working vall_e.cpp
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,16 +1,78 @@
# this is a VERY rudimentary script to test if a HF-ified model works (it sort of does)
import torch
from transformers import LlamaForCausalLM, LlamaTokenizer
from transformers import LlamaForCausalLM, LlamaModel, LlamaConfig, LlamaTokenizer
from torch.distributions import Categorical
# tokenizer = LlamaTokenizer.from_pretrained("./training/llama-encodec-ar+nar-len/hf/")
model = LlamaForCausalLM.from_pretrained("./training/llama-encodec-ar+nar-len/hf/")
||||"cuda", dtype=torch.bfloat16)
from vall_e.emb.qnt import decode_to_file
from import torch_load
mode = "nar"
# hack in a non-causal mask
def _update_noncausal_mask(
# create noncausal mask
# [bsz, seq_len] -> [bsz, 1, seq_len, seq_len]
bsz, seq_len, _ = inputs_embeds.size()
# generate default mask based on input
if attention_mask is None:
attention_mask = torch.ones( (bsz, seq_len), dtype=torch.bool, device=inputs_embeds.device )
# make square
expanded_mask = attention_mask[:, None, None, :].expand( bsz, 1, seq_len, seq_len ).to( dtype=inputs_embeds.dtype )
# invert from 1.0 = attend, 0.0 = masked to 0.0 = valid, -inf = masked
inverted_mask = 1.0 - expanded_mask
return inverted_mask.masked_fill(, torch.finfo(inputs_embeds.dtype).min )
device = "cuda"
dtype = torch.bfloat16
is_from_pretrained = True
if is_from_pretrained:
# tokenizer = LlamaTokenizer.from_pretrained("./training/llama-encodec-ar+nar-len/hf/")
hf_model = LlamaForCausalLM.from_pretrained("./training/llama-encodec-ar+nar-len/hf/")
||||, dtype=dtype)
model = hf_model.model
model = LlamaModel(LlamaConfig(
max_position_embeddings=75 * 60 * 5, # max-length of 60 seconds
sliding_window=75 * 12, # 12 second context window
state_dict = torch_load("./training/llama-encodec-ar+nar-len/ckpt/ar+nar-len-llama-8/fp32.sft")['module']
state_dict_model = {}
for k, v in state_dict.items():
if not k.startswith('model.'):
state_dict_model[k.replace("model.", "")] = v
model.load_state_dict( state_dict_model, strict=False )
||||, dtype=dtype)
model._original_update_causal_mask = model._update_causal_mask
model._update_noncausal_mask = _update_noncausal_mask
phn = [1,22,111,100,4,37,115,169,11,2]
@ -24,6 +86,8 @@ prom = [
resp = []
resp = [
@ -34,97 +98,196 @@ resp = [
sep = [291]
rvq_lvl = [256]
lang = [264]
# name, (start, end), classifier, src_name
io_map = {
'text': [(0, 256), 9, "text_emb.weight"],
'rvq_l': [(256, 264), -1, "rvq_l_emb.weight"],
'lang': [(264, 270), -1, "langs_emb.weight"],
'task': [(270, 279), -1, "tasks_emb.weight"],
'len': [(279, 290), 10, "len_emb.weight"],
'tone': [(290, 291), -1, "tones_emb.weight"],
'sep': [(291, 292), -1, "sep"],
'prom|0': [(292, 1316), -1, "proms_emb.embeddings.0.weight"],
'prom|1': [(1316, 2340), -1, "proms_emb.embeddings.1.weight"],
'prom|2': [(2340, 3364), -1, "proms_emb.embeddings.2.weight"],
'prom|3': [(3364, 4388), -1, "proms_emb.embeddings.3.weight"],
'prom|4': [(4388, 5412), -1, "proms_emb.embeddings.4.weight"],
'prom|5': [(5412, 6436), -1, "proms_emb.embeddings.5.weight"],
'prom|6': [(6436, 7460), -1, "proms_emb.embeddings.6.weight"],
'prom|7': [(7460, 8484), -1, "proms_emb.embeddings.7.weight"],
'resp|AR:0:0': [(8484, 9509), 0, "resps_emb.embeddings.0.weight"],
