Get ESRGAN, SCUNet, and SwinIR working correctly on MPS by ensuring memory is contiguous for tensor views before sending to MPS device.
225 lines
8.6 KiB
225 lines
8.6 KiB
import os
import numpy as np
import torch
from PIL import Image
from basicsr.utils.download_util import load_file_from_url
import modules.esrgan_model_arch as arch
from modules import shared, modelloader, images, devices
from modules.upscaler import Upscaler, UpscalerData
from modules.shared import opts
def mod2normal(state_dict):
# this code is copied from
if 'conv_first.weight' in state_dict:
crt_net = {}
items = []
for k, v in state_dict.items():
crt_net['model.0.weight'] = state_dict['conv_first.weight']
crt_net['model.0.bias'] = state_dict['conv_first.bias']
for k in items.copy():
if 'RDB' in k:
ori_k = k.replace('RRDB_trunk.', 'model.1.sub.')
if '.weight' in k:
ori_k = ori_k.replace('.weight', '.0.weight')
elif '.bias' in k:
ori_k = ori_k.replace('.bias', '.0.bias')
crt_net[ori_k] = state_dict[k]
crt_net['model.1.sub.23.weight'] = state_dict['trunk_conv.weight']
crt_net['model.1.sub.23.bias'] = state_dict['trunk_conv.bias']
crt_net['model.3.weight'] = state_dict['upconv1.weight']
crt_net['model.3.bias'] = state_dict['upconv1.bias']
crt_net['model.6.weight'] = state_dict['upconv2.weight']
crt_net['model.6.bias'] = state_dict['upconv2.bias']
crt_net['model.8.weight'] = state_dict['HRconv.weight']
crt_net['model.8.bias'] = state_dict['HRconv.bias']
crt_net['model.10.weight'] = state_dict['conv_last.weight']
crt_net['model.10.bias'] = state_dict['conv_last.bias']
state_dict = crt_net
return state_dict
def resrgan2normal(state_dict, nb=23):
# this code is copied from
if "conv_first.weight" in state_dict and "body.0.rdb1.conv1.weight" in state_dict:
crt_net = {}
items = []
for k, v in state_dict.items():
crt_net['model.0.weight'] = state_dict['conv_first.weight']
crt_net['model.0.bias'] = state_dict['conv_first.bias']
for k in items.copy():
if "rdb" in k:
ori_k = k.replace('body.', 'model.1.sub.')
ori_k = ori_k.replace('.rdb', '.RDB')
if '.weight' in k:
ori_k = ori_k.replace('.weight', '.0.weight')
elif '.bias' in k:
ori_k = ori_k.replace('.bias', '.0.bias')
crt_net[ori_k] = state_dict[k]
crt_net[f'model.1.sub.{nb}.weight'] = state_dict['conv_body.weight']
crt_net[f'model.1.sub.{nb}.bias'] = state_dict['conv_body.bias']
crt_net['model.3.weight'] = state_dict['conv_up1.weight']
crt_net['model.3.bias'] = state_dict['conv_up1.bias']
crt_net['model.6.weight'] = state_dict['conv_up2.weight']
crt_net['model.6.bias'] = state_dict['conv_up2.bias']
crt_net['model.8.weight'] = state_dict['conv_hr.weight']
crt_net['model.8.bias'] = state_dict['conv_hr.bias']
crt_net['model.10.weight'] = state_dict['conv_last.weight']
crt_net['model.10.bias'] = state_dict['conv_last.bias']
state_dict = crt_net
return state_dict
def infer_params(state_dict):
# this code is copied from
scale2x = 0
scalemin = 6
n_uplayer = 0
plus = False
for block in list(state_dict):
parts = block.split(".")
