import torch import torchaudio import soundfile import time import logging import numpy as np _logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) from torch import Tensor from einops import rearrange from pathlib import Path from tqdm import tqdm, trange from .emb import g2p, qnt from .emb.qnt import trim, trim_random, unload_model, repeat_extend_audio from .emb.transcribe import transcribe from .utils import to_device, set_seed, clamp, ml from .config import cfg, Config from .models import get_models from .models.lora import enable_lora from .engines import load_engines, deepspeed_available from .data import get_phone_symmap, get_lang_symmap, tokenize, text_tokenize, sentence_split from .models import download_model, DEFAULT_MODEL_PATH if deepspeed_available: import deepspeed try: import sounddevice as sd except Exception as e: sd = None class TTS(): def __init__( self, config=None, lora=None, device=None, amp=None, dtype=None, attention=None ): self.loading = True # yes I can just grab **kwargs and forward them here self.load_config( config=config, lora=lora, device=device, amp=amp, dtype=dtype, attention=attention ) self.load_model() self.loading = False def load_config( self, config=None, lora=None, device=None, amp=None, dtype=None, attention=None ): if not config: download_model() config = DEFAULT_MODEL_PATH if config.suffix == ".yaml":"Loading YAML: {config}") cfg.load_yaml( config ) elif config.suffix == ".sft":"Loading model: {config}") cfg.load_model( config, lora ) else: raise Exception(f"Unknown config passed: {config}") cfg.format( training=False ) cfg.dataset.use_hdf5 = False # could use cfg.load_hdf5(), but why would it ever need to be loaded for inferencing if amp is None: amp = cfg.inference.amp if dtype is None or dtype == "auto": dtype = cfg.inference.weight_dtype if device is None: device = cfg.device cfg.device = device cfg.mode = "inferencing" cfg.trainer.backend = cfg.inference.backend cfg.trainer.weight_dtype = dtype cfg.inference.weight_dtype = dtype self.device = device self.dtype = cfg.inference.dtype self.amp = amp self.batch_size = cfg.inference.batch_size self.model_kwargs = {} if attention: self.model_kwargs["attention"] = attention def load_model( self ): load_engines.cache_clear() unload_model() self.engines = load_engines(training=False, **self.model_kwargs) for name, engine in self.engines.items(): if self.dtype != torch.int8:, dtype=self.dtype if not self.amp else torch.float32) self.engines.eval() self.symmap = get_phone_symmap()"Loaded model") def enable_lora( self, enabled=True ): for name, engine in self.engines.items(): enable_lora( engine.module, mode = enabled ) def disable_lora( self ): return self.enable_lora( enabled=False ) def encode_text( self, text, language="auto", precheck=True, phonemize=True ): # already a tensor, return it if isinstance( text, Tensor ): return text # check if tokenizes without any unks (for example, if already phonemized text is passes) if precheck and "" in self.symmap: tokens = tokenize( text ) if self.symmap[""] not in tokens: return torch.tensor( tokens ) if not phonemize: return torch.tensor( text_tokenize( text ) ) return torch.tensor( tokenize( g2p.encode(text, language=language) ) ) def encode_lang( self, language ): symmap = get_lang_symmap() id = 0 if language in symmap: id = symmap[language] return torch.tensor([ id ]) # to-do: trim before quantizing, instead of after def encode_audio( self, paths, trim_length=0.0 ): # already a tensor, return it if isinstance( paths, Tensor ): return paths # split string into paths if isinstance( paths, str ): paths = [ Path(p) for p in paths.split(";") ] # not already a list if isinstance( paths, Path ): paths = [ paths ] proms = [] # merge inputs for path in paths: prom = qnt.encode_from_file(path) if hasattr( prom, "codes" ): prom = prom = prom[0][:, :].t().to(torch.int16) proms.append( prom ) res = if trim_length: res = repeat_extend_audio( res, int( cfg.dataset.frames_per_second * trim_length ) ) #res = trim( res, int( cfg.dataset.frames_per_second * trim_length ) ) return res @torch.inference_mode() def text_embedding( self, input, prom=False ): model = None for name, engine in self.engines.items(): model = engine.module break if isinstance( input, str ): input = cfg.tokenizer.encode(input) if isinstance( input, list ): input = torch.tensor( input, dtype=torch.uint8, device=self.device ) return model.text_emb( input ) @torch.inference_mode() def audio_embedding( self, input, prom=False ): model = None for name, engine in self.engines.items(): model = engine.module break # im really not sure which way is the better way, since the proms_emb and resps_emb have different properties....... if prom: return model.proms_emb( input, quant_level=input.shape[-1] - 1, offset=0, sums=True, ) return sum([ model.resps_emb( input[:, :l+1], offset = 0 if l == 0 else 1, # or maybe set to 1 quant_level = l, sums = False ) for l in range( input.shape[-1] - 1 ) ]) def modality( self, modality ): # cringe to handle the best default mode for a given model if modality == "auto" and in ["ar+nar", "nar-len"]: modality = return modality # makes use of being able to batch inputs seamlessly by automatically batching # this is NOT the default because it absolutely cannot make use of rolling context / prefixing @torch.inference_mode() def batched_inference( self, texts, references=None, languages=None, text_languages=None, out_paths=None, **sampling_kwargs, ): batch_size = sampling_kwargs.pop("batch_size", self.batch_size) input_prompt_length = sampling_kwargs.pop("input_prompt_length", 0) modality = sampling_kwargs.pop("modality", "auto") seed = sampling_kwargs.pop("seed", None) use_tqdm = sampling_kwargs.pop("tqdm", True) use_lora = sampling_kwargs.pop("use_lora", None) dtype = sampling_kwargs.pop("dtype", self.dtype) amp = sampling_kwargs.pop("amp", self.amp) if batch_size < 1: batch_size = 1 model_ar = None model_len = None model_nar = None for name, engine in self.engines.items(): if model_ar is None and "ar" in engine.hyper_config.capabilities: model_ar = engine.module if model_len is None and "len" in engine.hyper_config.capabilities: model_len = engine.module if model_nar is None and "nar" in engine.hyper_config.capabilities: model_nar = engine.module modality = self.modality( modality ) # force AR+NAR if modality == "ar+nar": model_len = None # force NAR-len elif modality == "nar-len": model_ar = None samples = len(texts) # fill with null input proms if not references: references = [ None for _ in range(samples) ] # fill with english if not languages: languages = [ "auto" for _ in range(samples) ] if not out_paths: out_paths = [ None for _ in range(samples) ] # use the audio language to phonemize the text if not text_languages: text_languages = languages inputs = [] # tensorfy inputs for i in trange( samples, desc="Preparing batches" ): # detect language if languages[i] == "auto": languages[i] = g2p.detect_language( texts[i] ) texts[i] = self.encode_text( texts[i], language=text_languages[i] ) references[i] = self.encode_audio( references[i], trim_length=input_prompt_length ) if references[i] else None languages[i] = self.encode_lang( languages[i] ) texts[i] = to_device(texts[i], device=self.device, dtype=torch.uint8 if len(self.symmap) < 256 else torch.int16) references[i] = to_device(references[i], device=self.device, dtype=torch.int16) languages[i] = to_device(languages[i], device=self.device, dtype=torch.uint8) seq_len = texts[i].shape[0] + 1 + (references[i].shape[0] if references[i] is not None else 0) + 1 inputs.append((texts[i], references[i], languages[i], out_paths[i], seq_len)) # attempt to reduce padding inputs.sort(key=lambda x: x[-1]) # create batches batches = [] buffer = ([], [], [], []) for batch in inputs: # flush if len(buffer[0]) >= batch_size: batches.append(buffer) buffer = ([], [], [], []) # insert into buffer for i, x in