'resp|NAR:0:1': [(9509, 10533), 1, "resps_emb.embeddings.1.weight"],
'resp|NAR:1:2': [(10533, 11557), 2, "resps_emb.embeddings.2.weight"],
'resp|NAR:2:3': [(11557, 12581), 3, "resps_emb.embeddings.3.weight"],
'resp|NAR:3:4': [(12581, 13605), 4, "resps_emb.embeddings.4.weight"],
'resp|NAR:4:5': [(13605, 14629), 5, "resps_emb.embeddings.5.weight"],
'resp|NAR:5:6': [(14629, 15653), 6, "resps_emb.embeddings.6.weight"],
'resp|NAR:6:7': [(15653, 16677), 7, "resps_emb.embeddings.7.weight"],
'resp|NAR:0:0': [(16677, 17702), 8, "resps_emb.embeddings.8.weight"],
for l, codes in enumerate( prom ):
for i, t in enumerate( codes ):
prom[l][i] += 292 + (1024 * l)
mode_lvl_map = {
'AR:0:0': 0,
'NAR:0:1': 1,
'NAR:1:2': 2,
'NAR:2:3': 3,
'NAR:3:4': 4,
'NAR:4:5': 5,
'NAR:5:6': 6,
'NAR:6:7': 7,
'NAR:0:0': 0,
'len': 0,
for l, codes in enumerate( resp ):
for i, t in enumerate( codes ):
resp[l][i] += 9509 + (1024 * l)
embds = {}
heads = {}
n_embd = 1024
ids = torch.tensor([])
pos_ids = torch.tensor([])
ids = torch.concat([ ids, torch.tensor(phn), torch.tensor(sep) ])
seq = torch.tensor([ _ for _ in range( len(phn) + 1 ) ])
pos_ids = torch.concat([ pos_ids, seq ])
ids = torch.concat([ ids, torch.tensor(lang), torch.tensor(sep) ])
seq = torch.tensor([ _ for _ in range( len(lang) + 1 ) ])
pos_ids = torch.concat([ pos_ids, seq ])
ids = torch.concat([ ids, torch.tensor(rvq_lvl), torch.tensor(sep) ])
seq = torch.tensor([ _ for _ in range( len(rvq_lvl) + 1 ) ])
pos_ids = torch.concat([ pos_ids, seq ])
ids = torch.concat([ ids, torch.tensor(prom[0]), torch.tensor(sep) ])
seq = torch.tensor([ _ for _ in range( len(prom[0]) + 1 ) ])
pos_ids = torch.concat([ pos_ids, seq ])
start, end, stop = (None, None, None)
if mode == "len":
len_seq = [279]
ids = torch.concat([ ids, torch.tensor(len_seq) ])
seq = torch.tensor([ _ for _ in range( len(len_seq) ) ])
pos_ids = torch.concat([ pos_ids, seq ])
start, end, stop = (279, 279+11, 10)
max_n = 10
outputs = 1
elif mode =="ar":
start, end, stop = (8484, 8484+1025, 1024)
max_n = 350
outputs = 1
elif mode =="nar":
ids = torch.concat([ ids, torch.tensor(resp[0]) ])
seq = torch.tensor([ _ for _ in range( len(resp[0]) ) ])
pos_ids = torch.concat([ pos_ids, seq ])
start, end, stop = (9509, 9509+1024, None)
max_n = 1
outputs = len(resp[0])
ids ="cuda", dtype=torch.int32)
pos_ids ="cuda", dtype=torch.int32)
attention_mask = torch.tensor([ True for _ in range( ids.shape[0] ) ], dtype=torch.bool)
n = 0
with torch.no_grad():
while n < max_n:
if n == 0:
embs = model.model.embed_tokens( ids )
for i, emb in enumerate( embs ):
print( i, ids[i].item(), sum(emb).item(), pos_ids[i].item() )
for k, v in io_map.items():
start, end = v[0]
classifier_idx = v[1]
embd_name = v[2]
out = model(input_ids=ids.unsqueeze(0), position_ids=pos_ids.unsqueeze(0), attention_mask=attention_mask.unsqueeze(0))
logits = out.logits[0, -outputs:, start:end]
if is_from_pretrained:
n_vocab = end - start
if mode == "ar":
tokens = Categorical(logits=logits).sample()
embds[k] = torch.nn.Embedding( n_vocab, n_embd ).to(model.embed_tokens.weight)
embds[k].weight[:] = model.embed_tokens.weight[start:end, :]
if classifier_idx >= 0:
# NAR:0:0 does not have a masked token output
if k == "resp|NAR:0:0":
