import math import random import statistics import time import json import os.path import argparse import sys import urllib.request import re from html.parser import HTMLParser import matplotlib as matplotlib import matplotlib.pyplot as Plot import matplotlib.patches as patches # consts TITLE = "SGDQ 2024" USE_LEGEND = True # display the legend with markers TITLE_OFFSET = 0 # 2.5 # to-do: dynamically set this to how many columns are set with legend # les constant consts AUX_MODE = None # total | markers | None SORT_BY = None # sort runs by the values CUTOFF_SECONDS = 0 MODE = "scatter" # more constant consts TIMESTAMP = str(int(time.time_ns()/1000/1000)) IN_QUEUE_FILE = "./data/queue.json" IN_RATINGS_FILE = "./data/ratings.json" OUT_FILE_TIMESTAMP = f'./images/{TIMESTAMP}.png' OUT_FILE = f'./images/ratings[{SORT_BY or AUX_MODE or "chronological"}].png' MIN_COLUMNS = 2 # looks better if there's more than one column with the legend CULL_SINGLETON_MARKERS = True # remove any marker that only has 1 entry COLOR_BY = "mean" # color by this stat's value FADE_BY_STDEV = True # fade outliers LINES = ["mean_smart", "median"] # show mean and median lines (or stdev too) USE_LATEX = False # never got this to work DROP_Z_S = False RE_RATING = re.compile(r"(\b[A-HJ-Zz]+(?:[+-]|\b))") RE_RATING_NEWLINE = re.compile(r"(\b[A-HJ-Zz]+(?:[+-]|\b))\n") # just the above, but for newlines COL_WIDTH = 4.0 ROW_HEIGHT = 0.5 # gimmicks REVERSE = False # classic reverse tier lists ZOOMER = False # sets scale to zoomer-friendly ratings # theme colors DARK = True COLORS = { "BAND0": "#101010", "BAND1": "#080808", "LINE": "#181818", "MEAN": "#404040", "STDEV": "#404040", "TEXT": "#e0e0e0", "STATS": "#606060", "MEDIAN": "#AA00AA", "RATINGS": [ ( 0.0, (0.2, 0.2, 0.2)), ( 3.5, (0.6, 0.2, 0.2)), ( 4.5, (1.0, 0.2, 0.2)), ( 6.5, (1.0, 1.0, 0.2)), ( 7.5, (0.2, 1.0, 0.2)), ( 8.5, (0.2, 1.0, 1.0)), (10.0, (1.0, 1.0, 1.0)), ], "SPECIAL": (0.6, 0.2, 1.0), "BARBIE": (244.0/255.0, 33.0/255.0, 138.0/255.0), } if DARK else { "BAND0": "#f0f0f0", "BAND1": "#f8f8f8", "LINE": "#e8e8e8", "MEAN": "#404040", "STDEV": "#404040", "TEXT": "#404040", "STATS": "#a0a0a0", "MEDIAN": "#AA00AA", "RATINGS": [ ( 0.0, (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)), ( 3.5, (0.4, 0.0, 0.0)), ( 4.5, (0.9, 0.0, 0.0)), ( 6.5, (0.8, 0.8, 0.0)), ( 7.5, (0.0, 0.9, 0.0)), ( 8.5, (0.0, 0.8, 0.8)), (10.0, (0.7, 0.7, 0.7)), ], "SPECIAL": (0.4, 0.0, 0.8), "BARBIE": (244.0/255.0, 33.0/255.0, 138.0/255.0), } if DARK:"dark_background") SCORES = { "K": -1, "ZZZZ": 2.9, "ZZZ-": 3.0, "ZZZ": 3.1, "ZZ": 3.15, "Z-": 3.2, "Z": 3.25, "L": 3.25, "T": 3.25, "N": 3.25, "FFF": 3.5, "FF": 3.7, "F-": 3.7, "F": 4.0, "F+": 4.3, "E": 4.5, "D-": 4.7, "D": 5.0, "D+": 5.3, "C-": 5.7, "C": 6.0, "C+": 6.3, "B-": 6.7, "B": 7.0, "B+": 7.3, "A-": 7.7, "A": 8.0, "A+": 8.3, "S-": 8.7, "S": 9.0, "Plot": 9.0, "S+": 9.3, "SS": 9.3, "SSS": 9.5, "W": 9.7, "SSS+": 9.8, "SSSS": 9.9, "HH": 10 } TOTAL_SCORES = { name: 0 for name in SCORES.keys() } if SORT_BY is not None: COLOR_BY = SORT_BY # runtime globals THREADS = {} MARKERS = {} REVERSE_MARKERS = {} def add_marker( name, tag, color=COLORS["TEXT"], reverse=None ): MARKERS[name] = { "tag": tag, "color": color, "count": 0, "reverse": reverse, } add_marker("girl", tag="!", reverse="femcel") add_marker("foid", tag="...", reverse="sex worker") add_marker("tranny", tag="*", reverse="real woman") add_marker("biohazard", tag="#") add_marker("male", tag="♂") add_marker("female", tag="♀") add_marker("BOOBS", tag="( Y )") add_marker("vt", tag="^") add_marker("race", tag="@") add_marker("trainwreck/cringekino", tag="%", reverse="flawless") add_marker("DNF/invalid", tag="$", reverse="WR") add_marker("overestimate", tag=">", reverse="underestimate") add_marker("amogus", tag=" sus") add_marker("savestated", tag="\\") add_marker("ad", tag="✡", reverse="organic") # Ratings fetch related # yuck class MyHTMLParser(HTMLParser): def __init__(self): self.str = "" super().