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# an AR + NAR model that handles:
* inferencing the primary RVQ level in an autoregressive manner (AR)
* inferencing the remaining RVQ levels in parallel (NAR)
This model can fully handle being trained as a unified model (AR + NAR) or separate models (AR | NAR).
It's recommended to train as a unified model, then "distill" knowledge of each tasks separately, just in case.
from .base import Base, list_to_tensor, Categorical
from ..config import cfg
import torch
from torch.nn.utils.rnn import pad_sequence
import random
import math
from einops import rearrange
from torch import Tensor
from tqdm import trange
from time import perf_counter
import logging
_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
from ..emb.qnt import trim, encode_as_embedding
from ..utils import get_devices, setup_logging, timer
from .lora import enable_lora
def clamp(n, lo, hi):
return max(lo, min(n, hi))
class AR_NAR(Base):
def forward(
text_list: list[Tensor],
proms_list: list[Tensor],
resps_list: list[Tensor] | None = None,
task_list: list[Tensor] | None = None,
lang_list: list[Tensor] | None = None,
tone_list: list[Tensor] | None = None,
len_list: list[Tensor] | None = None,
training: bool | None = None,
max_steps: int = 1000,
max_levels: int = 0,
input_prompt_prefix: bool = False,
sampling_temperature: float = 1.0,
sampling_min_temperature: float = -1.0,
sampling_top_k: int = -100,
sampling_top_p: float = 1.0,
sampling_repetition_penalty: float = 1.0,
sampling_repetition_penalty_decay: float = 0.0,
sampling_length_penalty: float = 0.0,
sampling_beam_width: int = 0,
sampling_mirostat_tau: float = 0.0,
sampling_mirostat_eta: float = 0.1,
text_task = [ "stt" ]
if text_list is not None:
default_task = "tts"
device = text_list[0].device
batch_size = len(text_list)
default_task = "stt"
device = resps_list[0].device
batch_size = len(resps_list)
# generate task list if not provided
if task_list is None:
task_list = [ default_task for _ in range(batch_size) ]
has_none = resps_list is None or text_list is None
if not has_none:
for i, task in enumerate( task_list ):
if resps_list[i] is None or text_list[i] is None:
has_none = True
# is training or NAR
if not has_none:
n_levels_set = {r.shape[-1] for r in resps_list}
n_levels = next(iter(n_levels_set))
if training is None:
training = n_levels == self.n_resp_levels
# is training
if training:
# specifies how to sample probabilities of which RVQ levels to train against
p_rvq_levels = self.config.experimental.p_rvq_levels if self.config is not None else "equal"
# determines which RVQ level to target per batch
quant_level_range = self.config.experimental.rvq_level_range if self.config is not None and self.config.experimental.rvq_level_range else [ 0 if self.causal else 1, self.n_resp_levels - 1 ]
# rate to perform token dropout errors
token_dropout_error = self.config.experimental.token_dropout_error
# RVQ levels to apply token dropout on
token_dropout_rvq_levels = self.config.experimental.token_dropout_rvq_levels
# implicitly set it to all levels
if not token_dropout_rvq_levels:
token_dropout_rvq_levels = [0, self.resp_levels - 1]
# allow passing a specific distribution of RVQ levels
p_rvq_levels = p_rvq_levels if isinstance(p_rvq_levels, list) else []
if not p_rvq_levels:
lo, hi = quant_level_range[0], quant_level_range[1] + 1
# randomly select a target RVQ-bin level (0 being AR, 1+ being NAR)
if p_rvq_levels == "equal":
p_rvq_levels = [ i for i in range( lo, hi ) ]
