An unofficial PyTorch implementation of VALL-E
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2023-09-11 14:13:42 -05:00
data nightmare of spaghetti that might break compat; mechanism to increase RVQ bins of an existing model without retraining, keeps sampled proms/resps at max RVQ level and trim off excess levels according to what model receives them, some other things I already forgot (I really hope no one else has weights being baked right now) 2023-08-19 15:06:33 -05:00
scripts added light web UI (need to port the telemetry disabling bandaids from aivc) 2023-09-09 16:17:20 -05:00
vall_e this embedding class definitely works, and migrating from the previous embedding weights seems to work. 2023-09-11 14:13:42 -05:00
.gitignore added per-speaker samplers 2023-09-03 21:27:13 -05:00
LICENSE Rewrite init 2023-08-02 21:53:35 +00:00 added light web UI (need to port the telemetry disabling bandaids from aivc) 2023-09-09 16:17:20 -05:00 Do not install DeepSpeed under Windows (to-do: default backend to use local if on Windows) 2023-08-24 14:27:36 -05:00
vall-e.png Rewrite init 2023-08-02 21:53:35 +00:00


An unofficial PyTorch implementation of VALL-E, based on the EnCodec tokenizer.


  • DeepSpeed:

    • DeepSpeed training is Linux only. Installation under Windows should ignore trying to install DeepSpeed.
    • If your config YAML has the training backend set to deepspeed, you will need to have a GPU that DeepSpeed has developed and tested against, as well as a CUDA or ROCm compiler pre-installed to install this package.
  • espeak-ng:

    • For phonemizing text, this repo requires espeak/espeak-ng installed.
    • Linux users can consult their package managers on installing espeak/espeak-ng.
    • Windows users are required to install espeak-ng.
      • additionally, you may be require dto set the PHONEMIZER_ESPEAK_LIBRARY environment variable to specify the path to libespeak-ng.dll.


Simply run pip install git+

I've tested this repo under Python versions 3.10.9 and 3.11.3.

Try Me


A HuggingFace space hosting the code and models can be found here.


To quickly try it out, you can choose between the following modes:

  • AR only: python -m yaml="./data/config.yaml"
  • NAR only: python -m vall_e.models.nar yaml="./data/config.yaml"
  • AR+NAR: python -m vall_e.models.base yaml="./data/config.yaml"

Each model file has a barebones trainer and inference routine.

Pre-Trained Model

My pre-trained weights can be acquired from here.

For example:

git lfs clone --exclude "*.h5" ./data/ # remove the '--exclude "*.h5"' if you wish to also download the libre dataset.
python -m vall_e "The birch canoe slid on the smooth planks." "./path/to/an/utterance.wav" --out-path="./output.wav" yaml="./data/config.yaml"


Training is very dependent on:

  • the quality of your dataset.
  • how much data you have.
  • the bandwidth you quantized your audio to.

Pre-Processed Dataset

A "libre" dataset can be found here. Simply place it in the same folder as your config.yaml, and ensure its dataset.use_hdf5 is set to True.

Leverage Your Own Dataset

Note It is highly recommended to utilize mrq/ai-voice-cloning with --tts-backend="vall-e" to handle transcription and dataset preparations.

  1. Put your data into a folder, e.g. ./data/custom. Audio files should be named with the suffix .wav and text files with .txt.

  2. Quantize the data: python -m vall_e.emb.qnt ./data/custom

  3. Generate phonemes based on the text: python -m vall_e.emb.g2p ./data/custom

  4. Customize your configuration and define the dataset by modifying ./data/config.yaml. Refer to ./vall_e/ for details. If you want to choose between different model presets, check ./vall_e/models/

If you're interested in creating an HDF5 copy of your dataset, simply invoke: python -m --action='hdf5' yaml='./data/config.yaml'

  1. Train the AR and NAR models using the following scripts: python -m vall_e.train yaml=./data/config.yaml

You may quit your training any time by just entering quit in your CLI. The latest checkpoint will be automatically saved.

Dataset Formats

Two dataset formats are supported:

  • the standard way:
    • data is stored under ${speaker}/${id}.phn.txt and ${speaker}/${id}
  • using an HDF5 dataset:
    • you can convert from the standard way with the following command: python3 -m yaml="./path/to/your/config.yaml"
    • this will shove everything into a single HDF5 file and store some metadata alongside (for now, the symbol map generated, and text/audio lengths)
    • be sure to also define use_hdf5 in your config YAML.

