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Raw Normal View History

* ReactPhysics3D physics library, *
* Copyright (c) 2010-2015 Daniel Chappuis *
* *
* This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied warranty. *
* In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages arising from the *
* use of this software. *
* *
* Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose, *
* including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it *
* freely, subject to the following restrictions: *
* *
* 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not claim *
* that you wrote the original software. If you use this software in a *
* product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be *
* appreciated but is not required. *
* *
* 2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be *
* misrepresented as being the original software. *
* *
* 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution. *
* *
// Libraries
#include "Gui.h"
#include <GLFW/glfw3.h>
GLFWwindow* Gui::mWindow = NULL;
double Gui::g_Time = 0.0f;
bool Gui::g_MousePressed[3] = {false, false, false};
float Gui::g_MouseWheel = 0.0f;
GLuint Gui::g_FontTexture = 0;
size_t Gui::g_VboSize = 0;
unsigned int Gui::g_VboHandle = 0;
unsigned int Gui::g_VaoHandle = 0;
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int Gui::g_AttribLocationTex = 0, Gui::g_AttribLocationProjMtx = 0;
int Gui::g_AttribLocationPosition = 0, Gui::g_AttribLocationUV = 0, Gui::g_AttribLocationColor = 0;
Shader Gui::mShader;
// Constructor
Gui::Gui() {
g_Time = 0.0f;
g_MousePressed[0] = false;
g_MousePressed[1] = false;
g_MousePressed[2] = false;
g_MouseWheel = 0.0f;
g_FontTexture = 0;
g_VboSize = 0;
g_VboHandle = 0, g_VaoHandle = 0;
// Destructor
Gui::~Gui() {
if (g_VaoHandle) glDeleteVertexArrays(1, &g_VaoHandle);
if (g_VboHandle) glDeleteBuffers(1, &g_VboHandle);
g_VaoHandle = 0;
g_VboHandle = 0;
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if (g_FontTexture)
glDeleteTextures(1, &g_FontTexture);
ImGui::GetIO().Fonts->TexID = 0;
g_FontTexture = 0;
// Create and return the singleton instance of this class
Gui& Gui::getInstance() {
static Gui instance;
return instance;
/// Initialize the GUI
void Gui::init() {
ImGuiIO& io = ImGui::GetIO();
io.KeyMap[ImGuiKey_Tab] = GLFW_KEY_TAB;
io.KeyMap[ImGuiKey_LeftArrow] = GLFW_KEY_LEFT;
io.KeyMap[ImGuiKey_RightArrow] = GLFW_KEY_RIGHT;
io.KeyMap[ImGuiKey_UpArrow] = GLFW_KEY_UP;
io.KeyMap[ImGuiKey_DownArrow] = GLFW_KEY_DOWN;
io.KeyMap[ImGuiKey_Home] = GLFW_KEY_HOME;
io.KeyMap[ImGuiKey_End] = GLFW_KEY_END;
io.KeyMap[ImGuiKey_Delete] = GLFW_KEY_DELETE;
io.KeyMap[ImGuiKey_Backspace] = GLFW_KEY_BACKSPACE;
io.KeyMap[ImGuiKey_Enter] = GLFW_KEY_ENTER;
io.KeyMap[ImGuiKey_Escape] = GLFW_KEY_ESCAPE;
io.KeyMap[ImGuiKey_A] = GLFW_KEY_A;
io.KeyMap[ImGuiKey_C] = GLFW_KEY_C;
io.KeyMap[ImGuiKey_V] = GLFW_KEY_V;
io.KeyMap[ImGuiKey_X] = GLFW_KEY_X;
io.KeyMap[ImGuiKey_Y] = GLFW_KEY_Y;
io.KeyMap[ImGuiKey_Z] = GLFW_KEY_Z;
io.RenderDrawListsFn = renderDrawLists;
io.SetClipboardTextFn = setClipboardText;
io.GetClipboardTextFn = getClipboardText;
void Gui::createDeviceObjects() {
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mShader.create("shaders/gui.vert", "shaders/gui.frag");
GLuint shaderID = mShader.getProgramObjectId();
g_AttribLocationTex = glGetUniformLocation(shaderID, "Texture");
g_AttribLocationProjMtx = glGetUniformLocation(shaderID, "ProjMtx");