# yuck
p_rvq_levels = sum([[i for _ in range(hi - i)] for i in range( lo, hi ) ], [])
# input RVQ levels
quant_levels = [ random.choice( p_rvq_levels ) for i in range(batch_size) ]
for i, task in enumerate( task_list ):
if task in text_task:
quant_levels[i] = 0 # self.n_resp_levels - 1
# trim resps to only contain all levels below the target level
resps_list = [r if t in text_task else r[..., :l+1] for r, l, t in zip(resps_list, quant_levels, task_list)]
# tensor to cat for RVQ level 0
text_stop_sequence = torch.tensor([[2] * 1], device=device, dtype=torch.int16)
audio_stop_sequence = torch.tensor([[self.stop_token] * 1], device=device, dtype=torch.int16)
# I hate python's value/reference semantics so much
for i, quant_level, resps, proms, task in zip(range(batch_size), quant_levels, resps_list, proms_list, task_list):
# cap quant_level if it exceeds its corresponding resp/prom
if quant_level >= resps.shape[-1]:
quant_levels[i] = resps.shape[-1] - 1
# proms could be a Tensor, list[Tensor], or None
if isinstance( proms, torch.Tensor ):
if quant_level >= proms.shape[-1]:
quant_levels[i] = proms.shape[-1] - 1
elif isinstance( proms, list ):
for j, prom in enumerate( proms ):
if not isinstance( prom, torch.Tensor ):
if quant_level >= prom.shape[-1]:
quant_levels[i] = prom.shape[-1] - 1
# apply token dropout error compensation
if token_dropout_error > 0 and (token_dropout_rvq_levels[0] <= quant_level and quant_level <= token_dropout_rvq_levels[1]):
steps = resps.shape[0]
for l in range( quant_level ):
for t in range( steps ):
token = resps[t, l].item()
if random.random() < token_dropout_error:
offset = 1 * ( 1 if random.random() < 0.5 else -1 )
resps_list[i][t, l] = clamp(token + offset, 1, 1022) # +- 1
# only apply stop token for RVQ level 0
if quant_level <= 0:
# append stop tokens for AR
if task in text_task:
#text_list[i] =[ resps, text_stop_sequence ])
resps_list[i] =[ resps, audio_stop_sequence ])
inputs = self.inputs(
return super().forward(
quant_levels=quant_levels, # could technically just grab this from the above inputs since they're included as an RVQ level token
# is NAR
if max_levels == 0:
max_levels = self.n_max_levels - 1
# expand if given a raw 1D tensor
for i, resp in enumerate(resps_list):
if resp.dim() == 1:
resps_list[i] = resp.unsqueeze(-1)
prev_list = resps_list
for n in trange( max_levels, desc="NAR", disable=disable_tqdm ):
level = prev_list[0].shape[-1]
if level >= max_levels + 1: # min(max_levels + 1, self.n_resp_levels): # commented out to experiment with exceeding trained levels
if cfg.lora is not None:
enable_lora( self, cfg.lora.active_level( level ) if use_lora is None else use_lora )
quant_levels = [ level for _ in range(batch_size) ] # torch.full((len(text_list),), level)
inputs = self.inputs(
output = super().forward(
if not isinstance( output, tuple ):
output = (output, None)
logits, state = output
resps_list = super().sample(
prev_list = [[rs, r.unsqueeze(-1).to(device=device)], dim=-1) for rs, r in zip(prev_list, resps_list) ]
return prev_list
# is AR
if cfg.lora is not None:
enable_lora( self, cfg.lora.active_level( 0 ) if use_lora is None else use_lora )
start_slice = [ 0 for _ in range(batch_size) ]
sequence_list = [ torch.zeros(0, device=device).to(torch.int16) for _ in range(batch_size) ]
stopped = torch.zeros(batch_size, device=device).bool()
audio_stop_token = self.stop_token
text_stop_token = 2
state = None
mirostat = [