end -= 1
n_vocab -= 1
heads[k] = torch.nn.Linear( n_embd, n_vocab, bias=False ).to(hf_model.lm_head.weight)
heads[k].weight[:] = hf_model.lm_head.weight[start:end, :]
tokens = logits.argmax(dim=-1)
embd_weight = state_dict[embd_name].unsqueeze(0) if state_dict[embd_name].dim() == 1 else state_dict[embd_name]
embds[k] = torch.nn.Embedding( embd_weight.shape[0], embd_weight.shape[1] ).to(device=device, dtype=dtype)
embds[k].load_state_dict({ "weight": embd_weight })
if classifier_idx >= 0:
head_weight = state_dict[f'classifiers.proj.{classifier_idx}.weight']
n += 1
heads[k] = torch.nn.Linear( head_weight.shape[1], head_weight.shape[0], bias=False ).to(device=device, dtype=dtype)
heads[k].load_state_dict({ "weight": head_weight })
print( n, tokens )
def create_inputs( phn, prom, lang=0, seq=None, mode="AR:0:0" ):
rvq_l = mode_lvl_map[mode]
if outputs == 1:
if stop in tokens:
inputs = torch.tensor([])
pos_ids = torch.tensor([])
attn_mask = torch.tensor([])
seqs = []
phn = torch.tensor(phn, device=device,dtype=torch.int32)
prom = torch.tensor(prom, device=device,dtype=torch.int32)
lang = torch.tensor([lang], device=device,dtype=torch.int32)
rvq_l = torch.tensor([rvq_l], device=device,dtype=torch.int32)
zero = torch.tensor([0], device=device,dtype=torch.int32)
if mode == "len":
seq = zero if not seq else torch.concat([zero, torch.tensor(seq, device=device, dtype=torch.int32)])
elif seq:
seq = torch.tensor(seq, device=device,dtype=torch.int32)
seq = seq[:rvq_l, :] if rvq_l > 0 else seq
sep_embd = embds["sep"](zero)
phn_embd = embds["text"](phn)
rvq_l_embd = embds["rvq_l"](rvq_l)
lang_embd = embds["lang"](lang)
prom_embd = torch.zeros(prom.shape[-1], n_embd, device=device, dtype=dtype)
seq_embd = None
for i, p in enumerate(prom):
if i > rvq_l:
prom_embd += embds[f"prom|{i}"](p)
if seq is not None:
if mode == "len":
seq_embd = embds["len"](seq)
elif mode == "AR:0:0":
seq_embd = embds["resp|AR:0:0"](seq)
seq_embd = torch.zeros(seq.shape[-1], n_embd, device=device, dtype=dtype)
for i, r in enumerate(seq):
seq_embd += embds[f"resp|NAR:{i}:{i+1}"](r)
seqs.append(torch.concat([phn_embd, sep_embd]))
seqs.append(torch.concat([lang_embd, sep_embd]))
seqs.append(torch.concat([rvq_l_embd, sep_embd]))
seqs.append(torch.concat([prom_embd, sep_embd]))
if seq_embd is not None:
inputs = torch.concat(seqs)
pos_ids = torch.tensor([ i for seq in seqs for i, _ in enumerate(seq) ], device=device, dtype=torch.int32)
attn_mask = torch.tensor([ True for seq in seqs for i, _ in enumerate(seq) ], device=device, dtype=torch.bool)
return inputs, pos_ids, attn_mask
def generate( phn, prom, sequence=[], mode="resp|AR:0:0", max_tokens = 75 * 4, temperature = 1.0 ):
lm_head = heads[mode]
model._update_causal_mask = model._original_update_causal_mask
n_outputs = 1
stop_token = 1024
if mode == "len":
temperature = 0.0
max_tokens = 5
stop_token = 10
elif mode != "resp|AR:0:0":
temperature = 0.0
max_tokens = len(sequence)+1
n_outputs = len(sequence[0])
model._update_causal_mask = model._update_noncausal_mask
while len(sequence) < max_tokens:
inputs, pos_ids, attn_mask = create_inputs( phn, prom, seq=sequence, mode=mode.split("|")[-1] )
out = model(inputs_embeds=inputs.unsqueeze(0), position_ids=pos_ids.unsqueeze(0), attention_mask=attn_mask.unsqueeze(0))
