Rename ProxyShape to Collider
This commit is contained in:
@ -18,6 +18,7 @@
- An instance of the ConcaveMeshShape class cannot be instanciated directly anymore. You need to use the PhysicsCommon::createConcaveMeshShape() method.
- An instance of the PolyhedronMesh class cannot be instanciated directly anymore. You need to use the PhysicsCommon::createPolyhedronMesh() method.
- An instance of the TriangleMesh class cannot be instanciated directly anymore. You need to use the PhysicsCommon::createTriangleMesh() method.
- The ProxyShape class has been renamed to Collider. The CollisionBody::addCollider(), RigidBody::addCollider() methods have to be used to create and add a collider to a body. Then methods CollisionBody::removeCollider(), RigidBody::removeCollider() need to be used to remove a collider.
### Removed
@ -112,7 +112,7 @@ SET (REACTPHYSICS3D_HEADERS
@ -149,7 +149,7 @@ SET (REACTPHYSICS3D_HEADERS
@ -216,7 +216,7 @@ SET (REACTPHYSICS3D_SOURCES
@ -251,7 +251,7 @@ SET (REACTPHYSICS3D_SOURCES
@ -57,55 +57,52 @@ CollisionBody::~CollisionBody() {
// Add a collision shape to the body. Note that you can share a collision
// shape between several bodies using the same collision shape instance to
// when you add the shape to the different bodies. Do not forget to delete
// the collision shape you have created at the end of your program.
/// This method will return a pointer to a new proxy shape. A proxy shape is
/// an object that links a collision shape and a given body. You can use the
/// returned proxy shape to get and set information about the corresponding
// Create a new collider and add it to the body
/// This method will return a pointer to a new collider. A collider is
/// an object with a collision shape that is attached to a body. It is possible to
/// attach multiple colliders to a given body. You can use the
/// returned collider to get and set information about the corresponding
/// collision shape for that body.
* @param collisionShape A pointer to the collision shape you want to add to the body
* @param transform The transformation of the collision shape that transforms the
* local-space of the collision shape into the local-space of the body
* @return A pointer to the proxy shape that has been created to link the body to
* the new collision shape you have added.
* @param collisionShape A pointer to the collision shape of the new collider
* @param transform The transformation of the collider that transforms the
* local-space of the collider into the local-space of the body
* @return A pointer to the collider that has been created
ProxyShape* CollisionBody::addCollisionShape(CollisionShape* collisionShape, const Transform& transform) {
Collider* CollisionBody::addCollider(CollisionShape* collisionShape, const Transform& transform) {
// Create a new entity for the proxy-shape
Entity proxyShapeEntity = mWorld.mEntityManager.createEntity();
// Create a new entity for the collider
Entity colliderEntity = mWorld.mEntityManager.createEntity();
// Create a new proxy collision shape to attach the collision shape to the body
ProxyShape* proxyShape = new (mWorld.mMemoryManager.allocate(MemoryManager::AllocationType::Pool,
sizeof(ProxyShape))) ProxyShape(proxyShapeEntity, this, mWorld.mMemoryManager);
// Create a new collider to attach the collision shape to the body
Collider* collider = new (mWorld.mMemoryManager.allocate(MemoryManager::AllocationType::Pool,
sizeof(Collider))) Collider(colliderEntity, this, mWorld.mMemoryManager);
// Add the proxy-shape component to the entity of the body
// Add the collider component to the entity of the body
Vector3 localBoundsMin;
Vector3 localBoundsMax;
// TODO : Maybe this method can directly returns an AABB
collisionShape->getLocalBounds(localBoundsMin, localBoundsMax);
const Transform localToWorldTransform = mWorld.mTransformComponents.getTransform(mEntity) * transform;
ProxyShapeComponents::ProxyShapeComponent proxyShapeComponent(mEntity, proxyShape,
ColliderComponents::ColliderComponent colliderComponent(mEntity, collider,
AABB(localBoundsMin, localBoundsMax),
transform, collisionShape, decimal(1), 0x0001, 0xFFFF, localToWorldTransform);
bool isActive = mWorld.mCollisionBodyComponents.getIsActive(mEntity);
mWorld.mProxyShapesComponents.addComponent(proxyShapeEntity, !isActive, proxyShapeComponent);
mWorld.mCollidersComponents.addComponent(colliderEntity, !isActive, colliderComponent);
mWorld.mCollisionBodyComponents.addProxyShapeToBody(mEntity, proxyShapeEntity);
mWorld.mCollisionBodyComponents.addColliderToBody(mEntity, colliderEntity);
// Set the profiler
// Set the logger
@ -114,94 +111,92 @@ ProxyShape* CollisionBody::addCollisionShape(CollisionShape* collisionShape, con
collisionShape->computeAABB(aabb, mWorld.mTransformComponents.getTransform(mEntity) * transform);
// Notify the collision detection about this new collision shape
mWorld.mCollisionDetection.addProxyCollisionShape(proxyShape, aabb);
mWorld.mCollisionDetection.addCollider(collider, aabb);
RP3D_LOG(mLogger, Logger::Level::Information, Logger::Category::Body,
"Body " + std::to_string( + ": Proxy shape " + std::to_string(proxyShape->getBroadPhaseId()) + " added to body");
"Body " + std::to_string( + ": Collider " + std::to_string(collider->getBroadPhaseId()) + " added to body");
RP3D_LOG(mLogger, Logger::Level::Information, Logger::Category::ProxyShape,
"ProxyShape " + std::to_string(proxyShape->getBroadPhaseId()) + ": collisionShape=" +
RP3D_LOG(mLogger, Logger::Level::Information, Logger::Category::Collider,
"Collider " + std::to_string(collider->getBroadPhaseId()) + ": collisionShape=" +
// Return a pointer to the collision shape
return proxyShape;
return collider;
// Return the number of proxy-shapes associated with this body
// Return the number of colliders associated with this body
* @return The number of proxy-shapes associated with this body
* @return The number of colliders associated with this body
uint CollisionBody::getNbProxyShapes() const {
return static_cast<uint>(mWorld.mCollisionBodyComponents.getProxyShapes(mEntity).size());
uint CollisionBody::getNbColliders() const {
return static_cast<uint>(mWorld.mCollisionBodyComponents.getColliders(mEntity).size());
// Return a const pointer to a given proxy-shape of the body
// Return a const pointer to a given collider of the body
* @return The const pointer of a given proxy-shape of the body
* @return The const pointer of a given collider of the body
const ProxyShape* CollisionBody::getProxyShape(uint proxyShapeIndex) const {
const Collider* CollisionBody::getCollider(uint colliderIndex) const {
assert(proxyShapeIndex < getNbProxyShapes());
assert(colliderIndex < getNbColliders());
Entity proxyShapeEntity = mWorld.mCollisionBodyComponents.getProxyShapes(mEntity)[proxyShapeIndex];
Entity colliderEntity = mWorld.mCollisionBodyComponents.getColliders(mEntity)[colliderIndex];
return mWorld.mProxyShapesComponents.getProxyShape(proxyShapeEntity);
return mWorld.mCollidersComponents.getCollider(colliderEntity);
// Return a pointer to a given proxy-shape of the body
// Return a pointer to a given collider of the body
* @return The pointer of a given proxy-shape of the body
* @return The pointer of a given collider of the body
ProxyShape* CollisionBody::getProxyShape(uint proxyShapeIndex) {
Collider* CollisionBody::getCollider(uint colliderIndex) {
assert(proxyShapeIndex < getNbProxyShapes());
assert(colliderIndex < getNbColliders());
Entity proxyShapeEntity = mWorld.mCollisionBodyComponents.getProxyShapes(mEntity)[proxyShapeIndex];
Entity colliderEntity = mWorld.mCollisionBodyComponents.getColliders(mEntity)[colliderIndex];
return mWorld.mProxyShapesComponents.getProxyShape(proxyShapeEntity);
return mWorld.mCollidersComponents.getCollider(colliderEntity);
// Remove a collision shape from the body
/// To remove a collision shape, you need to specify the pointer to the proxy
/// shape that has been returned when you have added the collision shape to the
/// body
// Remove a collider from the body
/// To remove a collider, you need to specify its pointer
* @param proxyShape The pointer of the proxy shape you want to remove
* @param collider The pointer of the collider you want to remove
void CollisionBody::removeCollisionShape(ProxyShape* proxyShape) {
void CollisionBody::removeCollider(Collider* collider) {
RP3D_LOG(mLogger, Logger::Level::Information, Logger::Category::Body,
"Body " + std::to_string( + ": Proxy shape " + std::to_string(proxyShape->getBroadPhaseId()) + " removed from body");
"Body " + std::to_string( + ": Collider " + std::to_string(collider->getBroadPhaseId()) + " removed from body");
// Remove the proxy-shape from the broad-phase
if (proxyShape->getBroadPhaseId() != -1) {
// Remove the collider from the broad-phase
if (collider->getBroadPhaseId() != -1) {
mWorld.mCollisionBodyComponents.removeProxyShapeFromBody(mEntity, proxyShape->getEntity());
mWorld.mCollisionBodyComponents.removeColliderFromBody(mEntity, collider->getEntity());
// Remove the proxy-shape component
// Remove the collider component
// Destroy the entity
// Call the constructor of the proxy-shape
// Call the constructor of the collider
// Release allocated memory for the proxy-shape
mWorld.mMemoryManager.release(MemoryManager::AllocationType::Pool, proxyShape, sizeof(ProxyShape));
// Release allocated memory for the collider
mWorld.mMemoryManager.release(MemoryManager::AllocationType::Pool, collider, sizeof(Collider));
// Remove all the collision shapes
void CollisionBody::removeAllCollisionShapes() {
// Look for the proxy shape that contains the collision shape in parameter.
// Note that we need to copy the list of proxy shapes entities because we are deleting them in a loop.
const List<Entity> proxyShapesEntities = mWorld.mCollisionBodyComponents.getProxyShapes(mEntity);
for (uint i=0; i < proxyShapesEntities.size(); i++) {
// Look for the collider that contains the collision shape in parameter.
// Note that we need to copy the list of collider entities because we are deleting them in a loop.
const List<Entity> collidersEntities = mWorld.mCollisionBodyComponents.getColliders(mEntity);
for (uint i=0; i < collidersEntities.size(); i++) {
@ -218,17 +213,17 @@ const Transform& CollisionBody::getTransform() const {
// Update the broad-phase state for this body (because it has moved for instance)
void CollisionBody::updateBroadPhaseState(decimal timeStep) const {
// For all the proxy collision shapes of the body
const List<Entity>& proxyShapesEntities = mWorld.mCollisionBodyComponents.getProxyShapes(mEntity);
for (uint i=0; i < proxyShapesEntities.size(); i++) {
// For all the colliders of the body
const List<Entity>& colliderEntities = mWorld.mCollisionBodyComponents.getColliders(mEntity);
for (uint i=0; i < colliderEntities.size(); i++) {
// Update the local-to-world transform of the proxy-shape
// Update the local-to-world transform of the collider
mWorld.mTransformComponents.getTransform(mEntity) *
// Update the proxy
mWorld.mCollisionDetection.updateProxyShape(proxyShapesEntities[i], timeStep);
// Update the collider
mWorld.mCollisionDetection.updateCollider(colliderEntities[i], timeStep);
@ -248,32 +243,32 @@ void CollisionBody::setIsActive(bool isActive) {
const Transform& transform = mWorld.mTransformComponents.getTransform(mEntity);
// For each proxy shape of the body
const List<Entity>& proxyShapesEntities = mWorld.mCollisionBodyComponents.getProxyShapes(mEntity);
for (uint i=0; i < proxyShapesEntities.size(); i++) {
// For each collider of the body
const List<Entity>& colliderEntities = mWorld.mCollisionBodyComponents.getColliders(mEntity);
for (uint i=0; i < colliderEntities.size(); i++) {
ProxyShape* proxyShape = mWorld.mProxyShapesComponents.getProxyShape(proxyShapesEntities[i]);
Collider* collider = mWorld.mCollidersComponents.getCollider(colliderEntities[i]);
// Compute the world-space AABB of the new collision shape
AABB aabb;
proxyShape->getCollisionShape()->computeAABB(aabb, transform * mWorld.mProxyShapesComponents.getLocalToBodyTransform(proxyShape->getEntity()));
collider->getCollisionShape()->computeAABB(aabb, transform * mWorld.mCollidersComponents.getLocalToBodyTransform(collider->getEntity()));
// Add the proxy shape to the collision detection
mWorld.mCollisionDetection.addProxyCollisionShape(proxyShape, aabb);
// Add the collider to the collision detection
mWorld.mCollisionDetection.addCollider(collider, aabb);
else { // If we have to deactivate the body
// For each proxy shape of the body
const List<Entity>& proxyShapesEntities = mWorld.mCollisionBodyComponents.getProxyShapes(mEntity);
for (uint i=0; i < proxyShapesEntities.size(); i++) {
// For each collider of the body
const List<Entity>& colliderEntities = mWorld.mCollisionBodyComponents.getColliders(mEntity);
for (uint i=0; i < colliderEntities.size(); i++) {
ProxyShape* proxyShape = mWorld.mProxyShapesComponents.getProxyShape(proxyShapesEntities[i]);
Collider* collider = mWorld.mCollidersComponents.getCollider(colliderEntities[i]);
if (proxyShape->getBroadPhaseId() != -1) {
if (collider->getBroadPhaseId() != -1) {
// Remove the proxy shape from the collision detection
// Remove the collider from the collision detection
@ -287,13 +282,13 @@ void CollisionBody::setIsActive(bool isActive) {
// (as if the body has moved).
void CollisionBody::askForBroadPhaseCollisionCheck() const {
// For all the proxy collision shapes of the body
const List<Entity>& proxyShapesEntities = mWorld.mCollisionBodyComponents.getProxyShapes(mEntity);
for (uint i=0; i < proxyShapesEntities.size(); i++) {
// For all the colliders of the body
const List<Entity>& colliderEntities = mWorld.mCollisionBodyComponents.getColliders(mEntity);
for (uint i=0; i < colliderEntities.size(); i++) {
ProxyShape* proxyShape = mWorld.mProxyShapesComponents.getProxyShape(proxyShapesEntities[i]);
Collider* collider = mWorld.mCollidersComponents.getCollider(colliderEntities[i]);
@ -305,14 +300,14 @@ void CollisionBody::askForBroadPhaseCollisionCheck() const {
bool CollisionBody::testPointInside(const Vector3& worldPoint) const {
// For each collision shape of the body
const List<Entity>& proxyShapesEntities = mWorld.mCollisionBodyComponents.getProxyShapes(mEntity);
for (uint i=0; i < proxyShapesEntities.size(); i++) {
// For each collider of the body
const List<Entity>& colliderEntities = mWorld.mCollisionBodyComponents.getColliders(mEntity);
for (uint i=0; i < colliderEntities.size(); i++) {
ProxyShape* proxyShape = mWorld.mProxyShapesComponents.getProxyShape(proxyShapesEntities[i]);
Collider* collider = mWorld.mCollidersComponents.getCollider(colliderEntities[i]);
// Test if the point is inside the collision shape
if (proxyShape->testPointInside(worldPoint)) return true;
// Test if the point is inside the collider
if (collider->testPointInside(worldPoint)) return true;
return false;
@ -334,14 +329,14 @@ bool CollisionBody::raycast(const Ray& ray, RaycastInfo& raycastInfo) {
bool isHit = false;
Ray rayTemp(ray);
// For each collision shape of the body
const List<Entity>& proxyShapesEntities = mWorld.mCollisionBodyComponents.getProxyShapes(mEntity);
for (uint i=0; i < proxyShapesEntities.size(); i++) {
// For each collider of the body
const List<Entity>& colliderEntities = mWorld.mCollisionBodyComponents.getColliders(mEntity);
for (uint i=0; i < colliderEntities.size(); i++) {
ProxyShape* proxyShape = mWorld.mProxyShapesComponents.getProxyShape(proxyShapesEntities[i]);
Collider* collider = mWorld.mCollidersComponents.getCollider(colliderEntities[i]);
// Test if the ray hits the collision shape
if (proxyShape->raycast(rayTemp, raycastInfo)) {
// Test if the ray hits the collider
if (collider->raycast(rayTemp, raycastInfo)) {
rayTemp.maxFraction = raycastInfo.hitFraction;
isHit = true;
@ -350,7 +345,7 @@ bool CollisionBody::raycast(const Ray& ray, RaycastInfo& raycastInfo) {
return isHit;
// Compute and return the AABB of the body by merging all proxy shapes AABBs
// Compute and return the AABB of the body by merging all colliders AABBs
* @return The axis-aligned bounding box (AABB) of the body in world-space coordinates
@ -358,24 +353,24 @@ AABB CollisionBody::getAABB() const {
const List<Entity>& proxyShapesEntities = mWorld.mCollisionBodyComponents.getProxyShapes(mEntity);
if (proxyShapesEntities.size() == 0) return bodyAABB;
const List<Entity>& colliderEntities = mWorld.mCollisionBodyComponents.getColliders(mEntity);
if (colliderEntities.size() == 0) return bodyAABB;
const Transform& transform = mWorld.mTransformComponents.getTransform(mEntity);
ProxyShape* proxyShape = mWorld.mProxyShapesComponents.getProxyShape(proxyShapesEntities[0]);
proxyShape->getCollisionShape()->computeAABB(bodyAABB, transform * proxyShape->getLocalToBodyTransform());
Collider* collider = mWorld.mCollidersComponents.getCollider(colliderEntities[0]);
collider->getCollisionShape()->computeAABB(bodyAABB, transform * collider->getLocalToBodyTransform());
// For each proxy shape of the body
for (uint i=1; i < proxyShapesEntities.size(); i++) {
// For each collider of the body
for (uint i=1; i < colliderEntities.size(); i++) {
ProxyShape* proxyShape = mWorld.mProxyShapesComponents.getProxyShape(proxyShapesEntities[i]);
Collider* collider = mWorld.mCollidersComponents.getCollider(colliderEntities[i]);
// Compute the world-space AABB of the collision shape
// Compute the world-space AABB of the collider
AABB aabb;
proxyShape->getCollisionShape()->computeAABB(aabb, transform * proxyShape->getLocalToBodyTransform());
collider->getCollisionShape()->computeAABB(aabb, transform * collider->getLocalToBodyTransform());
// Merge the proxy shape AABB with the current body AABB
// Merge the collider AABB with the current body AABB
@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ namespace reactphysics3d {
// Declarations
struct ContactManifoldListElement;
class ProxyShape;
class Collider;
class CollisionWorld;
class CollisionShape;
struct RaycastInfo;
@ -125,11 +125,11 @@ class CollisionBody {
/// Set the current position and orientation
virtual void setTransform(const Transform& transform);
/// Add a collision shape to the body.
