modules.attention.CrossAttention.forward = sd_hijack_optimizations.xformers_attention_forward
ldm.modules.diffusionmodules.model.AttnBlock.forward = sd_hijack_optimizations.xformers_attnblock_forward
@ -43,10 +43,7 @@ def undo_optimizations():
def get_target_prompt_token_count(token_count):
if token_count < 75:
return 75
return math.ceil(token_count / 10) * 10
return math.ceil(max(token_count, 1) / 75) * 75
class StableDiffusionModelHijack:
@ -127,7 +124,6 @@ class FrozenCLIPEmbedderWithCustomWords(torch.nn.Module):
self.token_mults[ident] = mult
def tokenize_line(self, line, used_custom_terms, hijack_comments):
id_start = self.wrapped.tokenizer.bos_token_id
id_end = self.wrapped.tokenizer.eos_token_id
if opts.enable_emphasis:
@ -154,7 +150,13 @@ class FrozenCLIPEmbedderWithCustomWords(torch.nn.Module):
i += 1
emb_len = int(embedding.vec.shape[0])
fixes.append((len(remade_tokens), embedding))
iteration = len(remade_tokens) // 75
if (len(remade_tokens) + emb_len) // 75 != iteration:
rem = (75 * (iteration + 1) - len(remade_tokens))
remade_tokens += [id_end] * rem
multipliers += [1.0] * rem
iteration += 1
fixes.append((iteration, (len(remade_tokens) % 75, embedding)))
remade_tokens += [0] * emb_len
multipliers += [weight] * emb_len
used_custom_terms.append((, embedding.checksum()))
@ -162,10 +164,10 @@ class FrozenCLIPEmbedderWithCustomWords(torch.nn.Module):
token_count = len(remade_tokens)
prompt_target_length = get_target_prompt_token_count(token_count)
tokens_to_add = prompt_target_length - len(remade_tokens) + 1
tokens_to_add = prompt_target_length - len(remade_tokens)
remade_tokens = [id_start] + remade_tokens + [id_end] * tokens_to_add
multipliers = [1.0] + multipliers + [1.0] * tokens_to_add
remade_tokens = remade_tokens + [id_end] * tokens_to_add
multipliers = multipliers + [1.0] * tokens_to_add
return remade_tokens, fixes, multipliers, token_count
@ -260,29 +262,55 @@ class FrozenCLIPEmbedderWithCustomWords(torch.nn.Module):
return batch_multipliers, remade_batch_tokens, used_custom_terms, hijack_comments, hijack_fixes, token_count
def forward(self, text):
if opts.use_old_emphasis_implementation:
use_old = opts.use_old_emphasis_implementation
if use_old:
batch_multipliers, remade_batch_tokens, used_custom_terms, hijack_comments, hijack_fixes, token_count = self.process_text_old(text)
batch_multipliers, remade_batch_tokens, used_custom_terms, hijack_comments, hijack_fixes, token_count = self.process_text(text)
self.hijack.fixes = hijack_fixes
self.hijack.comments += hijack_comments
if len(used_custom_terms) > 0:
self.hijack.comments.append("Used embeddings: " + ", ".join([f'{word} [{checksum}]' for word, checksum in used_custom_terms]))
if use_old:
self.hijack.fixes = hijack_fixes
return self.process_tokens(remade_batch_tokens, batch_multipliers)
z = None
i = 0
while max(map(len, remade_batch_tokens)) != 0:
rem_tokens = [x[75:] for x in remade_batch_tokens]
rem_multipliers = [x[75:] for x in batch_multipliers]
self.hijack.fixes = []
for unfiltered in hijack_fixes:
fixes = []
for fix in unfiltered:
if fix[0] == i:
z1 = self.process_tokens([x[:75] for x in remade_batch_tokens], [x[:75] for x in batch_multipliers])
z = z1 if z is None else, z1), axis=-2)
remade_batch_tokens = rem_tokens
batch_multipliers = rem_multipliers
i += 1
return z
def process_tokens(self, remade_batch_tokens, batch_multipliers):
if not opts.use_old_emphasis_implementation:
remade_batch_tokens = [[self.wrapped.tokenizer.bos_token_id] + x[:75] + [self.wrapped.tokenizer.eos_token_id] for x in remade_batch_tokens]
batch_multipliers = [[1.0] + x[:75] + [1.0] for x in batch_multipliers]
tokens = torch.asarray(remade_batch_tokens).to(device)
outputs = self.wrapped.transformer(input_ids=tokens, output_hidden_states=-opts.CLIP_stop_at_last_layers)
target_token_count = get_target_prompt_token_count(token_count) + 2
position_ids_array = [min(x, 75) for x in range(target_token_count-1)] + [76]
position_ids = torch.asarray(position_ids_array, device=devices.device).expand((1, -1))
remade_batch_tokens_of_same_length = [x + [self.wrapped.tokenizer.eos_token_id] * (target_token_count - len(x)) for x in remade_batch_tokens]
tokens = torch.asarray(remade_batch_tokens_of_same_length).to(device)
outputs = self.wrapped.transformer(input_ids=tokens, position_ids=position_ids, output_hidden_states=-opts.CLIP_stop_at_last_layers)