{"n": 1024, "tau": sampling_mirostat_tau, "eta": sampling_mirostat_eta, "max_surprise": sampling_mirostat_eta * 2, "error_surprise": 0, "running_total_surprise": 0}
] * batch_size if sampling_mirostat_tau > 0.0 else None
scores = [ 1.0 ] * sampling_beam_width
for i, sequence in enumerate( sequence_list ):
# add <bos> to text for STT
if task_list[i] in text_task:
start_slice[i] = 1
sequence_list[i] =[sequence_list[i], torch.tensor([1], dtype=torch.int16, device=device)])
# treat input prompt as initial resp (by prefixing with the prompt instead)
elif input_prompt_prefix:
start_slice[i] = proms_list[i].shape[0]
sequence_list[i], proms_list[i] = proms_list[i][:, 0], sequence_list[i]
# get next in sequence
for n in trange(max_steps // max(1, self.causal_size), desc="AR", disable=disable_tqdm):
# it would technically be faster to just append the new token's embedding to the inputs, but there's a VERY small performance gain from doing it, so it's not worth it
text_list = [ sequence_list[i] if task in text_task else text_list[i] for i, task in enumerate(task_list) ]
resps_list = [ sequence_list[i] if task not in text_task else resps_list[i] for i, task in enumerate(task_list) ]
inputs = self.inputs(
quant_levels=[ 0 for _ in range( max( batch_size, sampling_beam_width ) ) ]
# to-do: find an elegant way to write this
output = super().forward(
if not isinstance( output, tuple ):
output = (output, None)
logits, state = output
r = super().sample(
prev_list=None if sampling_repetition_penalty == 1.0 and sampling_length_penalty == 0.0 else [ resps_list[i] if task not in text_task else text_list[i] for i, task in enumerate( task_list ) ],
if mirostat is not None:
# r is the state
mirostat = r
# extract token from state
r = [ state["token"] for state in mirostat ]
# we do it here because the sampler will already expand our logits list
elif sampling_beam_width > 0:
# expand tuple
r, s = r
# first step, expand batch
if batch_size == 1:
batch_size = sampling_beam_width
text_list = text_list * sampling_beam_width
proms_list = proms_list * sampling_beam_width
sequence_list = sequence_list * sampling_beam_width
stopped = torch.zeros(batch_size, device=device).bool()
scores = [ scores[i] + score for i, score in enumerate(s) ]
# append tokens
for i, ri in enumerate(r):
task = task_list[i]
stop_token = audio_stop_token if task not in text_task else text_stop_token
if stop_token in ri:
stopped[i] = True
sequence_list[i] =[sequence_list[i],])
# stop token found
# stopped |= r == stop_token
if stopped.all().item():
# pick the best scoring candidate
# desu this is always going to be candidate 0
if sampling_beam_width:
sequence_list = [ sequence_list[0] ]
# remove stop token
sequence_list = [self._prune(r, audio_stop_token if task_list[i] not in text_task else text_stop_token) for i, r in enumerate(sequence_list)]
# remove <bos>
sequence_list = [ sequence_list[i][start_slice[i]:] for i, task in enumerate( task_list ) ]
return sequence_list
def example_usage():
cfg.trainer.backend = "local"
cfg.hyperparameters.gradient_accumulation_steps = 1
if cfg.audio_backend == "dac":
cfg.sample_rate = 44_100
from functools import partial
from einops import repeat
from tqdm import tqdm
from ..emb.qnt import decode_to_file, unload_model, trim_random, repeat_extend_audio, concat_audio, merge_audio
from ..engines import Engine, Engines
from ..utils import wrapper as ml
from ..utils import setup_logging
import numpy as np
import re
device = "cuda"