logits = lm_head(out[0]).float()
logits = logits[0, -n_outputs:, :]
t = Categorical(logits=logits / temperature).sample() if temperature > 0 else logits.argmax(dim=-1)
if n_outputs > 1:
sequence.append([ _.item() for _ in t ])
t = t[0]
if stop_token in t:
return sequence
ids = torch.concat( [ ids, tokens + start ] )
pos_ids = torch.concat( [ pos_ids, torch.tensor([n]).to(pos_ids) ] )
attention_mask = torch.concat([ attention_mask, torch.tensor([True]).to(attention_mask) ])
# check embds
if False:
inputs, pos_ids, attn_mask = create_inputs( phn, prom, mode="len" )
flattened = [ sum(embd).item() for embd in inputs ]
print( out )
print( ids )
print( pos_ids )
for i, embd in enumerate( flattened ):
print(f'{i}: ', pos_ids[i].item(), "\t", embd )
# test len inferencing
print( "len:", generate( phn, prom, mode="len" ) )
# test ar ouptut
if resp:
resp = [ resp[0] ]
resp = [ generate( phn, prom ) ]
print( "AR:", resp )
# test nar ouptut
for i in range(1, 8):
resp = generate( phn, prom, sequence=resp, mode=f"resp|NAR:{i-1}:{i}" )
print( f"NAR:{i-1}:{i}: ", resp[-1] )
decode_to_file( torch.tensor(resp, dtype=torch.int16, device=device).t(), "./data/test.wav" )
@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ INCS += -I./include
LIBS += -L./libs
LINKS += -lggml -lggml-base -lllama -lencodec
FLAGS += -g
FLAGS += -march=native -O3
SRCS := $(shell find ./ -name "*.cpp")
OBJS += $(patsubst %.cpp,%.o,$(SRCS))
@ -187,8 +187,8 @@ void VALL_E_API batch_add( llama_batch& batch, llama_token id, int n_embd, const
// insert raw embedding instead
if ( embds ) {
// signals to not map the embedding from the array
if ( id < 0 ) for ( auto i = 0; i < n_embd; ++i ) batch.embd[batch.n_tokens + i] = embds[i];
else for ( auto i = 0; i < n_embd; ++i ) batch.embd[batch.n_tokens + i] = embds[id * n_embd + i];
if ( id < 0 ) for ( auto i = 0; i < n_embd; ++i ) batch.embd[batch.n_tokens * n_embd + i] = embds[i];
else for ( auto i = 0; i < n_embd; ++i ) batch.embd[batch.n_tokens * n_embd + i] = embds[id * n_embd + i];
// insert token (never gets used here)
} else {
batch.token[batch.n_tokens] = id;
@ -267,33 +267,29 @@ std::vector<std::vector<int32_t>> VALL_E_API encode_audio_from_disk( struct enco
int n_codebooks = 8;
int n_frames = n_codes / n_codebooks;
std::vector<int32_t> flattened_codes(codes_data, codes_data + n_codes);
std::vector<std::vector<int32_t>> codes_2ds(8);
std::vector<std::vector<int32_t>> res(n_codebooks);
for ( auto l = 0; l < n_codebooks; ++l ) {
codes_2ds[l].resize( n_frames );
for ( auto i = 0; i < n_frames; ++i ) {
codes_2ds[l][i] = flattened_codes[i + l * n_codebooks];
res[l].insert( res[l].end(), codes_data + (l * n_frames), codes_data + ((l+1) * n_frames) );
return codes_2ds;
return res;
// decodes a 2D codebook into a waveform
std::vector<float> VALL_E_API decode_audio( struct encodec_context* ectx, const std::vector<std::vector<int32_t>>& codes_2d ) {
int n_codebooks = codes_2d.size();
int n_frames = codes_2d[0].size();
std::vector<int32_t> codes( n_frames * n_codebooks );
std::vector<float> VALL_E_API decode_audio( struct encodec_context* ectx, const std::vector<std::vector<int32_t>>& codes ) {
int n_codebooks = codes.size();
int n_frames = codes[0].size();
