import argparse import random import string import torch from functools import cache from pathlib import Path from phonemizer import phonemize from phonemizer.backend import BACKENDS from tqdm import tqdm try: import pykakasi except Exception as e: pykakasi = None print(f'Error while importing pykakasi: {str(e)}') pass try: import langdetect except Exception as e: langdetect = None print(f'Error while importing langdetect: {str(e)}') @cache def detect_language( text ): if langdetect is None: raise Exception('langdetect is not installed.') return langdetect.detect( text ) def _get_graphs(path): with open(path, "r") as f: graphs = return graphs @cache def coerce_to_hiragana( runes, sep="" ): if pykakasi is None: raise Exception('pykakasi is not installed.') kks = pykakasi.kakasi() result = kks.convert( runes ) return sep.join([ res['hira'] for res in result ]) def coerce_language( lang ): # bottle of water vs bo'oh'o'wa'er if lang == "en": lang = "en-us" # quebec probably if lang == "fr": return "fr-fr" # phonemizer/espeak used to have zh refer to mandarin, but was renamed to cmn # cmn outputs cringe, but not cmn-latn-pinyin if lang == "zh": return "cmn-latn-pinyin" """ things to consider in the future en-uk or en-gb es-la vs es-es pt-br vs pt-pt """ return lang cached_backends = {} def _get_backend( language="en-us", backend="espeak", punctuation=True, stress=True, strip=True ): key = f'{language}_{backend}' if key in cached_backends: return cached_backends[key] if backend == 'espeak': phonemizer = BACKENDS[backend]( language, preserve_punctuation=punctuation, with_stress=stress) elif backend == 'espeak-mbrola': phonemizer = BACKENDS[backend]( language ) else: phonemizer = BACKENDS[backend]( language, preserve_punctuation=punctuation ) cached_backends[key] = phonemizer return phonemizer def encode(text: str, language="auto", backend="auto", punctuation=True, stress=True, strip=True) -> list[str]: if language == "auto": language = detect_language( text ) language = coerce_language( language ) # if backend == "auto": # Convert to hiragana, as espeak does not like kanji if language[:2] == "ja": text = coerce_to_hiragana( text ) # "zh" => "cmn-latn-pinyin" elif language == "zh": language = "cmn-latn-pinyin" if not backend or backend == "auto": backend = "espeak" # if language[:2] != "en" else "festival" backend = _get_backend(language=language, backend=backend, stress=stress, strip=strip, punctuation=punctuation) if backend is not None: phonemes = backend.phonemize( [ text ], strip=strip ) else: phonemes = phonemize( [ text ], language=language, strip=strip, preserve_punctuation=punctuation, with_stress=stress ) if not len(phonemes): raise Exception(f"Failed to phonemize, received empty string: {text}") phonemes = phonemes[0] # remap tones # technically they can be kept in place and just update the tokenizer, but this would be a bit confusing if language == "cmn-latn-pinyin": tones = { "1": "ˇ", "2": "ˉ", "3": "ˊ", "4": "ˋ", "5": "_", } for k, v in tones.items(): phonemes = phonemes.replace(k, v) return phonemes # Helper function to debug phonemizer if __name__ == "__main__": parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument("string", type=str) parser.add_argument("--language", type=str, default="en-us") parser.add_argument("--backend", type=str, default="auto") parser.add_argument("--no-punctuation", action="store_true") parser.add_argument("--no-stress", action="store_true") parser.add_argument("--no-strip", action="store_true") args = parser.parse_args() phonemes = encode( args.string, language=args.language, backend=args.backend, punctuation=not args.no_punctuation, stress=not args.no_stress, strip=not args.no_strip ) print( phonemes )