James Betker 10f7e49214 Add ConvBnSilu to replace ConvBnRelu
Relu produced good performance gains over LeakyRelu, but
GAN performance degraded significantly. Try SiLU as an alternative
to see if it's the leaky-ness we are looking for or the smooth activation
2020-07-05 13:39:08 -06:00

172 lines
9.0 KiB

import torch
from torch import nn
from switched_conv import BareConvSwitch, compute_attention_specificity
import torch.nn.functional as F
import functools
from models.archs.arch_util import initialize_weights, ConvBnRelu, ConvBnLelu, ConvBnSilu
from switched_conv_util import save_attention_to_image
class MultiConvBlock(nn.Module):
def __init__(self, filters_in, filters_mid, filters_out, kernel_size, depth, scale_init=1, bn=False):
assert depth >= 2
super(MultiConvBlock, self).__init__()
self.noise_scale = nn.Parameter(torch.full((1,), fill_value=.01))
self.bnconvs = nn.ModuleList([ConvBnLelu(filters_in, filters_mid, kernel_size, bn=bn, bias=False)] +
[ConvBnLelu(filters_mid, filters_mid, kernel_size, bn=bn, bias=False) for i in range(depth-2)] +
[ConvBnLelu(filters_mid, filters_out, kernel_size, lelu=False, bn=False, bias=False)])
self.scale = nn.Parameter(torch.full((1,), fill_value=scale_init))
self.bias = nn.Parameter(torch.zeros(1))
def forward(self, x, noise=None):
if noise is not None:
noise = noise * self.noise_scale
x = x + noise
for m in self.bnconvs:
x = m.forward(x)
return x * self.scale + self.bias
# VGG-style layer with Conv(stride2)->BN->Activation->Conv->BN->Activation
# Doubles the input filter count.
class HalvingProcessingBlock(nn.Module):
def __init__(self, filters):
super(HalvingProcessingBlock, self).__init__()
self.bnconv1 = ConvBnSilu(filters, filters * 2, stride=2, bn=False, bias=False)
self.bnconv2 = ConvBnSilu(filters * 2, filters * 2, bn=True, bias=False)
def forward(self, x):
x = self.bnconv1(x)
return self.bnconv2(x)
# Creates a nested series of convolutional blocks. Each block processes the input data in-place and adds
# filter_growth filters. Return is (nn.Sequential, ending_filters)
def create_sequential_growing_processing_block(filters_init, filter_growth, num_convs):
convs = []
current_filters = filters_init
for i in range(num_convs):
convs.append(ConvBnSilu(current_filters, current_filters + filter_growth, bn=True, bias=False))
current_filters += filter_growth
return nn.Sequential(*convs), current_filters
class SwitchComputer(nn.Module):
def __init__(self, channels_in, filters, growth, transform_block, transform_count, reduction_blocks, processing_blocks=0,
init_temp=20, enable_negative_transforms=False, add_scalable_noise_to_transforms=False):
super(SwitchComputer, self).__init__()
self.enable_negative_transforms = enable_negative_transforms
self.filter_conv = ConvBnLelu(channels_in, filters)
self.reduction_blocks = nn.ModuleList([HalvingProcessingBlock(filters * 2 ** i) for i in range(reduction_blocks)])
final_filters = filters * 2 ** reduction_blocks
self.processing_blocks, final_filters = create_sequential_growing_processing_block(final_filters, growth, processing_blocks)
proc_block_filters = max(final_filters // 2, transform_count)
self.proc_switch_conv = ConvBnLelu(final_filters, proc_block_filters, bn=False)
tc = transform_count
if self.enable_negative_transforms:
tc = transform_count * 2
self.final_switch_conv = nn.Conv2d(proc_block_filters, tc, 1, 1, 0)
self.transforms = nn.ModuleList([transform_block() for _ in range(transform_count)])
self.add_noise = add_scalable_noise_to_transforms
# And the switch itself, including learned scalars
self.switch = BareConvSwitch(initial_temperature=init_temp)
self.scale = nn.Parameter(torch.ones(1))
self.bias = nn.Parameter(torch.zeros(1))
def forward(self, x, output_attention_weights=False):
if self.add_noise:
rand_feature = torch.randn_like(x)
xformed = [t.forward(x, rand_feature) for t in self.transforms]
xformed = [t.forward(x) for t in self.transforms]
if self.enable_negative_transforms:
xformed.extend([-t for t in xformed])
multiplexer = self.filter_conv(x)
for block in self.reduction_blocks:
multiplexer = block.forward(multiplexer)
for block in self.processing_blocks:
multiplexer = block.forward(multiplexer)
multiplexer = self.proc_switch_conv(multiplexer)
multiplexer = self.final_switch_conv.forward(multiplexer)