__init__() def handle_starttag(self, tag, attrs): if tag == "br": self.str += "\n" def handle_data(self, data): self.str += data def curl(url): if url in THREADS: return THREADS[url] try: conn = urllib.request.urlopen(url) data = data = data.decode() data = json.loads(data) conn.close() THREADS[url] = data return data except: return None # ick def parse_rating(comment): matches = RE_RATING_NEWLINE.findall(comment) binned = re.sub(r'>>\d+\n', "", comment) if len(matches) == 1: match = matches[0] if match[0] in "SABCDEFNTZKsabcdefntzk": return match, None matches = RE_RATING.findall(comment) if len(matches) <= 0: return None, binned if len(matches) >= 2: return None, binned match = matches[0] if match[0] not in "SABCDEFNTZKsabcdefntzk": return None, binned return match, None def fetch_ratings( queue=[] ): try: ratings = json.load(open(IN_RATINGS_FILE, "r", encoding='utf-8')) except Exception as e: ratings = {} raise e if not queue: try: queue = json.load(open(IN_QUEUE_FILE, "r", encoding='utf-8')) except Exception as e: print(str(e)) pass for entry in queue: name = entry["name"] post = entry["post"] if post == "" or post is None: continue url, _, post_no = post.partition("#p") url = url.replace("", "") + ".json" post_no = int(post_no) if name not in ratings: ratings[name] = {} # coerse marker => markers if "marker" in entry and "markers" not in entry: entry["markers"] = [ entry["marker"] ] del entry["marker"] # in case an entry is already defined without these if "markers" in entry: ratings[name]["markers"] = entry["markers"] if "posts" not in ratings[name]: ratings[name]["posts"] = [] if post not in ratings[name]["posts"]: ratings[name]["posts"].append(post) if "ratings" not in ratings[name]: ratings[name]["ratings"] = {} if "binned" not in ratings[name]: ratings[name]["binned"] = {} if "times" not in ratings[name]: ratings[name]["times"] = {} print(f"Fetching {name}: {post}") data = curl(url) if data is None: print(f"404: {name}: {post}") continue # Matches ">>123" quote tags in a HTML-encoded post comment re_link = re.compile(f">>>{post_no}<") for post in data["posts"]: if "com" not in post: continue if "no" not in post: continue com = post["com"] no = str(post["no"]) time = post["time"] match = if match is None and f'{no}' != f'{post_no}': continue if no not in ratings[name]["times"]: ratings[name]["times"][no] = time if no in ratings[name]["ratings"]: continue parser = MyHTMLParser() parser.feed(com) com = parser.str rating, binned = parse_rating(com) if rating is not None: ratings[name]["ratings"][no] = rating else: ratings[name]["binned"][no] = binned for no in ratings[name]["ratings"]: if no not in ratings[name]["times"]: print("MISSING:", name, no) json.dump(ratings, open(IN_RATINGS_FILE, "w"), indent='\t') json.dump(ratings, open(IN_RATINGS_FILE, "w"), indent='\t') # Plot related def rating_to_point(rating, count, RAND_PT_DX=1/5, RAND_PT_DY=1/10): dx = random.gauss(0, RAND_PT_DX) dy = random.gauss(0, RAND_PT_DY) if count < 6: dx = dx * (math.sqrt(count) / 6) px = abs(rating + dx) if rating >= 3.5: if px < 3.5 or px > 9.5: px = abs(rating + dx / 2) # Clamp a bit at edges else: px = abs(rating - dx / 2) # clamp