Fix issues in the Sweep-And-Prune algorithm (thanks Aleksi for reporting them) and handle the broad-phase world limits in a better way
This commit is contained in:
@ -35,15 +35,30 @@ using namespace reactphysics3d;
using namespace std;
// Initialization of static variables
bodyindex SweepAndPruneAlgorithm::INVALID_INDEX = std::numeric_limits<bodyindex>::max();
const bodyindex SweepAndPruneAlgorithm::INVALID_INDEX = std::numeric_limits<bodyindex>::max();
const luint SweepAndPruneAlgorithm::NB_SENTINELS = 2;
// Constructor of AABBInt
// Constructor that takes an AABB as input
AABBInt::AABBInt(const AABB& aabb) {
for (int axis=0; axis<3; axis++) {
min[axis] = encodeFloatIntoInteger(aabb.getMin()[axis]);
max[axis] = encodeFloatIntoInteger(aabb.getMax()[axis]);
min[0] = encodeFloatIntoInteger(aabb.getMin().x);
min[1] = encodeFloatIntoInteger(aabb.getMin().y);
min[2] = encodeFloatIntoInteger(aabb.getMin().z);
max[0] = encodeFloatIntoInteger(aabb.getMax().x);
max[1] = encodeFloatIntoInteger(aabb.getMax().y);
max[2] = encodeFloatIntoInteger(aabb.getMax().z);
// Constructor that set all the axis with an minimum and maximum value
AABBInt::AABBInt(uint minValue, uint maxValue) {
min[0] = minValue;
min[1] = minValue;
min[2] = minValue;
max[0] = maxValue;
max[1] = maxValue;
max[2] = maxValue;
// Constructor
SweepAndPruneAlgorithm::SweepAndPruneAlgorithm(CollisionDetection& collisionDetection)
@ -67,8 +82,16 @@ SweepAndPruneAlgorithm::~SweepAndPruneAlgorithm() {
// Notify the broad-phase about a new object in the world
/// This method adds the AABB of the object ion to broad-phase
void SweepAndPruneAlgorithm::addObject(CollisionBody* body, const AABB& aabb) {
bodyindex boxIndex;
assert(encodeFloatIntoInteger(aabb.getMin().x) > encodeFloatIntoInteger(-FLT_MAX));
assert(encodeFloatIntoInteger(aabb.getMin().y) > encodeFloatIntoInteger(-FLT_MAX));
assert(encodeFloatIntoInteger(aabb.getMin().z) > encodeFloatIntoInteger(-FLT_MAX));
assert(encodeFloatIntoInteger(aabb.getMax().x) < encodeFloatIntoInteger(FLT_MAX));
assert(encodeFloatIntoInteger(aabb.getMax().y) < encodeFloatIntoInteger(FLT_MAX));
assert(encodeFloatIntoInteger(aabb.getMax().z) < encodeFloatIntoInteger(FLT_MAX));
// If the index of the first free box is valid (means that
// there is a bucket in the middle of the array that doesn't
// contain a box anymore because it has been removed)
@ -88,12 +111,11 @@ void SweepAndPruneAlgorithm::addObject(CollisionBody* body, const AABB& aabb) {
// Move the maximum limit end-point two elements further
// at the end-points array in all three axis
const luint nbSentinels = 2;
const luint indexLimitEndPoint = 2 * mNbBoxes + nbSentinels - 1;
const luint indexLimitEndPoint = 2 * mNbBoxes + NB_SENTINELS - 1;
for (uint axis=0; axis<3; axis++) {
EndPoint* maxLimitEndPoint = &mEndPoints[axis][indexLimitEndPoint];
assert(mEndPoints[axis][0].boxID == INVALID_INDEX && mEndPoints[axis][0].isMin == true);
assert(maxLimitEndPoint->boxID == INVALID_INDEX && maxLimitEndPoint->isMin == false);
assert(mEndPoints[axis][0].boxID == INVALID_INDEX && mEndPoints[axis][0].isMin);
assert(maxLimitEndPoint->boxID == INVALID_INDEX && !maxLimitEndPoint->isMin);
EndPoint* newMaxLimitEndPoint = &mEndPoints[axis][indexLimitEndPoint + 2];