virtual ProxyShape* addCollisionShape(CollisionShape* collisionShape, const Transform& transform);
/// Create a new collider and add it to the body.
virtual Collider* addCollider(CollisionShape* collisionShape, const Transform& transform);
/// Remove a collision shape from the body
virtual void removeCollisionShape(ProxyShape *proxyShape);
/// Remove a collider from the body
virtual void removeCollider(Collider* collider);
/// Return true if a point is inside the collision body
bool testPointInside(const Vector3& worldPoint) const;
@ -140,17 +140,17 @@ class CollisionBody {
/// Test if the collision body overlaps with a given AABB
bool testAABBOverlap(const AABB& worldAABB) const;
/// Compute and return the AABB of the body by merging all proxy shapes AABBs
/// Compute and return the AABB of the body by merging all colliders AABBs
AABB getAABB() const;
/// Return a const pointer to a given proxy-shape of the body
const ProxyShape* getProxyShape(uint proxyShapeIndex) const;
/// Return a const pointer to a given collider of the body
const Collider* getCollider(uint colliderIndex) const;
/// Return a pointer to a given proxy-shape of the body
ProxyShape* getProxyShape(uint proxyShapeIndex);
/// Return a pointer to a given collider of the body
Collider* getCollider(uint colliderIndex);
/// Return the number of proxy-shapes associated with this body
uint getNbProxyShapes() const;
/// Return the number of colliders associated with this body
uint getNbColliders() const;
/// Return the world-space coordinates of a point given the local-space coordinates of the body
Vector3 getWorldPoint(const Vector3& localPoint) const;
@ -184,7 +184,7 @@ class CollisionBody {
friend class CollisionDetectionSystem;
friend class BroadPhaseAlgorithm;
friend class ConvexMeshShape;
friend class ProxyShape;
friend class Collider;
/// Test if the collision body overlaps with a given AABB
@ -307,58 +307,53 @@ void RigidBody::setMass(decimal mass) {
// Add a collision shape to the body.
/// When you add a collision shape to the body, an internal copy of this
/// collision shape will be created internally. Therefore, you can delete it
/// right after calling this method or use it later to add it to another body.
/// This method will return a pointer to a new proxy shape. A proxy shape is
/// an object that links a collision shape and a given body. You can use the
/// returned proxy shape to get and set information about the corresponding
// Create a new collider and add it to the body
/// This method will return a pointer to a new collider. A collider is
/// an object with a collision shape that is attached to a body. It is possible to
/// attach multiple colliders to a given body. You can use the
/// returned collider to get and set information about the corresponding
/// collision shape for that body.
* @param collisionShape The collision shape you want to add to the body
* @param transform The transformation of the collision shape that transforms the
* local-space of the collision shape into the local-space of the body
* @param mass Mass (in kilograms) of the collision shape you want to add
* @return A pointer to the proxy shape that has been created to link the body to
* the new collision shape you have added.
* @param collisionShape The collision shape of the new collider
* @param transform The transformation of the collider that transforms the
* local-space of the collider into the local-space of the body
* @param mass Mass (in kilograms) of the collider you want to add
* @return A pointer to the collider that has been created
ProxyShape* RigidBody::addCollisionShape(CollisionShape* collisionShape,
const Transform& transform,
decimal mass) {
Collider* RigidBody::addCollider(CollisionShape* collisionShape, const Transform& transform, decimal mass) {
// Create a new entity for the proxy-shape
Entity proxyShapeEntity = mWorld.mEntityManager.createEntity();
// Create a new entity for the collider
Entity colliderEntity = mWorld.mEntityManager.createEntity();
// Create a new proxy collision shape to attach the collision shape to the body
ProxyShape* proxyShape = new (mWorld.mMemoryManager.allocate(MemoryManager::AllocationType::Pool,
sizeof(ProxyShape))) ProxyShape(proxyShapeEntity, this, mWorld.mMemoryManager);
// Create a new collider for the body
Collider* collider = new (mWorld.mMemoryManager.allocate(MemoryManager::AllocationType::Pool,
sizeof(Collider))) Collider(colliderEntity, this, mWorld.mMemoryManager);
// Add the proxy-shape component to the entity of the body
// Add the collider component to the entity of the body
Vector3 localBoundsMin;
Vector3 localBoundsMax;
// TODO : Maybe this method can directly returns an AABB
collisionShape->getLocalBounds(localBoundsMin, localBoundsMax);
const Transform localToWorldTransform = mWorld.mTransformComponents.getTransform(mEntity) * transform;
ProxyShapeComponents::ProxyShapeComponent proxyShapeComponent(mEntity, proxyShape,
ColliderComponents::ColliderComponent colliderComponent(mEntity, collider,
AABB(localBoundsMin, localBoundsMax),
transform, collisionShape, mass, 0x0001, 0xFFFF, localToWorldTransform);
bool isSleeping = mWorld.mRigidBodyComponents.getIsSleeping(mEntity);
mWorld.mProxyShapesComponents.addComponent(proxyShapeEntity, isSleeping, proxyShapeComponent);
mWorld.mCollidersComponents.addComponent(colliderEntity, isSleeping, colliderComponent);
mWorld.mCollisionBodyComponents.addProxyShapeToBody(mEntity, proxyShapeEntity);
mWorld.mCollisionBodyComponents.addColliderToBody(mEntity, colliderEntity);
// Set the profiler
// Set the logger
@ -367,34 +362,32 @@ ProxyShape* RigidBody::addCollisionShape(CollisionShape* collisionShape,
collisionShape->computeAABB(aabb, mWorld.mTransformComponents.getTransform(mEntity) * transform);
// Notify the collision detection about this new collision shape
mWorld.mCollisionDetection.addProxyCollisionShape(proxyShape, aabb);
mWorld.mCollisionDetection.addCollider(collider, aabb);
// Recompute the center of mass, total mass and inertia tensor of the body with the new
// collision shape
RP3D_LOG(mLogger, Logger::Level::Information, Logger::Category::Body,
"Body " + std::to_string( + ": Proxy shape " + std::to_string(proxyShape->getBroadPhaseId()) + " added to body");
"Body " + std::to_string( + ": Collider " + std::to_string(collider->getBroadPhaseId()) + " added to body");
RP3D_LOG(mLogger, Logger::Level::Information, Logger::Category::ProxyShape,
"ProxyShape " + std::to_string(proxyShape->getBroadPhaseId()) + ": collisionShape=" +
RP3D_LOG(mLogger, Logger::Level::Information, Logger::Category::Collider,
"Collider " + std::to_string(collider->getBroadPhaseId()) + ": collisionShape=" +
// Return a pointer to the proxy collision shape
return proxyShape;
// Return a pointer to the collider
return collider;
// Remove a collision shape from the body
/// To remove a collision shape, you need to specify the pointer to the proxy
/// shape that has been returned when you have added the collision shape to the
/// body
// Remove a collider from the body
/// To remove a collider, you need to specify its pointer.
* @param proxyShape The pointer of the proxy shape you want to remove
* @param collider The pointer of the collider you want to remove
void RigidBody::removeCollisionShape(ProxyShape* proxyShape) {
void RigidBody::removeCollider(Collider* collider) {
// Remove the collision shape
// Recompute the total mass, center of mass and inertia tensor
@ -540,14 +533,14 @@ void RigidBody::recomputeMassInformation() {
assert(mWorld.mRigidBodyComponents.getBodyType(mEntity) == BodyType::DYNAMIC);
// Compute the total mass of the body
const List<Entity>& proxyShapesEntities = mWorld.mCollisionBodyComponents.getProxyShapes(mEntity);
for (uint i=0; i < proxyShapesEntities.size(); i++) {
ProxyShape* proxyShape = mWorld.mProxyShapesComponents.getProxyShape(proxyShapesEntities[i]);
mWorld.mRigidBodyComponents.setInitMass(mEntity, mWorld.mRigidBodyComponents.getInitMass(mEntity) + proxyShape->getMass());
const List<Entity>& colliderEntities = mWorld.mCollisionBodyComponents.getColliders(mEntity);
for (uint i=0; i < colliderEntities.size(); i++) {
Collider* collider = mWorld.mCollidersComponents.getCollider(colliderEntities[i]);
mWorld.mRigidBodyComponents.setInitMass(mEntity, mWorld.mRigidBodyComponents.getInitMass(mEntity) + collider->getMass());
if (!mIsCenterOfMassSetByUser) {
mWorld.mRigidBodyComponents.setCenterOfMassLocal(mEntity, mWorld.mRigidBodyComponents.getCenterOfMassLocal(mEntity) +
proxyShape->getLocalToBodyTransform().getPosition() * proxyShape->getMass());
collider->getLocalToBodyTransform().getPosition() * collider->getMass());
@ -570,22 +563,22 @@ void RigidBody::recomputeMassInformation() {
if (!mIsInertiaTensorSetByUser) {
// Compute the inertia tensor using all the collision shapes
const List<Entity>& proxyShapesEntities = mWorld.mCollisionBodyComponents.getProxyShapes(mEntity);
for (uint i=0; i < proxyShapesEntities.size(); i++) {
// Compute the inertia tensor using all the colliders
const List<Entity>& colliderEntities = mWorld.mCollisionBodyComponents.getColliders(mEntity);
for (uint i=0; i < colliderEntities.size(); i++) {
ProxyShape* proxyShape = mWorld.mProxyShapesComponents.getProxyShape(proxyShapesEntities[i]);
Collider* collider = mWorld.mCollidersComponents.getCollider(colliderEntities[i]);
// Get the inertia tensor of the collision shape in its local-space
// Get the inertia tensor of the collider in its local-space
Matrix3x3 inertiaTensor;
proxyShape->getCollisionShape()->computeLocalInertiaTensor(inertiaTensor, proxyShape->getMass());
collider->getCollisionShape()->computeLocalInertiaTensor(inertiaTensor, collider->getMass());
// Convert the collision shape inertia tensor into the local-space of the body
const Transform& shapeTransform = proxyShape->getLocalToBodyTransform();
// Convert the collider inertia tensor into the local-space of the body
const Transform& shapeTransform = collider->getLocalToBodyTransform();
Matrix3x3 rotationMatrix = shapeTransform.getOrientation().getMatrix();
inertiaTensor = rotationMatrix * inertiaTensor * rotationMatrix.getTranspose();
// Use the parallel axis theorem to convert the inertia tensor w.r.t the collision shape
// Use the parallel axis theorem to convert the inertia tensor w.r.t the collider
// center into a inertia tensor w.r.t to the body origin.
Vector3 offset = shapeTransform.getPosition() - mWorld.mRigidBodyComponents.getCenterOfMassLocal(mEntity);
decimal offsetSquare = offset.lengthSquare();
@ -596,7 +589,7 @@ void RigidBody::recomputeMassInformation() {
offsetMatrix[0] += offset * (-offset.x);
offsetMatrix[1] += offset * (-offset.y);
offsetMatrix[2] += offset * (-offset.z);
offsetMatrix *= proxyShape->getMass();
offsetMatrix *= collider->getMass();
inertiaTensorLocal += inertiaTensor + offsetMatrix;
@ -705,12 +698,12 @@ void RigidBody::setIsSleeping(bool isSleeping) {
// Update whether the current overlapping pairs where this body is involed are active or not
void RigidBody::updateOverlappingPairs() {
// For each proxy-shape of the body
const List<Entity>& proxyShapesEntities = mWorld.mCollisionBodyComponents.getProxyShapes(mEntity);
for (uint i=0; i < proxyShapesEntities.size(); i++) {
// For each collider of the body
const List<Entity>& colliderEntities = mWorld.mCollisionBodyComponents.getColliders(mEntity);
for (uint i=0; i < colliderEntities.size(); i++) {
// Get the currently overlapping pairs for this proxy-shape
List<uint64> overlappingPairs = mWorld.mProxyShapesComponents.getOverlappingPairs(proxyShapesEntities[i]);
// Get the currently overlapping pairs for this collider
List<uint64> overlappingPairs = mWorld.mCollidersComponents.getOverlappingPairs(colliderEntities[i]);
for (uint j=0; j < overlappingPairs.size(); j++) {
@ -779,13 +772,13 @@ void RigidBody::setProfiler(Profiler* profiler) {
// Set the profiler for each proxy shape
const List<Entity>& proxyShapesEntities = mWorld.mCollisionBodyComponents.getProxyShapes(mEntity);
for (uint i=0; i < proxyShapesEntities.size(); i++) {
// Set the profiler for each collider
const List<Entity>& colliderEntities = mWorld.mCollisionBodyComponents.getColliders(mEntity);
for (uint i=0; i < colliderEntities.size(); i++) {
ProxyShape* proxyShape = mWorld.mProxyShapesComponents.getProxyShape(proxyShapesEntities[i]);
Collider* collider = mWorld.mCollidersComponents.getCollider(colliderEntities[i]);
@ -182,15 +182,13 @@ class RigidBody : public CollisionBody {
/// Set whether or not the body is active
virtual void setIsActive(bool isActive) override;
/// Add a collision shape to the body.
/// Create a new collider and add it to the body
// TODO : Remove the mass from this parameter so that we can correctly use inheritance here
// The user will then need to call ProxyShape->setMass() to set the mass of the shape
virtual ProxyShape* addCollisionShape(CollisionShape* collisionShape,
const Transform& transform,
decimal mass);
// The user will then need to call Collider->setMass() to set the mass of the shape
virtual Collider* addCollider(CollisionShape* collisionShape, const Transform& transform, decimal mass);
/// Remove a collision shape from the body
virtual void removeCollisionShape(ProxyShape* proxyShape) override;
/// Remove a collider from the body
virtual void removeCollider(Collider* collider) override;
/// Recompute the center of mass, total mass and inertia tensor of the body using all
/// the collision shapes attached to the body.
