2025-03-01 17:48:51 -06:00

1272 lines
41 KiB

import math
import torch
import torch.nn.functional as F
import random
import numpy as np
import re
from time import perf_counter
from collections import namedtuple
from typing import Literal, overload, Optional, Tuple
from functools import partial
from einops import rearrange
from torch import Tensor, einsum, nn
from torch.distributions import Categorical
from torch.nn.utils.rnn import pad_sequence
from torch.utils.checkpoint import checkpoint
from torchmetrics.classification import BinaryAccuracy, MulticlassAccuracy, MulticlassPrecision
from .arch import *
from ..utils import ml, clamp, mean
from ..samplers import *
# yuck, kind of needed
from import get_task_symmap
import logging
_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
# these seem more elegant than a dict
Logits = namedtuple('Logits', ['logits', 'state', 'inputs', 'loss', 'attentions', 'hidden_states'])
Sampled = namedtuple('Sampled', ['ids', 'logits', 'scores', 'entropy'])
LossStats = namedtuple('LossStats', ['loss', 'stats'])
from ..utils.pattern import DelayedPatternProvider, VALLEPattern
summed_embeddings_task = [ "stt" ]
special_tasks = [ "len", "stt", "phn", "text" ]
non_tokened_names = ["task", "dropout_mask", "classifier_level"]
task_outputs = {
"tts": "resp",
"ns": "resp",
"sr": "resp",
"stt": "phn",
"len": "len",
"phn": "phn",
"text": "text",
def _dropout_mask( input, p ):
return (torch.rand(input.shape[0], device=input.device) < p)
def _create_mask(l, device):
seq = torch.arange(max(l), device=device).unsqueeze(0) # (1 t)
stop = torch.tensor(l, device=device).unsqueeze(1) # (b 1)
return (seq < stop).float() # (b t)
def _join(x: tuple[Tensor], sep: Tensor):
ret = x[0]
for i in range(1, len(x)):
ret =, sep[None], x[i]), dim=0)
return ret
def list_to_tensor(x_list: list[Tensor]):
l = list(map(len, x_list))
x = pad_sequence(x_list, batch_first=True)
m = _create_mask(l, x_list[0].device)
m =
return x, m
def _dropout_codes( x, dropout_mask, dropout_token, swapped=False ):
x = x.clone().detach()
levels = x.shape[-1]
for level in range( levels ):
lhs = dropout_token if not swapped else x[..., level]
rhs = x[..., level] if not swapped else dropout_token
x[..., level] = torch.where( dropout_mask, lhs, rhs )
return x
# aims to properly encode RVQ-encoded token sequence into an embedding
class ResidualAudioEncoder(nn.Module):
def __init__(
n_tokens: int,
n_levels: int,
token_dim: int,
training: bool = True,
self.embs = nn.ModuleList([nn.Embedding(n_tokens, token_dim) for _ in range(n_levels)])
self.pos_embedding = nn.Parameter(torch.randn(1, n_levels, token_dim)) # i still don't understand why this needs to be explicitly added instead of it being deduced in the embedding itself
self.cross_attn = nn.MultiheadAttention( embed_dim=token_dim, num_heads=8, dropout=0.1 if training else 0.0, batch_first=True )
self.proj = nn.Linear(token_dim, token_dim) # i don't understand why this is necessary
def forward(self, xi: Tensor, dropout_mask = None, dropout_token = None ) -> Tensor:
# empty
if xi.shape[0] == 0:
dim = self.embs[0].weight.shape[-1] # self.proj.weight.shape[0]
return torch.zeros((0, dim), device=xi.device, dtype=xi.dtype)
if dropout_mask is not None:
xi = _dropout_codes( xi, dropout_mask, dropout_token )
# ( seq_len, dim ) => ( seq_len, levels, dim )
x = torch.stack([ emb(xi[:, i]) for i, emb in enumerate(self.embs) ], dim=1)
x = x + self.pos_embedding
x, _ = self.cross_attn( x, x, x )
x = self.proj( x.mean(dim=1) )
return x
# aims to properly decode the last hidden states from a model into logits for an RVQ-encoded token sequence
class ResidualAudioDecoder(nn.Module):
def __init__(
training: bool = True,
use_ln: bool = False,
self.projs = nn.ModuleList([nn.Sequential(
(nn.LayerNorm(d_model) if use_ln else nn.Identity()),
nn.Linear(d_model, d_model),
) for _ in range(resp_levels)]) # per-level projs
self.cross_attn = nn.MultiheadAttention( embed_dim=d_model, num_heads=8, dropout=0.1 if training else 0.0, batch_first=True ) # xattn so each level can attend to others per residual-ness
self.head = nn.Linear(d_model, vocab_size) # final output head, i feel it would be better to have it per-level but i assume the proj handles it
# forward for one sequence
def _forward( self, x: Tensor ) -> Tensor:
seq_len, resp_levels = x.shape[0], len(self.projs)
x = torch.stack([proj(x) for proj in self.projs], dim=1)
x, _ = self.cross_attn( x, x, x )
x = self.head( x )
x = x.view( resp_levels, seq_len, -1 )
return x
# required to act on per sequence and not a batch due to headed-ness
def forward( self, x_i: Tensor ) -> Tensor:
return torch.stack([ self._forward(x) for x in x_i ], dim=0)
# the above, but for FSQ codecs, as each level is independent from one another
class FiniteAudioEncoder(nn.Module):
