from contextlib import contextmanager import torch import torch.nn.functional as F from ..config import cfg Embedding = torch.nn.Embedding Linear = torch.nn.Linear # if cfg.bitsandbytes.bitnet: from bitnet import BitLinear if cfg.bitsandbytes.enabled: import bitsandbytes as bnb if cfg.bitsandbytes.linear: if cfg.bitsandbytes.bitnet: Linear = BitLinear else: Linear = bnb.nn.Linear8bitLt if cfg.bitsandbytes.embedding: Embedding = bnb.nn.modules.Embedding """ Embedding.forward = lambda self, input: ( self.norm(F.embedding( input, self.weight, self.padding_idx, self.max_norm, self.norm_type, self.scale_grad_by_freq, self.sparse, )).to(self.weight.dtype) ) """ if cfg.bitsandbytes.enabled: import bitsandbytes as bnb Adam = bnb.optim.Adam8bit AdamW = bnb.optim.AdamW8bit SGD = bnb.optim.SGD8bit Adagrad = bnb.optim.Adagrad8bit else: Adam = torch.optim.Adam AdamW = torch.optim.AdamW SGD = torch.optim.SGD Adagrad = torch.optim.Adagrad # handles generically converting to a specific tensor type and converting back (implemented solely for bfloat16) @contextmanager def autocast(input, from_dtype, to_dtype): if input.dtype == from_dtype: input = yield input input = else: yield input @contextmanager def autocasts(input, from_dtype, to_dtype): if input.dtype in from_dtype: from_dtype = input.dtype input = yield input input = else: yield input # handles temporarily upcasting 'index tensors' so torch will stop bitching def autocast_forward( func ): def wrapper( self, input, *args, **kwargs ): with autocasts( input, [torch.int16, torch.int8, torch.uint8, torch.float16, torch.bfloat16], torch.int32 ) as k: return func( self, k, *args, **kwargs ) return wrapper Embedding.forward = autocast_forward(Embedding.forward) if cfg.fp8.enabled: import transformer_engine.pytorch as te Linear = te.Linear @contextmanager def autocast(): yield te.fp8_autocast(enabled=True) else: @contextmanager def autocast(): yield torch.autocast("cuda", dtype=cfg.trainer.dtype, enabled=cfg.trainer.amp) if cfg.bitsandbytes.injects and cfg.bitsandbytes.enabled: torch.nn.Linear = Linear torch.nn.Embedding = Embedding torch.optim.Adam = Adam torch.optim.AdamW = AdamW torch.optim.SGD = SGD # disgusting kludge, but it works (just realized BitNet has its own replacement routine) def replace_linear( model ): device = next(model.parameters()).device linears = [k.split('.') for k, m in model.named_modules() if isinstance(m, torch.nn.Linear)] for *parent, k in linears: name = '.'.join(parent) # copy parameters m = getattr( model.get_submodule(name), k ) in_features = m.in_features out_features = m.out_features bias = m.bias is not None # overwrite setattr( model.get_submodule(name), k, Linear( in_features=in_features, out_features=out_features, bias=bias ) ) return # because our now Linear is created on the CPU...... # try: from prodigyopt import Prodigy except Exception as e: pass