std::vector<int32_t> res;
res.reserve(n_frames * n_codebooks);
for ( auto l = 0; l < n_codebooks; ++l ) {
for ( auto i = 0; i < n_frames; ++i ) {
codes[i + l * n_codebooks] = codes_2d[l][i];
print_tokens( codes[l] );
res.insert( res.end(), codes[l].begin(), codes[l].end() );
// decompress audio
if (!encodec_decompress_audio(ectx,, codes.size(), 1)) {
if (!encodec_decompress_audio(ectx,, res.size(), N_THREADS)) {
fprintf(stderr, "%s: error during decompression\n", __func__);
return {};
@ -306,9 +302,11 @@ std::vector<float> VALL_E_API decode_audio( struct encodec_context* ectx, const
// sums embeddings over a 2D "tensor"
std::vector<std::vector<float>> VALL_E_API sum_embeddings( const std::vector<std::vector<llama_token>>& input, int n_embd, int rvq_l, const float** embds, int mode ) {
std::vector<std::vector<float>> res( input.size() );
res.resize( input[0].size() );
for ( auto& e : res ) e.resize( n_embd );
auto n_tokens = input[0].size();
//auto n_embd = input[0].size();
std::vector<std::vector<float>> res( n_tokens, std::vector<float>( n_embd, 0.0 ) );
// iterate through rvq levels (only up to inclusive the target rvq level)
for ( auto l = 0; l < input.size() && l <= rvq_l; ++l ) {
int offset = 0;
@ -318,16 +316,13 @@ std::vector<std::vector<float>> VALL_E_API sum_embeddings( const std::vector<std
} else if ( mode == EMBEDDING_MODE_RESP_NAR_LEN ) {
offset = input.size() == 1 ? 8 : 1;
// get tokens
auto& tokens = input[l];
// get output buffer
auto& summed = res[l];
// embed the current level's tokens
auto embedded = map_embeddings( input[l], n_embd, embds[l + offset] );
// iterate through embedded tokens
for ( auto i = 0; i < tokens.size(); ++i ) {
// sum with buffer
for ( auto j = 0; j < n_embd; ++j ) summed[j] += embedded[i][j];
for ( auto idx = 0; idx < n_tokens; ++idx ) {
for ( auto embd_idx = 0; embd_idx < n_embd; ++embd_idx ) {
res[idx][embd_idx] += embedded[idx][embd_idx];
return res;
@ -414,7 +409,7 @@ void VALL_E_API fill_batch( llama_batch& batch, input_t& input, io_map_t& io_map
// insert prom tokens
auto summed_proms_embds = sum_embeddings( input.prom, n_embd, input.rvq_l, prom_embds );
for ( auto i = 0; i < summed_proms_embds.size(); ++i ) {
batch_add( batch, -1, n_embd, &summed_proms_embds[i][0], pos++, false );
batch_add( batch, -1, n_embd, summed_proms_embds[i].data(), pos++, false );
batch_add( batch, 0, n_embd, sep_embds, pos++, mode == INFERENCE_MODE_AR ); // set as the last logit if AR
pos = 0;
@ -436,7 +431,7 @@ void VALL_E_API fill_batch( llama_batch& batch, input_t& input, io_map_t& io_map
// generation code, should handle all modalities easily
std::vector<llama_token> VALL_E_API generate( llama_context* ctx, llama_model* model, llama_sampler* smpl, input_t& input, io_map_t& io_map, int max_tokens, int mode, bool verbose ) {
std::vector<llama_token> VALL_E_API generate( llama_context* ctx, llama_model* model, input_t& input, io_map_t& io_map, int max_tokens, int mode, bool verbose ) {
bool causal = true; // sample autoregressively or not
int n_outputs = 0; // number of output tokens to expect
@ -504,6 +499,15 @@ std::vector<llama_token> VALL_E_API generate( llama_context* ctx, llama_model* m
if ( causal ) {
auto sparams = llama_sampler_chain_default_params();