enumerate( batch[:-1] ): buffer[i].append(x) # flush if buffer: batches.append(buffer) buffer = ([], [], [], []) wavs = [] for texts, proms, langs, out_paths in tqdm(batches, desc="Processing batch"): seed = set_seed(seed) batch_size = len(texts) input_kwargs = dict( phns_list=texts, proms_list=proms, lang_list=langs, disable_tqdm=not use_tqdm, use_lora=use_lora, ) with torch.autocast(self.device, dtype=dtype, enabled=amp): if model_len is not None: # extra kwargs duration_padding = sampling_kwargs.pop("duration_padding", 1.05) len_list = model_len( **input_kwargs, task_list=["len"]*batch_size, **{"max_duration": 5} ) # "max_duration" is max tokens # add an additional X seconds len_list = [ int(l * duration_padding) for l in len_list ] resps_list = model_nar( **input_kwargs, len_list=len_list, task_list=["tts"]*batch_size, **sampling_kwargs, ) elif model_ar is not None: resps_list = model_ar( **input_kwargs, task_list=["tts"]*batch_size, **sampling_kwargs, ) resps_list = model_nar( **input_kwargs, resps_list=resps_list, task_list=["tts"]*batch_size, **sampling_kwargs, ) else: raise Exception("!") for resp, out_path in zip( resps_list, out_paths ): if out_path: wav, sr = qnt.decode_to_file(resp, out_path, device=self.device) else: wav, sr = qnt.decode(resp, device=self.device) wavs.append(wav) return wavs # naive serial inferencing # will automatically split a text into pieces (if requested) piece by piece @torch.inference_mode() def inference( self, text, references, language="auto", text_language=None, task="tts", out_path=None, play=False, **sampling_kwargs, ): if sd is None: play = False input_prompt_length = sampling_kwargs.pop("input_prompt_length", 0) modality = sampling_kwargs.pop("modality", "auto") seed = sampling_kwargs.pop("seed", None) use_tqdm = sampling_kwargs.pop("tqdm", True) use_lora = sampling_kwargs.pop("use_lora", None) dtype = sampling_kwargs.pop("dtype", self.dtype) amp = sampling_kwargs.pop("amp", self.amp) phonemize = sampling_kwargs.pop("phonemize", True) duration_padding = sampling_kwargs.pop("duration_padding", 1.05) voice_convert = sampling_kwargs.pop("voice_convert", None) # explicitly require this if task != "vc": voice_convert = None elif voice_convert == None: raise Exception("Voice conversion requested, but no reference clip provided.") # transcribe from audio to voice convert from if voice_convert is not None and not text: text = transcribe( voice_convert, model_name="openai/whisper-base", align=False )["text"] lines = sentence_split(text, split_by=sampling_kwargs.get("split_text_by", "sentences")) wavs = [] sr = None model_ar = None model_len = None model_nar = None for name, engine in self.engines.items(): if model_ar is None and "ar" in engine.hyper_config.capabilities: model_ar = engine.module if model_len is None and "len" in engine.hyper_config.capabilities: model_len = engine.module if model_nar is None and "nar" in engine.hyper_config.capabilities: model_nar = engine.module seed = set_seed(seed) modality = self.modality( modality ) # force AR+NAR if modality == "ar+nar": model_len = None # force NAR-len elif modality == "nar-len": model_ar = None if task == "stt": resp = self.encode_audio( references ) lang = self.encode_lang( language ) resp = to_device(resp, device=self.device, dtype=torch.int16) lang = to_device(lang, device=self.device, dtype=torch.uint8) with torch.autocast(self.device, dtype=dtype, enabled=amp): model = model_ar if model_ar is not None else model_nar if model is not None: phns_list = model( phns_list=None, proms_list=[resp], lang_list=[lang], resps_list=[resp], task_list=[task], disable_tqdm=not use_tqdm, use_lora=use_lora, **sampling_kwargs, ) else: raise Exception("!") phns_list = [ cfg.tokenizer.decode( text ).replace(" ", "_").replace(" ", "").replace("_", " ") for text in phns_list ] return phns_list[0] elif task in ["phn", "un-phn"]: lang = self.encode_lang( language ) lang = to_device(lang, device=self.device, dtype=torch.uint8) with