def __init__(
n_tokens: int,
n_levels: int,
token_dim: int,
training: bool = True,
self.embs = nn.ModuleList([nn.Embedding(n_tokens, token_dim) for _ in range(n_levels)])
self.pos_embedding = nn.Parameter(torch.randn(1, n_levels, token_dim))
self.proj = nn.Linear(token_dim, token_dim)
self.level_weights = nn.Parameter(torch.ones(n_levels))
def forward(self, xi: Tensor, dropout_mask = None, dropout_token = None ) -> Tensor:
# empty
if xi.shape[0] == 0:
dim = self.embs[0].weight.shape[-1] # self.proj.weight.shape[0]
return torch.zeros((0, dim), device=xi.device, dtype=xi.dtype)
if dropout_mask is not None:
xi = _dropout_codes( xi, dropout_mask, dropout_token )
x = torch.stack([ emb(xi[:, i]) for i, emb in enumerate(self.embs) ], dim=1)
x = x + self.pos_embedding
x = self.proj( x )
weights = F.softmax(self.level_weights, dim=0).view(1, -1, 1)
x = (x * weights).sum(dim=1)
return x
# aims to decode the last hidden state into independent codebooks
# uses an MLP instead of Attn since it's not residual I guess (the problem with caving to consult claude-3-5-sonnet is that it will blindly agree with you if you suggest anything)
# optional per-level LN, might be beneficial
class FiniteAudioDecoder(nn.Module):
def __init__(
d_model: int,
vocab_size: int,
n_levels: int,
d_ffn: int = 4,
use_ln: bool = True,
shared_levels: bool = False,
training: bool = False,
self.n_levels = n_levels
self.shared_levels = shared_levels
if not shared_levels:
self.head = nn.ModuleList([nn.Sequential(
# ln
(nn.LayerNorm(d_model) if use_ln else nn.Identity()),
# ffn
nn.Linear(d_model, d_ffn * d_model),
nn.Linear(d_ffn * d_model, d_model),
# head
nn.Linear(d_model, vocab_size)
) for _ in range(n_levels)])
self.head = nn.Sequential(
# ffn
nn.Linear(d_model, d_ffn * d_model),
nn.Linear(d_ffn * d_model, d_model),
# head
nn.Linear(d_model, vocab_size * n_levels)
def forward(self, x: Tensor) -> Tensor:
batch_size, seq_len, _ = x.shape
if not self.shared_levels:
x = torch.stack([head(x) for head in self.head], dim=1)
x = self.head(x)
x = x.view(batch_size, seq_len, self.n_levels, -1)
x = x.transpose(1, 2)
return x
# handles simple output projections into logits for other tasks
class AuxDecoder(nn.Module):
def __init__(
name = None,
super().__init__() = name
self.head = nn.Linear( d_model, vocab_size )
def forward(self, x: Tensor ) -> Tensor:
x = self.head( x )
return x
class Base_V2(nn.Module):
def loss_factor(self, k):
if self.config is None:
return 1.0
return self.config.loss_factor(k)
def _prune(self, l: Tensor, stop = None):
if stop is None:
stop = self.stop_token
indices = (l == stop).nonzero()
if len(indices) == 0:
return l
return l[: indices.min().item()]
def __init__(
n_phn_tokens: int = 256,
n_audio_tokens: int = 1024,
n_text_tokens: int = 8575,
d_model: int = 512,
d_ffn: int = 4,
n_heads: int = 8,
n_layers: int = 12,
p_dropout: float = 0.1,
n_experts: int = 1,
l_padding: int = 0,
training = True,
attention = None,
config = None,
if not attention:
attention = config.attention if config is not None else "auto"
n_resp_levels = config.resp_levels if config is not None else 8
attention_backend = attention
unified_position_ids = config.experimental.unified_position_ids if config is not None else True
noncausal_masks = config.experimental.noncausal_masks if config is not None else False
max_position_embeddings = config.experimental.max_position_embeddings if config is not None else (75 * 60 * 5)
masking_ratio = config.experimental.masking_ratio if config is not None else False
ignore_inputs_for_loss = config.experimental.ignore_inputs_for_loss if config is not None else False
resp_parallel_training = config.experimental.resp_parallel_training if config is not None else True
predict_causally = config.experimental.predict_causally if config is not None else False
monolithic_audio_encoder = config.experimental.monolithic_audio_encoder if config is not None else False
audio_level_weights = [1.0 / (i + 1) for i in range(n_resp_levels)] # to-do: find the weights for FSQ
logit_normalization = config.experimental.logit_normalization if config is not None else 0
per_level_normalization = config.experimental.per_level_normalization if config is not None else True
n_vocab = 256
n_tasks = config.tasks if config is not None else 8
n_langs = config.langs if config is not None else 2
n_tones = config.tones if config is not None else 1
if attention_backend == "auto":
attention_backend = "sdpa"
hf_attention = attention_backend
HF_ATTENTIONS = ["eager", "sdpa", "flash_attention_2"]
if attention_backend not in HF_ATTENTIONS:
hf_attention = None
if attention_backend not in AVAILABLE_ATTENTIONS:
raise ValueError(f"Requesting attention `{attention_backend}` but is not available. Currently available: {AVAILABLE_ATTENTIONS}")