# Interpolate the multiplexer across the entire shape of the image.
multiplexer = F.interpolate(multiplexer, size=x.shape[2:], mode='nearest')
outputs, attention = self.switch(xformed, multiplexer, True)
outputs = outputs * self.scale + self.bias
if output_attention_weights:
return outputs, attention
return outputs
def set_temperature(self, temp):
class ConfigurableSwitchedResidualGenerator(nn.Module):
def __init__(self, switch_filters, switch_growths, switch_reductions, switch_processing_layers, trans_counts, trans_kernel_sizes,
trans_layers, trans_filters_mid, initial_temp=20, final_temperature_step=50000, heightened_temp_min=1,
heightened_final_step=50000, upsample_factor=1, enable_negative_transforms=False,
super(ConfigurableSwitchedResidualGenerator, self).__init__()
switches = []
for filters, growth, sw_reduce, sw_proc, trans_count, kernel, layers, mid_filters in zip(switch_filters, switch_growths, switch_reductions, switch_processing_layers, trans_counts, trans_kernel_sizes, trans_layers, trans_filters_mid):
switches.append(SwitchComputer(3, filters, growth, functools.partial(MultiConvBlock, 3, mid_filters, 3, kernel_size=kernel, depth=layers), trans_count, sw_reduce, sw_proc, initial_temp, enable_negative_transforms=enable_negative_transforms, add_scalable_noise_to_transforms=add_scalable_noise_to_transforms))
initialize_weights(switches, 1)
# Initialize the transforms with a lesser weight, since they are repeatedly added on to the resultant image.
initialize_weights([s.transforms for s in switches], .2 / len(switches))
self.switches = nn.ModuleList(switches)
self.transformation_counts = trans_counts
self.init_temperature = initial_temp
self.final_temperature_step = final_temperature_step
self.heightened_temp_min = heightened_temp_min
self.heightened_final_step = heightened_final_step
self.attentions = None
self.upsample_factor = upsample_factor
def forward(self, x):
# This network is entirely a "repair" network and operates on full-resolution images. Upsample first if that
# is called for, then repair.
if self.upsample_factor > 1:
x = F.interpolate(x, scale_factor=self.upsample_factor, mode="nearest")
self.attentions = []
for i, sw in enumerate(self.switches):
sw_out, att = sw.forward(x, True)
x = x + sw_out
return x,
def set_temperature(self, temp):
[sw.set_temperature(temp) for sw in self.switches]
def update_for_step(self, step, experiments_path='.'):
if self.attentions:
temp = max(1, int(self.init_temperature * (self.final_temperature_step - step) / self.final_temperature_step))
if temp == 1 and self.heightened_final_step and self.heightened_final_step != 1:
# Once the temperature passes (1) it enters an inverted curve to match the linear curve from above.
# without this, the attention specificity "spikes" incredibly fast in the last few iterations.
h_steps_total = self.heightened_final_step - self.final_temperature_step
h_steps_current = min(step - self.final_temperature_step, h_steps_total)
# The "gap" will represent the steps that need to be traveled as a linear function.
h_gap = 1 / self.heightened_temp_min
temp = h_gap * h_steps_current / h_steps_total
# Invert temperature to represent reality on this side of the curve
temp = 1 / temp
if step % 50 == 0:
[save_attention_to_image(experiments_path, self.attentions[i], self.transformation_counts[i], step, "a%i" % (i+1,)) for i in range(len(self.switches))]
def get_debug_values(self, step):
temp = self.switches[0].switch.temperature
mean_hists = [compute_attention_specificity(att, 2) for att in self.attentions]
means = [i[0] for i in mean_hists]
hists = [i[1].clone().detach().cpu().flatten() for i in mean_hists]
val = {"switch_temperature": temp}
for i in range(len(means)):
val["switch_%i_specificity" % (i,)] = means[i]
val["switch_%i_histogram" % (i,)] = hists[i]
return val