sparams.no_perf = false;
llama_sampler * smpl = llama_sampler_chain_init(sparams);
llama_sampler_chain_add(smpl, llama_sampler_init_top_k(0));
llama_sampler_chain_add(smpl, llama_sampler_init_top_p(1.0, 1));
llama_sampler_chain_add(smpl, llama_sampler_init_temp (1.0));
llama_sampler_chain_add(smpl, llama_sampler_init_dist (LLAMA_DEFAULT_SEED));
while ( output_tokens.size() < max_tokens ) {
if ( llama_decode(ctx, batch) ) {
@ -527,6 +531,8 @@ std::vector<llama_token> VALL_E_API generate( llama_context* ctx, llama_model* m
if ( verbose ) print_tokens( output_tokens );
} else if ( mode == INFERENCE_MODE_NAR_DEMASK ) {
// to-do: assert n_outputs == input.resp[rvq_l-1].size()
const llama_token MASK_TOKEN = 1024; // token value for masking
@ -577,6 +583,7 @@ std::vector<llama_token> VALL_E_API generate( llama_context* ctx, llama_model* m
std::vector<score_t> sorted_scores( n_outputs );
for ( auto i = 0; i < n_outputs; ++i ) sorted_scores[i] = { i, scores[i] };
std::sort(sorted_scores.begin(), sorted_scores.end());
std::reverse(sorted_scores.begin(), sorted_scores.end());
// and top-k pick the worst scores
for ( auto i = 0; i < n_masked_tokens; ++i ) {
@ -619,10 +626,10 @@ std::vector<llama_token> VALL_E_API generate( llama_context* ctx, llama_model* m
sparams.no_perf = false;
llama_sampler * smpl = llama_sampler_chain_init(sparams);
llama_sampler_chain_add(smpl, llama_sampler_init_top_k(0));
llama_sampler_chain_add(smpl, llama_sampler_init_top_p(1.0, 1));
llama_sampler_chain_add(smpl, llama_sampler_init_top_k(20));
llama_sampler_chain_add(smpl, llama_sampler_init_top_p(0.9, 1));
llama_sampler_chain_add(smpl, llama_sampler_init_temp (sampling_temperature));
llama_sampler_chain_add(smpl, llama_sampler_init_dist (1130));
llama_sampler_chain_add(smpl, llama_sampler_init_dist (LLAMA_DEFAULT_SEED));
auto* logits = llama_get_logits( ctx );
@ -636,7 +643,6 @@ std::vector<llama_token> VALL_E_API generate( llama_context* ctx, llama_model* m
for ( auto idx = 0; idx < n_outputs; ++idx ) {
// skip if not masked
if ( !is_masked[idx] ) {
scores[idx] = 1.0f;
@ -655,7 +661,7 @@ std::vector<llama_token> VALL_E_API generate( llama_context* ctx, llama_model* m
// store token if it was masked
output_tokens[idx] = t;
// update score if it was masked
scores[idx] = softmaxed[t]; // invert so we pick the worst tokens later
scores[idx] = 1.0f - softmaxed[t]; // invert so we pick the worst tokens later
@ -677,10 +683,10 @@ std::vector<llama_token> VALL_E_API generate( llama_context* ctx, llama_model* m
sparams.no_perf = false;
llama_sampler * smpl = llama_sampler_chain_init(sparams);
llama_sampler_chain_add(smpl, llama_sampler_init_top_k(1));
llama_sampler_chain_add(smpl, llama_sampler_init_top_k(20));
llama_sampler_chain_add(smpl, llama_sampler_init_top_p(1.0, 1));
llama_sampler_chain_add(smpl, llama_sampler_init_temp (1.0));
llama_sampler_chain_add(smpl, llama_sampler_init_dist (1130));
llama_sampler_chain_add(smpl, llama_sampler_init_dist (LLAMA_DEFAULT_SEED));
for ( auto idx = 0; idx < n_outputs; ++idx ) {
// sample ith token
@ -702,7 +708,6 @@ std::vector<llama_token> VALL_E_API generate( llama_context* ctx, llama_model* m
