I guess I'll fall for the NAR-len meme again (I don't know where my previous weights are, so I need to train it again to test something)
This commit is contained in:
@ -36,6 +36,7 @@ Non-autoregressive trainng is performed by having the input tokens from the prev
However, having a pure NAR is challenging, as you need to both explicitly provide the duration and provide a "good enough" starting sequence of tokens for the initial sequence.
* The former problem is easily "solved" by training a `len` inferencing task, where the given input predicts the requested duration for a given utterance autoregressively.
* The latter however proves to be a bit of a challenge, as this could be anything from random noise to a unique token.
* The current implementation repeats the input prompt's RVQ level 0 as the initial condition, but inferencing fills with stop tokens. This *might* be the problem, but I do not have my `nar-len-llama-8` weights stored anywhere, sadly.
* Testing showed that it's easy to predict the duration, but decoding the first RVQ level accurately proves to be a chore.
* Initially, output seemed chaotic and unreliable, but further experiments showed the model will "work" for a brief moment before going silent.
@ -48,6 +49,8 @@ One problem exhibited from a NAR is producing arfifacts ("crust") in the final w
The "magic" of subjugating a transformer for audio use lies within the ensemble of the embeddings. This is necessary as each piece of a sequence is fundamentally different, but a HF-compatible model can geta way with treating each sequence as separate ranges within a total token sequence.
While embeddings *can* be tied to the output head, testing showed that the model ***really*** does not like to do this, although my implementation could very well be flawed.
### Text Embeddings
The input text phonemes (or output for STT) are passed through an embedding head (`text`), similar to how a normal text LLM would. Nothing fancy is required, as it's very straightforward.
@ -61,29 +61,50 @@ class AR(Base):
sampling_layer_skip: bool = False,
sampling_layer_skip_exit_layer: int = -1,
sampling_layer_skip_entropy_threshold: float = -1,
sampling_layer_skip_varentropy_threshold: float = -1,
sampling_refine_on_stop: bool = False,
device = text_list[0].device
batch_size = len(text_list)
text_task = [ "stt" ]
if text_list is not None:
default_task = "tts"
device = text_list[0].device
batch_size = len(text_list)
default_task = "stt"
device = resps_list[0].device
batch_size = len(resps_list)
# generate task list if not provided
if task_list is None:
task_list = [ "tts" for _ in range(batch_size) ]
task_list = [ default_task for _ in range(batch_size) ]
has_none = resps_list is None or text_list is None
if not has_none:
for i, task in enumerate( task_list ):
if resps_list[i] is None or text_list[i] is None:
has_none = True
# is training or NAR
if resps_list is not None:
if not has_none:
n_levels_set = {r.shape[-1] for r in resps_list}
n_levels = next(iter(n_levels_set))
# implicit
if training is None:
training = n_levels == self.n_resp_levels
training = 0 if n_levels == self.n_resp_levels else None
# is training
if training:
if training is not None:
# specifies how to sample probabilities of which RVQ levels to train against
rvq_levels_p = self.config.experimental.rvq_levels_p if self.config is not None else "equal"
# determines which RVQ level to target per batch
@ -107,16 +128,19 @@ class AR(Base):
rvq_levels_p = sum([[i for _ in range(hi - i)] for i in range( lo, hi ) ], [])
# input RVQ levels
if not self.interleave:
quant_levels = [ random.choice( rvq_levels_p ) for i in range(batch_size) ]
# trim resps to only contain all levels below the target level
resps_list = [r[..., :l+1] for r, l in zip(resps_list, quant_levels)]
quant_levels = [ 0 for i in range(batch_size) ]
quant_levels = [ random.choice( rvq_levels_p ) for i in range(batch_size) ]