@ -24,7 +24,7 @@
// Libraries
#include "ProxyShape.h"
#include "Collider.h"
#include "utils/Logger.h"
#include "collision/RaycastInfo.h"
#include "memory/MemoryManager.h"
@ -39,14 +39,14 @@ using namespace reactphysics3d;
* @param transform Transformation from collision shape local-space to body local-space
* @param mass Mass of the collision shape (in kilograms)
ProxyShape::ProxyShape(Entity entity, CollisionBody* body, MemoryManager& memoryManager)
Collider::Collider(Entity entity, CollisionBody* body, MemoryManager& memoryManager)
:mMemoryManager(memoryManager), mEntity(entity), mBody(body),
mUserData(nullptr) {
// Destructor
ProxyShape::~ProxyShape() {
Collider::~Collider() {
@ -54,8 +54,8 @@ ProxyShape::~ProxyShape() {
* @return Mass of the collision shape (in kilograms)
decimal ProxyShape::getMass() const {
return mBody->mWorld.mProxyShapesComponents.getMass(mEntity);
decimal Collider::getMass() const {
return mBody->mWorld.mCollidersComponents.getMass(mEntity);
@ -64,30 +64,30 @@ decimal ProxyShape::getMass() const {
* @param worldPoint Point to test in world-space coordinates
* @return True if the point is inside the collision shape
bool ProxyShape::testPointInside(const Vector3& worldPoint) {
bool Collider::testPointInside(const Vector3& worldPoint) {
const Transform localToWorld = mBody->mWorld.mTransformComponents.getTransform(mBody->getEntity()) *
const Vector3 localPoint = localToWorld.getInverse() * worldPoint;
const CollisionShape* collisionShape = mBody->mWorld.mProxyShapesComponents.getCollisionShape(mEntity);
const CollisionShape* collisionShape = mBody->mWorld.mCollidersComponents.getCollisionShape(mEntity);
return collisionShape->testPointInside(localPoint, this);
// Set the collision category bits
* @param collisionCategoryBits The collision category bits mask of the proxy shape
* @param collisionCategoryBits The collision category bits mask of the collider
void ProxyShape::setCollisionCategoryBits(unsigned short collisionCategoryBits) {
void Collider::setCollisionCategoryBits(unsigned short collisionCategoryBits) {
// TODO : Here we should probably remove all overlapping pairs with this shape in the
// broad-phase and add the shape in the "has moved" shape list so it is reevaluated
// with the new mask bits
mBody->mWorld.mProxyShapesComponents.setCollisionCategoryBits(mEntity, collisionCategoryBits);
mBody->mWorld.mCollidersComponents.setCollisionCategoryBits(mEntity, collisionCategoryBits);
int broadPhaseId = mBody->mWorld.mProxyShapesComponents.getBroadPhaseId(mEntity);
int broadPhaseId = mBody->mWorld.mCollidersComponents.getBroadPhaseId(mEntity);
RP3D_LOG(mLogger, Logger::Level::Information, Logger::Category::ProxyShape,
"ProxyShape " + std::to_string(broadPhaseId) + ": Set collisionCategoryBits=" +
RP3D_LOG(mLogger, Logger::Level::Information, Logger::Category::Collider,
"Collider " + std::to_string(broadPhaseId) + ": Set collisionCategoryBits=" +
@ -95,49 +95,49 @@ void ProxyShape::setCollisionCategoryBits(unsigned short collisionCategoryBits)
* @param collideWithMaskBits The bits mask that specifies with which collision category this shape will collide
void ProxyShape::setCollideWithMaskBits(unsigned short collideWithMaskBits) {
void Collider::setCollideWithMaskBits(unsigned short collideWithMaskBits) {
// TODO : Here we should probably remove all overlapping pairs with this shape in the
// broad-phase and add the shape in the "has moved" shape list so it is reevaluated
// with the new mask bits
mBody->mWorld.mProxyShapesComponents.setCollideWithMaskBits(mEntity, collideWithMaskBits);
mBody->mWorld.mCollidersComponents.setCollideWithMaskBits(mEntity, collideWithMaskBits);
int broadPhaseId = mBody->mWorld.mProxyShapesComponents.getBroadPhaseId(mEntity);
int broadPhaseId = mBody->mWorld.mCollidersComponents.getBroadPhaseId(mEntity);
RP3D_LOG(mLogger, Logger::Level::Information, Logger::Category::ProxyShape,
"ProxyShape " + std::to_string(broadPhaseId) + ": Set collideWithMaskBits=" +
RP3D_LOG(mLogger, Logger::Level::Information, Logger::Category::Collider,
"Collider" " + std::to_string(broadPhaseId) + ": Set collideWithMaskBits=" +
// Set the local to parent body transform
void ProxyShape::setLocalToBodyTransform(const Transform& transform) {
void Collider::setLocalToBodyTransform(const Transform& transform) {
mBody->mWorld.mProxyShapesComponents.setLocalToBodyTransform(mEntity, transform);
mBody->mWorld.mCollidersComponents.setLocalToBodyTransform(mEntity, transform);
// Update the local-to-world transform
const Transform& bodyTransform = mBody->mWorld.mTransformComponents.getTransform(mBody->getEntity());
mBody->mWorld.mProxyShapesComponents.setLocalToWorldTransform(mEntity, bodyTransform * transform);
mBody->mWorld.mCollidersComponents.setLocalToWorldTransform(mEntity, bodyTransform * transform);
RigidBody* rigidBody = static_cast<RigidBody*>(mBody);
if (rigidBody != nullptr) {
mBody->mWorld.mRigidBodyComponents.setIsSleeping(mBody->getEntity(), false);
mBody->mWorld.mCollisionDetection.updateProxyShape(mEntity, 0);
mBody->mWorld.mCollisionDetection.updateCollider(mEntity, 0);
RP3D_LOG(mLogger, Logger::Level::Information, Logger::Category::ProxyShape,
"ProxyShape " + std::to_string(broadPhaseId) + ": Set localToBodyTransform=" +
RP3D_LOG(mLogger, Logger::Level::Information, Logger::Category::Collider,
"Collider " + std::to_string(broadPhaseId) + ": Set localToBodyTransform=" +
// Return the AABB of the proxy shape in world-space
// Return the AABB of the collider in world-space
* @return The AABB of the proxy shape in world-space
* @return The AABB of the collider in world-space
const AABB ProxyShape::getWorldAABB() const {
const AABB Collider::getWorldAABB() const {
AABB aabb;
CollisionShape* collisionShape = mBody->mWorld.mProxyShapesComponents.getCollisionShape(mEntity);
CollisionShape* collisionShape = mBody->mWorld.mCollidersComponents.getCollisionShape(mEntity);
collisionShape->computeAABB(aabb, getLocalToWorldTransform());
return aabb;
@ -146,21 +146,21 @@ const AABB ProxyShape::getWorldAABB() const {
* @return Pointer to the internal collision shape
const CollisionShape* ProxyShape::getCollisionShape() const {
return mBody->mWorld.mProxyShapesComponents.getCollisionShape(mEntity);
const CollisionShape* Collider::getCollisionShape() const {
return mBody->mWorld.mCollidersComponents.getCollisionShape(mEntity);
// Return the collision shape
* @return Pointer to the internal collision shape
CollisionShape* ProxyShape::getCollisionShape() {
return mBody->mWorld.mProxyShapesComponents.getCollisionShape(mEntity);
CollisionShape* Collider::getCollisionShape() {
return mBody->mWorld.mCollidersComponents.getCollisionShape(mEntity);
// Return the broad-phase id
int ProxyShape::getBroadPhaseId() const {
return mBody->mWorld.mProxyShapesComponents.getBroadPhaseId(mEntity);
int Collider::getBroadPhaseId() const {
return mBody->mWorld.mCollidersComponents.getBroadPhaseId(mEntity);
// Return the local to parent body transform
@ -168,8 +168,8 @@ int ProxyShape::getBroadPhaseId() const {
* @return The transformation that transforms the local-space of the collision shape
* to the local-space of the parent body
const Transform& ProxyShape::getLocalToBodyTransform() const {
return mBody->mWorld.mProxyShapesComponents.getLocalToBodyTransform(mEntity);
const Transform& Collider::getLocalToBodyTransform() const {
return mBody->mWorld.mCollidersComponents.getLocalToBodyTransform(mEntity);
// Raycast method with feedback information
@ -179,19 +179,19 @@ const Transform& ProxyShape::getLocalToBodyTransform() const {
* methods returned true
* @return True if the ray hits the collision shape
bool ProxyShape::raycast(const Ray& ray, RaycastInfo& raycastInfo) {
bool Collider::raycast(const Ray& ray, RaycastInfo& raycastInfo) {
// If the corresponding body is not active, it cannot be hit by rays
if (!mBody->isActive()) return false;
// Convert the ray into the local-space of the collision shape
const Transform localToWorldTransform = mBody->mWorld.mProxyShapesComponents.getLocalToWorldTransform(mEntity);
const Transform localToWorldTransform = mBody->mWorld.mCollidersComponents.getLocalToWorldTransform(mEntity);
const Transform worldToLocalTransform = localToWorldTransform.getInverse();
Ray rayLocal(worldToLocalTransform * ray.point1,
worldToLocalTransform * ray.point2,
const CollisionShape* collisionShape = mBody->mWorld.mProxyShapesComponents.getCollisionShape(mEntity);
const CollisionShape* collisionShape = mBody->mWorld.mCollidersComponents.getCollisionShape(mEntity);
bool isHit = collisionShape->raycast(rayLocal, raycastInfo, this, mMemoryManager.getPoolAllocator());
// Convert the raycast info into world-space
@ -204,18 +204,18 @@ bool ProxyShape::raycast(const Ray& ray, RaycastInfo& raycastInfo) {
// Return the collision category bits
* @return The collision category bits mask of the proxy shape
* @return The collision category bits mask of the collider
unsigned short ProxyShape::getCollisionCategoryBits() const {
return mBody->mWorld.mProxyShapesComponents.getCollisionCategoryBits(mEntity);
unsigned short Collider::getCollisionCategoryBits() const {
return mBody->mWorld.mCollidersComponents.getCollisionCategoryBits(mEntity);
// Return the collision bits mask
* @return The bits mask that specifies with which collision category this shape will collide
unsigned short ProxyShape::getCollideWithMaskBits() const {
return mBody->mWorld.mProxyShapesComponents.getCollideWithMaskBits(mEntity);
unsigned short Collider::getCollideWithMaskBits() const {
return mBody->mWorld.mCollidersComponents.getCollideWithMaskBits(mEntity);
// Return the local to world transform
@ -223,18 +223,18 @@ unsigned short ProxyShape::getCollideWithMaskBits() const {
* @return The transformation that transforms the local-space of the collision
* shape to the world-space
const Transform ProxyShape::getLocalToWorldTransform() const {
return mBody->mWorld.mProxyShapesComponents.getLocalToWorldTransform(mEntity);
const Transform Collider::getLocalToWorldTransform() const {
return mBody->mWorld.mCollidersComponents.getLocalToWorldTransform(mEntity);
// Set the profiler
void ProxyShape::setProfiler(Profiler* profiler) {
void Collider::setProfiler(Profiler* profiler) {
mProfiler = profiler;
CollisionShape* collisionShape = mBody->mWorld.mProxyShapesComponents.getCollisionShape(mEntity);
CollisionShape* collisionShape = mBody->mWorld.mCollidersComponents.getCollisionShape(mEntity);
@ -23,8 +23,8 @@
* *
// Libraries
#include "body/CollisionBody.h"
@ -35,17 +35,17 @@ namespace reactphysics3d {
// Declarations
class MemoryManager;
// Class ProxyShape
// Class Collider
* The CollisionShape instances are supposed to be unique for memory optimization. For instance,
* consider two rigid bodies with the same sphere collision shape. In this situation, we will have
* a unique instance of SphereShape but we need to differentiate between the two instances during
* the collision detection. They do not have the same position in the world and they do not
* belong to the same rigid body. The ProxyShape class is used for that purpose by attaching a
* rigid body with one of its collision shape. A body can have multiple proxy shapes (one for
* belong to the same rigid body. The Collider class is used for that purpose by attaching a
* rigid body with one of its collision shape. A body can have multiple colliders (one for
* each collision shape attached to the body).
class ProxyShape {
class Collider {
@ -60,37 +60,9 @@ class ProxyShape {
/// Pointer to the parent body
CollisionBody* mBody;
/// Internal collision shape
//CollisionShape* mCollisionShape;
/// Local-space to parent body-space transform (does not change over time)
//Transform mLocalToBodyTransform;
/// Mass (in kilogramms) of the corresponding collision shape
//decimal mMass;
/// Pointer to the next proxy shape of the body (linked list)
//ProxyShape* mNext;
/// Broad-phase ID (node ID in the dynamic AABB tree)
//int mBroadPhaseID;
/// Pointer to user data
void* mUserData;
/// Bits used to define the collision category of this shape.
/// You can set a single bit to one to define a category value for this
/// shape. This value is one (0x0001) by default. This variable can be used
/// together with the mCollideWithMaskBits variable so that given
/// categories of shapes collide with each other and do not collide with
/// other categories.
//unsigned short mCollisionCategoryBits;
/// Bits mask used to state which collision categories this shape can
/// collide with. This value is 0xFFFF by default. It means that this
/// proxy shape will collide with every collision categories by default.
//unsigned short mCollideWithMaskBits;
/// Pointer to the profiler
@ -114,18 +86,18 @@ class ProxyShape {
// -------------------- Methods -------------------- //
/// Constructor
ProxyShape(Entity entity, CollisionBody* body, MemoryManager& memoryManager);
Collider(Entity entity, CollisionBody* body, MemoryManager& memoryManager);
/// Destructor
virtual ~ProxyShape();
virtual ~Collider();
/// Deleted copy-constructor
ProxyShape(const ProxyShape& proxyShape) = delete;
Collider(const Collider& collider) = delete;
/// Deleted assignment operator
ProxyShape& operator=(const ProxyShape& proxyShape) = delete;
Collider& operator=(const Collider& collider) = delete;
/// Return the corresponding entity of the proxy-shape
/// Return the corresponding entity of the collider
Entity getEntity() const;
/// Return the collision shape
@ -152,10 +124,10 @@ class ProxyShape {
/// Return the local to world transform
const Transform getLocalToWorldTransform() const;
/// Return the AABB of the proxy shape in world-space
/// Return the AABB of the collider in world-space
const AABB getWorldAABB() const;
/// Test if the proxy shape overlaps with a given AABB
/// Test if the collider overlaps with a given AABB
bool testAABBOverlap(const AABB& worldAABB) const;
/// Return true if a point is inside the collision shape
@ -209,11 +181,11 @@ class ProxyShape {
// Return the corresponding entity of the proxy-shape
// Return the corresponding entity of the collider
* @return The entity of the proxy-shape
* @return The entity of the collider
inline Entity ProxyShape::getEntity() const {
inline Entity Collider::getEntity() const {
return mEntity;
@ -221,39 +193,39 @@ inline Entity ProxyShape::getEntity() const {
* @return Pointer to the parent body
inline CollisionBody* ProxyShape::getBody() const {
inline CollisionBody* Collider::getBody() const {
return mBody;
// Return a pointer to the user data attached to this body
* @return A pointer to the user data stored into the proxy shape
* @return A pointer to the user data stored into the collider
inline void* ProxyShape::getUserData() const {
inline void* Collider::getUserData() const {
return mUserData;
// Attach user data to this body
* @param userData Pointer to the user data you want to store within the proxy shape
* @param userData Pointer to the user data you want to store within the collider
inline void ProxyShape::setUserData(void* userData) {
inline void Collider::setUserData(void* userData) {
mUserData = userData;
/// Test if the proxy shape overlaps with a given AABB
/// Test if the collider overlaps with a given AABB
* @param worldAABB The AABB (in world-space coordinates) that will be used to test overlap
* @return True if the given AABB overlaps with the AABB of the collision body
inline bool ProxyShape::testAABBOverlap(const AABB& worldAABB) const {
inline bool Collider::testAABBOverlap(const AABB& worldAABB) const {
return worldAABB.testCollision(getWorldAABB());
// Set the logger
inline void ProxyShape::setLogger(Logger* logger) {
inline void Collider::setLogger(Logger* logger) {
mLogger = logger;
@ -55,14 +55,14 @@ CollisionBody* CollisionCallback::ContactPair::getBody2() const {
return static_cast<CollisionBody*>(mWorld.mCollisionBodyComponents.getBody(mContactPair.body2Entity));
// Return a pointer to the first proxy-shape in contact (in body 1)
ProxyShape* CollisionCallback::ContactPair::getProxyShape1() const {
return mWorld.mProxyShapesComponents.getProxyShape(mContactPair.proxyShape1Entity);
// Return a pointer to the first collider in contact (in body 1)
Collider* CollisionCallback::ContactPair::getCollider1() const {
return mWorld.mCollidersComponents.getCollider(mContactPair.collider1Entity);
// Return a pointer to the second proxy-shape in contact (in body 1)
ProxyShape* CollisionCallback::ContactPair::getProxyShape2() const {
return mWorld.mProxyShapesComponents.getProxyShape(mContactPair.proxyShape2Entity);
// Return a pointer to the second collider in contact (in body 1)
Collider* CollisionCallback::ContactPair::getCollider2() const {
return mWorld.mCollidersComponents.getCollider(mContactPair.collider2Entity);
// CollisionCallbackInfo Constructor
@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ class OverlappingPair;
class ContactManifold;
struct ContactManifoldListElement;
class CollisionBody;
class ProxyShape;
class Collider;
class MemoryManager;
class CollisionCallbackInfo;
@ -90,10 +90,10 @@ class CollisionCallback {
/// Return the world-space contact normal
const Vector3& getWorldNormal() const;
/// Return the contact point on the first proxy shape in the local-space of the first proxy shape
/// Return the contact point on the first collider in the local-space of the first collider
const Vector3& getLocalPointOnShape1() const;
/// Return the contact point on the second proxy shape in the local-space of the second proxy shape
/// Return the contact point on the second collider in the local-space of the second collider
const Vector3& getLocalPointOnShape2() const;
// -------------------- Friendship -------------------- //
@ -151,11 +151,11 @@ class CollisionCallback {
/// Return a pointer to the second body in contact
CollisionBody* getBody2() const;
/// Return a pointer to the first proxy-shape in contact (in body 1)
ProxyShape* getProxyShape1() const;
/// Return a pointer to the first collider in contact (in body 1)
Collider* getCollider1() const;
/// Return a pointer to the second proxy-shape in contact (in body 2)
ProxyShape* getProxyShape2() const;
/// Return a pointer to the second collider in contact (in body 2)
Collider* getCollider2() const;
// -------------------- Friendship -------------------- //
@ -253,17 +253,17 @@ inline const Vector3& CollisionCallback::ContactPoint::getWorldNormal() const {
return mContactPoint.getNormal();
// Return the contact point on the first proxy shape in the local-space of the first proxy shape
// Return the contact point on the first collider in the local-space of the first collider
* @return The contact point in the local-space of the first proxy-shape (from body1) in contact
* @return The contact point in the local-space of the first collider (from body1) in contact
inline const Vector3& CollisionCallback::ContactPoint::getLocalPointOnShape1() const {
return mContactPoint.getLocalPointOnShape1();
// Return the contact point on the second proxy shape in the local-space of the second proxy shape
// Return the contact point on the second collider in the local-space of the second collider
* @return The contact point in the local-space of the second proxy-shape (from body2) in contact
* @return The contact point in the local-space of the second collider (from body2) in contact
inline const Vector3& CollisionCallback::ContactPoint::getLocalPointOnShape2() const {
return mContactPoint.getLocalPointOnShape2();
@ -31,10 +31,10 @@
using namespace reactphysics3d;
// Constructor
ContactManifold::ContactManifold(Entity bodyEntity1, Entity bodyEntity2, Entity proxyShapeEntity1, Entity proxyShapeEntity2,
ContactManifold::ContactManifold(Entity bodyEntity1, Entity bodyEntity2, Entity colliderEntity1, Entity colliderEntity2,
uint contactPointsIndex, int8 nbContactPoints)
:contactPointsIndex(contactPointsIndex), bodyEntity1(bodyEntity1), bodyEntity2(bodyEntity2),
proxyShapeEntity1(proxyShapeEntity1), proxyShapeEntity2(proxyShapeEntity2), nbContactPoints(nbContactPoints), frictionImpulse1(0), frictionImpulse2(0),
colliderEntity1(colliderEntity1), colliderEntity2(colliderEntity2), nbContactPoints(nbContactPoints), frictionImpulse1(0), frictionImpulse2(0),
frictionTwistImpulse(0), isAlreadyInIsland(false) {
@ -27,7 +27,7 @@
// Libraries
#include "collision/ProxyShape.h"
#include "collision/Collider.h"
/// ReactPhysics3D namespace
namespace reactphysics3d {
@ -71,11 +71,11 @@ class ContactManifold {
/// Entity of the second body in contact
Entity bodyEntity2;
/// Entity of the first proxy-shape in contact
Entity proxyShapeEntity1;
/// Entity of the first collider in contact
Entity colliderEntity1;
/// Entity of the second proxy-shape in contact
Entity proxyShapeEntity2;
/// Entity of the second collider in contact
Entity colliderEntity2;
/// Number of contacts in the cache
int8 nbContactPoints;
@ -106,7 +106,7 @@ class ContactManifold {
// -------------------- Methods -------------------- //
/// Constructor
ContactManifold(Entity bodyEntity1, Entity bodyEntity2, Entity proxyShapeEntity1, Entity proxyShapeEntity2,
ContactManifold(Entity bodyEntity1, Entity bodyEntity2, Entity colliderEntity1, Entity colliderEntity2,
uint contactPointsIndex, int8 nbContactPoints);
/// Destructor
@ -56,11 +56,11 @@ struct ContactPair {
/// Entity of the second body of the contact
Entity body2Entity;
/// Entity of the first proxy-shape of the contact
Entity proxyShape1Entity;
/// Entity of the first collider of the contact
Entity collider1Entity;
/// Entity of the second proxy-shape of the contact
Entity proxyShape2Entity;
/// Entity of the second collider of the contact
Entity collider2Entity;
/// True if the manifold is already in an island
bool isAlreadyInIsland;
@ -83,10 +83,10 @@ struct ContactPair {
// -------------------- Methods -------------------- //
/// Constructor
ContactPair(uint64 pairId, Entity body1Entity, Entity body2Entity, Entity proxyShape1Entity,
Entity proxyShape2Entity, uint contactPairIndex, MemoryAllocator& allocator)
ContactPair(uint64 pairId, Entity body1Entity, Entity body2Entity, Entity collider1Entity,
Entity collider2Entity, uint contactPairIndex, MemoryAllocator& allocator)
: pairId(pairId), potentialContactManifoldsIndices(allocator), body1Entity(body1Entity), body2Entity(body2Entity),
proxyShape1Entity(proxyShape1Entity), proxyShape2Entity(proxyShape2Entity),
collider1Entity(collider1Entity), collider2Entity(collider2Entity),
isAlreadyInIsland(false), contactPairIndex(contactPairIndex), contactManifoldsIndex(0), nbContactManifolds(0),
contactPointsIndex(0), nbToTalContactPoints(0) {
@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ CollisionBody* OverlapCallback::OverlapPair::getBody2() const {
// CollisionCallbackData Constructor
OverlapCallback::CallbackData::CallbackData(List<Pair<Entity, Entity>>& overlapBodies, CollisionWorld& world)
:mOverlapBodies(overlapBodies), mWorld(world) {
OverlapCallback::CallbackData::CallbackData(List<Pair<Entity, Entity>>& overlapColliders, CollisionWorld& world)
:mOverlapBodies(overlapColliders), mWorld(world) {
@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ namespace reactphysics3d {
// Declarations
class CollisionBody;
class CollisionWorld;
class ProxyShape;
class Collider;
struct Entity;
// Class OverlapCallback
@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ class OverlapCallback {
// Class OverlapPair
* This class represents the contact between two proxy-shapes of the physics world.
