118 lines
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118 lines
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#ifndef PRIVATE_H
#define PRIVATE_H
#include "../include/gl.h"
#include "../containers/aligned_vector.h"
#include "../containers/named_array.h"
#include "./clip.h"
#define TRACE() if(TRACE_ENABLED) {fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", __func__);}
typedef struct {
unsigned int cmd[8];
} PVRCommand;
typedef struct {
unsigned int flags; /* Constant PVR_CMD_USERCLIP */
unsigned int d1, d2, d3; /* Ignored for this type */
unsigned int sx, /* Start x */
sy, /* Start y */
ex, /* End x */
ey; /* End y */
} PVRTileClipCommand; /* Tile Clip command for the pvr */
typedef struct {
unsigned int list_type;
AlignedVector vector;
} PolyList;
typedef struct {
GLushort width;
GLushort height;
GLuint color; /* This is the PVR texture format */
GLubyte env;
GLubyte filter;
GLubyte mip_map;
GLubyte uv_clamp;
GLuint index;
GLvoid *data;
} TextureObject;
typedef struct {
GLfloat emissive[4];
GLfloat ambient[4];
GLfloat diffuse[4];
GLfloat specular[4];
GLfloat exponent;
} Material;
typedef struct {
GLfloat position[4];
GLfloat spot_direction[3];
GLfloat spot_cutoff;
GLfloat constant_attenuation;
GLfloat linear_attenuation;
GLfloat quadratic_attenuation;
GLfloat spot_exponent;
GLfloat diffuse[4];
GLfloat specular[4];
GLfloat ambient[4];
} LightSource;
PolyList *activePolyList();
void initAttributePointers();
void initContext();
void initLights();
void initImmediateMode();
void initMatrices();
void initFramebuffers();
void _matrixLoadNormal();
void _matrixLoadModelView();
void _matrixLoadTexture();
void _applyRenderMatrix();
void wipeTextureOnFramebuffers(GLuint texture);
GLubyte checkImmediateModeInactive(const char* func);
pvr_poly_cxt_t* getPVRContext();
GLubyte _glKosInitTextures();
void updatePVRTextureContext(pvr_poly_cxt_t* context, TextureObject* tx1);
TextureObject* getTexture0();
TextureObject* getTexture1();
TextureObject* getBoundTexture();
GLboolean isBlendingEnabled();
GLboolean isLightingEnabled();
GLboolean isLightEnabled(GLubyte light);
void calculateLightingContribution(const GLint light, const GLfloat* pos, const GLfloat* normal, GLfloat* colour);
void _glKosThrowError(GLenum error, const char *function);
void _glKosPrintError();
GLubyte _glKosHasError();
#define PVR_VERTEX_BUF_SIZE 2560 * 256
#define MAX_LIGHTS 8
#define CLAMP( X, MIN, MAX ) ( (X)<(MIN) ? (MIN) : ((X)>(MAX) ? (MAX) : (X)) )
#define mat_trans_fv12() { \
__asm__ __volatile__( \
"fldi1 fr15\n" \
"ftrv xmtrx, fv12\n" \
"fldi1 fr14\n" \
"fdiv fr15, fr14\n" \
"fmul fr14, fr12\n" \
"fmul fr14, fr13\n" \
: "=f" (__x), "=f" (__y), "=f" (__z) \
: "0" (__x), "1" (__y), "2" (__z) \
: "fr15" ); \
#endif // PRIVATE_H