# to-do: deduce nemo better-er
if n_audio_tokens == 1000:
# assume midrage contains important details
center = n_resp_levels // 2
audio_level_weights = [1.0 - abs(i - center) / n_resp_levels for i in range(n_resp_levels)] = training
self.teaching = False
self.config = config
self.n_phn_tokens = n_phn_tokens
self.n_audio_tokens = n_audio_tokens
self.n_text_tokens = n_text_tokens
self.d_model = d_model
self.n_heads = n_heads
self.n_layers = n_layers
self.n_experts = n_experts
self.l_padding = l_padding
self.ignore_index = -100
self.n_resp_levels = self.config.resp_levels if self.config else n_resp_levels
self.n_max_levels = self.config.max_levels if self.config else n_resp_levels
self.capabilities = self.config.capabilities if self.config else ["ar", "nar"]
self.gradient_checkpointing = self.config.gradient_checkpointing if self.config is not None else True
self.stop_token = self.n_audio_tokens
self.mask_token = self.stop_token + 1
self.causal = True
self.version = self.config.version if self.config is not None else 5
self.causal_size = self.config.experimental.causal_size if self.config is not None else (1 if self.causal else 0)
self.arch_type = self.config.arch_type if self.config is not None else "llama"
# check if requested arch is unavailable
if self.arch_type in ERROR_ARCHES:
raise ERROR_ARCHES[self.arch_type]
# crunge
if self.config is not None and config.teacher:
self.teaching = True = False
self.resp_parallel_training = resp_parallel_training
self.predict_causally = predict_causally
self.unified_position_ids = unified_position_ids
self.inject_timestep_embedding = False # results in bad output
self.masking_ratio = masking_ratio
self.ignore_inputs_for_loss = ignore_inputs_for_loss
self.noncausal_masks = noncausal_masks
self.audio_level_weights = audio_level_weights
self.logit_normalization = logit_normalization
self.sep = nn.Parameter(torch.randn(d_model))
self.phn_emb = ml.Embedding(n_phn_tokens, d_model)
self.text_emb = ml.Embedding(n_text_tokens, d_model)
self.langs_emb = ml.Embedding(n_langs, d_model) if n_langs > 0 else None
self.tasks_emb = ml.Embedding(n_tasks, d_model) if n_tasks > 0 else None
self.tones_emb = ml.Embedding(n_tones, d_model) if n_tones > 0 else None
self.len_emb = ml.Embedding(11, d_model)
self.audio_emb = None
self.proms_emb = None
self.resps_emb = None
# to-do: deduce nemo-ness better-er
if n_audio_tokens == 1000:
AudioEncoder = FiniteAudioEncoder
AudioDecoder = FiniteAudioDecoder
AudioEncoder = ResidualAudioEncoder
AudioDecoder = ResidualAudioDecoder
if monolithic_audio_encoder:
self.audio_emb = AudioEncoder(
n_tokens=n_audio_tokens + 2, # stop + masked token
self.proms_emb = AudioEncoder(
self.resps_emb = AudioEncoder(
n_tokens=n_audio_tokens + 2, # stop + masked token
self.audio_decoder = AudioDecoder(
(n_audio_tokens + 1),
self.len_decoder = AuxDecoder( d_model, 11 )
self.phn_decoder = AuxDecoder( d_model, n_phn_tokens )
self.text_decoder = AuxDecoder( d_model, n_text_tokens )
# override any requested padding size
if attention_backend == "flash_attn_v100":
self.l_padding = 32
elif attention_backend == "fused_attn":
self.l_padding = 128
if self.arch_type in ["none"]:
self.model = None
elif self.arch_type in ["llama"]:
self.model_config = LlamaConfig(
attention_dropout=p_dropout if training else 0.0,
output_norm = not per_level_normalization, # moves the LN out to the decoder
attn_mode = attention_backend,
self.model = LlamaModel(self.model_config)
if self.gradient_checkpointing and not self.model.gradient_checkpointing:
raise RuntimeError(f'Unknown arch specified: {self.arch_type}')
if hasattr( self.model, "embeddings" ):
del self.model.embeddings
def _forward(
mask = None,
is_causal = None,
position_ids = None,
state = None,
output_attentions = False,
output_hidden_states = False,
x = inputs
m = mask #.squeeze(-1).int()
aux_loss = None
attentions = None
hidden_states = None
if self.arch_type in ["none"] or self.model is None:
# HF transformer derived model
elif self.arch_type in ["llama"]:
kwargs = dict(
use_cache=False, # not,
if self.n_experts > 1 and
kwargs["output_router_logits"] = True
output = self.model(**kwargs)
x = output["last_hidden_state"]
# to-do: figure out why KV caching doesn't work
#if not
if state is not None:
state = output["past_key_values"]
if output_attentions:
attentions = output["attentions"]
if output_hidden_states:
hidden_states = output["hidden_states"]
if self.n_experts > 1 and
router_logits = output["router_logits"]
aux_loss = self.model.config.router_aux_loss_coef * load_balancing_loss_func( router_logits, self.model.config.num_local_experts, self.model.config.num_experts_per_tok, m )
hidden_states = self.model(x)
# process it into a format that I like
if output_hidden_states:
# hidden_states is actually layers + 1, as hidden_states[0] == embedding...........
hidden_states = [ state for state in hidden_states[1:] ]
# apply normalization to these states (to-do: check if this matters)
# but skip the last state, as it already is normalized
hidden_states = [ x if i == self.n_layers - 1 else self.model.norm(output.hidden_states[i]) for i, state in enumerate( hidden_states ) ]
return Logits(x, state, inputs, aux_loss, attentions, hidden_states)
# takes a bunch of separate lists and parses them into an ordered array of tuples to guide input sequence creation
def inputs(
phns_list: list[Tensor] | None = None,
text_list: list[Tensor] | None = None,
proms_list: list[Tensor] | None = None,
resps_list: list[Tensor] | None = None,
lang_list: list[Tensor] | None = None,
tone_list: list[Tensor] | None = None,
len_list: list[Tensor] | None = None,
task_list: list[str] | None = None,
time_list: list[Tensor] | None = None,
quant_levels: int | list[int] | Tensor | None = None
if phns_list and phns_list[0] is not None:
device = phns_list[0].device
batch_size = len(phns_list)
elif text_list and text_list[0] is not None:
device = text_list[0].device
batch_size = len(text_list)
elif proms_list and proms_list[0] is not None:
device = proms_list[0].device
batch_size = len(proms_list)
elif resps_list and resps_list[0] is not None:
device = resps_list[0].device
batch_size = len(resps_list)
inputs = [ [] for _ in range(batch_size) ]
for i in range(batch_size):
quant_level = quant_levels[i] if quant_levels is not None else 0
task_type = task_list[i] if task_list is not None else "tts"
timestep = time_list[i] if time_list is not None else None
classifier_level = None
# insert task type as a string
inputs[i].append( ( "task", task_type ) )
# to-do: maybe not split the below blocks up
# might be beneficial in the event I need to use a difference sequence, such as STT tasks
# Base-line TTS task
# Sequence: <phn><sep><rvq lvl><sep><prom><sep><resp>
# prom /may/ include <task> tokens inside to help guide things, per SpeechX
if task_type in get_task_symmap() and task_type not in special_tasks:
# insert the phn prompt
if phns_list is not None and phns_list[i] is not None:
inputs[i].append( ( "phn", phns_list[i] ) )
elif text_list is not None and text_list[i] is not None:
inputs[i].append( ( "text", text_list[i] ) )
# insert lang token if we're trained for it
if lang_list is not None and lang_list[i] is not None:
inputs[i].append( ( "lang", lang_list[i] ) )
# insert input audio prompt
if proms_list is not None and proms_list[i] is not None:
inputs[i].append( ( "prom", proms_list[i] ) )
# insert tone token if we're trained for it
if tone_list is not None and tone_list[i] is not None:
inputs[i].append( ( "tone", tone_list[i] ) )
# insert timestep token
if timestep is not None:
p = self.masking_ratio
# store dropout mask (if training, as this gets used later to mask the input embeddings if provided)
if and p > 0:
dropout_mask = _dropout_mask( resps_list[i], p )
inputs[i].append( ("dropout_mask", dropout_mask ) )
# insert the current output response
if resps_list is not None and resps_list[i] is not None:
inputs[i].append( ( "resp", resps_list[i] ) )
classifier_level = f"{'N' if timestep is not None else ''}AR:{quant_level}:{quant_level}"
inputs[i].append( ("classifier_level", classifier_level) )
# Audio length prediction task
# Sequence: <phn><sep><rvq lvl><prom><sep><len>
elif task_type == "len":
# throw an error so we don't silently train without this
if self.len_emb is None:
raise Exception(f"Requesting task `{task_type}` but corresponding embedding is not defined.")
