sort duration buckets to ensure that paths sorted-by-duration are actually sorted by duration (because i didnt know that python dicts can have non-strings as keys), added batching samples based on total duration to ensure best training throughput

This commit is contained in:
mrq 2024-06-28 22:28:54 -05:00
parent 5176ced35f
commit 83075c1505
4 changed files with 109 additions and 41 deletions

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@ -158,6 +158,8 @@ class Dataset:
sample_type: str = "path" # path | speaker
sample_order: str = "shuffle" # duration
sample_max_duration_batch: float = 0.0 # total number of seconds of utterances per batched, 0 to disable
# for a full sized model with 12GiB of VRAM for Encodec, 120 seconds is just enough
tasks_list: list[str] = field(default_factory=lambda: ["tts"])
@ -197,28 +199,29 @@ class Dataset:
class Model:
name: str = "" # vanity name for the model
version: int = 1 # 1 = old with MultiEmbedding, 2 = new with AudioEmbedding
version: int = 5 # 1 = old with MultiEmbedding, 2 = new with AudioEmbedding, 3+ = additional embeddings
size: str | dict = "full" # preset string or explicitly defined dimensionality
resp_levels: int = 1 # RVQ-bin levels this model targets for outputs
prom_levels: int = 8 # RVQ-bin levels this model accepts as an input prompt
tasks: int = 8 # ["tts", "ns", "sr", "tse", "cse", "nse"] and leaves two more for anything else I want (like "svc")
langs: int = 1 # defined languages
tones: int = 1 # defined tones
experts: int = 1
arch_type: str = "retnet" # or "transformer""
training: bool = True # unneeded now
tasks: int = 8 # ["tts", "ns", "sr", "tse", "cse", "nse"] and leaves two more for anything else I want (like "svc") (unused)
langs: int = 1 # defined languages (semi-unused)
tones: int = 1 # defined tones (unsued)
experts: int = 1 # for mixtral / retnet-ts
arch_type: str = "llama" # underling LM architecture used
training: bool = True # I really need to attend to this
interleave: bool = False # use an interleaved AR rather than a split AR + NAR (experimental, worse performance and results)
p_ar_level: float | str = "auto" # determines odds of selecting the AR (level 0) when training, "auto" for default behavior
frozen_params: list[str] = field(default_factory=lambda: []) # frozen parameters that are not updated when training
attention: str = "auto"
audio_embedding_sums: bool = True
split_classifiers: bool = False
attention: str = "auto" # for llama arch_types: attention used
audio_embedding_sums: bool = False # whether each pass uses the previous RVQ codes or only the current level
split_classifiers: bool = False # experimental, but each RVQ level gets its own classifier / output proj / LM head
dropout: float = 0.1 # adjustable dropout value
#loss_factors: dict = field(default_factory=lambda: { "text": 0.1, "prom": 1.0, "resp": 1.0 }) # disable it by default since it causes a little more harm than good
loss_factors: dict = field(default_factory=lambda: {})
capabilities: list = field(default_factory=lambda: ["ar", "nar"])
experimental: str | None = None # for now it sets things to be HF compatible
kv_heads: int = 0 # MHA or GQA (for supported backends)
p_rvq_levels: str = "auto" # determines odds of selecting RVQ levels when training, "equal" will make each level equally likely
rvq_level_range: list = field(default_factory=lambda: []) # some cringe to try and limit the RVQ training range
def get(self, name=None):
@ -338,8 +341,8 @@ class Model:
class LoRA:
name: str = "lora" # vanity name
# to-do: find sane default values
rank: int = 8 # rank for the LoRA
alpha: int = 16 # rank for the LoRA
rank: int = 128 # rank for the LoRA
alpha: int = 128 # rank for the LoRA
training: bool = True #
parametrize: bool = False #
rvq_levels: list[int] = field(default_factory=lambda: []) # determines RVQ levels to activate the LoRA
@ -349,6 +352,7 @@ class LoRA:
name = [, f"r{self.rank}", f"a{self.alpha}" ]
return "-".join(name)
# actually not needed anymore
def active_level( self, level ):
if not self.rvq_levels:
return True
@ -360,10 +364,10 @@ class Hyperparameters:
gradient_accumulation_steps: int = 32
gradient_clipping: int | float = 100
optimizer: str = "Adamw"
optimizer: str = "Adamw" # should be 'Prodigyopt" now
optimizer_params: dict = field(default_factory=lambda: {}) # to pass through deepspeed config
learning_rate: float = 3.25e-4
learning_rate: float = 3.25e-4 # should be 1.0 for ProdigyOpt
warmup_steps: int = 0
scheduler: str = ""
@ -384,18 +388,18 @@ class Evaluation:
steps: int = 500
ar_temperature: float = 1.0
nar_temperature: float = 0.2
nar_temperature: float = 0.0
load_disabled_engines: bool = True
class DeepSpeed:
zero_optimization_level: int = 0
use_compression_training: bool = False
compression_bits: int = 8
inferencing: bool = False
use_compression_training: bool = False # cope
compression_bits: int = 8 # cope
inferencing: bool = False # for using DeepSpeed's inferencing wrapper instead
amp: bool = False
amp: bool = False # use DeepSpeed's AMP (requires some other package installed apparently)
config: dict = field(default_factory=lambda: {}) # to pass through deepspeed config
@ -567,7 +571,7 @@ class Trainer:
load_module_only: bool = False
restart_step_count: bool = False
activation_checkpointing: bool | None = None # deprecated
activation_checkpointing: bool | None = None # deprecated, should technically be used for only on activations and not the entire gradients, but HF only has gradient checkpointing
gradient_checkpointing: bool = True
aggressive_optimizations: bool = False
@ -612,17 +616,13 @@ class Inference:
amp: bool = False
normalize: bool = False # do NOT enable this unless you know exactly what you're doing
audio_backend: str = "" # encodec, vocos, dac
# legacy / backwards compat
audio_backend: str = "" # encodec, vocos, dac
use_vocos: bool = True
use_encodec: bool = True
use_dac: bool = True
# shit that doesn't work
recurrent_chunk_size: int = 0
recurrent_forward: bool = False
def dtype(self):
if self.weight_dtype == "float16":
@ -726,6 +726,7 @@ class Config(BaseConfig):
print("Error while opening HDF5 file:", f'{self.rel_path}/{self.dataset.hdf5_name}', str(e))
self.dataset.use_hdf5 = False
# to-do: prune unused keys
def format( self, training=True ):
if isinstance(self.dataset, type):
self.dataset = dict()