* This class represents the contact between two colliders of the physics world.
class OverlapPair {
@ -110,7 +110,7 @@ class OverlapCallback {
// -------------------- Methods -------------------- //
/// Constructor
CallbackData(List<Pair<Entity, Entity>>& overlapProxyShapes, CollisionWorld& world);
CallbackData(List<Pair<Entity, Entity>>& overlapColliders, CollisionWorld& world);
/// Deleted copy constructor
CallbackData(const CallbackData& callbackData) = delete;
@ -26,12 +26,12 @@
// Libraries
#include "decimal.h"
#include "RaycastInfo.h"
#include "ProxyShape.h"
#include "Collider.h"
using namespace reactphysics3d;
// Ray cast test against a proxy shape
decimal RaycastTest::raycastAgainstShape(ProxyShape* shape, const Ray& ray) {
// Ray cast test against a collider
decimal RaycastTest::raycastAgainstShape(Collider* shape, const Ray& ray) {
// Ray casting test against the collision shape
RaycastInfo raycastInfo;
@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ namespace reactphysics3d {
// Declarations
class CollisionBody;
class ProxyShape;
class Collider;
class CollisionShape;
struct Ray;
@ -69,13 +69,13 @@ struct RaycastInfo {
/// Pointer to the hit collision body
CollisionBody* body;
/// Pointer to the hit proxy collision shape
ProxyShape* proxyShape;
/// Pointer to the hit collider
Collider* collider;
// -------------------- Methods -------------------- //
/// Constructor
RaycastInfo() : meshSubpart(-1), triangleIndex(-1), body(nullptr), proxyShape(nullptr) {
RaycastInfo() : meshSubpart(-1), triangleIndex(-1), body(nullptr), collider(nullptr) {
@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ struct RaycastInfo {
* This class can be used to register a callback for ray casting queries.
* You should implement your own class inherited from this one and implement
* the notifyRaycastHit() method. This method will be called for each ProxyShape
* the notifyRaycastHit() method. This method will be called for each collider
* that is hit by the ray.
class RaycastCallback {
@ -107,7 +107,7 @@ class RaycastCallback {
/// This method will be called for each ProxyShape that is hit by the
/// This method will be called for each collider that is hit by the
/// ray. You cannot make any assumptions about the order of the
/// calls. You should use the return value to control the continuation
/// of the ray. The returned value is the next maxFraction value to use.
@ -117,7 +117,7 @@ class RaycastCallback {
/// occurred. If you return the fraction in the parameter (hitFraction
/// value in the RaycastInfo object), the current ray will be clipped
/// to this fraction in the next queries. If you return -1.0, it will
/// ignore this ProxyShape and continue the ray cast.
/// ignore this collider and continue the ray cast.
* @param raycastInfo Information about the raycast hit
* @return Value that controls the continuation of the ray after a hit
@ -139,8 +139,8 @@ struct RaycastTest {
userCallback = callback;
/// Ray cast test against a proxy shape
decimal raycastAgainstShape(ProxyShape* shape, const Ray& ray);
/// Ray cast test against a collider
decimal raycastAgainstShape(Collider* shape, const Ray& ray);
@ -694,7 +694,7 @@ void DynamicAABBTree::raycast(const Ray& ray, DynamicAABBTreeRaycastCallback& ca
Stack<int32> stack(mAllocator, 128);
// Walk through the tree from the root looking for proxy shapes
// Walk through the tree from the root looking for colliders
// that overlap with the ray AABB
while (stack.size() > 0) {
@ -735,7 +735,7 @@ void DynamicAABBTree::raycast(const Ray& ray, DynamicAABBTreeRaycastCallback& ca
// If the user returned a negative fraction, we continue
// the raycasting as if the proxy shape did not exist
// the raycasting as if the collider did not exist
else { // If the node has children
@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ CapsuleVsCapsuleNarrowPhaseInfoBatch::CapsuleVsCapsuleNarrowPhaseInfoBatch(Memor
// Add shapes to be tested during narrow-phase collision detection into the batch
void CapsuleVsCapsuleNarrowPhaseInfoBatch::addNarrowPhaseInfo(uint64 pairId, uint64 pairIndex, Entity proxyShape1, Entity proxyShape2, CollisionShape* shape1, CollisionShape* shape2,
void CapsuleVsCapsuleNarrowPhaseInfoBatch::addNarrowPhaseInfo(uint64 pairId, uint64 pairIndex, Entity collider1, Entity collider2, CollisionShape* shape1, CollisionShape* shape2,
const Transform& shape1Transform, const Transform& shape2Transform) {
assert(shape1->getType() == CollisionShapeType::CAPSULE);
@ -47,8 +47,8 @@ void CapsuleVsCapsuleNarrowPhaseInfoBatch::addNarrowPhaseInfo(uint64 pairId, uin
const CapsuleShape* capsule1 = static_cast<const CapsuleShape*>(shape1);
const CapsuleShape* capsule2 = static_cast<const CapsuleShape*>(shape2);
@ -68,8 +68,8 @@ void CapsuleVsCapsuleNarrowPhaseInfoBatch::addNarrowPhaseInfo(uint64 pairId, uin
void CapsuleVsCapsuleNarrowPhaseInfoBatch::reserveMemory() {
@ -93,8 +93,8 @@ void CapsuleVsCapsuleNarrowPhaseInfoBatch::clear() {
mCachedCapacity = overlappingPairIds.size();
@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ struct CapsuleVsCapsuleNarrowPhaseInfoBatch : public NarrowPhaseInfoBatch {
virtual ~CapsuleVsCapsuleNarrowPhaseInfoBatch() = default;
/// Add shapes to be tested during narrow-phase collision detection into the batch
virtual void addNarrowPhaseInfo(uint64 pairId, uint64 pairIndex, Entity proxyShape1, Entity proxyShape2, CollisionShape* shape1,
virtual void addNarrowPhaseInfo(uint64 pairId, uint64 pairIndex, Entity collider1, Entity collider2, CollisionShape* shape1,
CollisionShape* shape2, const Transform& shape1Transform,
const Transform& shape2Transform);
@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ enum class NarrowPhaseAlgorithmType {
* This is the collision dispatch configuration use in ReactPhysics3D.
* Collision dispatching decides which collision
* algorithm to use given two types of proxy collision shapes.
* algorithm to use given two types of colliders.
class CollisionDispatch {
@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ class NarrowPhaseCallback {
* This abstract class is the base class for a narrow-phase collision
* detection algorithm. The goal of the narrow phase algorithm is to
* compute information about the contact between two proxy shapes.
* compute information about the contact between two colliders.
class NarrowPhaseAlgorithm {
@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ using namespace reactphysics3d;
// Constructor
NarrowPhaseInfoBatch::NarrowPhaseInfoBatch(MemoryAllocator& allocator, OverlappingPairs& overlappingPairs)
: mMemoryAllocator(allocator), mOverlappingPairs(overlappingPairs), overlappingPairIds(allocator),
proxyShapeEntities1(allocator), proxyShapeEntities2(allocator), collisionShapes1(allocator), collisionShapes2(allocator),
colliderEntities1(allocator), colliderEntities2(allocator), collisionShapes1(allocator), collisionShapes2(allocator),
shape1ToWorldTransforms(allocator), shape2ToWorldTransforms(allocator),
isColliding(allocator), contactPoints(allocator), collisionShapeAllocators(allocator),
lastFrameCollisionInfos(allocator) {
@ -48,13 +48,13 @@ NarrowPhaseInfoBatch::~NarrowPhaseInfoBatch() {
// Add shapes to be tested during narrow-phase collision detection into the batch
void NarrowPhaseInfoBatch::addNarrowPhaseInfo(uint64 pairId, uint64 pairIndex, Entity proxyShape1, Entity proxyShape2, CollisionShape* shape1, CollisionShape* shape2,
void NarrowPhaseInfoBatch::addNarrowPhaseInfo(uint64 pairId, uint64 pairIndex, Entity collider1, Entity collider2, CollisionShape* shape1, CollisionShape* shape2,
const Transform& shape1Transform, const Transform& shape2Transform,
MemoryAllocator& shapeAllocator) {
@ -110,8 +110,8 @@ void NarrowPhaseInfoBatch::resetContactPoints(uint index) {
void NarrowPhaseInfoBatch::reserveMemory() {
@ -149,8 +149,8 @@ void NarrowPhaseInfoBatch::clear() {
mCachedCapacity = overlappingPairIds.size();
@ -63,11 +63,11 @@ struct NarrowPhaseInfoBatch {
/// List of Broadphase overlapping pairs ids
List<uint64> overlappingPairIds;
/// List of pointers to the first proxy-shapes to test collision with
List<Entity> proxyShapeEntities1;
/// List of pointers to the first colliders to test collision with
List<Entity> colliderEntities1;
/// List of pointers to the second proxy-shapes to test collision with
List<Entity> proxyShapeEntities2;
/// List of pointers to the second colliders to test collision with
List<Entity> colliderEntities2;
/// List of pointers to the first collision shapes to test collision with
List<CollisionShape*> collisionShapes1;
@ -103,7 +103,7 @@ struct NarrowPhaseInfoBatch {
uint getNbObjects() const;
/// Add shapes to be tested during narrow-phase collision detection into the batch
void addNarrowPhaseInfo(uint64 pairId, uint64 pairIndex, Entity proxyShape1, Entity proxyShape2, CollisionShape* shape1,
void addNarrowPhaseInfo(uint64 pairId, uint64 pairIndex, Entity collider1, Entity collider2, CollisionShape* shape1,
CollisionShape* shape2, const Transform& shape1Transform,
const Transform& shape2Transform, MemoryAllocator& shapeAllocator);
@ -39,28 +39,28 @@ NarrowPhaseInput::NarrowPhaseInput(MemoryAllocator& allocator, OverlappingPairs&
// Add shapes to be tested during narrow-phase collision detection into the batch
void NarrowPhaseInput::addNarrowPhaseTest(uint64 pairId, uint64 pairIndex, Entity proxyShape1, Entity proxyShape2, CollisionShape* shape1, CollisionShape* shape2,
void NarrowPhaseInput::addNarrowPhaseTest(uint64 pairId, uint64 pairIndex, Entity collider1, Entity collider2, CollisionShape* shape1, CollisionShape* shape2,
const Transform& shape1Transform, const Transform& shape2Transform,
NarrowPhaseAlgorithmType narrowPhaseAlgorithmType, MemoryAllocator& shapeAllocator) {
switch (narrowPhaseAlgorithmType) {
case NarrowPhaseAlgorithmType::SphereVsSphere:
mSphereVsSphereBatch.addNarrowPhaseInfo(pairId, pairIndex, proxyShape1, proxyShape2, shape1, shape2, shape1Transform, shape2Transform);
mSphereVsSphereBatch.addNarrowPhaseInfo(pairId, pairIndex, collider1, collider2, shape1, shape2, shape1Transform, shape2Transform);
case NarrowPhaseAlgorithmType::SphereVsCapsule:
mSphereVsCapsuleBatch.addNarrowPhaseInfo(pairId, pairIndex, proxyShape1, proxyShape2, shape1, shape2, shape1Transform, shape2Transform);
mSphereVsCapsuleBatch.addNarrowPhaseInfo(pairId, pairIndex, collider1, collider2, shape1, shape2, shape1Transform, shape2Transform);
case NarrowPhaseAlgorithmType::CapsuleVsCapsule:
mCapsuleVsCapsuleBatch.addNarrowPhaseInfo(pairId, pairIndex, proxyShape1, proxyShape2, shape1, shape2, shape1Transform, shape2Transform);
mCapsuleVsCapsuleBatch.addNarrowPhaseInfo(pairId, pairIndex, collider1, collider2, shape1, shape2, shape1Transform, shape2Transform);
case NarrowPhaseAlgorithmType::SphereVsConvexPolyhedron:
mSphereVsConvexPolyhedronBatch.addNarrowPhaseInfo(pairId, pairIndex, proxyShape1, proxyShape2, shape1, shape2, shape1Transform, shape2Transform, shapeAllocator);
mSphereVsConvexPolyhedronBatch.addNarrowPhaseInfo(pairId, pairIndex, collider1, collider2, shape1, shape2, shape1Transform, shape2Transform, shapeAllocator);
case NarrowPhaseAlgorithmType::CapsuleVsConvexPolyhedron:
mCapsuleVsConvexPolyhedronBatch.addNarrowPhaseInfo(pairId, pairIndex, proxyShape1, proxyShape2, shape1, shape2, shape1Transform, shape2Transform, shapeAllocator);
mCapsuleVsConvexPolyhedronBatch.addNarrowPhaseInfo(pairId, pairIndex, collider1, collider2, shape1, shape2, shape1Transform, shape2Transform, shapeAllocator);
case NarrowPhaseAlgorithmType::ConvexPolyhedronVsConvexPolyhedron:
mConvexPolyhedronVsConvexPolyhedronBatch.addNarrowPhaseInfo(pairId, pairIndex, proxyShape1, proxyShape2, shape1, shape2, shape1Transform, shape2Transform, shapeAllocator);
mConvexPolyhedronVsConvexPolyhedronBatch.addNarrowPhaseInfo(pairId, pairIndex, collider1, collider2, shape1, shape2, shape1Transform, shape2Transform, shapeAllocator);
case NarrowPhaseAlgorithmType::None:
// Must never happen
@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ class NarrowPhaseInput {
NarrowPhaseInput(MemoryAllocator& allocator, OverlappingPairs& overlappingPairs);
/// Add shapes to be tested during narrow-phase collision detection into the batch
void addNarrowPhaseTest(uint64 pairId, uint64 pairIndex, Entity proxyShape1, Entity proxyShape2, CollisionShape* shape1,
void addNarrowPhaseTest(uint64 pairId, uint64 pairIndex, Entity collider1, Entity collider2, CollisionShape* shape1,
CollisionShape* shape2, const Transform& shape1Transform,
const Transform& shape2Transform, NarrowPhaseAlgorithmType narrowPhaseAlgorithmType,
MemoryAllocator& shapeAllocator);
@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ SphereVsCapsuleNarrowPhaseInfoBatch::SphereVsCapsuleNarrowPhaseInfoBatch(MemoryA
// Add shapes to be tested during narrow-phase collision detection into the batch
void SphereVsCapsuleNarrowPhaseInfoBatch::addNarrowPhaseInfo(uint64 pairId, uint64 pairIndex, Entity proxyShape1, Entity proxyShape2, CollisionShape* shape1, CollisionShape* shape2,
void SphereVsCapsuleNarrowPhaseInfoBatch::addNarrowPhaseInfo(uint64 pairId, uint64 pairIndex, Entity collider1, Entity collider2, CollisionShape* shape1, CollisionShape* shape2,
const Transform& shape1Transform, const Transform& shape2Transform) {
bool isSphereShape1 = shape1->getType() == CollisionShapeType::SPHERE;
@ -57,8 +57,8 @@ void SphereVsCapsuleNarrowPhaseInfoBatch::addNarrowPhaseInfo(uint64 pairId, uint
@ -71,8 +71,8 @@ void SphereVsCapsuleNarrowPhaseInfoBatch::addNarrowPhaseInfo(uint64 pairId, uint
void SphereVsCapsuleNarrowPhaseInfoBatch::reserveMemory() {
@ -96,8 +96,8 @@ void SphereVsCapsuleNarrowPhaseInfoBatch::clear() {
mCachedCapacity = overlappingPairIds.size();
@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ struct SphereVsCapsuleNarrowPhaseInfoBatch : public NarrowPhaseInfoBatch {
virtual ~SphereVsCapsuleNarrowPhaseInfoBatch() = default;
/// Add shapes to be tested during narrow-phase collision detection into the batch
virtual void addNarrowPhaseInfo(uint64 pairId, uint64 pairIndex, Entity proxyShape1, Entity proxyShape2, CollisionShape* shape1,
virtual void addNarrowPhaseInfo(uint64 pairId, uint64 pairIndex, Entity collider1, Entity collider2, CollisionShape* shape1,
CollisionShape* shape2, const Transform& shape1Transform,
const Transform& shape2Transform);