if px <= 3.1: px = 3.1 + abs(dx) / 2 dy = dy * 1.125 if px > 9.9: px = 9.9 - abs(dx) / 2 dy = dy * 1.125 py = dy return px, py def clamp(x, lo=0, hi=1): if x < lo: return lo if x > hi: return hi return x def li(v0, v1, a): return v0 * (1- clamp(a)) + v1 * a def lic(c0, c1, a): return tuple(li(v0,v1,a) for v0,v1 in zip(c0,c1)) def lerp( a, b, t ): return a + (b - a) * clamp(t) # interpolate between the closest defined points def rating_from_color_table( rating, table, distance=0 ): for i in range(len(table)-1): t0, t1 = table[i], table[i+1] if t0[0] <= rating <= t1[0]: alpha = (rating-t0[0]) / (t1[0]-t0[0]) c = lic(t0[1], t1[1], alpha) r = c[0] / (1 + distance) g = c[1] / (1 + distance) b = c[2] / (1 + distance) return (r, g, b) return (1.0, 0.0, 1.0) def rating_to_color(rating, stat): target = stat[COLOR_BY] mean = stat['mean'] stdev = stat['stdev'] markers = stat['markers'] table = COLORS["RATINGS"] if "kino" in markers: return COLORS["SPECIAL"] if "french" in markers: RED = (1.0, 0.0, 0.0) WHITE = (1.0, 1.0, 1.0) BLUE = (0.0, 0.0, 1.0) distance = rating - mean / stdev if distance < -1.0: return BLUE if distance > 0.5: return RED return WHITE distance = 0 if stdev > 0: distance = (abs(rating - mean) / stdev) if distance < 2: distance = 0 distance = distance * 0.75 return rating_from_color_table( target, table, distance ) def title_format(s): if USE_LATEX: return s.replace('&', r'\&').replace("^", r'\^') return s def plot_sub_scatter(sub, stats): if DROP_Z_S: xticks = [("W", 8), ("Mid", 6), ("L", 4)] if ZOOMER else [("S", 9), ("A", 8), ("B", 7), ("C", 6), ("D", 5), ("F", 4)] # set Range lo = xticks[-1][1] - 1 hi = xticks[0][1] + 1 else: xticks = [("W", 8), ("Mid", 6), ("L", 4)] if ZOOMER else [("SSS", 10), ("S", 9), ("A", 8), ("B", 7), ("C", 6), ("D", 5), ("F", 4), ("Z", 3)] # set Range lo = xticks[-1][1] hi = xticks[0][1] sub.set_xlim([lo, hi]) sub.set_ylim([0, len(stats)]) # Draw horizontal bands for y in range(len(stats)): col = COLORS["BAND0"] if y % 2 == 0 else COLORS["BAND1"] y = len(stats) - y - 1 # Flip sub.axhspan(y, y+1, facecolor=col, zorder=-20) # Draw vertical lines for _, x in xticks: sub.axvline(x, color=COLORS["LINE"], zorder=-10) # Set axis labels sub.tick_params(axis="y", left=False, labelleft=False) sub.tick_params(axis="x", bottom=True, top=True, labelbottom=True, labeltop=True) sub.set_xticks([t[1] for t in xticks]) sub.set_xticklabels([f"{t[0]} " for t in xticks], ha="center") stats.reverse() # Draw stat points for y, stat in enumerate(stats): if stat is None: continue xs = [ p[0] for p in stat['points'] ] ys = [ p[1] + y + 0.35 for p in stat['points'] ] name = stat['name'] event = stat['event'] if "event" in stat else "" markers = stat["markers"] color_points = [ rating_to_color(r, stat) for r in stat['ratings'] ] color_name = COLORS["TEXT"] color_stats = COLORS["STATS"] # for barbie if name.upper() in COLORS: color_points = [ COLORS[name.upper()] ] show_lines = True for marker in markers: if marker not in MARKERS: continue tag = MARKERS[marker]["tag"] count = MARKERS[marker]["count"] if CULL_SINGLETON_MARKERS and count <= 1: continue name = f'{name}{tag}' NAME_SIZE = 8 if len(name) < 58 else 7.5 sub.scatter(xs, ys, marker=".", s=lerp(80, 20, stat['count']/60.0), color=color_points) sub.annotate(name, (3.1, y+0.8), ha="left", va="center", size=NAME_SIZE, color=color_name, alpha=1) # name sub.annotate(f"{stat['count']}", (9.9, y+0.8), ha="right", va="center", size=8, color=color_stats) # count #sub.annotate(f"{stat['mean']}", (9.9, y+1.6), ha="right", va="center", size=8, color=color_stats) # mean # Show stat visual lines if "stdev" in LINES: sub.vlines([stat["mean"] - stat["stdev"], stat["mean"] + stat["stdev"]], y+0.2, y+0.8, color=COLORS["STDEV"], linewidths=1.0, zorder=-9) if "mean" in LINES: sub.vlines(stat['mean'], y+0.1, y+0.9, color=COLORS["MEAN"], linewidth=1.0, zorder=-9) if "mean_smart" in LINES: sub.vlines(stat['mean_smart'], y+0.1, y+0.9, color=COLORS["MEAN"], linewidth=1.0, zorder=-9) if "median" in LINES: sub.vlines(stat['median'], y+0.1, y+0.9, color=COLORS["MEDIAN"], linewidth=1.0, zorder=-9) def plot_sub_boxplot(sub, stats): if DROP_Z_S: xticks = [("W", 8), ("Mid", 6), ("L", 4)] if ZOOMER else [("S", 9), ("A", 8), ("B", 7), ("C", 6), ("D", 5), ("F", 4)] # set Range lo = xticks[-1][1] - 1 hi = xticks[0][1] + 1 else: xticks = [("W", 8), ("Mid", 6), ("L", 4)] if ZOOMER else [("SSS", 10), ("S", 9), ("A", 8), ("B", 7), ("C", 6), ("D", 5), ("F", 4), ("Z", 3)] # set Range lo = xticks[-1][1] hi = xticks[0][1] sub.set_xlim([lo, hi]) sub.set_ylim([0, len(stats)]) # Draw horizontal bands for y in range(len(stats)): col = COLORS["BAND0"] if y % 2 == 0 else COLORS["BAND1"] y = len(stats) - y - 1 # Flip sub.axhspan(y, y+1, facecolor=col, zorder=-20) # Draw vertical lines for _, x in xticks: sub.axvline(x, color=COLORS["LINE"], zorder=-10) # Set axis labels sub.tick_params(axis="y", left=False, labelleft=False) sub.tick_params(axis="x", bottom=True, top=True, labelbottom=True, labeltop=True) sub.set_xticks([t[1] for t in xticks]) sub.set_xticklabels([f"{t[0]} " for t in xticks], ha="center") boxes = [] positions = [] colors = [] stats.reverse() for y, stat in enumerate(stats): # Reverse y position so the first stat ends on top if stat is None: continue boxes.append( [ r for r in stat['ratings'] ] ) positions.append( y + 0.4 ) colors.append( rating_from_color_table( stat['mean_smart'], COLORS["RATINGS"] ) ) name = stat['name'] event = stat['event'] if "event" in stat else "" markers = stat["markers"] color_name = COLORS["TEXT"] color_stats = COLORS["STATS"] for marker in markers: if marker not in MARKERS: continue tag = MARKERS[marker]["tag"] count = MARKERS[marker]["count"] if CULL_SINGLETON_MARKERS and count <= 1: continue name = f'{name}{tag}' NAME_SIZE = 8 if len(name) < 58 else 7.5 sub.annotate(name, (3.1, y+0.8), ha="left", va="center", size=NAME_SIZE, color=color_name, alpha=1) # name sub.annotate(f"{stat['count']}", (9.9, y+0.8), ha="right", va="center", size=8, color=color_stats) # count #sub.annotate(f"{stat['mean']}", (9.9, y+1.6), ha="right", va="center", size=8, color=color_stats) # mean # Draw stat boxes bplot = sub.boxplot( boxes, positions=positions, showmeans=True, patch_artist=True, meanline=True, vert=False ) # set color to rating color for patch, color in zip(bplot['boxes'], colors): patch.set_facecolor(color) # dict_keys(['whiskers', 'caps', 'boxes', 'medians', 'fliers', 'means']) # set median to median color for median in bplot['medians']: median.set_color(COLORS["MEDIAN"]) for median in bplot['means']: median.set_color(COLORS["MEAN"]) def plot_stat_bar(sub, stats, stat, y): if stat is None: return xs = [ p[0] for p in stat['points'] ] ys = [ p[1] + y + 0.35 for p in stat['points'] ] name = stat['name'] event = stat['event'] if "event" in stat else "" markers = stat["markers"] color_points = [ rating_to_color(r, stat) for r in stat['ratings'] ] color_name = COLORS["TEXT"] color_stats = COLORS["STATS"] # for barbie if name.upper() in COLORS: color_points = [ COLORS[name.upper()] ] show_lines = True for marker in markers: if marker not in MARKERS: continue tag = MARKERS[marker]["tag"] count = MARKERS[marker]["count"] if CULL_SINGLETON_MARKERS and count <= 1: continue name = f'{name}{tag}' NAME_SIZE = 8 if len(name) < 58 else 7.5 sub.annotate(name, (3.1, y+0.8), ha="left", va="center", size=NAME_SIZE, color=color_name, alpha=1) # name sub.annotate(f"{stat['count']}", (9.9, y+0.8), ha="right", va="center", size=8, color=color_stats) # count #sub.annotate(f"{stat['mean']}", (9.9, y+1.6), ha="right", va="center", size=8, color=color_stats) # mean def plot_sub_bars(sub, stats): lo = 0 hi = 1 sub.set_ylim([0, len(stats)]) stats.reverse() # Draw horizontal bands for y in range(len(stats)): col = COLORS["BAND0"] if y % 2 == 0 else COLORS["BAND1"] y = len(stats) - y - 1 # Flip sub.axhspan(y, y+1, facecolor=col, zorder=-20) ys = [0.5 + y for y in range(len(stats))] # Place bars bottoms = [0] * len(stats) buckets = [ (4, "F", "#73172d"), (5, "D", "#df3e23"), (6, "C", "#f9a31b"), (7, "B", "#fffc40"), (8, "A", "#9cdb43"), (9, "S", "#20d6c7"), ] for i,r,c in buckets: counts = [(0 if s is None else s['buckets'][i]) for s in stats] sub.barh(ys, counts, 0.5, left=bottoms, color=c, label=r) bottoms = [b + n for b,n in zip(bottoms, counts)] # Text for y, stat in enumerate(stats): if stat is None: continue name = stat['name'] event = stat['event'] if "event" in stat else "" markers = stat["markers"] color_name = COLORS["TEXT"] color_stats = COLORS["STATS"] show_lines = True for marker in markers: if marker not in MARKERS: continue tag = MARKERS[marker]["tag"] count = MARKERS[marker]["count"] if CULL_SINGLETON_MARKERS and count <= 1: continue name = f'{name}{tag}' NAME_SIZE = 8 if len(name) < 58 else 7.5 sub.annotate(name, (0.0, y+0.85), ha="left", va="center", size=NAME_SIZE, color=color_name, alpha=1) # name #sub.annotate(f"{stat['count']}", (0, y+0.9), ha="right", va="center", size=8, color=color_stats) # count # Axis labels sub.tick_params(axis="y", left=False, labelleft=False) sub.tick_params(axis="x", bottom=True, top=True, labelbottom=True, labeltop=True) def create_plot( stats ): # determine dimensions cols = max(MIN_COLUMNS, min(5, round(math.sqrt(len(stats) / 6)))) rows = math.ceil(len(stats) / cols) # subplots might return an array or single subplot fig, subs = Plot.subplots(1, cols) if cols == 1: subs = [subs] # set main figure stuff figSize = (cols * COL_WIDTH + 1, rows * ROW_HEIGHT + 1.5) fig.set_size_inches(figSize) fig.set_tight_layout(True) # set title and subtitle figCenterX, figTop = figSize[0] / 2 - TITLE_OFFSET, figSize[1] fig.text(figCenterX, figTop-0.2, TITLE, size=20, ha="center", va="top", transform=fig.dpi_scale_trans) # Title fig.text(figCenterX, figTop-0.45, "as rated by /v/", size=10, ha="center", va="top", transform=fig.dpi_scale_trans) # Subtitle # legend if USE_LEGEND: handles = [] # add lines to legend if "mean" in LINES or "mean_smart" in LINES: handles.append(patches.Patch(label=title_format('Mean'), color=COLORS["MEAN"])) if "median" in LINES: handles.append(patches.Patch(label=title_format('Median'), color=COLORS["MEDIAN"])) if "stdev" in LINES: handles.append(patches.Patch(label=title_format('Std. Dev.'), color=COLORS["STDEV"])) # add markers to legend for marker, entry in MARKERS.items(): tag = entry["tag"] count = entry["count"] reverse = entry["reverse"] if "reverse" in entry else None if count <= (1 if CULL_SINGLETON_MARKERS else 0): continue if tag == "": continue if REVERSE and reverse: marker = reverse title = f'({count}) {marker}{tag}' handles.append(patches.Patch(label=title_format(title), color="#000000")) fig.legend(handles=handles, ncol=2 