newMaxLimitEndPoint->setValues(maxLimitEndPoint->boxID, maxLimitEndPoint->isMin,
@ -102,15 +124,15 @@ void SweepAndPruneAlgorithm::addObject(CollisionBody* body, const AABB& aabb) {
// Create a new box
BoxAABB* box = &mBoxes[boxIndex];
box->body = body;
const uint minEndPointValue = encodeFloatIntoInteger(FLT_MAX - 2.0f);
const uint maxEndPointValue = encodeFloatIntoInteger(FLT_MAX - 1.0f);
const uint maxEndPointValue = encodeFloatIntoInteger(FLT_MAX) - 1;
const uint minEndPointValue = encodeFloatIntoInteger(FLT_MAX) - 2;
for (uint axis=0; axis<3; axis++) {
box->min[axis] = indexLimitEndPoint;
box->max[axis] = indexLimitEndPoint + 1;
EndPoint* minimumEndPoint = &mEndPoints[axis][box->min[axis]];
minimumEndPoint->setValues(body->getID(), true, minEndPointValue);
minimumEndPoint->setValues(boxIndex, true, minEndPointValue);
EndPoint* maximumEndPoint = &mEndPoints[axis][box->max[axis]];
maximumEndPoint->setValues(body->getID(), false, maxEndPointValue);
maximumEndPoint->setValues(boxIndex, false, maxEndPointValue);
// Add the body pointer to box index mapping
@ -125,19 +147,36 @@ void SweepAndPruneAlgorithm::addObject(CollisionBody* body, const AABB& aabb) {
updateObject(body, aabb);
// Notify the broad-phase about a object that has been removed from the world
// Notify the broad-phase about an object that has been removed from the world
void SweepAndPruneAlgorithm::removeObject(CollisionBody* body) {
assert(mNbBoxes > 0);
// Call the update method with an AABB that is very far away
// in order to remove all overlapping pairs from the pair manager
const decimal max = DECIMAL_LARGEST;
const Vector3 maxVector(max, max, max);
const AABB aabb(maxVector, maxVector);
updateObject(body, aabb);
const uint maxEndPointValue = encodeFloatIntoInteger(FLT_MAX) - 1;
const uint minEndPointValue = encodeFloatIntoInteger(FLT_MAX) - 2;
const AABBInt aabbInt(minEndPointValue, maxEndPointValue);
updateObjectIntegerAABB(body, aabbInt);
// Get the corresponding box
bodyindex boxIndex = mMapBodyToBoxIndex.find(body)->second;
BoxAABB* box = &mBoxes[boxIndex];
// Remove the end-points of the box by moving the maximum end-points two elements back in
// the end-points array
const luint indexLimitEndPoint = 2 * mNbBoxes + NB_SENTINELS - 1;
for (uint axis=0; axis < 3; axis++) {
EndPoint* maxLimitEndPoint = &mEndPoints[axis][indexLimitEndPoint];
assert(mEndPoints[axis][0].boxID == INVALID_INDEX && mEndPoints[axis][0].isMin);
assert(maxLimitEndPoint->boxID == INVALID_INDEX && !maxLimitEndPoint->isMin);
EndPoint* newMaxLimitEndPoint = &mEndPoints[axis][indexLimitEndPoint - 2];
assert(mEndPoints[axis][indexLimitEndPoint - 1].boxID == boxIndex);
assert(!mEndPoints[axis][indexLimitEndPoint - 1].isMin);
assert(newMaxLimitEndPoint->boxID == boxIndex);
newMaxLimitEndPoint->setValues(maxLimitEndPoint->boxID, maxLimitEndPoint->isMin,
// Add the box index into the list of free indices
@ -146,11 +185,16 @@ void SweepAndPruneAlgorithm::removeObject(CollisionBody* body) {
// Notify the broad-phase that the AABB of an object has changed
void SweepAndPruneAlgorithm::updateObject(CollisionBody* body, const AABB& aabb) {
// Compute the AABB with integer coordinates
AABBInt aabbInt(aabb);
// Notify the broad-phase that the AABB of an object has changed.