for i, task in enumerate( task_list ):
if task in text_task:
quant_levels[i] = 0 # self.n_resp_levels - 1
# trim resps to only contain all levels below the target level
resps_list = [r if t in text_task else r[..., :l+1] for r, l, t in zip(resps_list, quant_levels, task_list)]
# tensor to cat for RVQ level 0
text_stop_sequence = torch.tensor([[2] * 1], device=device, dtype=torch.int16)
audio_stop_sequence = torch.tensor([[self.stop_token] * 1], device=device, dtype=torch.int16)
# I hate python's value/reference semantics so much
for i, quant_level, resps, proms in zip(range(batch_size), quant_levels, resps_list, proms_list):
for i, quant_level, resps, proms, task in zip(range(batch_size), quant_levels, resps_list, proms_list, task_list):
# cap quant_level if it exceeds its corresponding resp/prom
if quant_level >= resps.shape[-1]:
quant_levels[i] = resps.shape[-1] - 1
@ -130,9 +154,8 @@ class AR(Base):
for j, prom in enumerate( proms ):
if not isinstance( prom, torch.Tensor ):
if quant_level >= prom.shape[-1]:
quant_levels[i] = prom.shape[-1] - 1
if quant_level >= prom.shape[-1]:
quant_levels[i] = prom.shape[-1] - 1
# apply token dropout error compensation
if token_dropout_error > 0 and (token_dropout_rvq_levels[0] <= quant_level and quant_level <= token_dropout_rvq_levels[1]):
@ -146,9 +169,13 @@ class AR(Base):
resps_list[i][t, l] = clamp(token + offset, 1, 1022) # +- 1
# only apply stop token for RVQ level 0
stop_sequence = torch.tensor([[self.stop_token] * resps.shape[-1]], device=device, dtype=torch.int16)
resps_list[i] = torch.cat([ resps, stop_sequence ])
if quant_level <= 0:
# append stop tokens for AR
if task in text_task:
#text_list[i] = torch.cat([ resps, text_stop_sequence ])
resps_list[i] = torch.cat([ resps, audio_stop_sequence ])
inputs = self.inputs(
@ -157,21 +184,26 @@ class AR(Base):
return super().forward(
quant_levels=quant_levels, # could technically just grab this from the above inputs since they're included as an RVQ level token
# is AR
if cfg.lora is not None:
enable_lora( self, cfg.lora.active_level( 0 ) if use_lora is None else use_lora )
start_slice = [ 0 for _ in range(batch_size) ]
sequence_list = [ torch.zeros(0, device=device).to(torch.int16) for _ in range(batch_size) ]
stopped = torch.zeros(batch_size, device=device).bool()
stop_token = self.stop_token
audio_stop_token = self.stop_token
text_stop_token = 2
state = None
mirostat = [
@ -179,10 +211,59 @@ class AR(Base):
] * batch_size if sampling_mirostat_tau > 0.0 else None
scores = [ 1.0 ] * sampling_beam_width
metrics = []
# ick
low_temperature = False # sampling_temperature < 0.6 # sampling_repetition_penalty == 1.0 and sampling_temperature == 0.0 #
low_temperature_range = cfg.dataset.frames_per_second * 5
original_sampling_temperature = sampling_temperature
original_sampling_repetition_penalty = sampling_repetition_penalty
original_sampling_repetition_penalty_decay = sampling_repetition_penalty_decay
sampling_layer_skip_variables = {} if sampling_layer_skip else None
if sampling_layer_skip:
if sampling_layer_skip_entropy_threshold >= 0:
sampling_layer_skip_variables["entropy_threshold"] = sampling_layer_skip_entropy_threshold
if sampling_layer_skip_varentropy_threshold >= 0:
sampling_layer_skip_variables["varentropy_threshold"] = sampling_layer_skip_varentropy_threshold
if sampling_layer_skip_exit_layer >= 0:
sampling_layer_skip_variables["max_layer"] = sampling_layer_skip_exit_layer
for i, sequence in enumerate( sequence_list ):
# add <bos> to text for STT
if task_list[i] in text_task:
start_slice[i] = 1
sequence_list[i] = torch.cat([sequence_list[i], torch.tensor([1], dtype=torch.int16, device=device)])
# treat input prompt as initial resp (by prefixing with the prompt instead)
elif input_prompt_prefix:
start_slice[i] = proms_list[i].shape[0]
sequence_list[i], proms_list[i] = proms_list[i][:, 0], sequence_list[i]