# insert the phn prompt
if phns_list is not None and phns_list[i] is not None:
inputs[i].append( ( "phn", phns_list[i] ) )
elif text_list is not None and text_list[i] is not None:
inputs[i].append( ( "text", text_list[i] ) )
# insert lang token if we're trained for it
if lang_list is not None and lang_list[i] is not None:
inputs[i].append( ( "lang", lang_list[i] ) )
# insert input audio prompt
if proms_list is not None and proms_list[i] is not None:
inputs[i].append( ( "prom", proms_list[i] ) )
# insert tone token if we're trained for it
if "tone" in self.capabilities and tone_list is not None and tone_list[i] is not None:
inputs[i].append( ( "tone", tone_list[i] ) )
# insert output length tokens (if it exists)
if len_list is not None and len_list[i] is not None:
inputs[i].append( ( "len", len_list[i] ) )
# "encode" length to tokens for 0-9 + stop
elif resps_list is not None and resps_list[i] is not None:
# yes this could be encoded better
inputs[i].append( ( "len", torch.tensor([ 0 ] + [ int(i) for i in str( resps_list[i].shape[0]) ] + [ 10 ], device=device, dtype=torch.int16) ) )
inputs[i].append( ("classifier_level", "len") )
# Speech-to-Text prediction task
# Sequence: <resp><sep><rvq lvl><sep><phn>
elif task_type == "stt":
# insert the input response
if resps_list is not None and resps_list[i] is not None:
inputs[i].append( ( "resp", resps_list[i] ) )
# insert lang token if we're trained for it
if lang_list is not None and lang_list[i] is not None:
inputs[i].append( ( "lang", lang_list[i] ) )
# insert the output phn prompt
if phns_list is not None and phns_list[i] is not None:
inputs[i].append( ( "phn", phns_list[i] ) )
inputs[i].append( ("classifier_level", "phn") )
# Text phonemizing task
# Sequence: <text><sep><lang><sep><phonemes>
elif task_type == "phn":
# insert the phn prompt
if text_list is not None and text_list[i] is not None:
inputs[i].append( ( "text", text_list[i] ) )
# insert lang token if we're trained for it
if lang_list is not None and lang_list[i] is not None:
inputs[i].append( ( "lang", lang_list[i] ) )
# insert the phn prompt
if phns_list is not None and phns_list[i] is not None:
inputs[i].append( ( "phn", phns_list[i] ) )
inputs[i].append( ("classifier_level", "phn") )
# Text de-phonemizing task
# Sequence: <text><sep><lang><sep><phonemes>
elif task_type == "text":
# insert the phn prompt
if phns_list is not None and phns_list[i] is not None:
inputs[i].append( ( "phn", phns_list[i] ) )
# insert lang token if we're trained for it
if lang_list is not None and lang_list[i] is not None:
inputs[i].append( ( "lang", lang_list[i] ) )
# insert the phn prompt
if text_list is not None and text_list[i] is not None:
inputs[i].append( ( "text", text_list[i] ) )
inputs[i].append( ("classifier_level", "text") )
raise Exception(f'Unrecognized task: {task_type}')
return inputs
def inputs_to_embeddings(
inputs: list,
quant_levels: int | list[int] | Tensor | None = None
# handles tasks where the prompt has task tokens injected in the middle
def prompt_input_to_embedding( input, quant_level ):
if isinstance(input, str):
return self.tasks_emb( torch.tensor( [ get_task_symmap()[input] ], device=device, dtype=torch.int16) )
if self.audio_emb is not None:
return self.audio_emb( input )
return self.proms_emb( input )
x_list = []
for batch_index, batch_input in enumerate(inputs):
batch = []
quant_level = quant_levels[batch_index] if quant_levels is not None else 0
task_type = "tts"
input_prom = None
classifier_level = None
dropout_mask = None
timestep = None
# pre-iterate
for name, input in batch_input:
if name == "classifier_level":
classifier_level = input
elif name == "dropout_mask":
dropout_mask = input
elif name == "timestep":
timestep = input
for name, input in batch_input:
# technically can provide a map for input_name => embedding, but some embedding requires additional processing
embedding = None
# is already an embedding
if name == "task":
# noop
# *maybe* inject a token for specifying task type
task_type = input
elif name == "phn":
embedding = self.phn_emb( input )
device = embedding.device
elif name == "text" and self.text_emb is not None:
embedding = self.text_emb( input )
device = embedding.device
elif name == "quant_level" and self.rvq_l_emb is not None:
embedding = self.rvq_l_emb( input )
elif name == "lang" and self.langs_emb is not None:
embedding = self.langs_emb( input )
elif name == "prom":
proms = [ input ] if isinstance(input, torch.Tensor) else input
embedding = [ prompt_input_to_embedding( input, quant_level ) for input in proms if input is not None ] )
elif name == "tone" and self.tones_emb is not None:
embedding = self.tones_emb( input )
elif name == "resp":
if self.audio_emb is not None:
embedding = self.audio_emb( input, dropout_mask=dropout_mask, dropout_token=self.mask_token )
embedding = self.resps_emb( input, dropout_mask=dropout_mask, dropout_token=self.mask_token )
