- Makes skip connections between the generator and discriminator more
extensible by adding additional configuration options for them and supporting
1 and 0 skips.
- Places the temp/ directory with sample images from the training process appear
in the training directory instead of the codes/ directory.
This is a simpler resnet-based generator which performs mutations
on an input interspersed with interpolate-upsampling. It is a two
part generator:
1) A component that "fixes" LQ images with a long string of resnet
blocks. This component is intended to remove compression artifacts
and other noise from a LQ image.
2) A component that can double the image size. The idea is that this
component be trained so that it can work at most reasonable
resolutions, such that it can be repeatedly applied to itself to
perform multiple upsamples.
The motivation here is to simplify what is being done inside of RRDB.
I don't believe the complexity inside of that network is justified.
Add RRDBNetXL, which performs processing at multiple image sizes.
Add DiscResnet_passthrough, which allows passthrough of image at different sizes for discrimination.
Adjust the rest of the repo to allow generators that return more than just a single image.
This bad boy is for a workflow where you train a model on disjoint image sets to
downsample a "good" set of images like a "bad" set of images looks. You then
use that downsampler to generate a training set of paired images for supersampling.