# mamba seems to ONLY be used as an AR (any NAR attempts lobotomizes it)
if "mamba" in cfg.model.arch_type:
cfg.model.resp_levels = 1
# cfg.model.loss_factors = {}
def tokenize(content):
return torch.tensor( cfg.tokenizer.encode(content) )
def _load_quants(path) -> Tensor:
qnt = np.load(path, allow_pickle=True)[()]
return torch.from_numpy(qnt["codes"].astype(np.int16))[0, :cfg.model.resp_levels, :].t().to(torch.int16)
qnt = _load_quants(f"./data/qnt.{'dac' if cfg.audio_backend == 'dac' else 'enc'}")
noise = _load_quants(f"./data/noise.{'dac' if cfg.audio_backend == 'dac' else 'enc'}")
text_list = [
tokenize("ˈaɪ wɪl nˌɑːt ˈæsk ɐ sˈɛkənd tˈaɪm").to(device),
#tokenize("ˈaɪ wɪl nˌɑːt ˈæsk").to(device),
proms_list = [
qnt[:cfg.dataset.frames_per_second, :].to(device),
#qnt[:cfg.dataset.frames_per_second, :].to(device),
resps_list = [
qnt[:, :].to(device),
#qnt[:cfg.dataset.frames_per_second, :].to(device),
text_list = text_list[:1]
proms_list = proms_list[:1]
resps_list = resps_list[:1]
batch_size = len(text_list)
# rentet-full is the only configuration with BitNet's BitLinear that converges despite the grad_norm saying otherwise
kwargs = {
'n_text_tokens': 256,
'n_audio_tokens': 1024,
'd_model': 1024, # 256, # 1024, # 1536
'n_heads': 16, # 4, # 16, # 24
'n_layers': 12, # 32
'n_experts': 1 if not cfg.model else cfg.model.experts,
'p_dropout': 0.1,
'l_padding': 8 if cfg.optimizations.fp8 else 0,
'config': cfg.model
kwargs['config'] = cfg.model
except Exception as e:
bos_id, space_id, eos_id = cfg.tokenizer.encode( " " )
#available_tasks = cfg.dataset.tasks_list
available_tasks = ["tts", "stt"]
model = AR_NAR(**kwargs).to(device)
steps = 150 * len(available_tasks) # * cfg.model.experimental.causal_size
optimizer = cfg.hyperparameters.optimizer.lower() if cfg.yaml_path is not None else "prodigy"
scheduler = cfg.hyperparameters.scheduler.lower() if cfg.yaml_path is not None else ""
learning_rate = cfg.hyperparameters.learning_rate if cfg.yaml_path is not None else None
if cfg.optimizations.dadaptation:
# do not combine the two
if scheduler == "schedulefree":
scheduler = ""
learning_rate = 1.0
if optimizer == "prodigy":
if learning_rate is None:
learning_rate = 1.0
optimizer = ml.Prodigy
elif optimizer == "adagrad":
if learning_rate is None:
learning_rate = 1.0e-2
optimizer = ml.Adagrad
elif optimizer == "adamw":
if learning_rate is None:
learning_rate = 1.0e-4
optimizer = ml.AdamW
elif optimizer == "sdg":
if learning_rate is None:
learning_rate = 1.0e-4
optimizer = ml.SGD
raise ValueError(f"Unrecognized optimizer: {optimizer}")"Optimizer: {optimizer}\tLearning rate: {learning_rate}")
optimizer = optimizer(model.parameters(), lr=learning_rate)
if scheduler == "schedulefree":
if isinstance(optimizer, ml.AdamW):
scheduler = ml.schedulefree.AdamWScheduleFree
elif isinstance(optimizer, ml.SGD):
scheduler = ml.schedulefree.SGDScheduleFree
scheduler = None
if scheduler is not None:"Scheduler: {scheduler}")
optimizer = scheduler( model.parameters(), lr = learning_rate )
if cfg.optimizations.replace and cfg.optimizations.linear:
model = ml.replace_linear( model )
if cfg.optimizations.replace and cfg.optimizations.embedding:
model = ml.replace_embedding( model )
cfg.optimizations.model_offloading = {
"devices": ["cuda:0", "cpu"],
# "limits": [ 0.9, -1 ],
"assign": [[ f'layers.{i}.' for i in range(0,10) ], [ f'layers.{i}.' for i in range(11,12) ] + [ "model.norm" ]],
# "limits": [ 256 * (1024 ** 2), -1 ]
engine = Engine(model=model, optimizer=optimizer)
engines = Engines({"ar+nar": engine})