elif prefix_silence > 0:
sequence_list[i] = get_silence(prefix_silence, device=sequence_list[i].device)
sequence_list[i] = sequence_list[i][:, 0]
# start_slice[i] = sequence_list[i].shape[0]
# get next in sequence
for n in trange(max_steps // max(1, self.causal_size), desc="AR", disable=disable_tqdm):
resps_list = [x.unsqueeze(dim=-1) for x in sequence_list]
# it would technically be faster to just append the new token's embedding to the inputs, but there's a VERY small performance gain from doing it, so it's not worth it
text_list = [ sequence_list[i] if task in text_task else text_list[i] for i, task in enumerate(task_list) ]
resps_list = [ sequence_list[i] if task not in text_task else resps_list[i] for i, task in enumerate(task_list) ]
# greedy sampling in the AR *does* work, but requires some quasi-exotic sampling to work around the initial burst of garbage from polluting the rest of the sequence
# naturally, rep pen wrangles this initial burst of noise, but naively relying on rep_pen is no good, as it fails after ~6 seconds of audio
# however, switching to a default sampling temperature with "clean greedy sampled codes" will make the rest of sequence sound as if it were greedy sampled
# to-do: tune these values, maybe have it factor based on confidence scores or something
if low_temperature:
enabled = n < low_temperature_range
sampling_repetition_penalty = 1.125 if enabled else 1.25
#sampling_repetition_penalty_decay = 0.0 if enabled else original_sampling_repetition_penalty_decay
#sampling_temperature = original_sampling_temperature if enabled else 1.0
inputs = self.inputs(
@ -195,15 +276,20 @@ class AR(Base):
quant_levels=[ 0 for _ in range( max( batch_size, sampling_beam_width ) ) ]
# to-do: find an elegant way to write this
output = super().forward(
logits, state = output.logits, output.state
sampled = super().sample(
prev_list=None if sampling_repetition_penalty == 1.0 and sampling_length_penalty == 0.0 else [ resps_list[i] if task not in text_task else text_list[i] for i, task in enumerate( task_list ) ],
@ -220,47 +306,81 @@ class AR(Base):
attentions=output.attentions if sampling_entropix else None,
r = sampled[0]
if cfg.experimental:
if sampled.entropy:
metrics.append( sampled.entropy )
elif sampled.scores:
metrics.append( [ { "p": p[0], "exited_layer": output.exited_layer } for p in sampled.scores ] )
if mirostat is not None:
mirostat = sampled.scores
elif sampling_beam_width > 0:
# expand tuple
scores = sampled.scores
s = sampled.scores
# first step, expand batch
if batch_size == 1:
batch_size = sampling_beam_width
text_list = text_list * sampling_beam_width
proms_list = proms_list * sampling_beam_width
sequence_list = sequence_list * sampling_beam_width
task_list = task_list * sampling_beam_width
start_slice = start_slice * sampling_beam_width
stopped = torch.zeros(batch_size, device=device).bool()
scores = [ scores[i] + score for i, score in enumerate(scores) ]
scores = [ scores[i] + score for i, score in enumerate(s) ]
# append tokens
for i, ri in enumerate(r):
task = task_list[i]
stop_token = audio_stop_token if task not in text_task else text_stop_token
if stop_token in ri:
stopped[i] = True
sequence_list[i] = torch.cat([sequence_list[i], ri.to(device)])
# stop token found
stopped |= r == stop_token
# stopped |= r == stop_token
if stopped.all().item():
# to-do for layerskip / speculative sampling: rerun the last sequence again at max depth
if metrics:
from ..plot import plot_sample_metrics
filename = "metrics"
if sampling_entropix:
filename += f'[entropix]'
if sampling_layer_skip_exit_layer >= 0:
filename += f'[{sampling_layer_skip_exit_layer+1}]'
plot_sample_metrics( metrics, filename=f'{filename}.png' )
# pick the best scoring candidate
# desu this is always going to be candidate 0
if sampling_beam_width:
sequence_list = [ sequence_list[0] ]
sequence_list = sequence_list[:1]