n_parts = len(parts)
if n_parts == 5 and parts[2] == "sub":
nb = int(parts[3])
elif n_parts == 3:
part_num = int(parts[1])
if (part_num > scalemin
and parts[0] == "model"
and parts[2] == "weight"):
scale2x += 1
if part_num > n_uplayer:
n_uplayer = part_num
out_nc = state_dict[block].shape[0]
if not plus and "conv1x1" in block:
plus = True
nf = state_dict["model.0.weight"].shape[0]
in_nc = state_dict["model.0.weight"].shape[1]
out_nc = out_nc
scale = 2 ** scale2x
return in_nc, out_nc, nf, nb, plus, scale
class UpscalerESRGAN(Upscaler):
def __init__(self, dirname):
| = "ESRGAN"
self.model_url = ""
self.model_name = "ESRGAN_4x"
self.scalers = []
self.user_path = dirname
model_paths = self.find_models(ext_filter=[".pt", ".pth"])
scalers = []
if len(model_paths) == 0:
scaler_data = UpscalerData(self.model_name, self.model_url, self, 4)
for file in model_paths:
if "http" in file:
name = self.model_name
name = modelloader.friendly_name(file)
scaler_data = UpscalerData(name, file, self, 4)
def do_upscale(self, img, selected_model):
model = self.load_model(selected_model)
if model is None:
return img
img = esrgan_upscale(model, img)
return img
def load_model(self, path: str):
if "http" in path:
filename = load_file_from_url(url=self.model_url, model_dir=self.model_path,
file_name="%s.pth" % self.model_name,
filename = path
if not os.path.exists(filename) or filename is None:
print("Unable to load %s from %s" % (self.model_path, filename))
return None
state_dict = torch.load(filename, map_location='cpu' if devices.device_esrgan.type == 'mps' else None)
if "params_ema" in state_dict:
state_dict = state_dict["params_ema"]
elif "params" in state_dict:
state_dict = state_dict["params"]
num_conv = 16 if "realesr-animevideov3" in filename else 32
model = arch.SRVGGNetCompact(num_in_ch=3, num_out_ch=3, num_feat=64, num_conv=num_conv, upscale=4, act_type='prelu')
return model
if "body.0.rdb1.conv1.weight" in state_dict and "conv_first.weight" in state_dict:
nb = 6 if "RealESRGAN_x4plus_anime_6B" in filename else 23
state_dict = resrgan2normal(state_dict, nb)
elif "conv_first.weight" in state_dict:
state_dict = mod2normal(state_dict)
elif "model.0.weight" not in state_dict:
raise Exception("The file is not a recognized ESRGAN model.")
in_nc, out_nc, nf, nb, plus, mscale = infer_params(state_dict)
model = arch.RRDBNet(in_nc=in_nc, out_nc=out_nc, nf=nf, nb=nb, upscale=mscale, plus=plus)
return model
def upscale_without_tiling(model, img):
img = np.array(img)
img = img[:, :, ::-1]
img = np.ascontiguousarray(np.transpose(img, (2, 0, 1))) / 255
img = torch.from_numpy(img).float()
img = devices.mps_contiguous_to(img.unsqueeze(0), devices.device_esrgan)
with torch.no_grad():
output = model(img)
output = output.squeeze().float().cpu().clamp_(0, 1).numpy()
output = 255. * np.moveaxis(output, 0, 2)
output = output.astype(np.uint8)
output = output[:, :, ::-1]
return Image.fromarray(output, 'RGB')
def esrgan_upscale(model, img):
if opts.ESRGAN_tile == 0:
return upscale_without_tiling(model, img)
grid = images.split_grid(img, opts.ESRGAN_tile, opts.ESRGAN_tile, opts.ESRGAN_tile_overlap)
newtiles = []
scale_factor = 1
for y, h, row in grid.tiles:
newrow = []
for tiledata in row:
x, w, tile = tiledata
output = upscale_without_tiling(model, tile)
scale_factor = output.width // tile.width
newrow.append([x * scale_factor, w * scale_factor, output])
newtiles.append([y * scale_factor, h * scale_factor, newrow])
newgrid = images.Grid(newtiles, grid.tile_w * scale_factor, grid.tile_h * scale_factor, grid.image_w * scale_factor, grid.image_h * scale_factor, grid.overlap * scale_factor)
output = images.combine_grid(newgrid)
return output