elif name == "timestep" and self.time_emb is not None:
embedding = self.time_emb( input )
elif name == "len" and self.len_emb is not None:
embedding = self.len_emb( input )
# should probably raise an exception so things aren't processed silently
x_list.append( _join( batch, self.sep ) )
return x_list
# get an attribute from a given input list
def get_input(
find_all = at is None
res = [] if at is None else None
for batch_index, batch_input in enumerate(inputs):
if not find_all and batch_index != at:
for n, input in batch_input:
if n != name:
if not find_all:
return input
res.append( input )
return res
# creates position ids from a given input list
# if not unified_position_ids, then each input segment will have its own sequence
def inputs_to_position_ids(
inputs: list,
mask: Tensor,
device = mask.device
# shamelessly grabbed from
ids = mask.long().cumsum(-1) - 1
ids.masked_fill_( mask == 0, 1 )
# there's a better way
if not self.unified_position_ids:
x_list = []
def get_input_token_length( name, input, task ):
# task token
if isinstance(input, str):
return 1
# list of tokens
if not isinstance(input, torch.Tensor):
return sum( [ i.shape[0] for i in input if isinstance(i, torch.Tensor) ] )
# ending input will not have a separator later
return input.shape[0]
for batch_index, batch_input in enumerate(inputs):
# pre-iterate
task = "tts"
for name, input in batch_input:
if name == "task":
task = input
batch = [
torch.tensor([*range(get_input_token_length(name, input, task) + (1 if name != task_outputs.get(task, name) else 0))], device=device, dtype=torch.int32)
for name, input in batch_input if name not in non_tokened_names
] )
delta = ids[batch_index].shape[0] - batch.shape[0]
if delta > 0:
batch = [ batch, torch.tensor([1] * delta, device=device, dtype=torch.int32) ] )
x_list.append( batch )
ids = torch.stack( x_list )
return, dtype=torch.int32)
def calc_loss(
inputs: list,
quant_levels: list[int] | None = None,
compute_hard_loss = True,
compute_acc = True,
loss = {}
stats = {}
device = logits[0].device
batch_size = len(logits)
classifier_levels = self.get_input( inputs, "classifier_level" )
level_weights = self.audio_level_weights
# handles tasks where the prompt has task tokens injected in the middle
def prompt_input_to_token( input, quant_level ):
if isinstance(input, str):
return torch.tensor( [ get_task_symmap()[input] ], device=device, dtype=torch.int16)
return input
def _logit_normalization( logit ):
norms = torch.norm(logit, p=2, dim=-1, keepdim=True) + 1e-7
return torch.div(logit, norms) / self.logit_normalization
def _calc_loss( logit, sequence, causal = True, level = None ):
# filter tokens that exceed the vocab size
sequence = torch.where( sequence >= logit.shape[-1], self.ignore_index, sequence )
# drop if all tokens are ignored
if torch.all(sequence == self.ignore_index):
return None, None
# shift if causal
if causal or self.predict_causally:
l = self.causal_size
logit = logit[..., :-l, :] # shift the target so that token n...
sequence = sequence[..., l:] # ...predicts token n + 1
batched = sequence.dim() > 1
# logit normalization
if self.logit_normalization:
# it would probably be better to unsqueeze then squeeze to avoid code duplication but who cares
if not batched:
logit = _logit_normalization( logit )
for i, l in enumerate( logit ):
logit[i] = _logit_normalization( l )
# flatten batch
if batched:
logit = logit.reshape(-1, logit.shape[-1])
sequence = sequence.reshape(-1)
nll = None
metrics = None
if compute_hard_loss:
reduction = 'mean' if not batched else 'none'
weight = level_weights[level] if level is not None and not batched else 1
nll = F.cross_entropy( logit, sequence, ignore_index=self.ignore_index, reduction=reduction ) * weight
# manually weigh each level
if batched:
nll = nll.view( self.n_resp_levels, -1 ).mean(dim=-1) * torch.tensor(level_weights, device=device)
if compute_acc:
accuracy_metric = MulticlassAccuracy(
top_k = min(logit.shape[0], 10),
ignore_index = -100
metrics = accuracy_metric( logit, sequence )
return nll, metrics
for batch_index, batch in enumerate(inputs):
quant_level = quant_levels[batch_index]
target = []
causal = True
task_type = "tts"
dropout_mask = None
classifier_level = None
output_len = 0
for name, input in batch:
if name == "task":
task_type = input
elif name == "dropout_mask":
dropout_mask = input
elif name == "classifier_level":
classifier_level = input
# autoregressive, causal
if classifier_level.startswith("AR:"):
causal = True
# nonautoregressive, parallel
elif classifier_level.startswith("NAR:"):
causal = False
it = 0
for name, input in batch:
token = None
ignored = False
# non-tokened tasks
if name in non_tokened_names:
# prom can either be a tensor itself or a list of tensors and strings
if name == "prom":
# expand to list if not a list
proms = [ input ] if isinstance(input, torch.Tensor) else input
# iterate over the list to inject their tokens
token = [ prompt_input_to_token( input, quant_level ) for input in proms if input is not None ] )