torch.autocast(self.device, dtype=dtype, enabled=amp): model = model_ar if model_ar is not None else model_nar if task == "phn": phns_list = None text_list = [ self.encode_text( text, phonemize=False ).to(device=self.device, dtype=torch.int16) ] output_tokenizer = cfg.tokenizer else: phns_list = [ self.encode_text( text ).to(device=self.device, dtype=torch.int16) ] text_list = None output_tokenizer = cfg.text_tokenizer if model is not None: phns_list = model( phns_list=phns_list, text_list=text_list, lang_list=[lang], task_list=[task], disable_tqdm=not use_tqdm, use_lora=use_lora, **sampling_kwargs, ) else: raise Exception("!") phns_list = [ output_tokenizer.decode( text ).replace(" ", "_").replace(" ", "").replace("_", " ") for text in phns_list ] return phns_list[0] # stuff for rolling context prefix_context = None prefix_contexts = [] context_history = sampling_kwargs.get("context_history", 0) auto_lang = not language or language == "auto" auto_text_lang = not text_language or text_language == "auto" vc_utterance = self.encode_audio( voice_convert, trim_length=0 ) if voice_convert else None prom = self.encode_audio( references, trim_length=input_prompt_length ) if references else None lang = self.encode_lang( language ) if task in ["ns", "sr"]: prom = [ task, prom ] prom = to_device(prom, device=self.device, dtype=torch.int16) lang = to_device(lang, device=self.device, dtype=torch.uint8) for line in lines: if out_path is None: output_dir = Path("./data/results/") if not output_dir.exists(): output_dir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) out_path = output_dir / f"{time.time()}.wav" deduced_language = g2p.detect_language( line ) if auto_lang or auto_text_lang else language if auto_lang: language = deduced_language if auto_text_lang: text_language = deduced_language phns = self.encode_text( line, language=text_language, phonemize=phonemize ) phns = to_device(phns, device=self.device, dtype=torch.uint8 if len(self.symmap) < 256 else torch.int16) with torch.autocast(self.device, dtype=dtype, enabled=amp): input_kwargs = dict( phns_list=[phns] if phonemize else None, text_list=[phns] if not phonemize else None, proms_list=[prom], lang_list=[lang], disable_tqdm=not use_tqdm, use_lora=use_lora, ) if model_len is not None: # skip calculating len_list if possible if task in ["ns", "sr"]: len_list = [ prom[1].shape[0] ] elif vc_utterance is not None: len_list = [ vc_utterance.shape[0] ] else: len_list = model_len( **input_kwargs, task_list=["len"], **{"max_duration": 5} ) # "max_duration" is max tokens # add an additional X seconds len_list = [ int(l * duration_padding) for l in len_list ] kwargs = {} if prefix_context is not None: kwargs["prefix_context"] = prefix_context if vc_utterance is not None: kwargs["vc_list"] = [ vc_utterance ] resps_list = model_nar( **input_kwargs, len_list=len_list, task_list=["tts"], **(sampling_kwargs | kwargs), ) elif model_ar is not None: kwargs = {} if prefix_context is not None: kwargs["prefix_context"] = prefix_context resps_list = model_ar( **input_kwargs, task_list=["tts"], **(sampling_kwargs | kwargs), ) resps_list = model_nar( **input_kwargs, resps_list=resps_list, task_list=["tts"], **sampling_kwargs, ) else: raise Exception("!") # to-do: care about batching later resps = resps_list[0] # store current context to use as the initial input for later if context_history > 0: # add to history prefix_contexts.append(( phns, resps, resps.shape[0] )) # then generate the prefix based on how much history to provide prefix_context = ( [ torch.concat( [ x[0] for x in prefix_contexts[-context_history:] ] ) ], [ torch.concat( [ x[1] for x in prefix_contexts[-context_history:] ] ) ], [ sum([ x[2] for x in prefix_contexts[-context_history:] ]) ] ) # write to file wav, sr = qnt.decode_to_file(resps, out_path, device=self.device) # add utterances wavs.append(wav) if play:[0], sr) sd.wait() # combine all utterances return (torch.concat(wavs, dim=-1), sr)