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@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ import itertools
from .config import cfg
from .emb.qnt import trim, trim_random, repeat_extend_audio, merge_audio, decode_to_file
from .utils.sampler import PoolSampler, OrderedSampler, RandomSampler
from .utils.sampler import PoolSampler, OrderedSampler, BatchedOrderedSampler, RandomSampler
from .utils.distributed import global_rank, local_rank, world_size
from collections import defaultdict
@ -483,23 +483,29 @@ class Dataset(_Dataset):
if self.sampler_order != "duration":
bucket = str(int(round(duration)))
bucket = int(round(duration))
if bucket not in self.duration_buckets:
self.duration_buckets[bucket] = []
self.duration_buckets[bucket].append( ( Path(path), duration ) )
# ensure they're ordered
self.duration_buckets = dict(sorted(self.duration_buckets.items()))
# sort by duration
if self.sampler_order == "duration":
flattened = {}
# sort and interleave
for bucket in self.duration_buckets:
# sort by duration
self.duration_buckets[bucket].sort( key=lambda x: x[1] )
# split to retain tuples
flattened[bucket] = self.duration_buckets[bucket]
# replace with path
self.duration_buckets[bucket] = [ x[0] for x in self.duration_buckets[bucket] ]
flattened[bucket] = [ x[0] for x in flattened[bucket] ]
# flatten by paths
self.duration_buckets[bucket] = [*_interleaved_reorder(self.duration_buckets[bucket], self.get_speaker)]
flattened[bucket] = [*_interleaved_reorder(flattened[bucket], self.get_speaker)]
# flatten paths
self.paths = list(itertools.chain.from_iterable(self.duration_buckets.values()))
self.paths = list(itertools.chain.from_iterable(flattened.values()))
elif self.sampler_order == "shuffle":
# just interleave
self.paths = [*_interleaved_reorder(self.paths, self.get_speaker)]
@ -536,12 +542,14 @@ class Dataset(_Dataset):
if len(self.paths) == 0:
raise ValueError(f"No valid path is found for {self.dataset_type}")
sampler_path = cfg.rel_path / f"sampler.{self.sampler_type}.rank{global_rank()}.pt"
if self.sampler_type == "path":
self.sampler = OrderedSampler( len(self) )
if self.sampler_order == "duration" and cfg.dataset.sample_max_duration_batch > 0:
self.sampler = BatchedOrderedSampler( self.duration_buckets, cfg.dataset.sample_max_duration_batch, cfg.hyperparameters.batch_size )
self.sampler = OrderedSampler( len(self) )
self.samplers = {}
self.spkr_samplers = {}
@ -1001,17 +1009,23 @@ def _create_dataloader(dataset, training):
shuffle = False
kwargs = dict(
batch_size=cfg.hyperparameters.batch_size if training else cfg.evaluation.batch_size,
) if not isinstance(dataset.sampler, BatchedOrderedSampler) else dict(
return DataLoader(
batch_size=cfg.hyperparameters.batch_size if training else cfg.evaluation.batch_size,
persistent_workers=cfg.dataset.workers > 1,
pin_memory=False, # True,
def create_datasets():