if logits[batch_index].dim() < 3 and token.dim() >= 2:
token = token[..., 0]
elif name == "resp":
token = input
# mask found, apply it
if dropout_mask is not None:
token = _dropout_codes( token, dropout_mask, self.ignore_index, swapped = True )
# not a special input, inject as-is
token = input
if not isinstance(token, torch.Tensor):
if token.is_floating_point():
ignored = True
# grab range of our logits for later
seq_len = token.shape[0]
start, end = it, it+seq_len
it += seq_len + 1 # +1 to incorporate the separator
# deduce if a name for a task is an input or output
if name != task_outputs.get(task_type, name):
if self.ignore_inputs_for_loss:
ignored = True
output_len = seq_len
if ignored:
# pruned
if self.config.loss_factors:
# fill with ignored out tensor
token = torch.tensor( [ self.ignore_index ] * token.shape[0], device=device, dtype=torch.int16)
# perform loss calculation on the individual piece
if self.config.loss_factors:
loss_factor = self.loss_factor(name)
if loss_factor == 0.0:
if logits[batch_index].dim() < 3:
nll, metrics = _calc_loss( logits[batch_index][start:end], token.long(), causal )
elif not self.resp_parallel_training:
# cringe way to deduce "requested" level
level = quant_level
for i in range( self.n_resp_levels ):
if classifier_level.endswith(f':{i}:{i}'):
level = i
if name == "resp":
name = f'{name}[{level}]'
sequence = token if token.dim() <= 1 else token[:, level]
nll, metrics = _calc_loss( logits[batch_index][level][start:end], sequence.long(), causal, level )
sequence = token.t()
nll, metrics = _calc_loss( logits[batch_index][:, start:end], sequence.long(), causal )
if nll is not None:
nll = nll.mean()
loss_key = f'{name}.nll'
acc_key = f'{name}.acc'
if nll is not None:
if loss_key not in loss:
loss[loss_key] = []
loss[loss_key].append( nll * loss_factor )
if metrics is not None:
if acc_key not in stats:
stats[acc_key] = []
stats[acc_key].append( metrics )
# add to list
target.append( token )
# perform loss calculation on the entire sequence
if not self.config.loss_factors:
if logits[batch_index].dim() < 3:
sequence = _join( target, torch.tensor(self.ignore_index, device=target[-1].device) )
nll, metrics = _calc_loss( logits[batch_index], sequence, causal )
elif not self.resp_parallel_training:
# cringe way to deduce "requested" level
level = 0
for i in range( self.n_resp_levels ):
if classifier_level.endswith(f':{i}:{i}'):
level = i
sequence = [ x if x.dim() <= 1 else x[:, level] for x in target ]
sequence = _join( sequence, torch.tensor(self.ignore_index, device=sequence[-1].device) )
nll, metrics = _calc_loss( logits[batch_index][level], sequence.long(), causal, level )
nlls = []
accs = []
for level, logit in enumerate( logits[batch_index] ):
sequence = [ x if x.dim() <= 1 else x[:, level] for x in target ]
sequence = _join( sequence, torch.tensor(self.ignore_index, device=sequence[-1].device) )
nll, metrics = _calc_loss( logit, sequence, causal, level )
if nll:
nlls.append( nll )
if metrics:
accs.append( metrics )
if nlls:
nll = sum(nlls) / len(nlls)
if accs:
metrics = sum(accs) / len(accs)
if nll is not None:
if 'nll' not in loss:
loss['nll'] = []
loss["nll"].append( nll )
if metrics is not None:
if 'acc' not in stats:
stats['acc'] = []
stats["acc"].append( metrics )
# average
loss = { name: sum( loss[name] ) / len( loss[name] ) for name in loss.keys() }
stats = { name: sum( stats[name] ) / len( stats[name] ) for name in stats.keys() }
return LossStats(loss, stats)
def forward(
inputs: list,
quant_levels: list[int] | None = None,
state: dict | list | None = None,
output_attentions: bool = False,
output_hidden_states: bool = False,
# derive quant levels from inputs if not provided
if quant_levels is None:
quant_levels = [ x.item() for x in self.get_input( inputs, "quant_level" ) ]
# inputs don't have quant levels added, pure AR
if len(quant_levels) != len(inputs):
quant_levels = [ 0 for _ in range(len(inputs)) ]
x_list = self.inputs_to_embeddings( inputs, quant_levels )
x, mask = list_to_tensor(x_list)
training =
teaching = self.teaching
device = x.device
batch_size = len(x_list)
# pad our input and mask, but retain the original length by doing it after
if self.l_padding and x.shape[1] % self.l_padding != 0:
# pad input
shape = list(x.shape)
shape[1] = self.l_padding - shape[1] % self.l_padding
padding = torch.zeros(shape, dtype=x.dtype, device=x.device)
x =[x, padding], dim=1)
# pad mask
shape[2] = 1
padding = torch.zeros(shape[:2], dtype=x.dtype, device=x.device)
mask =[mask, padding], dim=1)
m = mask.unsqueeze(dim=-1)
# needs to be done here as we still have our raw inputs
position_ids = self.inputs_to_position_ids( inputs, mask=mask ) if not self.unified_position_ids else None
classifier_levels = self.get_input( inputs, name="classifier_level" )
causal_levels = [ "len", "phn", "text" ] + [ f"AR:{_}:{_}" for _ in range( self.n_resp_levels) ]