g_AttribLocationPosition = glGetAttribLocation(shaderID, "Position");
g_AttribLocationUV = glGetAttribLocation(shaderID, "UV");
g_AttribLocationColor = glGetAttribLocation(shaderID, "Color");
glGenBuffers(1, &g_VboHandle);
glGenVertexArrays(1, &g_VaoHandle);
glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, g_VboHandle);
#define OFFSETOF(TYPE, ELEMENT) ((size_t)&(((TYPE *)0)->ELEMENT))
glVertexAttribPointer(g_AttribLocationPosition, 2, GL_FLOAT, GL_FALSE, sizeof(ImDrawVert), (GLvoid*)OFFSETOF(ImDrawVert, pos));
glVertexAttribPointer(g_AttribLocationUV, 2, GL_FLOAT, GL_FALSE, sizeof(ImDrawVert), (GLvoid*)OFFSETOF(ImDrawVert, uv));
glVertexAttribPointer(g_AttribLocationColor, 4, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, GL_TRUE, sizeof(ImDrawVert), (GLvoid*)OFFSETOF(ImDrawVert, col));
glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, 0);
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// Display the GUI
void Gui::render() {
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ImGuiIO& io = ImGui::GetIO();
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bool show_test_window = true;
bool show_another_window = false;
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ImVec4 clear_color = ImColor(255, 255, 255);
// 1. Show a simple window
// Tip: if we don't call ImGui::Begin()/ImGui::End() the widgets appears in a window automatically called "Debug"
ImGui::Text("Hello, world!");
// Render the GUI
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void Gui::beginNewFrame() {
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if (!g_FontTexture)
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ImGuiIO& io = ImGui::GetIO();
// Setup display size (every frame to accommodate for window resizing)
int w, h;
int display_w, display_h;
glfwGetWindowSize(mWindow, &w, &h);
glfwGetFramebufferSize(mWindow, &display_w, &display_h);
io.DisplaySize = ImVec2((float)display_w, (float)display_h);
// Setup time step
double current_time = glfwGetTime();
io.DeltaTime = g_Time > 0.0 ? (float)(current_time - g_Time) : (float)(1.0f/60.0f);
g_Time = current_time;
// Setup inputs
// (we already got mouse wheel, keyboard keys & characters from glfw callbacks polled in glfwPollEvents())
if (glfwGetWindowAttrib(mWindow, GLFW_FOCUSED))
double mouse_x, mouse_y;
glfwGetCursorPos(mWindow, &mouse_x, &mouse_y);
mouse_x *= (float)display_w / w; // Convert mouse coordinates to pixels
mouse_y *= (float)display_h / h;
io.MousePos = ImVec2((float)mouse_x, (float)mouse_y); // Mouse position, in pixels (set to -1,-1 if no mouse / on another screen, etc.)
io.MousePos = ImVec2(-1,-1);
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
io.MouseDown[i] = g_MousePressed[i] || glfwGetMouseButton(mWindow, i) != 0; // If a mouse press event came, always pass it as "mouse held this frame", so we don't miss click-release events that are shorter than 1 frame.
g_MousePressed[i] = false;
io.MouseWheel = g_MouseWheel;
g_MouseWheel = 0.0f;
// Hide/show hardware mouse cursor
glfwSetInputMode(mWindow, GLFW_CURSOR, io.MouseDrawCursor ? GLFW_CURSOR_HIDDEN : GLFW_CURSOR_NORMAL);
// Start the frame
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void Gui::createFontTextures()
ImGuiIO& io = ImGui::GetIO();
unsigned char* pixels;
int width, height;
io.Fonts->GetTexDataAsRGBA32(&pixels, &width, &height); // Load as RGBA 32-bits for OpenGL3 demo because it is more likely to be compatible with user's existing shader.