if len(handles) <= 4 else 3) # padding fig.suptitle(" ", size=40) # sort by specified statistic if SORT_BY is not None: stats = sorted(stats, key=lambda s: s[SORT_BY]) # add empty ratings ensure each column has the same number of entries stats += [None] * (len(stats) - len(stats) // rows) # create subplot column plot for i, sub in enumerate(subs): stats_sub = stats[i*rows:(i+1)*rows] if MODE == "scatter": plot_sub_scatter(sub, stats_sub) elif MODE == "bars": plot_sub_bars(sub, stats_sub) elif MODE == "boxplot": plot_sub_boxplot(sub, stats_sub) # Stats related def compute_mean_smart(ratings): ratings = sorted( ratings ) cutoff = len(ratings) // 8 if cutoff > 0: ratings = ratings[cutoff:-cutoff] return statistics.mean(ratings) def stat_new(name, ratings, entry={}): # Fallback in case of near-empty ratings if len(ratings) == 0: ratings.append(0.0) if len(ratings) == 1: ratings.append(ratings[0]) # Count frequency of each (rounded) rating buckets = [0] * 10 for r in ratings: r = min(9, max(4, round(r))) buckets[r] += 1 # Compute stats stat = {} stat['name'] = name stat['ratings'] = ratings stat['points'] = [rating_to_point(r, len(ratings)) for r in ratings] stat['buckets'] = buckets stat['count'] = len(ratings) stat['mean'] = statistics.mean(ratings) stat['median'] = statistics.median(ratings) stat['mode'] = statistics.mode(ratings) stat['median_grouped'] = statistics.median_grouped(round(r) for r in ratings) stat['stdev'] = statistics.pstdev(ratings) stat['mean_smart'] = compute_mean_smart(ratings) # attach extra data stat["markers"] = [] if "marker" in entry: stat["markers"] = [ entry["marker"] ] elif "markers" in entry: stat["markers"] = entry["markers"] # fix up previously split markers for i, marker in enumerate(stat["markers"]): if marker == "DNF": stat["markers"][i] = "DNF/invalid" elif marker == "trainwreck": stat["markers"][i] = "trainwreck/cringekino" elif marker == "invalid": stat["markers"][i] = "DNF/invalid" elif marker == "cringekino": stat["markers"][i] = "trainwreck/cringekino" if "event" in entry: stat["event"] = entry["event"] return stat # read from json def read_stats(filename): stats = [] aux = { "total": [], "markers": {}, } data = json.load(open(filename, "r", encoding='utf-8')) for name, entry in data.items(): ratings = [] if "ignore" in entry and entry["ignore"]: continue op = entry["posts"][0].split("#p")[-1] start_time = entry["times"][op] if "times" in entry and op in entry["times"] else 0 # parse ratings in each run for no, score in entry["ratings"].items(): #cur_time = entry["times"][no] if "times" in entry and no in entry["times"] else 0 if start_time > 0 and CUTOFF_SECONDS > 0: if no not in entry["times"]: continue cur_time = entry["times"][no] if cur_time - start_time > CUTOFF_SECONDS: print("Culled", name, no, score, cur_time - start_time) continue score = score.upper() # trim extraneous characters (for example: ZZZZZZZ) if not already a valid score if score not in SCORES: score = score[:3] if DROP_Z_S: if score[0] == "Z": continue if score[:2] == "SS": continue # invalid score if score not in SCORES: continue # increment totals (I don't remember what I originally used this for) TOTAL_SCORES[score] += 1 # score modifiers rating = SCORES[score] # randomize downward if "randomize" in entry and CUTOFF_SECONDS == 0 and False: lo = -3.0 # SCORES[list(SCORES.keys())[0]] hi = 6.0 # SCORES[list(SCORES.keys())[-1]] if random.random() < entry["randomize"] and rating > hi: rating = random.uniform(lo, hi) ratings.append( rating ) aux["total"].append( rating ) stat = stat_new(name, ratings, entry) stats.append(stat) # increment marker totals for marker in stat["markers"]: if marker not in MARKERS: continue MARKERS[marker]["count"] += 1 for rating in ratings: if marker not in aux["markers"]: aux["markers"][marker] = [] aux["markers"][marker].append( rating ) if not stat["markers"]: marker = "none" for rating in ratings: if marker not in aux["markers"]: aux["markers"][marker] = [] aux["markers"][marker].append( rating ) # show aggregate total if AUX_MODE == "total": stats = [ stat_new("total", aux["total"]) ] # aggregate by markers elif AUX_MODE == "markers": stats = [ stat_new(name, ratings) for name, ratings in aux["markers"].items() ] return stats def main(): # yuck global REVERSE global ZOOMER global DARK global USE_LEGEND global MIN_COLUMNS global CUTOFF_SECONDS global SORT_BY global MODE global AUX_MODE global OUT_FILE parser = argparse.ArgumentParser("Charter") # actions parser.add_argument("--fetch", action="store_true", help="Fetch ratings from queue") parser.add_argument("--plot", action="store_true", help="Plot ratings from file") # queue-less args parser.add_argument("--url", type=str, default=None, help="Post link to fetch ratings from its replies") parser.add_argument("--name", type=str, default=None, help="Name of run for rating") parser.add_argument("--markers", type=str, default=None, help="Markers to attach to run rating") # modifiers parser.add_argument("--sort-by", type=str, default=None, help="Sort plotted ratings by this value") parser.add_argument("--mode", type=str, default=None, help="Additional modes (scatter | bars | boxplot)") parser.add_argument("--aux-mode", type=str, default=None, help="Additional modes (total | markers)") parser.add_argument("--cutoff-seconds", type=int, default=None, help="Ignore ratings made X seconds after the rating post") parser.add_argument("--cutoff-minutes", type=int, default=None, help="Ignore ratings made X minutes after the rating post") # lesser used modifiers parser.add_argument("--reverse", action="store_true", help="Reverses the ratings") parser.add_argument("--zoomer", action="store_true", help="Zoomer friendly scales") parser.add_argument("--light", action="store_true", help="Light mode") parser.add_argument("--no-legend", action="store_true", help="Hides the legend") parser.add_argument("--copy", action="store_true", help="Saves a copy by the timestamp") args = parser.parse_args() if args.sort_by: SORT_BY = args.sort_by if args.aux_mode: AUX_MODE = args.aux_mode if AUX_MODE == "total": args.no_legend = True MIN_COLUMNS = 1 modifiers = [ f'[{SORT_BY or AUX_MODE or "chronological"}]' ] if args.mode: MODE = args.mode modifiers.append(f'[type={MODE}]') if args.cutoff_seconds: CUTOFF_SECONDS = args.cutoff_seconds elif args.cutoff_minutes: CUTOFF_SECONDS = args.cutoff_minutes * 60 if CUTOFF_SECONDS > 0: modifiers.append(f'[cutoff={CUTOFF_SECONDS//60}]') OUT_FILE = f'./images/ratings{"".join(modifiers)}.png' REVERSE = args.reverse ZOOMER = args.zoomer DARK = not args.light USE_LEGEND = not args.no_legend if args.fetch: queue = [] # inject to queue if args.url and queue = [{ "post": args.url, "name":, "markers": args.markers.split(",") if args.markers else None }] fetch_ratings(queue=queue) if args.plot: stats = read_stats(IN_RATINGS_FILE) create_plot(stats) if args.copy: print(f'Saving chart: {OUT_FILE_TIMESTAMP}') Plot.savefig(OUT_FILE_TIMESTAMP) print(f'Saving chart: {OUT_FILE}') Plot.savefig(OUT_FILE) Plot.close() if not args.fetch and not args.plot: raise Exception("Specify --fetch or --plot") if __name__ == "__main__": main()