Plotting Metrics

Included is a helper script to parse the training metrics. Simply invoke it with, for example: python3 -m vall_e.plot yaml="./training/valle/config.yaml"

You can specify what X and Y labels you want to plot against by passing --xs tokens_processed --ys loss stats.acc


Modifying prom_levels, resp_levels, Or tasks For A Model

If you're wanting to increase the prom_levels for a given model, or increase the tasks levels a model accepts, you will need to export your weights and set train.load_state_dict to True in your configuration YAML.

Training Under Windows

As training under deepspeed is not supported, under your config.yaml, simply change trainer.backend to local to use the local training backend.

Keep in mind that creature comforts like distributed training cannot be verified as working at the moment.

Training on Low-VRAM Cards

During experimentation, I've found I can comfortably train on a 4070Ti (12GiB VRAM) with trainer.deepspeed.compression_training enabled with both the AR and NAR at a batch size of 16.

VRAM use is also predicated on your dataset; a mix of large and small utterances will cause VRAM usage to spike and can trigger OOM conditions during the backwards pass if you are not careful.

Additionally, under Windows, I managed to finetune the AR on my 2060 (6GiB VRAM) with a batch size of 8 (although, with the card as a secondary GPU).

If you need to, you are free to train only one model at a time. Just remove the definition for one model in your config.yaml's models._model list.


Both trained models can be exported, but is only required if loading them on systems without DeepSpeed for inferencing (Windows systems). To export the models, run: python -m vall_e.export yaml=./data/config.yaml.

This will export the latest checkpoints, for example, under ./data/ckpt/ar-retnet-2/fp32.pth and ./data/ckpt/nar-retnet-2/fp32.pth, to be loaded on any system with PyTorch.


To synthesize speech, invoke either (if exported the models): python -m vall_e <text> <ref_path> <out_path> --ar-ckpt ./models/ --nar-ckpt ./models/ or python -m vall_e <text> <ref_path> <out_path> yaml=<yaml_path>

Some additional flags you can pass are:

  • --max-ar-steps: maximum steps for inferencing through the AR model. Each second is 75 steps.
  • --device: device to use (default: cuda, examples: cuda:0, cuda:1, cpu)
  • --ar-temp: sampling temperature to use for the AR pass. During experimentation, 0.95 provides the most consistent output, but values close to it works file.
  • --nar-temp: sampling temperature to use for the NAR pass. During experimentation, 0.2 provides clean output, but values upward of 0.6 seems fine too.

And some experimental sampling flags you can use too (your mileage will definitely vary):

  • --top-p: limits the sampling pool to top sum of values that equal P% probability in the probability distribution.
  • --top-k: limits the sampling pool to the top K values in the probability distribution.
  • --repetition-penalty: modifies the probability of tokens if they have appeared before. In the context of audio generation, this is a very iffy parameter to use.
  • --repetition-penalty-decay: modifies the above factor applied to scale based on how far away it is in the past sequence.
  • --length-penalty: (AR only) modifies the probability of the stop token based on the current sequence length. This is very finnicky.


  • reduce load time for creating / preparing dataloaders (hint: remove use of Path.glob and Path.rglob).
  • train and release a good model.
  • extend to multiple languages (VALL-E X) and extend to train SpeechX features.


  • EnCodec is licensed under CC-BY-NC 4.0. If you use the code to generate audio quantization or perform decoding, it is important to adhere to the terms of their license.

Unless otherwise credited/noted, this repository is licensed under AGPLv3.


  title={Neural Codec Language Models are Zero-Shot Text to Speech Synthesizers},
  author={Wang, Chengyi and Chen, Sanyuan and Wu, Yu and Zhang, Ziqiang and Zhou, Long and Liu, Shujie and Chen, Zhuo and Liu, Yanqing and Wang, Huaming and Li, Jinyu and others},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2301.02111},
  title={High Fidelity Neural Audio Compression},
  author={Défossez, Alexandre and Copet, Jade and Synnaeve, Gabriel and Adi, Yossi},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2210.13438},