glGenTextures(1, &g_FontTexture);
glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, g_FontTexture);
glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, GL_RGBA, width, height, 0, GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, pixels);
// Store our identifier
io.Fonts->TexID = (void *)(intptr_t)g_FontTexture;
// This is the main rendering function that you have to implement and provide to ImGui (via setting up 'RenderDrawListsFn' in the ImGuiIO structure)
// If text or lines are blurry when integrating ImGui in your engine:
// - in your Render function, try translating your projection matrix by (0.5f,0.5f) or (0.375f,0.375f)
void Gui::renderDrawLists(ImDrawList** const cmd_lists, int cmd_lists_count)
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std::cout << "OpenGLVersion : " << glGetString(GL_VERSION) << std::endl;
if (cmd_lists_count == 0)
// Setup render state: alpha-blending enabled, no face culling, no depth testing, scissor enabled
GLint last_program, last_texture;
glGetIntegerv(GL_CURRENT_PROGRAM, &last_program);
glGetIntegerv(GL_TEXTURE_BINDING_2D, &last_texture);
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// Setup orthographic projection matrix
const float width = ImGui::GetIO().DisplaySize.x;
const float height = ImGui::GetIO().DisplaySize.y;
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Matrix4 orthoProj(2.0f / width, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f,
0.0f, 2.0/-height, 0.0f, 0.0f,
0.0f, 0.0f, -1.0f, 0.0f,
-1.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);
const float ortho_projection[4][4] =
{ 2.0f/width, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f },
{ 0.0f, 2.0f/-height, 0.0f, 0.0f },
{ 0.0f, 0.0f, -1.0f, 0.0f },
{ -1.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f },
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//mShader.setIntUniform("Texture", 0);
//mShader.setMatrix4x4Uniform("ProjMtx", orthoProj);
glUniform1i(g_AttribLocationTex, 0);
glUniformMatrix4fv(g_AttribLocationProjMtx, 1, GL_FALSE, &ortho_projection[0][0]);
// Grow our buffer according to what we need
size_t total_vtx_count = 0;
for (int n = 0; n < cmd_lists_count; n++)
total_vtx_count += cmd_lists[n]->vtx_buffer.size();
glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, g_VboHandle);
size_t needed_vtx_size = total_vtx_count * sizeof(ImDrawVert);
if (g_VboSize < needed_vtx_size)
g_VboSize = needed_vtx_size + 5000 * sizeof(ImDrawVert); // Grow buffer
// Copy and convert all vertices into a single contiguous buffer
unsigned char* buffer_data = (unsigned char*)glMapBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, GL_WRITE_ONLY);
if (!buffer_data)
for (int n = 0; n < cmd_lists_count; n++)
const ImDrawList* cmd_list = cmd_lists[n];
memcpy(buffer_data, &cmd_list->vtx_buffer[0], cmd_list->vtx_buffer.size() * sizeof(ImDrawVert));
buffer_data += cmd_list->vtx_buffer.size() * sizeof(ImDrawVert);
glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, 0);
int cmd_offset = 0;
for (int n = 0; n < cmd_lists_count; n++)
const ImDrawList* cmd_list = cmd_lists[n];
int vtx_offset = cmd_offset;
const ImDrawCmd* pcmd_end = cmd_list->commands.end();
for (const ImDrawCmd* pcmd = cmd_list->commands.begin(); pcmd != pcmd_end; pcmd++)
if (pcmd->user_callback)
pcmd->user_callback(cmd_list, pcmd);
glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, (GLuint)(intptr_t)pcmd->texture_id);
glScissor((int)pcmd->clip_rect.x, (int)(height - pcmd->clip_rect.w), (int)(pcmd->clip_rect.z - pcmd->clip_rect.x), (int)(pcmd->clip_rect.w - pcmd->clip_rect.y));
glDrawArrays(GL_TRIANGLES, vtx_offset, pcmd->vtx_count);
vtx_offset += pcmd->vtx_count;
cmd_offset = vtx_offset;
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// Restore modified state
glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, last_texture);
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const char* Gui::getClipboardText() {
return glfwGetClipboardString(mWindow);
void Gui::setClipboardText(const char* text) {
glfwSetClipboardString(mWindow, text);