  • Joined on Aug 25, 2023
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Mo-Jiaxuan opened issue mrq/ai-voice-cloning#358

The content of the generated sound is not correct

2023-08-30 12:48:06 +07:00

Mo-Jiaxuan closed issue mrq/ai-voice-cloning#345

[Dataset] Where should I put the dataset and what should it look like?

2023-08-28 02:18:46 +07:00

Mo-Jiaxuan commented on issue mrq/ai-voice-cloning#347

ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'tortoise'

you can add this folder under your search path

2023-08-26 01:52:39 +07:00

Mo-Jiaxuan opened issue mrq/ai-voice-cloning#345

[Dataset] Where should I put the dataset and what should it look like?

2023-08-25 01:26:05 +07:00