__func__, output_tokens.size(), (t_main_end - t_main_start) / 1000000.0f, output_tokens.size() / ((t_main_end - t_main_start) / 1000000.0f));
fprintf(stderr, "\n");
fprintf(stderr, "\n");
@ -721,7 +726,16 @@ int main( int argc, char** argv ) {
// input.phonemes = "hˈɛloː ʋˈɔrlt";
input.phn = {1,22,111,100,4,37,115,169,11,2}; // <bos>hˈɛloː ʋˈɔrlt</eos>
input.prom = {};
input.prom = {
input.resp = {};
std::string vall_e_model_path = "./data/vall_e.gguf";
@ -747,6 +761,8 @@ int main( int argc, char** argv ) {
ctx_params.n_ctx = CTX_SIZE;
ctx_params.n_batch = CTX_SIZE;
ctx_params.n_ubatch = CTX_SIZE;
ctx_params.n_threads = N_THREADS;
ctx_params.n_threads_batch = N_THREADS;
ctx_params.no_perf = false;
ctx_params.attention_type = LLAMA_ATTENTION_TYPE_CAUSAL;
@ -757,6 +773,7 @@ int main( int argc, char** argv ) {
// initialize the sampler
auto sparams = llama_sampler_chain_default_params();
sparams.no_perf = false;
llama_sampler * smpl = llama_sampler_chain_init(sparams);
@ -764,8 +781,10 @@ int main( int argc, char** argv ) {
llama_sampler_chain_add(smpl, llama_sampler_init_top_k(0));
llama_sampler_chain_add(smpl, llama_sampler_init_top_p(1.0, 1));
llama_sampler_chain_add(smpl, llama_sampler_init_temp (1.0));
llama_sampler_chain_add(smpl, llama_sampler_init_dist (1130));
llama_sampler_chain_add(smpl, llama_sampler_init_dist (LLAMA_DEFAULT_SEED));
struct encodec_context* ectx = encodec_load_model(encodec_model_path.c_str(), 0, ngl);
if (!ectx) {
fprintf(stderr, "%s: error during loading model\n", __func__);
@ -780,10 +799,7 @@ int main( int argc, char** argv ) {
input.prom = encode_audio_from_disk(ectx, input_prompt_path);
//input.resp = encode_audio_from_disk(ectx, output_response_path);
// prepare batch
auto n_embd = llama_n_embd( model );
auto n_vocab = llama_n_vocab( model );
// grab input embeddings
vall_e_inputs_map_init( io_map, model );
@ -803,6 +819,26 @@ int main( int argc, char** argv ) {
// check for embds
input.task = "len";
printf("batch init\n");
llama_batch batch = llama_batch_init( CTX_SIZE, io_map.n_embd, CTX_SIZE );
printf("fill init\n");
fill_batch( batch, input, io_map, INFERENCE_MODE_LEN );
printf("filled init\n");
for ( auto i = 0; i < batch.n_tokens; ++i ) {
float summed = 0;
for ( auto j = 0; j < 1024; ++j ) {
summed += batch.embd[i * 1024 + j];
printf("%i: \t%i \t%f\n", i, batch.pos[i], summed);
// inference
std::vector<llama_token> output_tokens;
// NAR-len demasking
@ -811,29 +847,36 @@ int main( int argc, char** argv ) {
int len = 0;
if ( !len ) {
input.task = "len";
output_tokens = generate( ctx, model, smpl, input, io_map, 5, INFERENCE_MODE_LEN );
output_tokens = generate( ctx, model, input, io_map, 5, INFERENCE_MODE_LEN );
int digit = 1;
for (int i = output_tokens.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
len += output_tokens[i] * digit;
for (auto it = output_tokens.rbegin(); it < output_tokens.rend(); ++it) {
len += (*it) * digit;
digit *= 10;
// cap for now
if ( len <= 0 || len > MAX_DURATION ) len = MAX_DURATION;
// fill with mask tokens
for ( auto i = 0; i < len; ++i ) {
input.resp[0].emplace_back( 1024 ); // fill with masked tokens
input.resp = {
