# VALL'E An unofficial PyTorch implementation of [VALL-E](https://valle-demo.github.io/), based on the [EnCodec](https://github.com/facebookresearch/encodec) tokenizer. ## Requirements * [`DeepSpeed`](https://github.com/microsoft/DeepSpeed#requirements): - DeepSpeed training is Linux only. Installation under Windows should ignore trying to install DeepSpeed. - If your config YAML has the training backend set to `deepspeed`, you will need to have a GPU that DeepSpeed has developed and tested against, as well as a CUDA or ROCm compiler pre-installed to install this package. * [`espeak-ng`](https://github.com/espeak-ng/espeak-ng/): - For phonemizing text, this repo requires `espeak`/`espeak-ng` installed. - Linux users can consult their package managers on installing `espeak`/`espeak-ng`. - Windows users are required to install [`espeak-ng`](https://github.com/espeak-ng/espeak-ng/releases/tag/1.51#Assets). + additionally, you may be require dto set the `PHONEMIZER_ESPEAK_LIBRARY` environment variable to specify the path to `libespeak-ng.dll`. ## Install Simply run `pip install git+https://git.ecker.tech/mrq/vall-e`. I've tested this repo under Python versions `3.10.9` and `3.11.3`. ## Try Me To quickly try it out, you can choose between the following modes: * AR only: `python -m vall_e.models.ar yaml="./data/config.yaml"` * NAR only: `python -m vall_e.models.nar yaml="./data/config.yaml"` * AR+NAR: `python -m vall_e.models.base yaml="./data/config.yaml"` Each model file has a barebones trainer and inference routine. ## Pre-Trained Model My pre-trained weights can be acquired from [here](https://huggingface.co/ecker/vall-e). For example: ``` git lfs clone --exclude "*.h5" https://huggingface.co/ecker/vall-e ./data/ # remove the '--exclude "*.h5"' if you wish to also download the libre dataset. python -m vall_e "The birch canoe slid on the smooth planks." "./path/to/an/utterance.wav" --out-path="./output.wav" yaml="./data/config.yaml" ``` ## Train Training is very dependent on: * the quality of your dataset. * how much data you have. * the bandwidth you quantized your audio to. ### Pre-Processed Dataset A "libre" dataset can be found [here](https://huggingface.co/ecker/vall-e/blob/main/data.h5). Simply place it in the same folder as your `config.yaml`, and ensure its `dataset.use_hdf5` is set to `True`. ### Leverage Your Own Dataset > **Note** It is highly recommended to utilize [mrq/ai-voice-cloning](https://git.ecker.tech/mrq/ai-voice-cloning) with `--tts-backend="vall-e"` to handle transcription and dataset preparations. 1. Put your data into a folder, e.g. `./data/custom`. Audio files should be named with the suffix `.wav` and text files with `.txt`. 2. Quantize the data: `python -m vall_e.emb.qnt ./data/custom` 3. Generate phonemes based on the text: `python -m vall_e.emb.g2p ./data/custom` 4. Customize your configuration and define the dataset by modifying `./data/config.yaml`. Refer to `./vall_e/config.py` for details. If you want to choose between different model presets, check `./vall_e/models/__init__.py`. If you're interested in creating an HDF5 copy of your dataset, simply invoke: `python -m vall_e.data --action='hdf5' yaml='./data/config.yaml'` 5. Train the AR and NAR models using the following scripts: `python -m vall_e.train yaml=./data/config.yaml` You may quit your training any time by just entering `quit` in your CLI. The latest checkpoint will be automatically saved. ### Dataset Formats Two dataset formats are supported: * the standard way: - data is stored under `${speaker}/${id}.phn.txt` and `${speaker}/${id}.qnt.pt` * using an HDF5 dataset: - you can convert from the standard way with the following command: `python3 -m vall_e.data yaml="./path/to/your/config.yaml"` - this will shove everything into a single HDF5 file and store some metadata alongside (for now, the symbol map generated, and text/audio lengths) - be sure to also define `use_hdf5` in your config YAML. ### Notices #### Modifying `prom_levels`, `resp_levels`, Or `tasks` For A Model If you're wanting to increase the `prom_levels` for a given model, or increase the `tasks` levels a model accepts, you will need to export your weights and set `train.load_state_dict` to `True` in your configuration YAML. #### Training Under Windows As training under `deepspeed` is not supported, under your `config.yaml`, simply change `trainer.backend` to `local` to use the local training backend. Keep in mind that creature comforts like distributed training cannot be verified as working at the moment. #### Training on Low-VRAM Cards During experimentation, I've found I can comfortably train on a 4070Ti (12GiB VRAM) with `trainer.deepspeed.compression_training` enabled with both the AR and NAR at a batch size of 16. VRAM use is also predicated on your dataset; a mix of large and small utterances will cause VRAM usage to spike and can trigger OOM conditions during the backwards pass if you are not careful. Additionally, under Windows, I managed to finetune the AR on my 2060 (6GiB VRAM) with a batch size of 8 (although, with the card as a secondary GPU). If you need to, you are free to train only one model at a time. Just remove the definition for one model in your `config.yaml`'s `models._model` list. ## Export Both trained models *can* be exported, but is only required if loading them on systems without DeepSpeed for inferencing (Windows systems). To export the models, run: `python -m vall_e.export yaml=./data/config.yaml`. This will export the latest checkpoints, for example, under `./data/ckpt/ar-retnet-2/fp32.pth` and `./data/ckpt/nar-retnet-2/fp32.pth`, to be loaded on any system with PyTorch. ## Synthesis To synthesize speech, invoke either (if exported the models): `python -m vall_e