if opts.CLIP_stop_at_last_layers > 1:
z = outputs.hidden_states[-opts.CLIP_stop_at_last_layers]
z = self.wrapped.transformer.text_model.final_layer_norm(z)
@ -290,7 +318,7 @@ class FrozenCLIPEmbedderWithCustomWords(torch.nn.Module):
z = outputs.last_hidden_state
# restoring original mean is likely not correct, but it seems to work well to prevent artifacts that happen otherwise
batch_multipliers_of_same_length = [x + [1.0] * (target_token_count - len(x)) for x in batch_multipliers]
batch_multipliers_of_same_length = [x + [1.0] * (75 - len(x)) for x in batch_multipliers]
batch_multipliers = torch.asarray(batch_multipliers_of_same_length).to(device)
original_mean = z.mean()
z *= batch_multipliers.reshape(batch_multipliers.shape + (1,)).expand(z.shape)
@ -13,8 +13,6 @@ from modules import shared
if shared.cmd_opts.xformers or shared.cmd_opts.force_enable_xformers:
import xformers.ops
import functorch
xformers._is_functorch_available = True
shared.xformers_available = True
except Exception:
print("Cannot import xformers", file=sys.stderr)
@ -149,8 +149,13 @@ def load_model_weights(model, checkpoint_info):
devices.dtype = torch.float32 if shared.cmd_opts.no_half else torch.float16
devices.dtype_vae = torch.float32 if shared.cmd_opts.no_half or shared.cmd_opts.no_half_vae else torch.float16
vae_file = os.path.splitext(checkpoint_file)[0] + ""
if not os.path.exists(vae_file) and shared.cmd_opts.vae_path is not None:
vae_file = shared.cmd_opts.vae_path
if os.path.exists(vae_file):
print(f"Loading VAE weights from: {vae_file}")
vae_ckpt = torch.load(vae_file, map_location="cpu")
@ -158,6 +163,8 @@ def load_model_weights(model, checkpoint_info):
model.sd_model_hash = sd_model_hash
model.sd_model_checkpoint = checkpoint_file
model.sd_checkpoint_info = checkpoint_info
@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ import inspect
import k_diffusion.sampling
import ldm.models.diffusion.ddim
import ldm.models.diffusion.plms
from modules import prompt_parser
from modules import prompt_parser, devices, processing
from modules.shared import opts, cmd_opts, state
import modules.shared as shared
@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ def setup_img2img_steps(p, steps=None):
def sample_to_image(samples):
x_sample = shared.sd_model.decode_first_stage(samples[0:1].type(shared.sd_model.dtype))[0]
x_sample = processing.decode_first_stage(shared.sd_model, samples[0:1])[0]
x_sample = torch.clamp((x_sample + 1.0) / 2.0, min=0.0, max=1.0)
x_sample = 255. * np.moveaxis(x_sample.cpu().numpy(), 0, 2)
x_sample = x_sample.astype(np.uint8)
@ -25,6 +25,7 @@ parser.add_argument("--ckpt-dir", type=str, default=None, help="Path to director
parser.add_argument("--gfpgan-dir", type=str, help="GFPGAN directory", default=('./src/gfpgan' if os.path.exists('./src/gfpgan') else './GFPGAN'))
parser.add_argument("--gfpgan-model", type=str, help="GFPGAN model file name", default=None)
parser.add_argument("--no-half", action='store_true', help="do not switch the model to 16-bit floats")
parser.add_argument("--no-half-vae", action='store_true', help="do not switch the VAE model to 16-bit floats")
parser.add_argument("--no-progressbar-hiding", action='store_true', help="do not hide progressbar in gradio UI (we hide it because it slows down ML if you have hardware acceleration in browser)")
parser.add_argument("--max-batch-count", type=int, default=16, help="maximum batch count value for the UI")
parser.add_argument("--embeddings-dir", type=str, default=os.path.join(script_path, 'embeddings'), help="embeddings directory for textual inversion (default: embeddings)")
@ -65,6 +66,7 @@ parser.add_argument("--autolaunch", action='store_true', help="open the webui UR
parser.add_argument("--use-textbox-seed", action='store_true', help="use textbox for seeds in UI (no up/down, but possible to input long seeds)", default=False)
parser.add_argument("--disable-console-progressbars", action='store_true', help="do not output progressbars to console", default=False)
parser.add_argument("--enable-console-prompts", action='store_true', help="print prompts to console when generating with txt2img and img2img", default=False)
parser.add_argument('--vae-path', type=str, help='Path to Variational Autoencoders model', default=None)