@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ SphereVsSphereNarrowPhaseInfoBatch::SphereVsSphereNarrowPhaseInfoBatch(MemoryAll
// Add shapes to be tested during narrow-phase collision detection into the batch
void SphereVsSphereNarrowPhaseInfoBatch::addNarrowPhaseInfo(uint64 pairId, uint64 pairIndex, Entity proxyShape1, Entity proxyShape2, CollisionShape* shape1, CollisionShape* shape2,
void SphereVsSphereNarrowPhaseInfoBatch::addNarrowPhaseInfo(uint64 pairId, uint64 pairIndex, Entity collider1, Entity collider2, CollisionShape* shape1, CollisionShape* shape2,
const Transform& shape1Transform, const Transform& shape2Transform) {
assert(shape1->getType() == CollisionShapeType::SPHERE);
@ -47,8 +47,8 @@ void SphereVsSphereNarrowPhaseInfoBatch::addNarrowPhaseInfo(uint64 pairId, uint6
@ -64,8 +64,8 @@ void SphereVsSphereNarrowPhaseInfoBatch::addNarrowPhaseInfo(uint64 pairId, uint6
void SphereVsSphereNarrowPhaseInfoBatch::reserveMemory() {
@ -87,8 +87,8 @@ void SphereVsSphereNarrowPhaseInfoBatch::clear() {
mCachedCapacity = overlappingPairIds.size();
@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ struct SphereVsSphereNarrowPhaseInfoBatch : public NarrowPhaseInfoBatch {
virtual ~SphereVsSphereNarrowPhaseInfoBatch() override = default;
/// Add shapes to be tested during narrow-phase collision detection into the batch
virtual void addNarrowPhaseInfo(uint64 pairId, uint64 pairIndex, Entity proxyShape1, Entity proxyShape2, CollisionShape* shape1,
virtual void addNarrowPhaseInfo(uint64 pairId, uint64 pairIndex, Entity collider1, Entity collider2, CollisionShape* shape1,
CollisionShape* shape2, const Transform& shape1Transform,
const Transform& shape2Transform);
@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
// Libraries
#include "BoxShape.h"
#include "collision/ProxyShape.h"
#include "collision/Collider.h"
#include "configuration.h"
#include "memory/MemoryManager.h"
#include "collision/RaycastInfo.h"
@ -96,7 +96,7 @@ void BoxShape::computeLocalInertiaTensor(Matrix3x3& tensor, decimal mass) const
// Raycast method with feedback information
bool BoxShape::raycast(const Ray& ray, RaycastInfo& raycastInfo, ProxyShape* proxyShape, MemoryAllocator& allocator) const {
bool BoxShape::raycast(const Ray& ray, RaycastInfo& raycastInfo, Collider* collider, MemoryAllocator& allocator) const {
Vector3 rayDirection = ray.point2 - ray.point1;
decimal tMin = DECIMAL_SMALLEST;
@ -151,8 +151,8 @@ bool BoxShape::raycast(const Ray& ray, RaycastInfo& raycastInfo, ProxyShape* pro
// The ray intersects the three slabs, we compute the hit point
Vector3 localHitPoint = ray.point1 + tMin * rayDirection;
raycastInfo.body = proxyShape->getBody();
raycastInfo.proxyShape = proxyShape;
raycastInfo.body = collider->getBody();
raycastInfo.collider = collider;
raycastInfo.hitFraction = tMin;
raycastInfo.worldPoint = localHitPoint;
raycastInfo.worldNormal = normalDirection;
@ -65,10 +65,10 @@ class BoxShape : public ConvexPolyhedronShape {
virtual Vector3 getLocalSupportPointWithoutMargin(const Vector3& direction) const override;
/// Return true if a point is inside the collision shape
virtual bool testPointInside(const Vector3& localPoint, ProxyShape* proxyShape) const override;
virtual bool testPointInside(const Vector3& localPoint, Collider* collider) const override;
/// Raycast method with feedback information
virtual bool raycast(const Ray& ray, RaycastInfo& raycastInfo, ProxyShape* proxyShape, MemoryAllocator& allocator) const override;
virtual bool raycast(const Ray& ray, RaycastInfo& raycastInfo, Collider* collider, MemoryAllocator& allocator) const override;
/// Return the number of bytes used by the collision shape
virtual size_t getSizeInBytes() const override;
@ -167,7 +167,7 @@ inline Vector3 BoxShape::getLocalSupportPointWithoutMargin(const Vector3& direct
// Return true if a point is inside the collision shape
inline bool BoxShape::testPointInside(const Vector3& localPoint, ProxyShape* proxyShape) const {
inline bool BoxShape::testPointInside(const Vector3& localPoint, Collider* collider) const {
return (localPoint.x < mExtent[0] && localPoint.x > -mExtent[0] &&
localPoint.y < mExtent[1] && localPoint.y > -mExtent[1] &&
localPoint.z < mExtent[2] && localPoint.z > -mExtent[2]);
@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
// Libraries
#include "CapsuleShape.h"
#include "collision/ProxyShape.h"
#include "collision/Collider.h"
#include "configuration.h"
#include "collision/RaycastInfo.h"
#include <cassert>
@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ void CapsuleShape::computeLocalInertiaTensor(Matrix3x3& tensor, decimal mass) co
// Return true if a point is inside the collision shape
bool CapsuleShape::testPointInside(const Vector3& localPoint, ProxyShape* proxyShape) const {
bool CapsuleShape::testPointInside(const Vector3& localPoint, Collider* collider) const {
const decimal diffYCenterSphere1 = localPoint.y - mHalfHeight;
const decimal diffYCenterSphere2 = localPoint.y + mHalfHeight;
@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ bool CapsuleShape::testPointInside(const Vector3& localPoint, ProxyShape* proxyS
// Raycast method with feedback information
bool CapsuleShape::raycast(const Ray& ray, RaycastInfo& raycastInfo, ProxyShape* proxyShape, MemoryAllocator& allocator) const {
bool CapsuleShape::raycast(const Ray& ray, RaycastInfo& raycastInfo, Collider* collider, MemoryAllocator& allocator) const {
const Vector3 n = ray.point2 - ray.point1;
@ -129,8 +129,8 @@ bool CapsuleShape::raycast(const Ray& ray, RaycastInfo& raycastInfo, ProxyShape*
Vector3 hitLocalPoint;
decimal hitFraction;
if (raycastWithSphereEndCap(ray.point1, ray.point2, p, ray.maxFraction, hitLocalPoint, hitFraction)) {
raycastInfo.body = proxyShape->getBody();
raycastInfo.proxyShape = proxyShape;
raycastInfo.body = collider->getBody();
raycastInfo.collider = collider;
raycastInfo.hitFraction = hitFraction;
raycastInfo.worldPoint = hitLocalPoint;
Vector3 normalDirection = hitLocalPoint - p;
@ -147,8 +147,8 @@ bool CapsuleShape::raycast(const Ray& ray, RaycastInfo& raycastInfo, ProxyShape*
Vector3 hitLocalPoint;
decimal hitFraction;
if (raycastWithSphereEndCap(ray.point1, ray.point2, q, ray.maxFraction, hitLocalPoint, hitFraction)) {
raycastInfo.body = proxyShape->getBody();
raycastInfo.proxyShape = proxyShape;
raycastInfo.body = collider->getBody();
raycastInfo.collider = collider;
raycastInfo.hitFraction = hitFraction;
raycastInfo.worldPoint = hitLocalPoint;
Vector3 normalDirection = hitLocalPoint - q;
@ -180,8 +180,8 @@ bool CapsuleShape::raycast(const Ray& ray, RaycastInfo& raycastInfo, ProxyShape*
Vector3 hitLocalPoint;
decimal hitFraction;
if (raycastWithSphereEndCap(ray.point1, ray.point2, p, ray.maxFraction, hitLocalPoint, hitFraction)) {
raycastInfo.body = proxyShape->getBody();
raycastInfo.proxyShape = proxyShape;
raycastInfo.body = collider->getBody();
raycastInfo.collider = collider;
raycastInfo.hitFraction = hitFraction;
raycastInfo.worldPoint = hitLocalPoint;
Vector3 normalDirection = hitLocalPoint - p;
@ -198,8 +198,8 @@ bool CapsuleShape::raycast(const Ray& ray, RaycastInfo& raycastInfo, ProxyShape*
Vector3 hitLocalPoint;
decimal hitFraction;
if (raycastWithSphereEndCap(ray.point1, ray.point2, q, ray.maxFraction, hitLocalPoint, hitFraction)) {
raycastInfo.body = proxyShape->getBody();
raycastInfo.proxyShape = proxyShape;
raycastInfo.body = collider->getBody();
raycastInfo.collider = collider;
raycastInfo.hitFraction = hitFraction;
raycastInfo.worldPoint = hitLocalPoint;
Vector3 normalDirection = hitLocalPoint - q;
@ -219,8 +219,8 @@ bool CapsuleShape::raycast(const Ray& ray, RaycastInfo& raycastInfo, ProxyShape*
// Compute the hit information
Vector3 localHitPoint = ray.point1 + t * n;
raycastInfo.body = proxyShape->getBody();
raycastInfo.proxyShape = proxyShape;
raycastInfo.body = collider->getBody();
raycastInfo.collider = collider;
raycastInfo.hitFraction = t;
raycastInfo.worldPoint = localHitPoint;
Vector3 v = localHitPoint - p;
@ -64,10 +64,10 @@ class CapsuleShape : public ConvexShape {
virtual Vector3 getLocalSupportPointWithoutMargin(const Vector3& direction) const override;
/// Return true if a point is inside the collision shape
virtual bool testPointInside(const Vector3& localPoint, ProxyShape* proxyShape) const override;
virtual bool testPointInside(const Vector3& localPoint, Collider* collider) const override;
/// Raycast method with feedback information
virtual bool raycast(const Ray& ray, RaycastInfo& raycastInfo, ProxyShape* proxyShape, MemoryAllocator& allocator) const override;
virtual bool raycast(const Ray& ray, RaycastInfo& raycastInfo, Collider* collider, MemoryAllocator& allocator) const override;
/// Raycasting method between a ray one of the two spheres end cap of the capsule
bool raycastWithSphereEndCap(const Vector3& point1, const Vector3& point2,
@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ const int NB_COLLISION_SHAPE_TYPES = 4;
// Declarations
class ProxyShape;
class Collider;
class CollisionBody;
// Class CollisionShape
@ -85,10 +85,10 @@ class CollisionShape {
// -------------------- Methods -------------------- //
/// Return true if a point is inside the collision shape
virtual bool testPointInside(const Vector3& worldPoint, ProxyShape* proxyShape) const=0;
virtual bool testPointInside(const Vector3& worldPoint, Collider* collider) const=0;
/// Raycast method with feedback information
virtual bool raycast(const Ray& ray, RaycastInfo& raycastInfo, ProxyShape* proxyShape, MemoryAllocator& allocator) const=0;
virtual bool raycast(const Ray& ray, RaycastInfo& raycastInfo, Collider* collider, MemoryAllocator& allocator) const=0;
/// Return the number of bytes used by the collision shape
virtual size_t getSizeInBytes() const = 0;
@ -145,7 +145,7 @@ class CollisionShape {
// -------------------- Friendship -------------------- //
friend class ProxyShape;
friend class Collider;
friend class CollisionWorld;
@ -176,12 +176,12 @@ void ConcaveMeshShape::computeOverlappingTriangles(const AABB& localAABB, List<V
// Raycast method with feedback information
/// Note that only the first triangle hit by the ray in the mesh will be returned, even if
/// the ray hits many triangles.
bool ConcaveMeshShape::raycast(const Ray& ray, RaycastInfo& raycastInfo, ProxyShape* proxyShape, MemoryAllocator& allocator) const {
bool ConcaveMeshShape::raycast(const Ray& ray, RaycastInfo& raycastInfo, Collider* collider, MemoryAllocator& allocator) const {
RP3D_PROFILE("ConcaveMeshShape::raycast()", mProfiler);
// Create the callback object that will compute ray casting against triangles
ConcaveMeshRaycastCallback raycastCallback(mDynamicAABBTree, *this, proxyShape, raycastInfo, ray, allocator);
ConcaveMeshRaycastCallback raycastCallback(mDynamicAABBTree, *this, collider, raycastInfo, ray, allocator);
@ -259,7 +259,7 @@ void ConcaveMeshRaycastCallback::raycastTriangles() {
// Ray casting test against the collision shape
RaycastInfo raycastInfo;
bool isTriangleHit = triangleShape.raycast(mRay, raycastInfo, mProxyShape, mAllocator);
bool isTriangleHit = triangleShape.raycast(mRay, raycastInfo, mCollider, mAllocator);
// If the ray hit the collision shape
if (isTriangleHit && raycastInfo.hitFraction <= smallestHitFraction) {
@ -267,7 +267,7 @@ void ConcaveMeshRaycastCallback::raycastTriangles() {
assert(raycastInfo.hitFraction >= decimal(0.0));
mRaycastInfo.body = raycastInfo.body;
mRaycastInfo.proxyShape = raycastInfo.proxyShape;
mRaycastInfo.collider = raycastInfo.collider;
mRaycastInfo.hitFraction = raycastInfo.hitFraction;
mRaycastInfo.worldPoint = raycastInfo.worldPoint;
mRaycastInfo.worldNormal = raycastInfo.worldNormal;
@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ class ConcaveMeshRaycastCallback : public DynamicAABBTreeRaycastCallback {
List<int32> mHitAABBNodes;
const DynamicAABBTree& mDynamicAABBTree;
const ConcaveMeshShape& mConcaveMeshShape;
ProxyShape* mProxyShape;
Collider* mCollider;
RaycastInfo& mRaycastInfo;
const Ray& mRay;
bool mIsHit;
@ -92,8 +92,8 @@ class ConcaveMeshRaycastCallback : public DynamicAABBTreeRaycastCallback {
// Constructor
ConcaveMeshRaycastCallback(const DynamicAABBTree& dynamicAABBTree, const ConcaveMeshShape& concaveMeshShape,
ProxyShape* proxyShape, RaycastInfo& raycastInfo, const Ray& ray, MemoryAllocator& allocator)
: mHitAABBNodes(allocator), mDynamicAABBTree(dynamicAABBTree), mConcaveMeshShape(concaveMeshShape), mProxyShape(proxyShape),
Collider* collider, RaycastInfo& raycastInfo, const Ray& ray, MemoryAllocator& allocator)
: mHitAABBNodes(allocator), mDynamicAABBTree(dynamicAABBTree), mConcaveMeshShape(concaveMeshShape), mCollider(collider),
mRaycastInfo(raycastInfo), mRay(ray), mIsHit(false), mAllocator(allocator) {
@ -150,7 +150,7 @@ class ConcaveMeshShape : public ConcaveShape {
ConcaveMeshShape(TriangleMesh* triangleMesh, MemoryAllocator& allocator, const Vector3& scaling = Vector3(1, 1, 1));
/// Raycast method with feedback information
virtual bool raycast(const Ray& ray, RaycastInfo& raycastInfo, ProxyShape* proxyShape, MemoryAllocator& allocator) const override;
virtual bool raycast(const Ray& ray, RaycastInfo& raycastInfo, Collider* collider, MemoryAllocator& allocator) const override;
/// Return the number of bytes used by the collision shape
virtual size_t getSizeInBytes() const override;
@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ class ConcaveShape : public CollisionShape {
// -------------------- Methods -------------------- //
/// Return true if a point is inside the collision shape
virtual bool testPointInside(const Vector3& localPoint, ProxyShape* proxyShape) const override;
virtual bool testPointInside(const Vector3& localPoint, Collider* collider) const override;
public :
@ -115,7 +115,7 @@ inline bool ConcaveShape::isPolyhedron() const {
// Return true if a point is inside the collision shape
inline bool ConcaveShape::testPointInside(const Vector3& localPoint, ProxyShape* proxyShape) const {
inline bool ConcaveShape::testPointInside(const Vector3& localPoint, Collider* collider) const {
return false;
@ -106,7 +106,7 @@ void ConvexMeshShape::recalculateBounds() {
// Raycast method with feedback information
/// This method implements the technique in the book "Real-time Collision Detection" by
/// Christer Ericson.