task_list = task_list[:1]
sequence_list = [self._prune(r, stop_token) for r in sequence_list]
# remove stop token
sequence_list = [self._prune(r, audio_stop_token if task_list[i] not in text_task else text_stop_token) for i, r in enumerate(sequence_list)]
# remove <bos>
sequence_list = [ sequence_list[i][start_slice[i]:] for i, task in enumerate( task_list ) ]
for i, seq in enumerate( sequence_list ):
steps = seq.shape[0] // self.n_resp_levels
nearest_steps = steps * self.n_resp_levels
sequence_list[i] = seq[:nearest_steps].view(( steps, self.n_resp_levels ))
if sampling_refine_on_stop:
# get how much we need to slice from the end
slice_lengths = [ sequence.shape[-1] for sequence in sequence_list ]
# -1 for the stop token
logits = [ logit[-length-1:-1] for logit, length in zip(logits, slice_lengths) ]
# greedy sample from the sequence
refined_list = [ logit.argmax(dim=-1) for logit in logits ]
# to-do: compare scores
# set the "refined" list as the output
sequence_list = refined_list
return sequence_list
@ -1126,25 +1126,27 @@ class Base(nn.Module):
embedding = _interleave_sequence_reshape( embeddings )
elif "len" in self.capabilities and quant_level == 0:
if input_prom is not None:
# fill with the prom as the initial condition
repeat = (input.shape[0] // input_prom.shape[0]) + 1
repeated = input_prom[:, :1].repeat((repeat, 1))[:input.shape[0], :1]
assert input_prom is not None, "Guru mediating during training"
# fill with the prom as the initial condition
repeat = (input.shape[0] // input_prom.shape[0]) + 1
repeated = input_prom[:, :1].repeat((repeat, 1))[:input.shape[0], :1]
embedding = self.resps_emb(
offset = 0,
quant_level = 0,
# fill with "stop" token from the len layer for the NAR-only model
filler_token = 12
embedding = self.resps_emb(
# self.dropout_token.repeat((input.shape[0], 1)),
torch.full_like(input if input.dim() == 1 else input[..., 0], filler_token),
offset = 0,
quant_level = 0,
embedding = self.resps_emb(
offset = 0,
quant_level = 0,
# fill with "stop" token from the len layer for the NAR-only model
filler_token = 12
embedding = self.resps_emb(
# self.dropout_token.repeat((input.shape[0], 1)),
torch.full_like(input if input.dim() == 1 else input[..., 0], filler_token),
offset = 0,
quant_level = 0,
# cheat-y way to handle performing STT across all levels
elif task_type in summed_embeddings_task:
# we do a manual sum because I trained it to use the AR embeddings + NAR embeddings for STT......
@ -21,6 +21,9 @@ from tqdm import trange
from ..emb.qnt import trim
import logging
def clamp(n, lo, hi):
return max(lo, min(n, hi))
_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class NAR(Base):
@ -58,119 +61,172 @@ class NAR(Base):
sampling_layer_skip: bool = False,
sampling_layer_skip_exit_layer: int = -1,
sampling_layer_skip_entropy_threshold: float = -1,
sampling_layer_skip_varentropy_threshold: float = -1,
sampling_refine_on_stop: bool = False,
device = text_list[0].device
batch_size = len(text_list)
text_task = [ "stt" ]
# is training
if resps_list is not None:
len_train_p = self.config.experimental.len_train_p if self.config is not None else 0.05
if text_list is not None:
default_task = "tts"
device = text_list[0].device
batch_size = len(text_list)
default_task = "stt"
device = resps_list[0].device
batch_size = len(resps_list)
# generate task list if not provided
if task_list is None:
task_list = [ default_task for _ in range(batch_size) ]
has_none = resps_list is None or text_list is None
if not has_none:
for i, task in enumerate( task_list ):
if resps_list[i] is None or text_list[i] is None:
has_none = True
# is training or NAR
if not has_none:
n_levels_set = {r.shape[-1] for r in resps_list}
n_levels = next(iter(n_levels_set))
# assert n_levels == self.n_resp_levels
# implicit
if training is None:
training = 0 if n_levels == self.n_resp_levels else None
# to-do: make this YAML configurable
def sample_task():