parser.add_argument("--disable-safe-unpickle", action='store_true', help="disable checking pytorch models for malicious code", default=False)
@ -259,6 +261,7 @@ options_templates.update(options_section(('sampler-params', "Sampler parameters"
's_churn': OptionInfo(0.0, "sigma churn", gr.Slider, {"minimum": 0.0, "maximum": 1.0, "step": 0.01}),
's_tmin': OptionInfo(0.0, "sigma tmin", gr.Slider, {"minimum": 0.0, "maximum": 1.0, "step": 0.01}),
's_noise': OptionInfo(1.0, "sigma noise", gr.Slider, {"minimum": 0.0, "maximum": 1.0, "step": 0.01}),
'eta_noise_seed_delta': OptionInfo(0, "Eta noise seed delta", gr.Number, {"precision": 0}),
@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ from tqdm import tqdm
from modules import modelloader
from modules.shared import cmd_opts, opts, device
from modules.swinir_model_arch import SwinIR as net
from modules.swinir_model_arch_v2 import Swin2SR as net2
from modules.upscaler import Upscaler, UpscalerData
precision_scope = (
@ -57,22 +58,42 @@ class UpscalerSwinIR(Upscaler):
filename = path
if filename is None or not os.path.exists(filename):
return None
model = net(
if filename.endswith(".v2.pth"):
model = net2(
depths=[6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6],
num_heads=[8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8],
depths=[6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6],
num_heads=[6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6],
params = None
model = net(
depths=[6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6],
num_heads=[8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8],
params = "params_ema"
pretrained_model = torch.load(filename)
model.load_state_dict(pretrained_model["params_ema"], strict=True)
if params is not None:
model.load_state_dict(pretrained_model[params], strict=True)
model.load_state_dict(pretrained_model, strict=True)
if not cmd_opts.no_half:
model = model.half()
return model
Normal file
Normal file
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -202,6 +202,7 @@ def train_embedding(embedding_name, learn_rate, data_root, log_directory, traini
return embedding, filename
tr_img_len = len([os.path.join(data_root, file_path) for file_path in os.listdir(data_root) if os.path.splitext(file_path.casefold())[1] in extns])
epoch_len = (tr_img_len * num_repeats) + tr_img_len
pbar = tqdm.tqdm(enumerate(ds), total=steps-ititial_step)
@ -524,7 +524,7 @@ def create_ui(wrap_gradio_gpu_call):
denoising_strength = gr.Slider(minimum=0.0, maximum=1.0, step=0.01, label='Denoising strength', value=0.7)
with gr.Row():
batch_count = gr.Slider(minimum=1, maximum=cmd_opts.max_batch_count, step=1, label='Batch count', value=1)
batch_count = gr.Slider(minimum=1, step=1, label='Batch count', value=1)
batch_size = gr.Slider(minimum=1, maximum=8, step=1, label='Batch size', value=1)
cfg_scale = gr.Slider(minimum=1.0, maximum=30.0, step=0.5, label='CFG Scale', value=7.0)
@ -710,7 +710,7 @@ def create_ui(wrap_gradio_gpu_call):
tiling = gr.Checkbox(label='Tiling', value=False)
with gr.Row():
batch_count = gr.Slider(minimum=1, maximum=cmd_opts.max_batch_count, step=1, label='Batch count', value=1)
batch_count = gr.Slider(minimum=1, step=1, label='Batch count', value=1)
batch_size = gr.Slider(minimum=1, maximum=8, step=1, label='Batch size', value=1)
with gr.Group():
@ -961,7 +961,7 @@ def create_ui(wrap_gradio_gpu_call):
fn=lambda x: image_from_url_text(x),
@ -23,4 +23,3 @@ resize-right
@ -22,4 +22,3 @@ resize-right==0.0.2
@ -40,6 +40,22 @@ document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function() {
mutationObserver.observe( gradioApp(), { childList:true, subtree:true })
* Add a ctrl+enter as a shortcut to start a generation
document.addEventListener('keydown', function(e) {
var handled = false;
if (e.key !== undefined) {
if((e.key == "Enter" && (e.metaKey || e.ctrlKey))) handled = true;
} else if (e.keyCode !== undefined) {
if((e.keyCode == 13 && (e.metaKey || e.ctrlKey))) handled = true;
if (handled) {
* checks that a UI element is not in another hidden element or tab content
@ -205,7 +205,10 @@ class Script(scripts.Script):
if not no_fixed_seeds:
p.batch_size = 1
if not opts.return_grid:
p.batch_size = 1
CLIP_stop_at_last_layers = opts.CLIP_stop_at_last_layers
def process_axis(opt, vals):
Reference in New Issue
Block a user