""" # Handles processing audio provided through --input-audio of adequately annotated transcriptions provided through --input-metadata (through transcribe.py) # Outputs NumPy objects containing quantized audio and adequate metadata for use of loading in the trainer through --output-dataset """ import os import json import argparse import torch import torchaudio import numpy as np import logging _logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) from tqdm.auto import tqdm from pathlib import Path from ..config import cfg # need to validate if this is safe to import before modifying the config from .g2p import encode as phonemize from .qnt import encode as quantize def pad(num, zeroes): return str(num).zfill(zeroes+1) def load_audio( path, device=None ): waveform, sr = torchaudio.load( path ) if waveform.shape[0] > 1: # mix channels waveform = torch.mean(waveform, dim=0, keepdim=True) if device is not None: waveform = waveform.to(device) return waveform, sr def process_items( items, stride=0, stride_offset=0 ): items = sorted( items ) return items if stride == 0 else [ item for i, item in enumerate( items ) if (i+stride_offset) % stride == 0 ] def process_job( outpath, waveform, sample_rate, text=None, language="en", device="cuda" ): # encodec requires this to be on CPU for resampling qnt = quantize(waveform, sr=sample_rate, device=device) if cfg.audio_backend == "dac": state_dict = { "codes": qnt.codes.cpu().numpy().astype(np.uint16), "metadata": { "original_length": qnt.original_length, "sample_rate": qnt.sample_rate, "input_db": qnt.input_db.cpu().numpy().astype(np.float32), "chunk_length": qnt.chunk_length, "channels": qnt.channels, "padding": qnt.padding, "dac_version": "1.0.0", }, } else: state_dict = { "codes": qnt.cpu().numpy().astype(np.uint16), "metadata": { "original_length": waveform.shape[-1], "sample_rate": sample_rate, }, } if text: text = text.strip() state_dict['metadata'] |= { "text": text, "phonemes": phonemize(text, language=language), "language": language, } np.save(open(outpath, "wb"), state_dict) def process_jobs( jobs, speaker_id="", device=None, raise_exceptions=True ): if not jobs: return for job in tqdm(jobs, desc=f"Quantizing: {speaker_id}"): outpath, waveform, sample_rate, text, language = job try: process_job( outpath, waveform, sample_rate, text, language, device ) except Exception as e: _logger.error(f"Failed to quantize: {outpath}: {str(e)}") if raise_exceptions: raise e continue def process( audio_backend="encodec", input_audio="voices", input_voice=None, input_metadata="metadata", output_dataset="training", raise_exceptions=False, stride=0, stride_offset=0, slice="auto", low_memory=False, device="cuda", dtype="float16", amp=False, ): # prepare from args cfg.device = device cfg.set_audio_backend(audio_backend) audio_extension = cfg.audio_backend_extension cfg.inference.weight_dtype = dtype # "bfloat16" cfg.inference.amp = amp # False output_dataset = f"{output_dataset}/{'2' if cfg.sample_rate == 24_000 else '4'}{'8' if cfg.sample_rate == 48_000 else '4'}KHz-{cfg.audio_backend}" # "training" # to-do: make this also prepared from args language_map = {} # k = group, v = language ignore_groups = [] # skip these groups ignore_speakers = [] # skip these speakers only_groups = [] # only process these groups only_speakers = [] # only process these speakers always_slice_groups = ["Audiobooks", "LibriVox"] # always slice from this group audio_only = ["Noise"] # special pathway for processing audio only (without a transcription) missing = { "transcription": [], "audio": [] } dataset = [] if input_voice is not None: only_speakers = [input_voice] for group_name in sorted(os.listdir(f'./{input_audio}/')): if not os.path.isdir(f'./{input_audio}/{group_name}/'): _logger.warning(f'Is not dir:" /{input_audio}/{group_name}/') continue if group_name in ignore_groups: continue if only_groups and group_name not in only_groups: continue for speaker_id in tqdm(process_items(os.listdir(f'./{input_audio}/{group_name}/'), stride=stride, stride_offset=stride_offset), desc=f"Processing speaker in {group_name}"): if not os.path.isdir(f'./{input_audio}/{group_name}/{speaker_id}'): _logger.warning(f'Is not dir: ./{input_audio}/{group_name}/{speaker_id}') continue if speaker_id in ignore_speakers: continue if only_speakers and speaker_id not in only_speakers: continue os.makedirs(f'./{output_dataset}/{group_name}/{speaker_id}/', exist_ok=True) if speaker_id in audio_only: for filename in sorted(os.listdir(f'./{input_audio}/{group_name}/{speaker_id}/')): inpath = Path(f'./{input_audio}/{group_name}/{speaker_id}/{filename}') outpath = Path(f'./{output_dataset}/{group_name}/{speaker_id}/{filename}').with_suffix(audio_extension) if outpath.exists(): continue waveform, sample_rate = load_audio( inpath ) qnt = quantize(waveform, sr=sample_rate, device=device) process_job(outpath, waveform, sample_rate) continue metadata_path = Path(f'./{input_metadata}/{group_name}/{speaker_id}/whisper.json') if not metadata_path.exists(): missing["transcription"].append(str(metadata_path)) _logger.warning(f'Missing transcription metadata: ./{input_audio}/{group_name}/{speaker_id}/whisper.json') continue try: metadata = json.loads(open(metadata_path, "r", encoding="utf-8").read()) except Exception as e: missing["transcription"].append(str(metadata_path)) _logger.warning(f'Failed to open transcription metadata: ./{input_audio}/{group_name}/{speaker_id}/whisper.json: {e}') continue if f'{group_name}/{speaker_id}' not in dataset: dataset.append(f'{group_name}/{speaker_id}') jobs = [] use_slices = slice == True or (slice == "auto" and len(metadata.keys()) == 1) or group_name in always_slice_groups for filename in sorted(metadata.keys()): inpath = Path(f'./{input_audio}/{group_name}/{speaker_id}/{filename}') if not inpath.exists(): missing["audio"].append(str(inpath)) continue extension = os.path.splitext(filename)[-1][1:] fname = filename.replace(f'.{extension}', "") waveform, sample_rate = None, None language = language_map[group_name] if group_name in language_map else (metadata[filename]["language"] if "language" in metadata[filename] else "en") if len(metadata[filename]["segments"]) == 0 or not use_slices: outpath = Path(f'./{output_dataset}/{group_name}/{speaker_id}/{fname}.{extension}').with_suffix(audio_extension) text = metadata[filename]["text"] if len(text) == 0 or outpath.exists(): continue # audio not already loaded, load it if waveform is None: waveform, sample_rate = load_audio( inpath ) jobs.append(( outpath, waveform, sample_rate, text, language )) else: i = 0 for segment in metadata[filename]["segments"]: id = pad(i, 4) i = i + 1 outpath = Path(f'./{output_dataset}/{group_name}/{speaker_id}/{fname}_{id}.{extension}').with_suffix(audio_extension) text = segment["text"] if len(text) == 0 or outpath.exists(): continue # audio not already loaded, load it if waveform is None: waveform, sample_rate = load_audio( inpath ) start = int(segment['start'] * sample_rate) end = int(segment['end'] * sample_rate) if start < 0: start = 0 if end >= waveform.shape[-1]: end = waveform.shape[-1] - 1 if end - start < 0: continue jobs.append(( outpath, waveform[:, start:end], sample_rate, text, language )) # processes audio files one at a time if low_memory: process_jobs( jobs, device=device, speaker_id=f'{speaker_id}/{filename}', raise_exceptions=raise_exceptions ) jobs = [] # processes all audio files for a given speaker if not low_memory: process_jobs( jobs, device=device, speaker_id=speaker_id, raise_exceptions=raise_exceptions ) jobs = [] open(f"./{output_dataset}/missing.json", 'w', encoding='utf-8').write(json.dumps(missing)) open(f"./{output_dataset}/dataset.json", 'w', encoding='utf-8').write(json.dumps(dataset)) def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument("--audio-backend", type=str, default="encodec") parser.add_argument("--input-audio", type=str, default="voices") parser.add_argument("--input-voice", type=str, default=None) parser.add_argument("--input-metadata", type=str, default="training/metadata") parser.add_argument("--output-dataset", type=str, default="training/dataset") parser.add_argument("--raise-exceptions", action="store_true") parser.add_argument("--low-memory", action="store_true") parser.add_argument("--stride", type=int, default=0) parser.add_argument("--stride-offset", type=int, default=0) parser.add_argument("--slice", type=str, default="auto") parser.add_argument("--device", type=str, default="cuda") parser.add_argument("--dtype", type=str, default="bfloat16") parser.add_argument("--amp", action="store_true") args = parser.parse_args() # do some assumption magic # to-do: find a nice way to spawn multiple processes where tqdm plays nicely if args.device.isnumeric(): args.stride = torch.cuda.device_count() args.stride_offset = int(args.device) args.device = f'cuda:{args.device}' process( audio_backend=args.audio_backend, input_audio=args.input_audio, input_voice=args.input_voice, input_metadata=args.input_metadata, output_dataset=args.output_dataset, raise_exceptions=args.raise_exceptions, stride=args.stride, stride_offset=args.stride_offset, slice=args.slice, low_memory=args.low_memory, device=args.device, dtype=args.dtype, amp=args.amp, ) if __name__ == "__main__": main()