if cfg.optimizations.model_offloading:
model = ml.offload_model( model, policy=cfg.optimizations.model_offloading )
""" {
'module': model.state_dict()
}, f"./data/{cfg.model.arch_type}.pth" )
""""AR+NAR ({cfg.model.arch_type}, {cfg.audio_backend}) parameter count: {sum(p.numel() for p in model.parameters() if p.requires_grad)}")
def sample_data(t=None):
if isinstance(t, list):
tasks = t
texts = [ text_list[0].to(device) if task != "stt" else None for i, task in enumerate( tasks ) ]
proms = [ proms_list[0].to(device) if task != "stt" else [ "stt" ] for i, task in enumerate( tasks ) ]
resps = [ None if task != "stt" else resps_list[0].to(device) for i, task in enumerate( tasks ) ]
return texts, proms, resps, tasks
texts = []
proms = []
resps = []
tasks = []
for i in range(batch_size):
task = random.choice(available_tasks) if t is None else t
text = text_list[i].to(device)
prom = proms_list[i].to(device)
resp = resps_list[i].to(device)
# do nothing
if task == "tts":
elif task == "stt":
prom = [
# to-do: reimplement this from
elif task == "tts-c":
trim_length = int(random.uniform(cfg.dataset.prompt_duration_range[0], cfg.dataset.prompt_duration_range[1]) * cfg.dataset.frames_per_second)
prom = resp[:trim_length]
resp = resp[trim_length:]
prom =
elif task == "ns" or task == "sr":
# extend the noise to fill the target audio
noise_ext = repeat_extend_audio( noise, resp.shape[0] )
# create the input prompt by merging the target audio with the noise
prom = merge_audio( resp.cpu(), noise_ext, scale=[1, cfg.dataset.noise_scale], device=cfg.dataset.reencode_device )
prom =
# set the target to just be the noise if <sr>
if task == "sr":
resp = noise_ext
# set the text prompt to empty to train without a guided text prompt
if random.random() < 0.5:
text = torch.tensor([bos_id, eos_id], device=device, dtype=torch.uint8)
prom = [
texts.append( text )
proms.append( prom )
resps.append( resp )
tasks.append( task )
return texts, proms, resps, tasks
def sample( name, steps=500, task=None ):
texts, proms, resps, tasks = sample_data( task )
if "ar" in cfg.model.capabilities:
output = engine( texts, proms, resps, task_list=tasks, max_steps=steps, sampling_temperature=0.95 )
text = [ cfg.tokenizer.decode( output[i] ) for i, task in enumerate( tasks ) if task == "stt" ]
texts = [ texts[i] for i, task in enumerate( tasks ) if task != "stt" ]
proms = [ proms[i] for i, task in enumerate( tasks ) if task != "stt" ]
resps = [ output[i] for i, task in enumerate( tasks ) if task != "stt" ]
tasks = [ tasks[i] for i, task in enumerate( tasks ) if task != "stt" ]
print( "STT:", text )
resps = [ resp[:, 0] for resp in resps ]
if "nar" in cfg.model.capabilities:
resps = engine( texts, proms, resps, task_list=tasks, sampling_temperature=0.2 )
for i, o in enumerate(resps):
_ = decode_to_file(, f"data/{cfg.model.arch_type}.{cfg.audio_backend}.{i}.{task}.{name}.wav", device=device)
def train():
t = trange(steps)
for i in t:
texts, proms, resps, tasks = sample_data()
stats = {"step": i}
stats |= engine.traverse(text_list=texts, proms_list=proms, resps_list=resps, task_list=tasks)
stats |= {"grad_norm": engine.get_global_grad_norm()}
""" {
'module': model.state_dict()
}, f"./data/{cfg.model.arch_type}.pth" )
#sample("init", 5)
if cfg.optimizations.compile:
model = ml.compile_model(model, backend=cfg.optimizations.compile)
for task in available_tasks:
sample("final", task=task)
sample("final", task=available_tasks)
if __name__ == "__main__":