bool ConvexMeshShape::raycast(const Ray& ray, RaycastInfo& raycastInfo, ProxyShape* proxyShape, MemoryAllocator& allocator) const {
bool ConvexMeshShape::raycast(const Ray& ray, RaycastInfo& raycastInfo, Collider* collider, MemoryAllocator& allocator) const {
// Ray direction
Vector3 direction = ray.point2 - ray.point1;
@ -172,8 +172,8 @@ bool ConvexMeshShape::raycast(const Ray& ray, RaycastInfo& raycastInfo, ProxySha
Vector3 localHitPoint = ray.point1 + tMin * direction;
raycastInfo.hitFraction = tMin;
raycastInfo.body = proxyShape->getBody();
raycastInfo.proxyShape = proxyShape;
raycastInfo.body = collider->getBody();
raycastInfo.collider = collider;
raycastInfo.worldPoint = localHitPoint;
raycastInfo.worldNormal = currentFaceNormal;
@ -184,7 +184,7 @@ bool ConvexMeshShape::raycast(const Ray& ray, RaycastInfo& raycastInfo, ProxySha
// Return true if a point is inside the collision shape
bool ConvexMeshShape::testPointInside(const Vector3& localPoint, ProxyShape* proxyShape) const {
bool ConvexMeshShape::testPointInside(const Vector3& localPoint, Collider* collider) const {
const HalfEdgeStructure& halfEdgeStructure = mPolyhedronMesh->getHalfEdgeStructure();
@ -76,10 +76,10 @@ class ConvexMeshShape : public ConvexPolyhedronShape {
virtual Vector3 getLocalSupportPointWithoutMargin(const Vector3& direction) const override;
/// Return true if a point is inside the collision shape
virtual bool testPointInside(const Vector3& localPoint, ProxyShape* proxyShape) const override;
virtual bool testPointInside(const Vector3& localPoint, Collider* collider) const override;
/// Raycast method with feedback information
virtual bool raycast(const Ray& ray, RaycastInfo& raycastInfo, ProxyShape* proxyShape, MemoryAllocator& allocator) const override;
virtual bool raycast(const Ray& ray, RaycastInfo& raycastInfo, Collider* collider, MemoryAllocator& allocator) const override;
/// Return the number of bytes used by the collision shape
virtual size_t getSizeInBytes() const override;
@ -224,7 +224,7 @@ void HeightFieldShape::computeMinMaxGridCoordinates(int* minCoords, int* maxCoor
// Raycast method with feedback information
/// Note that only the first triangle hit by the ray in the mesh will be returned, even if
/// the ray hits many triangles.
bool HeightFieldShape::raycast(const Ray& ray, RaycastInfo& raycastInfo, ProxyShape* proxyShape, MemoryAllocator& allocator) const {
bool HeightFieldShape::raycast(const Ray& ray, RaycastInfo& raycastInfo, Collider* collider, MemoryAllocator& allocator) const {
// TODO : Implement raycasting without using an AABB for the ray
// but using a dynamic AABB tree or octree instead
@ -265,7 +265,7 @@ bool HeightFieldShape::raycast(const Ray& ray, RaycastInfo& raycastInfo, ProxySh
// Ray casting test against the collision shape
RaycastInfo triangleRaycastInfo;
bool isTriangleHit = triangleShape.raycast(ray, triangleRaycastInfo, proxyShape, allocator);
bool isTriangleHit = triangleShape.raycast(ray, triangleRaycastInfo, collider, allocator);
// If the ray hit the collision shape
if (isTriangleHit && triangleRaycastInfo.hitFraction <= smallestHitFraction) {
@ -273,7 +273,7 @@ bool HeightFieldShape::raycast(const Ray& ray, RaycastInfo& raycastInfo, ProxySh
assert(triangleRaycastInfo.hitFraction >= decimal(0.0));
raycastInfo.body = triangleRaycastInfo.body;
raycastInfo.proxyShape = triangleRaycastInfo.proxyShape;
raycastInfo.collider = triangleRaycastInfo.collider;
raycastInfo.hitFraction = triangleRaycastInfo.hitFraction;
raycastInfo.worldPoint = triangleRaycastInfo.worldPoint;
raycastInfo.worldNormal = triangleRaycastInfo.worldNormal;
@ -103,7 +103,7 @@ class HeightFieldShape : public ConcaveShape {
const Vector3& scaling = Vector3(1,1,1));
/// Raycast method with feedback information
virtual bool raycast(const Ray& ray, RaycastInfo& raycastInfo, ProxyShape* proxyShape, MemoryAllocator& allocator) const override;
virtual bool raycast(const Ray& ray, RaycastInfo& raycastInfo, Collider* collider, MemoryAllocator& allocator) const override;
/// Return the number of bytes used by the collision shape
virtual size_t getSizeInBytes() const override;
@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
// Libraries
#include "SphereShape.h"
#include "collision/ProxyShape.h"
#include "collision/Collider.h"
#include "configuration.h"
#include "collision/RaycastInfo.h"
#include <cassert>
@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ void SphereShape::computeAABB(AABB& aabb, const Transform& transform) const {
// Raycast method with feedback information
bool SphereShape::raycast(const Ray& ray, RaycastInfo& raycastInfo, ProxyShape* proxyShape, MemoryAllocator& allocator) const {
bool SphereShape::raycast(const Ray& ray, RaycastInfo& raycastInfo, Collider* collider, MemoryAllocator& allocator) const {
const Vector3 m = ray.point1;
decimal c = - mMargin * mMargin;
@ -93,8 +93,8 @@ bool SphereShape::raycast(const Ray& ray, RaycastInfo& raycastInfo, ProxyShape*
// Compute the intersection information
t /= raySquareLength;
raycastInfo.body = proxyShape->getBody();
raycastInfo.proxyShape = proxyShape;
raycastInfo.body = collider->getBody();
raycastInfo.collider = collider;
raycastInfo.hitFraction = t;
raycastInfo.worldPoint = ray.point1 + t * rayDirection;
raycastInfo.worldNormal = raycastInfo.worldPoint;
@ -57,10 +57,10 @@ class SphereShape : public ConvexShape {
virtual Vector3 getLocalSupportPointWithoutMargin(const Vector3& direction) const override;
/// Return true if a point is inside the collision shape
virtual bool testPointInside(const Vector3& localPoint, ProxyShape* proxyShape) const override;
virtual bool testPointInside(const Vector3& localPoint, Collider* collider) const override;
/// Raycast method with feedback information
virtual bool raycast(const Ray& ray, RaycastInfo& raycastInfo, ProxyShape* proxyShape, MemoryAllocator& allocator) const override;
virtual bool raycast(const Ray& ray, RaycastInfo& raycastInfo, Collider* collider, MemoryAllocator& allocator) const override;
/// Return the number of bytes used by the collision shape
virtual size_t getSizeInBytes() const override;
@ -165,7 +165,7 @@ inline void SphereShape::computeLocalInertiaTensor(Matrix3x3& tensor, decimal ma
// Return true if a point is inside the collision shape
inline bool SphereShape::testPointInside(const Vector3& localPoint, ProxyShape* proxyShape) const {
inline bool SphereShape::testPointInside(const Vector3& localPoint, Collider* collider) const {
return (localPoint.lengthSquare() < mMargin * mMargin);
@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
// Libraries
#include "TriangleShape.h"
#include "collision/ProxyShape.h"
#include "collision/Collider.h"
#include "mathematics/mathematics_functions.h"
#include "collision/RaycastInfo.h"
#include "utils/Profiler.h"
@ -237,7 +237,7 @@ void TriangleShape::computeAABB(AABB& aabb, const Transform& transform) const {
// Raycast method with feedback information
/// This method use the line vs triangle raycasting technique described in
/// Real-time Collision Detection by Christer Ericson.
bool TriangleShape::raycast(const Ray& ray, RaycastInfo& raycastInfo, ProxyShape* proxyShape, MemoryAllocator& allocator) const {
bool TriangleShape::raycast(const Ray& ray, RaycastInfo& raycastInfo, Collider* collider, MemoryAllocator& allocator) const {
RP3D_PROFILE("TriangleShape::raycast()", mProfiler);
@ -298,8 +298,8 @@ bool TriangleShape::raycast(const Ray& ray, RaycastInfo& raycastInfo, ProxyShape
Vector3 localHitNormal = (mPoints[1] - mPoints[0]).cross(mPoints[2] - mPoints[0]);
if ( > decimal(0.0)) localHitNormal = -localHitNormal;
raycastInfo.body = proxyShape->getBody();
raycastInfo.proxyShape = proxyShape;
raycastInfo.body = collider->getBody();
raycastInfo.collider = collider;
raycastInfo.worldPoint = localHitPoint;
raycastInfo.hitFraction = hitFraction;
raycastInfo.worldNormal = localHitNormal;
@ -87,11 +87,11 @@ class TriangleShape : public ConvexPolyhedronShape {
/// Get a smooth contact normal for collision for a triangle of the mesh
Vector3 computeSmoothLocalContactNormalForTriangle(const Vector3& localContactPoint) const;
/// Return true if a point is inside the collision shape
virtual bool testPointInside(const Vector3& localPoint, ProxyShape* proxyShape) const override;
/// Return true if a point is inside the collider
virtual bool testPointInside(const Vector3& localPoint, Collider* collider) const override;
/// Raycast method with feedback information
virtual bool raycast(const Ray& ray, RaycastInfo& raycastInfo, ProxyShape* proxyShape,
virtual bool raycast(const Ray& ray, RaycastInfo& raycastInfo, Collider* collider,
MemoryAllocator& allocator) const override;
/// Return the number of bytes used by the collision shape
@ -224,7 +224,7 @@ inline void TriangleShape::computeLocalInertiaTensor(Matrix3x3& tensor, decimal
// Return true if a point is inside the collision shape
inline bool TriangleShape::testPointInside(const Vector3& localPoint, ProxyShape* proxyShape) const {
inline bool TriangleShape::testPointInside(const Vector3& localPoint, Collider* collider) const {
return false;
@ -24,9 +24,9 @@
// Libraries
#include "ProxyShapeComponents.h"
#include "ColliderComponents.h"
#include "engine/EntityManager.h"
#include "collision/ProxyShape.h"
#include "collision/Collider.h"
#include <cassert>
#include <random>
@ -34,8 +34,8 @@
using namespace reactphysics3d;
// Constructor
ProxyShapeComponents::ProxyShapeComponents(MemoryAllocator& allocator)
:Components(allocator, sizeof(Entity) + sizeof(Entity) + sizeof(ProxyShape*) + sizeof(int) +
ColliderComponents::ColliderComponents(MemoryAllocator& allocator)
:Components(allocator, sizeof(Entity) + sizeof(Entity) + sizeof(Collider*) + sizeof(int) +
sizeof(Transform) + sizeof(CollisionShape*) + sizeof(decimal) + sizeof(unsigned short) +
sizeof(unsigned short) + sizeof(Transform) + sizeof(List<uint64>)) {
@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ ProxyShapeComponents::ProxyShapeComponents(MemoryAllocator& allocator)
// Allocate memory for a given number of components
void ProxyShapeComponents::allocate(uint32 nbComponentsToAllocate) {
void ColliderComponents::allocate(uint32 nbComponentsToAllocate) {
assert(nbComponentsToAllocate > mNbAllocatedComponents);
@ -56,10 +56,10 @@ void ProxyShapeComponents::allocate(uint32 nbComponentsToAllocate) {
assert(newBuffer != nullptr);
// New pointers to components data
Entity* newProxyShapesEntities = static_cast<Entity*>(newBuffer);
Entity* newBodiesEntities = reinterpret_cast<Entity*>(newProxyShapesEntities + nbComponentsToAllocate);
ProxyShape** newProxyShapes = reinterpret_cast<ProxyShape**>(newBodiesEntities + nbComponentsToAllocate);
int32* newBroadPhaseIds = reinterpret_cast<int32*>(newProxyShapes + nbComponentsToAllocate);
Entity* newCollidersEntities = static_cast<Entity*>(newBuffer);
Entity* newBodiesEntities = reinterpret_cast<Entity*>(newCollidersEntities + nbComponentsToAllocate);
Collider** newColliders = reinterpret_cast<Collider**>(newBodiesEntities + nbComponentsToAllocate);
int32* newBroadPhaseIds = reinterpret_cast<int32*>(newColliders + nbComponentsToAllocate);
Transform* newLocalToBodyTransforms = reinterpret_cast<Transform*>(newBroadPhaseIds + nbComponentsToAllocate);
CollisionShape** newCollisionShapes = reinterpret_cast<CollisionShape**>(newLocalToBodyTransforms + nbComponentsToAllocate);
decimal* newMasses = reinterpret_cast<decimal*>(newCollisionShapes + nbComponentsToAllocate);
@ -72,9 +72,9 @@ void ProxyShapeComponents::allocate(uint32 nbComponentsToAllocate) {
if (mNbComponents > 0) {
// Copy component data from the previous buffer to the new one
memcpy(newProxyShapesEntities, mProxyShapesEntities, mNbComponents * sizeof(Entity));
memcpy(newCollidersEntities, mCollidersEntities, mNbComponents * sizeof(Entity));
memcpy(newBodiesEntities, mBodiesEntities, mNbComponents * sizeof(Entity));
memcpy(newProxyShapes, mProxyShapes, mNbComponents * sizeof(ProxyShape*));
memcpy(newColliders, mColliders, mNbComponents * sizeof(Collider*));
memcpy(newBroadPhaseIds, mBroadPhaseIds, mNbComponents * sizeof(int32));
memcpy(newLocalToBodyTransforms, mLocalToBodyTransforms, mNbComponents * sizeof(Transform));
memcpy(newCollisionShapes, mCollisionShapes, mNbComponents * sizeof(CollisionShape*));
@ -89,10 +89,10 @@ void ProxyShapeComponents::allocate(uint32 nbComponentsToAllocate) {
mBuffer = newBuffer;
mProxyShapesEntities = newProxyShapesEntities;
mCollidersEntities = newCollidersEntities;
mBodiesEntities = newBodiesEntities;
mProxyShapesEntities = newProxyShapesEntities;
mProxyShapes = newProxyShapes;
mCollidersEntities = newCollidersEntities;
mColliders = newColliders;
mBroadPhaseIds = newBroadPhaseIds;
mLocalToBodyTransforms = newLocalToBodyTransforms;
mCollisionShapes = newCollisionShapes;
@ -106,15 +106,15 @@ void ProxyShapeComponents::allocate(uint32 nbComponentsToAllocate) {
// Add a component
void ProxyShapeComponents::addComponent(Entity proxyShapeEntity, bool isSleeping, const ProxyShapeComponent& component) {
void ColliderComponents::addComponent(Entity colliderEntity, bool isSleeping, const ColliderComponent& component) {
// Prepare to add new component (allocate memory if necessary and compute insertion index)
uint32 index = prepareAddComponent(isSleeping);
// Insert the new component data
new (mProxyShapesEntities + index) Entity(proxyShapeEntity);
new (mCollidersEntities + index) Entity(colliderEntity);
new (mBodiesEntities + index) Entity(component.bodyEntity);
mProxyShapes[index] = component.proxyShape;
mColliders[index] = component.collider;
new (mBroadPhaseIds + index) int32(-1);
new (mLocalToBodyTransforms + index) Transform(component.localToBodyTransform);
mCollisionShapes[index] = component.collisionShape;
@ -125,7 +125,7 @@ void ProxyShapeComponents::addComponent(Entity proxyShapeEntity, bool isSleeping
new (mOverlappingPairs + index) List<uint64>(mMemoryAllocator);
// Map the entity with the new component lookup index
mMapEntityToComponentIndex.add(Pair<Entity, uint32>(proxyShapeEntity, index));
mMapEntityToComponentIndex.add(Pair<Entity, uint32>(colliderEntity, index));
@ -134,14 +134,14 @@ void ProxyShapeComponents::addComponent(Entity proxyShapeEntity, bool isSleeping
// Move a component from a source to a destination index in the components array
// The destination location must contain a constructed object
void ProxyShapeComponents::moveComponentToIndex(uint32 srcIndex, uint32 destIndex) {
void ColliderComponents::moveComponentToIndex(uint32 srcIndex, uint32 destIndex) {
const Entity proxyShapeEntity = mProxyShapesEntities[srcIndex];
const Entity colliderEntity = mCollidersEntities[srcIndex];
// Copy the data of the source component to the destination location
new (mProxyShapesEntities + destIndex) Entity(mProxyShapesEntities[srcIndex]);
new (mCollidersEntities + destIndex) Entity(mCollidersEntities[srcIndex]);
new (mBodiesEntities + destIndex) Entity(mBodiesEntities[srcIndex]);
mProxyShapes[destIndex] = mProxyShapes[srcIndex];
mColliders[destIndex] = mColliders[srcIndex];
new (mBroadPhaseIds + destIndex) int32(mBroadPhaseIds[srcIndex]);
new (mLocalToBodyTransforms + destIndex) Transform(mLocalToBodyTransforms[srcIndex]);
mCollisionShapes[destIndex] = mCollisionShapes[srcIndex];
@ -154,21 +154,21 @@ void ProxyShapeComponents::moveComponentToIndex(uint32 srcIndex, uint32 destInde
// Destroy the source component
// Update the entity to component index mapping
mMapEntityToComponentIndex.add(Pair<Entity, uint32>(proxyShapeEntity, destIndex));
mMapEntityToComponentIndex.add(Pair<Entity, uint32>(colliderEntity, destIndex));
assert(mMapEntityToComponentIndex[mProxyShapesEntities[destIndex]] == destIndex);
assert(mMapEntityToComponentIndex[mCollidersEntities[destIndex]] == destIndex);
// Swap two components in the array
void ProxyShapeComponents::swapComponents(uint32 index1, uint32 index2) {
void ColliderComponents::swapComponents(uint32 index1, uint32 index2) {
// Copy component 1 data
Entity proxyShapeEntity1(mProxyShapesEntities[index1]);
Entity colliderEntity1(mCollidersEntities[index1]);