View File

@ -72,6 +72,12 @@ class AR_NAR(Base):
if hasattr(self, "config") and self.config:
return self.config.tasks
return cfg.model.tasks
def p_rvq_levels(self) -> int:
if hasattr(self, "config") and self.config:
return self.config.p_rvq_levels
return cfg.model.p_rvq_levels
def n_langs(self) -> int:
@ -163,7 +169,10 @@ class AR_NAR(Base):
# determines which RVQ level to target per batch
quant_level_range = self.quant_level_range
if cfg.experimental:
if self.p_rvq_levels == "equal":
# randomly select a target RVQ-bin level (0 being AR, 1+ being NAR)
quant_levels = [ random.randint(quant_level_range[0], quant_level_range[1] - 1) for i in range(batch_size) ]
else: # if self.p_rvq_levels == "auto":
# makes higher levels less likely
def generate( lo=0, hi=8 ):
index = lo
@ -174,9 +183,6 @@ class AR_NAR(Base):
return int(index)
quant_levels = [ generate(quant_level_range[0], quant_level_range[1]) for i in range(batch_size) ]
# randomly select a target RVQ-bin level (0 being AR, 1+ being NAR)
quant_levels = [ random.randint(quant_level_range[0], quant_level_range[1] - 1) for i in range(batch_size) ]
resps_list = [r[..., 0] if l == 0 else r[..., :l+1] for r, l in zip(resps_list, quant_levels)]

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@ -74,6 +74,53 @@ class OrderedSampler(Sampler):
self.position = state["position"]
self.length = state["length"]
# Like the above, but will batch based on token count
class BatchedOrderedSampler(Sampler):
def __init__( self, buckets, max_duration=0, max_batch_size=0 ):
self.position = 0
self.batches = []
assert max_duration != 0 and max_batch_size != 0, "max_duration and max_batch_size cannot both be 0"
current_batch = []
current_size = 0
current_index = 0
for key, bucket in buckets.items():
for path, duration in bucket:
# flush
should_flush = False
if max_duration > 0 and current_size + duration > max_duration:
should_flush = True
elif max_batch_size > 0 and len(current_batch) >= max_batch_size:
should_flush = True
if should_flush and len(current_batch) > 0:
self.batches.append( current_batch )
current_batch = []
current_size = 0
current_batch.append( current_index )
current_index += 1
current_size += duration
def __len__(self):
return len(self.batches)
def __iter__(self):
if self.position >= len(self.batches):
self.position = 0
while self.position < len(self.batches):
yield self.batches[self.position]
self.position += 1
def get_state(self):
return { "position": self.position, "batches": self.batches }
def set_state(self, state):
self.position = state["position"]
self.batches = state["batches"]
# Randomly samples indices from a given sequence from 0 to length
# Allows saving and loading state
class RandomSampler(Sampler):