/// The input is an AABB with integer coordinates
void SweepAndPruneAlgorithm::updateObjectIntegerAABB(CollisionBody* body, const AABBInt& aabbInt) {
assert(aabbInt.min[0] > encodeFloatIntoInteger(-FLT_MAX));
assert(aabbInt.min[1] > encodeFloatIntoInteger(-FLT_MAX));
assert(aabbInt.min[2] > encodeFloatIntoInteger(-FLT_MAX));
assert(aabbInt.max[0] < encodeFloatIntoInteger(FLT_MAX));
assert(aabbInt.max[1] < encodeFloatIntoInteger(FLT_MAX));
assert(aabbInt.max[2] < encodeFloatIntoInteger(FLT_MAX));
// Get the corresponding box
bodyindex boxIndex = mMapBodyToBoxIndex.find(body)->second;
@ -182,7 +226,8 @@ void SweepAndPruneAlgorithm::updateObject(CollisionBody* body, const AABB& aabb)
// The minimum end-point is moving left
EndPoint savedEndPoint = *currentMinEndPoint;
luint indexEndPoint = (size_t(currentMinEndPoint) - size_t(startEndPointsCurrentAxis)) / sizeof(EndPoint);
luint indexEndPoint = (size_t(currentMinEndPoint) -
size_t(startEndPointsCurrentAxis)) / sizeof(EndPoint);
const luint savedEndPointIndex = indexEndPoint;
while ((--currentMinEndPoint)->value > limit) {
@ -197,7 +242,8 @@ void SweepAndPruneAlgorithm::updateObject(CollisionBody* body, const AABB& aabb)
// for box intersection
if (box != id1) {
if (testIntersect2D(*box, *id1, otherAxis1, otherAxis2) &&
testIntersect1DSortedAABBs(*id1, aabbInt, startEndPointsCurrentAxis, axis)) {
testIntersect1DSortedAABBs(*id1, aabbInt,
startEndPointsCurrentAxis, axis)) {
// Add an overlapping pair to the pair manager
mPairManager.addPair(body, id1->body);
@ -225,13 +271,14 @@ void SweepAndPruneAlgorithm::updateObject(CollisionBody* body, const AABB& aabb)
startEndPointsCurrentAxis[indexEndPoint] = savedEndPoint;
else if (limit > currentMinEndPoint->value) { // The minimum of the box has moved to the right
else if (limit > currentMinEndPoint->value){// The minimum of the box has moved to the right
currentMinEndPoint->value = limit;
// The minimum en-point is moving right
EndPoint savedEndPoint = *currentMinEndPoint;
luint indexEndPoint = (size_t(currentMinEndPoint) -size_t(startEndPointsCurrentAxis)) / sizeof(EndPoint);
luint indexEndPoint = (size_t(currentMinEndPoint) -
size_t(startEndPointsCurrentAxis)) / sizeof(EndPoint);
const luint savedEndPointIndex = indexEndPoint;
// For each end-point between the current position of the minimum
@ -291,7 +338,8 @@ void SweepAndPruneAlgorithm::updateObject(CollisionBody* body, const AABB& aabb)
currentMaxEndPoint->value = limit;
EndPoint savedEndPoint = *currentMaxEndPoint;
luint indexEndPoint = (size_t(currentMaxEndPoint) -size_t(startEndPointsCurrentAxis)) / sizeof(EndPoint);
luint indexEndPoint = (size_t(currentMaxEndPoint) -
size_t(startEndPointsCurrentAxis)) / sizeof(EndPoint);
const luint savedEndPointIndex = indexEndPoint;
while ((++currentMaxEndPoint)->value < limit) {
@ -308,7 +356,8 @@ void SweepAndPruneAlgorithm::updateObject(CollisionBody* body, const AABB& aabb)
// for box intersection
if (box != id1) {
if (testIntersect2D(*box, *id1, otherAxis1, otherAxis2) &&
testIntersect1DSortedAABBs(*id1, aabbInt, startEndPointsCurrentAxis,axis)) {
testIntersect1DSortedAABBs(*id1, aabbInt,
startEndPointsCurrentAxis,axis)) {
// Add an overlapping pair to the pair manager
mPairManager.addPair(body, id1->body);
@ -340,7 +389,8 @@ void SweepAndPruneAlgorithm::updateObject(CollisionBody* body, const AABB& aabb)
currentMaxEndPoint->value = limit;
EndPoint savedEndPoint = *currentMaxEndPoint;
luint indexEndPoint = (size_t(currentMaxEndPoint) -size_t(startEndPointsCurrentAxis)) / sizeof(EndPoint);
luint indexEndPoint = (size_t(currentMaxEndPoint) -
size_t(startEndPointsCurrentAxis)) / sizeof(EndPoint);
const luint savedEndPointIndex = indexEndPoint;
// For each end-point between the current position of the maximum