Entity bodyEntity1(mBodiesEntities[index1]);
ProxyShape* proxyShape1 = mProxyShapes[index1];
Collider* collider1 = mColliders[index1];
int32 broadPhaseId1 = mBroadPhaseIds[index1];
Transform localToBodyTransform1 = mLocalToBodyTransforms[index1];
CollisionShape* collisionShape1 = mCollisionShapes[index1];
@ -184,9 +184,9 @@ void ProxyShapeComponents::swapComponents(uint32 index1, uint32 index2) {
moveComponentToIndex(index2, index1);
// Reconstruct component 1 at component 2 location
new (mProxyShapesEntities + index2) Entity(proxyShapeEntity1);
new (mCollidersEntities + index2) Entity(colliderEntity1);
new (mBodiesEntities + index2) Entity(bodyEntity1);
mProxyShapes[index2] = proxyShape1;
mColliders[index2] = collider1;
new (mBroadPhaseIds + index2) int32(broadPhaseId1);
new (mLocalToBodyTransforms + index2) Transform(localToBodyTransform1);
mCollisionShapes[index2] = collisionShape1;
@ -197,25 +197,25 @@ void ProxyShapeComponents::swapComponents(uint32 index1, uint32 index2) {
new (mOverlappingPairs + index2) List<uint64>(overlappingPairs);
// Update the entity to component index mapping
mMapEntityToComponentIndex.add(Pair<Entity, uint32>(proxyShapeEntity1, index2));
mMapEntityToComponentIndex.add(Pair<Entity, uint32>(colliderEntity1, index2));
assert(mMapEntityToComponentIndex[mProxyShapesEntities[index1]] == index1);
assert(mMapEntityToComponentIndex[mProxyShapesEntities[index2]] == index2);
assert(mMapEntityToComponentIndex[mCollidersEntities[index1]] == index1);
assert(mMapEntityToComponentIndex[mCollidersEntities[index2]] == index2);
assert(mNbComponents == static_cast<uint32>(mMapEntityToComponentIndex.size()));
// Destroy a component at a given index
void ProxyShapeComponents::destroyComponent(uint32 index) {
void ColliderComponents::destroyComponent(uint32 index) {
assert(mMapEntityToComponentIndex[mProxyShapesEntities[index]] == index);
assert(mMapEntityToComponentIndex[mCollidersEntities[index]] == index);
mProxyShapes[index] = nullptr;
mColliders[index] = nullptr;
mCollisionShapes[index] = nullptr;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,324 @@
* ReactPhysics3D physics library, *
* Copyright (c) 2010-2018 Daniel Chappuis *
* *
* This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied warranty. *
* In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages arising from the *
* use of this software. *
* *
* Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose, *
* including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it *
* freely, subject to the following restrictions: *
* *
* 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not claim *
* that you wrote the original software. If you use this software in a *
* product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be *
* appreciated but is not required. *
* *
* 2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be *
* misrepresented as being the original software. *
* *
* 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution. *
* *
// Libraries
#include "mathematics/Transform.h"
#include "engine/Entity.h"
#include "containers/Map.h"
#include "collision/shapes/AABB.h"
#include "components/Components.h"
// ReactPhysics3D namespace
namespace reactphysics3d {
// Class declarations
class MemoryAllocator;
class EntityManager;
class AABB;
class CollisionShape;
class Collider;
// Class ColliderComponents
* This class represent the component of the ECS that contains data about the the colliders of the
* different bodies. We also make sure that colliders of sleeping entities (bodies) are
* always stored at the end of the array.
class ColliderComponents : public Components {
// -------------------- Attributes -------------------- //
/// Array of body entity of each component
Entity* mBodiesEntities;
/// Array of collider entity of each component
Entity* mCollidersEntities;
/// Array of pointer to the colliders
Collider** mColliders;
/// Ids of the colliders for the broad-phase algorithm
int32* mBroadPhaseIds;
/// Transform from local-space of the collider to the body-space of its body
Transform* mLocalToBodyTransforms;
/// Pointers to the collision shapes of the colliders
CollisionShape** mCollisionShapes;
/// Masses (in kilogramms) of the colliders
decimal* mMasses;
/// Array of bits used to define the collision category of this shape.
/// You can set a single bit to one to define a category value for this
/// shape. This value is one (0x0001) by default. This variable can be used
/// together with the mCollideWithMaskBits variable so that given
/// categories of shapes collide with each other and do not collide with
/// other categories.
unsigned short* mCollisionCategoryBits;
/// Array of bits mask used to state which collision categories this shape can
/// collide with. This value is 0xFFFF by default. It means that this
/// collider will collide with every collision categories by default.
unsigned short* mCollideWithMaskBits;
/// Array with the local-to-world transforms of the colliders
Transform* mLocalToWorldTransforms;
/// Array with the list of involved overlapping pairs for each collider
List<uint64>* mOverlappingPairs;
// -------------------- Methods -------------------- //
/// Allocate memory for a given number of components
virtual void allocate(uint32 nbComponentsToAllocate) override;
/// Destroy a component at a given index
virtual void destroyComponent(uint32 index) override;
/// Move a component from a source to a destination index in the components array
virtual void moveComponentToIndex(uint32 srcIndex, uint32 destIndex) override;
/// Swap two components in the array
virtual void swapComponents(uint32 index1, uint32 index2) override;
/// Structure for the data of a collider component
struct ColliderComponent {
Entity bodyEntity;
Collider* collider;
AABB localBounds;
const Transform& localToBodyTransform;
CollisionShape* collisionShape;
decimal mass;
unsigned short collisionCategoryBits;
unsigned short collideWithMaskBits;
const Transform& localToWorldTransform;
/// Constructor
ColliderComponent(Entity bodyEntity, Collider* collider, AABB localBounds, const Transform& localToBodyTransform,
CollisionShape* collisionShape, decimal mass, unsigned short collisionCategoryBits,
unsigned short collideWithMaskBits, const Transform& localToWorldTransform)
:bodyEntity(bodyEntity), collider(collider), localBounds(localBounds), localToBodyTransform(localToBodyTransform),
collisionShape(collisionShape), mass(mass), collisionCategoryBits(collisionCategoryBits), collideWithMaskBits(collideWithMaskBits),
localToWorldTransform(localToWorldTransform) {
// -------------------- Methods -------------------- //
/// Constructor
ColliderComponents(MemoryAllocator& allocator);
/// Destructor
virtual ~ColliderComponents() override = default;
/// Add a component
void addComponent(Entity colliderEntity, bool isSleeping, const ColliderComponent& component);
/// Return the body entity of a given collider
Entity getBody(Entity colliderEntity) const;
/// Return the mass of a collider
decimal getMass(Entity colliderEntity) const;
/// Return a pointer to a given collider
Collider* getCollider(Entity colliderEntity) const;
/// Return the local-to-body transform of a collider
const Transform& getLocalToBodyTransform(Entity colliderEntity) const;
/// Set the local-to-body transform of a collider
void setLocalToBodyTransform(Entity colliderEntity, const Transform& transform);
/// Return a pointer to the collision shape of a collider
CollisionShape* getCollisionShape(Entity colliderEntity) const;
/// Return the broad-phase id of a given collider
int32 getBroadPhaseId(Entity colliderEntity) const;
/// Set the broad-phase id of a given collider
void setBroadPhaseId(Entity colliderEntity, int32 broadPhaseId);
/// Return the collision category bits of a given collider
unsigned short getCollisionCategoryBits(Entity colliderEntity) const;
/// Set the collision category bits of a given collider
void setCollisionCategoryBits(Entity colliderEntity, unsigned short collisionCategoryBits);
/// Return the "collide with" mask bits of a given collider
unsigned short getCollideWithMaskBits(Entity colliderEntity) const;
/// Set the "collide with" mask bits of a given collider
void setCollideWithMaskBits(Entity colliderEntity, unsigned short collideWithMaskBits);
/// Return the local-to-world transform of a collider
const Transform& getLocalToWorldTransform(Entity colliderEntity) const;
/// Set the local-to-world transform of a collider
void setLocalToWorldTransform(Entity colliderEntity, const Transform& transform);
/// Return a reference to the list of overlapping pairs for a given collider
List<uint64>& getOverlappingPairs(Entity colliderEntity);
// -------------------- Friendship -------------------- //
friend class BroadPhaseSystem;
friend class CollisionDetectionSystem;
friend class DynamicsSystem;
friend class OverlappingPairs;
// Return the body entity of a given collider
inline Entity ColliderComponents::getBody(Entity colliderEntity) const {
return mBodiesEntities[mMapEntityToComponentIndex[colliderEntity]];
// Return the mass of a collider
inline decimal ColliderComponents::getMass(Entity colliderEntity) const {
return mMasses[mMapEntityToComponentIndex[colliderEntity]];
// Return a pointer to a given collider
inline Collider *ColliderComponents::getCollider(Entity colliderEntity) const {
return mColliders[mMapEntityToComponentIndex[colliderEntity]];
// Return the local-to-body transform of a collider
inline const Transform& ColliderComponents::getLocalToBodyTransform(Entity colliderEntity) const {
return mLocalToBodyTransforms[mMapEntityToComponentIndex[colliderEntity]];
// Set the local-to-body transform of a collider
inline void ColliderComponents::setLocalToBodyTransform(Entity colliderEntity, const Transform& transform) {
mLocalToBodyTransforms[mMapEntityToComponentIndex[colliderEntity]] = transform;
// Return a pointer to the collision shape of a collider
inline CollisionShape* ColliderComponents::getCollisionShape(Entity colliderEntity) const {
return mCollisionShapes[mMapEntityToComponentIndex[colliderEntity]];
// Return the broad-phase id of a given collider
inline int32 ColliderComponents::getBroadPhaseId(Entity colliderEntity) const {
return mBroadPhaseIds[mMapEntityToComponentIndex[colliderEntity]];
// Set the broad-phase id of a given collider
inline void ColliderComponents::setBroadPhaseId(Entity colliderEntity, int32 broadPhaseId) {
mBroadPhaseIds[mMapEntityToComponentIndex[colliderEntity]] = broadPhaseId;
// Return the collision category bits of a given collider
inline unsigned short ColliderComponents::getCollisionCategoryBits(Entity colliderEntity) const {
return mCollisionCategoryBits[mMapEntityToComponentIndex[colliderEntity]];
// Return the "collide with" mask bits of a given collider
inline unsigned short ColliderComponents::getCollideWithMaskBits(Entity colliderEntity) const {
return mCollideWithMaskBits[mMapEntityToComponentIndex[colliderEntity]];
// Set the collision category bits of a given collider
inline void ColliderComponents::setCollisionCategoryBits(Entity colliderEntity, unsigned short collisionCategoryBits) {
mCollisionCategoryBits[mMapEntityToComponentIndex[colliderEntity]] = collisionCategoryBits;
// Set the "collide with" mask bits of a given collider
inline void ColliderComponents::setCollideWithMaskBits(Entity colliderEntity, unsigned short collideWithMaskBits) {
mCollideWithMaskBits[mMapEntityToComponentIndex[colliderEntity]] = collideWithMaskBits;
// Return the local-to-world transform of a collider
inline const Transform& ColliderComponents::getLocalToWorldTransform(Entity colliderEntity) const {
return mLocalToWorldTransforms[mMapEntityToComponentIndex[colliderEntity]];
// Set the local-to-world transform of a collider
inline void ColliderComponents::setLocalToWorldTransform(Entity colliderEntity, const Transform& transform) {
mLocalToWorldTransforms[mMapEntityToComponentIndex[colliderEntity]] = transform;
// Return a reference to the list of overlapping pairs for a given collider
inline List<uint64>& ColliderComponents::getOverlappingPairs(Entity colliderEntity) {
return mOverlappingPairs[mMapEntityToComponentIndex[colliderEntity]];
@ -56,8 +56,8 @@ void CollisionBodyComponents::allocate(uint32 nbComponentsToAllocate) {
// New pointers to components data
Entity* newBodiesEntities = static_cast<Entity*>(newBuffer);
CollisionBody** newBodies = reinterpret_cast<CollisionBody**>(newBodiesEntities + nbComponentsToAllocate);
List<Entity>* newProxyShapes = reinterpret_cast<List<Entity>*>(newBodies + nbComponentsToAllocate);
bool* newIsActive = reinterpret_cast<bool*>(newProxyShapes + nbComponentsToAllocate);
List<Entity>* newColliders = reinterpret_cast<List<Entity>*>(newBodies + nbComponentsToAllocate);
bool* newIsActive = reinterpret_cast<bool*>(newColliders + nbComponentsToAllocate);
void** newUserData = reinterpret_cast<void**>(newIsActive + nbComponentsToAllocate);
// If there was already components before
@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ void CollisionBodyComponents::allocate(uint32 nbComponentsToAllocate) {
// Copy component data from the previous buffer to the new one
memcpy(newBodiesEntities, mBodiesEntities, mNbComponents * sizeof(Entity));
memcpy(newBodies, mBodies, mNbComponents * sizeof(CollisionBody*));
memcpy(newProxyShapes, mProxyShapes, mNbComponents * sizeof(List<Entity>));
memcpy(newColliders, mColliders, mNbComponents * sizeof(List<Entity>));
memcpy(newIsActive, mIsActive, mNbComponents * sizeof(bool));
memcpy(newUserData, mUserData, mNbComponents * sizeof(void*));
@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ void CollisionBodyComponents::allocate(uint32 nbComponentsToAllocate) {
mBuffer = newBuffer;
mBodiesEntities = newBodiesEntities;
mBodies = newBodies;
mProxyShapes = newProxyShapes;
mColliders = newColliders;
mIsActive = newIsActive;
mUserData = newUserData;
mNbAllocatedComponents = nbComponentsToAllocate;
@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ void CollisionBodyComponents::addComponent(Entity bodyEntity, bool isSleeping, c
// Insert the new component data
new (mBodiesEntities + index) Entity(bodyEntity);
mBodies[index] = component.body;
new (mProxyShapes + index) List<Entity>(mMemoryAllocator);
new (mColliders + index) List<Entity>(mMemoryAllocator);
mIsActive[index] = true;
mUserData[index] = nullptr;
@ -114,7 +114,7 @@ void CollisionBodyComponents::moveComponentToIndex(uint32 srcIndex, uint32 destI
// Copy the data of the source component to the destination location
new (mBodiesEntities + destIndex) Entity(mBodiesEntities[srcIndex]);
mBodies[destIndex] = mBodies[srcIndex];
new (mProxyShapes + destIndex) List<Entity>(mProxyShapes[srcIndex]);
new (mColliders + destIndex) List<Entity>(mColliders[srcIndex]);
mIsActive[destIndex] = mIsActive[srcIndex];
mUserData[destIndex] = mUserData[srcIndex];
@ -135,7 +135,7 @@ void CollisionBodyComponents::swapComponents(uint32 index1, uint32 index2) {
// Copy component 1 data
Entity entity1(mBodiesEntities[index1]);
CollisionBody* body1 = mBodies[index1];
List<Entity> proxyShapes1(mProxyShapes[index1]);
List<Entity> colliders1(mColliders[index1]);
bool isActive1 = mIsActive[index1];
void* userData1 = mUserData[index1];
@ -146,7 +146,7 @@ void CollisionBodyComponents::swapComponents(uint32 index1, uint32 index2) {
// Reconstruct component 1 at component 2 location
new (mBodiesEntities + index2) Entity(entity1);
new (mProxyShapes + index2) List<Entity>(proxyShapes1);
new (mColliders + index2) List<Entity>(colliders1);
mBodies[index2] = body1;
mIsActive[index2] = isActive1;
mUserData[index2] = userData1;
@ -170,6 +170,6 @@ void CollisionBodyComponents::destroyComponent(uint32 index) {
mBodies[index] = nullptr;
mUserData[index] = nullptr;
@ -57,8 +57,8 @@ class CollisionBodyComponents : public Components {
/// Array of pointers to the corresponding bodies
CollisionBody** mBodies;
/// Array with the list of proxy-shapes of each body
List<Entity>* mProxyShapes;
/// Array with the list of colliders of each body
List<Entity>* mColliders;
/// Array of boolean values to know if the body is active.