return "len" if random.random() < len_train_p else "tts"
# is training
if training is not None:
len_train_p = self.config.experimental.len_train_p if self.config is not None else 0.05
# generate task list to train against
task_list = [ sample_task() for _ in range(batch_size) ]
n_levels_set = {r.shape[-1] for r in resps_list}
n_levels = next(iter(n_levels_set))
# specifies how to sample probabilities of which RVQ levels to train against
rvq_levels_p = self.config.experimental.rvq_levels_p if self.config is not None else "equal"
# determines which RVQ level to target per batch
quant_level_range = self.config.experimental.rvq_level_range if self.config is not None and self.config.experimental.rvq_level_range else [ 0 if self.causal else 1, self.n_resp_levels - 1 ]
# rate to perform token dropout errors
token_dropout_error = self.config.experimental.token_dropout_error
# RVQ levels to apply token dropout on
token_dropout_rvq_levels = self.config.experimental.token_dropout_rvq_levels
# implicitly set it to all levels
if not token_dropout_rvq_levels:
token_dropout_rvq_levels = [0, self.resp_levels - 1]
# allow passing a specific distribution of RVQ levels
rvq_levels_p = rvq_levels_p if isinstance(rvq_levels_p, list) else []
if not rvq_levels_p:
lo, hi = quant_level_range[0], quant_level_range[1] + 1
# randomly select a target RVQ-bin level (0 being AR, 1+ being NAR)
if rvq_levels_p == "equal":
rvq_levels_p = [ i for i in range( lo, hi ) ]
# yuck
rvq_levels_p = sum([[i for _ in range(hi - i)] for i in range( lo, hi ) ], [])
# assert n_levels == self.n_resp_levels
# input RVQ levels
quant_levels = [ random.choice( rvq_levels_p ) for i in range(batch_size) ]
# trim resps to only contain all levels below the target level
resps_list = [r[..., :l+1] for r, l in zip(resps_list, quant_levels)]
# to-do: make this YAML configurable
def sample_task():
return "len" if random.random() < len_train_p else "tts"
# I hate python's value/reference semantics so much
for i, quant_level, resps, proms in zip(range(batch_size), quant_levels, resps_list, proms_list):
# cap quant_level if it exceeds its corresponding resp/prom
if quant_level >= resps.shape[-1]:
quant_levels[i] = resps.shape[-1] - 1
# generate task list to train against
task_list = [ sample_task() for _ in range(batch_size) ]
# proms could be a Tensor, list[Tensor], or None
if isinstance( proms, torch.Tensor ):
if quant_level >= proms.shape[-1]:
quant_levels[i] = proms.shape[-1] - 1
# specifies how to sample probabilities of which RVQ levels to train against
rvq_levels_p = self.config.experimental.rvq_levels_p if self.config is not None else "equal"
# determines which RVQ level to target per batch
quant_level_range = self.config.experimental.rvq_level_range if self.config is not None and self.config.experimental.rvq_level_range else [ 0 if self.causal else 1, self.n_resp_levels - 1 ]
# rate to perform token dropout errors
token_dropout_error = self.config.experimental.token_dropout_error
# RVQ levels to apply token dropout on
token_dropout_rvq_levels = self.config.experimental.token_dropout_rvq_levels
# implicitly set it to all levels
if not token_dropout_rvq_levels:
token_dropout_rvq_levels = [0, self.resp_levels - 1]
# allow passing a specific distribution of RVQ levels
rvq_levels_p = rvq_levels_p if isinstance(rvq_levels_p, list) else []
if not rvq_levels_p:
lo, hi = quant_level_range[0], quant_level_range[1] + 1
# randomly select a target RVQ-bin level (0 being AR, 1+ being NAR)
if rvq_levels_p == "equal":
rvq_levels_p = [ i for i in range( lo, hi ) ]
# yuck
rvq_levels_p = sum([[i for _ in range(hi - i)] for i in range( lo, hi ) ], [])
elif isinstance( proms, list ):
for j, prom in enumerate( proms ):
if not isinstance( prom, torch.Tensor ):
if quant_level >= prom.shape[-1]:
quant_levels[i] = prom.shape[-1] - 1
# input RVQ levels
quant_levels = [ random.choice( rvq_levels_p ) for i in range(batch_size) ]