// {993,700,384,213,794,10,305,778,58,225,118,260,768,768,260,474,903,732,70,992,447,70,1000,665,848,379,485,934,181,795,438,298,688,324,934,756,395,795,110,328,343,172,768,871,593,355,396,783,24,24,911,20,27,562,697,616,668,27,27,755,20,505,248,79,822,461,197,156,27,492,151,1013,669,669,562},
// {626,989,936,488,511,624,997,112,112,648,210,650,563,650,41,41,490,920,977,986,920,927,131,167,167,968,346,168,167,168,120,355,766,599,712,390,558,810,948,332,332,867,994,346,955,392,920,452,576,346,52,254,52,307,897,307,968,920,167,563,167,167,167,968,167,488,968,488,1001,938,563,741,432,566,758},
// {916,874,798,212,496,751,620,616,982,745,975,890,890,141,141,321,321,214,899,42,151,722,310,971,774,35,627,995,27,43,248,248,595,774,942,352,810,35,384,340,654,639,89,214,737,197,657,45,622,321,337,19,483,679,938,938,682,938,938,141,938,310,114,724,116,327,372,607,607,310,204,713,762,853,853},
// inference NAR-len 0
input.task = "tts";
for ( auto l = 0; l < 8; ++l ) {
input.rvq_l = l;
output_tokens = generate( ctx, model, smpl, input, io_map, 5, l == 0 ? INFERENCE_MODE_NAR_DEMASK : INFERENCE_MODE_NAR );
output_tokens = generate( ctx, model, input, io_map, 5, l == 0 ? INFERENCE_MODE_NAR_DEMASK : INFERENCE_MODE_NAR );
if ( l == 0 ) input.resp.clear();
input.resp.emplace_back( output_tokens );
@ -842,7 +885,7 @@ int main( int argc, char** argv ) {
input.task = "tts";
for ( auto l = 0; l < 8; ++l ) {
input.rvq_l = l;
output_tokens = generate( ctx, model, smpl, input, io_map, l == 0 ? MAX_DURATION : 1, l == 0 ? INFERENCE_MODE_AR : INFERENCE_MODE_NAR );
output_tokens = generate( ctx, model, input, io_map, l == 0 ? MAX_DURATION : 1, l == 0 ? INFERENCE_MODE_AR : INFERENCE_MODE_NAR );
input.resp.emplace_back( output_tokens );
@ -854,8 +897,6 @@ int main( int argc, char** argv ) {
// cleanup
@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ const int MODALITY_NAR_LEN = 1;
const int MAX_DURATION = 75 * 12;
const int CTX_SIZE = 2048;
const int N_THREADS = 8;
// stores the raw inputs to be fed
struct input_t {
@ -121,7 +122,7 @@ std::vector<float> VALL_E_API soft_max( int n_logits, const float* logits );
// batch and inferencing
void VALL_E_API batch_add( llama_batch& batch, llama_token id, int n_embd, const float* embds, llama_pos pos, bool output, const std::vector<llama_seq_id> & seq_ids = {0} );
void VALL_E_API fill_batch( llama_batch& batch, input_t& input, io_map_t& inputs_map, int mode );
std::vector<llama_token> VALL_E_API generate( llama_context* ctx, llama_model* model, llama_sampler* smpl, input_t& input, io_map_t& inputs_map, int max_tokens, int mode, bool verbose = true );
std::vector<llama_token> VALL_E_API generate( llama_context* ctx, llama_model* model, input_t& input, io_map_t& inputs_map, int max_tokens, int mode, bool verbose = true );
// encodec helpers
bool VALL_E_API read_wav_from_disk( std::string in_path, std::vector<float>& audio_arr );
@ -678,7 +678,7 @@ class Base(nn.Module):
LlamaClass = LlamaModel_Adapted # if (self.layerskip or "len" in self.capabilities) else LlamaModel
if n_experts <= 1:
self.model = LlamaClass(LlamaConfig(
config = LlamaConfig(
max_position_embeddings=75 * 60 * 5, # max-length of 60 seconds
@ -693,7 +693,9 @@ class Base(nn.Module):
print( config )
self.model = LlamaClass(config)
# replace with desired attention
if attention_backend not in HF_ATTENTIONS:
Reference in New Issue
Block a user