# right now limit to new versions because I need to retrain the model for noncausal masks...
is_causal = [ l in causal_levels for l in classifier_levels ] if self.noncausal_masks else [ True for l in classifier_levels ]
output = self._forward(
output_attentions = output_attentions,
logits = [ logit for logit in output.logits ]
hidden_states = output.hidden_states
grouped_logits = {}
for batch_index in range( batch_size ):
classifier_level = classifier_levels[batch_index]
if classifier_level.startswith("AR:") or classifier_level.startswith("NAR:"):
classifier_level = "audio"
if classifier_level not in ["audio", "phn", "text", "len"]:
if classifier_level not in grouped_logits:
grouped_logits[classifier_level] = []
for classifier_level, decoders_indices in grouped_logits.items():
if classifier_level == "audio":
head = self.audio_decoder
elif classifier_level == "phn":
head = self.phn_decoder
elif classifier_level == "text":
head = self.text_decoder
elif classifier_level == "len":
head = self.len_decoder
decoders_logits = torch.stack([ logits[batch_index] for batch_index in decoders_indices ])
decoders_logits = head( decoders_logits )
for batch_index, logit in zip( decoders_indices, decoders_logits ):
logits[batch_index] = logit
# Remove padding
logits = [ hi[..., :li, :] for hi, li in zip(logits, map(len, x_list)) ]
if not training:
loss = None
stats = None
self.loss = None
self.stats = None
# compute loss if the target is given
loss, stats = self.calc_loss( inputs=inputs, logits=logits, quant_levels=quant_levels )
# include any additional losses (for example: MoE router)
if output.loss is not None:
loss["aux_loss"] = output.loss
self.loss = loss
self.stats = stats
# rewrap, because we're modifying the logits here
return Logits(logits, output.state, inputs, loss, output.attentions, hidden_states)
def sample(
logits: list[Tensor], # logit scores
prev_list: list[Tensor] | None = None, # logit scores
# yikes
temperature = sampling_kwargs.get("temperature", 1.0)
min_temperature = sampling_kwargs.get("min_temperature", -1.0)
top_k = sampling_kwargs.get("top_k", -100)
top_p = sampling_kwargs.get("top_p", 1.0)
min_p = sampling_kwargs.get("min_p", 0.0)
# repetition penalty parameters
repetition_penalty = sampling_kwargs.get("repetition_penalty", 1.0)
repetition_penalty_decay = sampling_kwargs.get("repetition_penalty_decay", 0.0)
# length penalty parameters
length_penalty = sampling_kwargs.get("length_penalty", 0.0)
# beam sampling parameters
beam_width = sampling_kwargs.get("beam_width", 0)
# mirostat sampling parameters
mirostat = sampling_kwargs.get("mirostat", None)
# DRY sampling parameters
dry_multiplier = sampling_kwargs.get("dry_multiplier", 0.0)
dry_base = sampling_kwargs.get("dry_base", 1.75)
dry_allowed_length = sampling_kwargs.get("dry_allowed_length", 2)
top_no = sampling_kwargs.get("top_no", 1.0)
attentions = sampling_kwargs.get("attentions", None)
batch_size = len( logits )
if min_temperature < 0:
min_temperature = temperature
scores = None
entropy = None
if prev_list is not None:
seq_lens = map(len, prev_list)
logits = [ logit[-l:] for logit, l in zip(logits, seq_lens) ]
# (AR chunkwise) return the last chunkwise piece
elif self.causal:
seq_lens = [ logit.shape[0] - self.causal_size for logit in logits ]
logits = [ logit[-self.causal_size:] for logit in logits ]
# argmax instead
if temperature <= 0.0:
res = [ logit.argmax(dim=-1) for logit in logits ]
res = [ Categorical(logits=logit / temperature).sample() for logit in logits ]
# calculate token probabilities
scores = [
[ F.softmax(logit[i, :], dim=-1)[token].item() for i, token in enumerate(tokens) ]
for logit, tokens in zip(logits, res)
return Sampled(res, logits, scores, entropy)