for i, task in enumerate( task_list ):
if task in text_task:
quant_levels[i] = 0 # self.n_resp_levels - 1
# trim resps to only contain all levels below the target level
resps_list = [r if t in text_task else r[..., :l+1] for r, l, t in zip(resps_list, quant_levels, task_list)]
# apply token dropout error compensation
if token_dropout_error > 0 and (token_dropout_rvq_levels[0] <= quant_level and quant_level <= token_dropout_rvq_levels[1]):
steps = resps.shape[0]
for l in range( quant_level ):
for t in range( steps ):
token = resps[t, l].item()
# tensor to cat for RVQ level 0
text_stop_sequence = torch.tensor([[2] * 1], device=device, dtype=torch.int16)
audio_stop_sequence = torch.tensor([[self.stop_token] * 1], device=device, dtype=torch.int16)
# I hate python's value/reference semantics so much
for i, quant_level, resps, proms, task in zip(range(batch_size), quant_levels, resps_list, proms_list, task_list):
# cap quant_level if it exceeds its corresponding resp/prom
if quant_level >= resps.shape[-1]:
quant_levels[i] = resps.shape[-1] - 1
if random.random() < token_dropout_error:
offset = 1 * ( 1 if random.random() < 0.5 else -1 )
resps_list[i][t, l] = clamp(token + offset, 1, 1022) # +- 1
# proms could be a Tensor, list[Tensor], or None
if isinstance( proms, torch.Tensor ):
if quant_level >= proms.shape[-1]:
quant_levels[i] = proms.shape[-1] - 1
inputs = self.inputs(
elif isinstance( proms, list ):
for j, prom in enumerate( proms ):
if not isinstance( prom, torch.Tensor ):
if quant_level >= prom.shape[-1]:
quant_levels[i] = prom.shape[-1] - 1
# apply token dropout error compensation
if token_dropout_error > 0 and (token_dropout_rvq_levels[0] <= quant_level and quant_level <= token_dropout_rvq_levels[1]):
steps = resps.shape[0]
for l in range( quant_level ):
for t in range( steps ):
token = resps[t, l].item()
if random.random() < token_dropout_error:
offset = 1 * ( 1 if random.random() < 0.5 else -1 )
resps_list[i][t, l] = clamp(token + offset, 1, 1022) # +- 1
# only apply stop token for RVQ level 0
if quant_level <= 0:
# append stop tokens for AR
if task in text_task:
#text_list[i] = torch.cat([ resps, text_stop_sequence ])
#resps_list[i] = torch.cat([ resps, audio_stop_sequence ])
inputs = self.inputs(
return super().forward(
return super().forward(
if len_list is not None:
# is NAR
if max_levels == 0:
max_levels = self.n_resp_levels
# fill with mock tokens
# to-do: repeat with the input prompt, as per training
prev_list = [ torch.tensor([ self.stop_token for _ in range(resp_len) ], device=device, dtype=torch.int16) for resp_len in len_list ]
start = True
# to-do: figure out why this fails when I copy some things from ar_nar
for n in trange( max_levels, desc="NAR", disable=disable_tqdm ):
level = 0 if n == 0 else prev_list[0].shape[-1]
if level >= max_levels + 1: # min(max_levels + 1, self.n_resp_levels): # commented out to experiment with exceeding trained levels
if cfg.lora is not None:
enable_lora( self, cfg.lora.active_level( level ) if use_lora is None else use_lora )
quant_levels = [ level for _ in range(batch_size) ] # torch.full((len(text_list),), level)
inputs = self.inputs(
@ -185,19 +241,17 @@ class NAR(Base):
output = super().forward(
logits = output.logits
resps_list = [ logit[-l:].argmax(dim=1) for logit, l in zip(logits, len_list) ]
# layer_skip_variables=sampling_layer_skip_variables,
logits, state = output.logits, output.state
sampled = super().sample(
temperature=1.0 if n == 0 else sampling_temperature,
@ -218,6 +272,9 @@ class NAR(Base):
return prev_list
# is AR
if cfg.lora is not None:
enable_lora( self, cfg.lora.active_level( 0 ) if use_lora is None else use_lora )
sequence_list = [ torch.tensor([0], device=device,dtype=torch.int16) for _ in range(batch_size) ]
stopped = torch.zeros(batch_size, device=device).bool()
Reference in New Issue
Block a user