@ -390,10 +440,9 @@ void SweepAndPruneAlgorithm::updateObject(CollisionBody* body, const AABB& aabb)
void SweepAndPruneAlgorithm::resizeArrays() {
// New number of boxes in the array
const luint nbSentinels = 2;
const luint newNbMaxBoxes = mNbMaxBoxes ? 2 * mNbMaxBoxes : 100;
const luint nbEndPoints = mNbBoxes * 2 + nbSentinels;
const luint newNbEndPoints = newNbMaxBoxes * 2 + nbSentinels;
const luint nbEndPoints = mNbBoxes * 2 + NB_SENTINELS;
const luint newNbEndPoints = newNbMaxBoxes * 2 + NB_SENTINELS;
// Allocate memory for the new boxes and end-points arrays
BoxAABB* newBoxesArray = new BoxAABB[newNbMaxBoxes];
@ -409,18 +458,18 @@ void SweepAndPruneAlgorithm::resizeArrays() {
// If the arrays were not empty before
if (mNbBoxes > 0) {
// Copy the data in the old arrays into the new one
// Copy the data from the old arrays into the new one
memcpy(newBoxesArray, mBoxes, sizeof(BoxAABB) * mNbBoxes);
size_t nbBytesNewEndPoints = sizeof(EndPoint) * nbEndPoints;
const size_t nbBytesNewEndPoints = sizeof(EndPoint) * nbEndPoints;
memcpy(newEndPointsXArray, mEndPoints[0], nbBytesNewEndPoints);
memcpy(newEndPointsYArray, mEndPoints[1], nbBytesNewEndPoints);
memcpy(newEndPointsZArray, mEndPoints[2], nbBytesNewEndPoints);
else { // If the arrays were empty
// Add the limits endpoints (sentinels) into the array
const uint min = encodeFloatIntoInteger(DECIMAL_SMALLEST);
const uint max = encodeFloatIntoInteger(DECIMAL_LARGEST);
const uint min = encodeFloatIntoInteger(-FLT_MAX);
const uint max = encodeFloatIntoInteger(FLT_MAX);
newEndPointsXArray[0].setValues(INVALID_INDEX, true, min);
newEndPointsXArray[1].setValues(INVALID_INDEX, false, max);
newEndPointsYArray[0].setValues(INVALID_INDEX, true, min);
@ -35,7 +35,7 @@
/// Namespace ReactPhysics3D
namespace reactphysics3d {
// Structure EndPoint
* EndPoint structure that represent an end-point of an AABB
@ -94,8 +94,11 @@ struct AABBInt {
/// Maximum values on the three axis
uint max[3];
/// Constructor
/// Constructor that takes an AABB as input
AABBInt(const AABB& aabb);
/// Constructor that set all the axis with an minimum and maximum value
AABBInt(uint minValue, uint maxValue);
// Class SweepAndPruneAlgorithm
@ -109,10 +112,15 @@ class SweepAndPruneAlgorithm : public BroadPhaseAlgorithm {
protected :
// -------------------- Attributes -------------------- //
// -------------------- Constants -------------------- //
/// Invalid array index
static bodyindex INVALID_INDEX;
const static bodyindex INVALID_INDEX;
/// Number of sentinel end-points in the array of a given axis
const static luint NB_SENTINELS;
// -------------------- Attributes -------------------- //
/// Array that contains all the AABB boxes of the broad-phase
BoxAABB* mBoxes;
@ -153,6 +161,9 @@ class SweepAndPruneAlgorithm : public BroadPhaseAlgorithm {
/// Check for 2D box intersection.
bool testIntersect2D(const BoxAABB& box1, const BoxAABB& box2,
luint axis1, uint axis2) const;
/// Notify the broad-phase that the AABB of an object has changed.
void updateObjectIntegerAABB(CollisionBody* body, const AABBInt& aabbInt);
public :
@ -211,7 +222,17 @@ inline bool SweepAndPruneAlgorithm::testIntersect2D(const BoxAABB& box1, const B
luint axis1, uint axis2) const {
return !(box2.max[axis1] < box1.min[axis1] || box1.max[axis1] < box2.min[axis1] ||
box2.max[axis2] < box1.min[axis2] || box1.max[axis2] < box2.min[axis2]);
// Notify the broad-phase that the AABB of an object has changed
inline void SweepAndPruneAlgorithm::updateObject(CollisionBody* body, const AABB& aabb) {
// Compute the corresponding AABB with integer coordinates
AABBInt aabbInt(aabb);
// Call the update object method that uses an AABB with integer coordinates
updateObjectIntegerAABB(body, aabbInt);
Reference in New Issue
Block a user