bool* mIsActive;
@ -104,17 +104,17 @@ class CollisionBodyComponents : public Components {
/// Add a component
void addComponent(Entity bodyEntity, bool isSleeping, const CollisionBodyComponent& component);
/// Add a proxy-shape to a body component
void addProxyShapeToBody(Entity bodyEntity, Entity proxyShapeEntity);
/// Add a collider to a body component
void addColliderToBody(Entity bodyEntity, Entity colliderEntity);
/// Remove a proxy-shape from a body component
void removeProxyShapeFromBody(Entity bodyEntity, Entity proxyShapeEntity);
/// Remove a collider from a body component
void removeColliderFromBody(Entity bodyEntity, Entity colliderEntity);
/// Return a pointer to a body
CollisionBody* getBody(Entity bodyEntity);
/// Return the list of proxy-shapes of a body
const List<Entity>& getProxyShapes(Entity bodyEntity) const;
/// Return the list of colliders of a body
const List<Entity>& getColliders(Entity bodyEntity) const;
/// Return true if the body is active
bool getIsActive(Entity bodyEntity) const;
@ -129,20 +129,20 @@ class CollisionBodyComponents : public Components {
void setUserData(Entity bodyEntity, void* userData) const;
// Add a proxy-shape to a body component
inline void CollisionBodyComponents::addProxyShapeToBody(Entity bodyEntity, Entity proxyShapeEntity) {
// Add a collider to a body component
inline void CollisionBodyComponents::addColliderToBody(Entity bodyEntity, Entity colliderEntity) {
// Remove a proxy-shape from a body component
inline void CollisionBodyComponents::removeProxyShapeFromBody(Entity bodyEntity, Entity proxyShapeEntity) {
// Remove a collider from a body component
inline void CollisionBodyComponents::removeColliderFromBody(Entity bodyEntity, Entity colliderEntity) {
// Return a pointer to a body
@ -153,12 +153,12 @@ inline CollisionBody *CollisionBodyComponents::getBody(Entity bodyEntity) {
return mBodies[mMapEntityToComponentIndex[bodyEntity]];
// Return the list of proxy-shapes of a body
inline const List<Entity>& CollisionBodyComponents::getProxyShapes(Entity bodyEntity) const {
// Return the list of colliders of a body
inline const List<Entity>& CollisionBodyComponents::getColliders(Entity bodyEntity) const {
return mProxyShapes[mMapEntityToComponentIndex[bodyEntity]];
return mColliders[mMapEntityToComponentIndex[bodyEntity]];
// Return true if the body is active
@ -1,324 +0,0 @@
* ReactPhysics3D physics library, *
* Copyright (c) 2010-2018 Daniel Chappuis *
* *
* This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied warranty. *
* In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages arising from the *
* use of this software. *
* *
* Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose, *
* including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it *
* freely, subject to the following restrictions: *
* *
* 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not claim *
* that you wrote the original software. If you use this software in a *
* product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be *
* appreciated but is not required. *
* *
* 2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be *
* misrepresented as being the original software. *
* *
* 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution. *
* *
// Libraries
#include "mathematics/Transform.h"
#include "engine/Entity.h"
#include "containers/Map.h"
#include "collision/shapes/AABB.h"
#include "components/Components.h"
// ReactPhysics3D namespace
namespace reactphysics3d {
// Class declarations
class MemoryAllocator;
class EntityManager;
class AABB;
class CollisionShape;
class ProxyShape;
// Class ProxyShapesComponents
* This class represent the component of the ECS that contains data about the the proxy-shapes of the
* different bodies. We also make sure that proxy shapes of sleeping entities (bodies) are
* always stored at the end of the array.
class ProxyShapeComponents : public Components {
// -------------------- Attributes -------------------- //
/// Array of body entity of each component
Entity* mBodiesEntities;
/// Array of proxy-shape entity of each component
Entity* mProxyShapesEntities;
/// Array of pointer to the proxy-shapes
ProxyShape** mProxyShapes;
/// Ids of the proxy-shapes for the broad-phase algorithm
int32* mBroadPhaseIds;
/// Transform from local-space of the proxy-shape to the body-space of its body
Transform* mLocalToBodyTransforms;
/// Pointers to the collision shapes of the proxy-shapes
CollisionShape** mCollisionShapes;
/// Masses (in kilogramms) of the proxy-shapes
decimal* mMasses;
/// Array of bits used to define the collision category of this shape.
/// You can set a single bit to one to define a category value for this
/// shape. This value is one (0x0001) by default. This variable can be used
/// together with the mCollideWithMaskBits variable so that given
/// categories of shapes collide with each other and do not collide with
/// other categories.
unsigned short* mCollisionCategoryBits;
/// Array of bits mask used to state which collision categories this shape can
/// collide with. This value is 0xFFFF by default. It means that this
/// proxy shape will collide with every collision categories by default.
unsigned short* mCollideWithMaskBits;
/// Array with the local-to-world transforms of the proxy-shapes
Transform* mLocalToWorldTransforms;
/// Array with the list of involved overlapping pairs for each proxy-shape
List<uint64>* mOverlappingPairs;
// -------------------- Methods -------------------- //
/// Allocate memory for a given number of components
virtual void allocate(uint32 nbComponentsToAllocate) override;
/// Destroy a component at a given index
virtual void destroyComponent(uint32 index) override;
/// Move a component from a source to a destination index in the components array
virtual void moveComponentToIndex(uint32 srcIndex, uint32 destIndex) override;
/// Swap two components in the array
virtual void swapComponents(uint32 index1, uint32 index2) override;
/// Structure for the data of a proxy shape component
struct ProxyShapeComponent {
Entity bodyEntity;
ProxyShape* proxyShape;
AABB localBounds;
const Transform& localToBodyTransform;
CollisionShape* collisionShape;
decimal mass;
unsigned short collisionCategoryBits;
unsigned short collideWithMaskBits;
const Transform& localToWorldTransform;
/// Constructor
ProxyShapeComponent(Entity bodyEntity, ProxyShape* proxyShape, AABB localBounds, const Transform& localToBodyTransform,
CollisionShape* collisionShape, decimal mass, unsigned short collisionCategoryBits,
unsigned short collideWithMaskBits, const Transform& localToWorldTransform)
:bodyEntity(bodyEntity), proxyShape(proxyShape), localBounds(localBounds), localToBodyTransform(localToBodyTransform),
collisionShape(collisionShape), mass(mass), collisionCategoryBits(collisionCategoryBits), collideWithMaskBits(collideWithMaskBits),
localToWorldTransform(localToWorldTransform) {
// -------------------- Methods -------------------- //
/// Constructor
ProxyShapeComponents(MemoryAllocator& allocator);
/// Destructor
virtual ~ProxyShapeComponents() override = default;
/// Add a component
void addComponent(Entity proxyShapeEntity, bool isSleeping, const ProxyShapeComponent& component);
/// Return the body entity of a given proxy-shape
Entity getBody(Entity proxyShapeEntity) const;
/// Return the mass of a proxy-shape
decimal getMass(Entity proxyShapeEntity) const;
/// Return a pointer to a given proxy-shape
ProxyShape* getProxyShape(Entity proxyShapeEntity) const;
/// Return the local-to-body transform of a proxy-shape
const Transform& getLocalToBodyTransform(Entity proxyShapeEntity) const;
/// Set the local-to-body transform of a proxy-shape
void setLocalToBodyTransform(Entity proxyShapeEntity, const Transform& transform);
/// Return a pointer to the collision shape of a proxy-shape
CollisionShape* getCollisionShape(Entity proxyShapeEntity) const;
/// Return the broad-phase id of a given proxy shape
int32 getBroadPhaseId(Entity proxyShapeEntity) const;
/// Set the broad-phase id of a given proxy shape
void setBroadPhaseId(Entity proxyShapeEntity, int32 broadPhaseId);
/// Return the collision category bits of a given proxy-shape
unsigned short getCollisionCategoryBits(Entity proxyShapeEntity) const;
/// Set the collision category bits of a given proxy-shape
void setCollisionCategoryBits(Entity proxyShapeEntity, unsigned short collisionCategoryBits);
/// Return the "collide with" mask bits of a given proxy-shape
unsigned short getCollideWithMaskBits(Entity proxyShapeEntity) const;
/// Set the "collide with" mask bits of a given proxy-shape
void setCollideWithMaskBits(Entity proxyShapeEntity, unsigned short collideWithMaskBits);
/// Return the local-to-world transform of a proxy-shape
const Transform& getLocalToWorldTransform(Entity proxyShapeEntity) const;
/// Set the local-to-world transform of a proxy-shape
void setLocalToWorldTransform(Entity proxyShapeEntity, const Transform& transform);
/// Return a reference to the list of overlapping pairs for a given proxy-shape
List<uint64>& getOverlappingPairs(Entity proxyShapeEntity);
// -------------------- Friendship -------------------- //
friend class BroadPhaseSystem;
friend class CollisionDetectionSystem;
friend class DynamicsSystem;
friend class OverlappingPairs;
// Return the body entity of a given proxy-shape
inline Entity ProxyShapeComponents::getBody(Entity proxyShapeEntity) const {
return mBodiesEntities[mMapEntityToComponentIndex[proxyShapeEntity]];
// Return the mass of a proxy-shape
inline decimal ProxyShapeComponents::getMass(Entity proxyShapeEntity) const {
return mMasses[mMapEntityToComponentIndex[proxyShapeEntity]];
// Return a pointer to a given proxy-shape
inline ProxyShape* ProxyShapeComponents::getProxyShape(Entity proxyShapeEntity) const {
return mProxyShapes[mMapEntityToComponentIndex[proxyShapeEntity]];
// Return the local-to-body transform of a proxy-shape
inline const Transform& ProxyShapeComponents::getLocalToBodyTransform(Entity proxyShapeEntity) const {
return mLocalToBodyTransforms[mMapEntityToComponentIndex[proxyShapeEntity]];
// Set the local-to-body transform of a proxy-shape
inline void ProxyShapeComponents::setLocalToBodyTransform(Entity proxyShapeEntity, const Transform& transform) {
mLocalToBodyTransforms[mMapEntityToComponentIndex[proxyShapeEntity]] = transform;
// Return a pointer to the collision shape of a proxy-shape
inline CollisionShape* ProxyShapeComponents::getCollisionShape(Entity proxyShapeEntity) const {
return mCollisionShapes[mMapEntityToComponentIndex[proxyShapeEntity]];
// Return the broad-phase id of a given proxy shape
inline int32 ProxyShapeComponents::getBroadPhaseId(Entity proxyShapeEntity) const {
return mBroadPhaseIds[mMapEntityToComponentIndex[proxyShapeEntity]];
// Set the broad-phase id of a given proxy shape
inline void ProxyShapeComponents::setBroadPhaseId(Entity proxyShapeEntity, int32 broadPhaseId) {
mBroadPhaseIds[mMapEntityToComponentIndex[proxyShapeEntity]] = broadPhaseId;
// Return the collision category bits of a given proxy-shape
inline unsigned short ProxyShapeComponents::getCollisionCategoryBits(Entity proxyShapeEntity) const {
return mCollisionCategoryBits[mMapEntityToComponentIndex[proxyShapeEntity]];
// Return the "collide with" mask bits of a given proxy-shape
inline unsigned short ProxyShapeComponents::getCollideWithMaskBits(Entity proxyShapeEntity) const {
return mCollideWithMaskBits[mMapEntityToComponentIndex[proxyShapeEntity]];
// Set the collision category bits of a given proxy-shape
inline void ProxyShapeComponents::setCollisionCategoryBits(Entity proxyShapeEntity, unsigned short collisionCategoryBits) {
mCollisionCategoryBits[mMapEntityToComponentIndex[proxyShapeEntity]] = collisionCategoryBits;
// Set the "collide with" mask bits of a given proxy-shape
inline void ProxyShapeComponents::setCollideWithMaskBits(Entity proxyShapeEntity, unsigned short collideWithMaskBits) {
mCollideWithMaskBits[mMapEntityToComponentIndex[proxyShapeEntity]] = collideWithMaskBits;
// Return the local-to-world transform of a proxy-shape
inline const Transform& ProxyShapeComponents::getLocalToWorldTransform(Entity proxyShapeEntity) const {
return mLocalToWorldTransforms[mMapEntityToComponentIndex[proxyShapeEntity]];
// Set the local-to-world transform of a proxy-shape
inline void ProxyShapeComponents::setLocalToWorldTransform(Entity proxyShapeEntity, const Transform& transform) {
mLocalToWorldTransforms[mMapEntityToComponentIndex[proxyShapeEntity]] = transform;
// Return a reference to the list of overlapping pairs for a given proxy-shape
inline List<uint64>& ProxyShapeComponents::getOverlappingPairs(Entity proxyShapeEntity) {
return mOverlappingPairs[mMapEntityToComponentIndex[proxyShapeEntity]];
@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
// Libraries
#include "ContactPoint.h"
#include "collision/ProxyShape.h"
#include "collision/Collider.h"
using namespace reactphysics3d;
using namespace std;
@ -54,10 +54,10 @@ class ContactPoint {
/// Penetration depth
decimal mPenetrationDepth;
/// Contact point on proxy shape 1 in local-space of proxy shape 1
/// Contact point on collider 1 in local-space of collider 1
Vector3 mLocalPointOnShape1;
/// Contact point on proxy shape 2 in local-space of proxy shape 2
/// Contact point on collider 2 in local-space of collider 2
Vector3 mLocalPointOnShape2;
/// True if the contact is a resting contact (exists for more than one time step)
@ -115,10 +115,10 @@ class ContactPoint {
/// Return the normal vector of the contact
const Vector3& getNormal() const;
/// Return the contact point on the first proxy shape in the local-space of the proxy shape
/// Return the contact point on the first collider in the local-space of the collider
const Vector3& getLocalPointOnShape1() const;
/// Return the contact point on the second proxy shape in the local-space of the proxy shape
/// Return the contact point on the second collider in the local-space of the collider
const Vector3& getLocalPointOnShape2() const;
/// Return the cached penetration impulse
@ -148,17 +148,17 @@ inline const Vector3& ContactPoint::getNormal() const {
return mNormal;
// Return the contact point on the first proxy shape in the local-space of the proxy shape
// Return the contact point on the first collider in the local-space of the collider
* @return The contact point on the first proxy shape in the local-space of the proxy shape
* @return The contact point on the first collider in the local-space of the collider
inline const Vector3& ContactPoint::getLocalPointOnShape1() const {
return mLocalPointOnShape1;
// Return the contact point on the second proxy shape in the local-space of the proxy shape
// Return the contact point on the second collider in the local-space of the collider
* @return The contact point on the second proxy shape in the local-space of the proxy shape
* @return The contact point on the second collider in the local-space of the collider
inline const Vector3& ContactPoint::getLocalPointOnShape2() const {
return mLocalPointOnShape2;
@ -39,11 +39,11 @@ uint CollisionWorld::mNbWorlds = 0;
CollisionWorld::CollisionWorld(MemoryManager& memoryManager, const WorldSettings& worldSettings, Logger* logger, Profiler* profiler)
: mMemoryManager(memoryManager), mConfig(worldSettings), mEntityManager(mMemoryManager.getHeapAllocator()),
mCollisionBodyComponents(mMemoryManager.getHeapAllocator()), mRigidBodyComponents(mMemoryManager.getHeapAllocator()),
mTransformComponents(mMemoryManager.getHeapAllocator()), mProxyShapesComponents(mMemoryManager.getHeapAllocator()),
mTransformComponents(mMemoryManager.getHeapAllocator()), mCollidersComponents(mMemoryManager.getHeapAllocator()),
mJointsComponents(mMemoryManager.getHeapAllocator()), mBallAndSocketJointsComponents(mMemoryManager.getHeapAllocator()),
mFixedJointsComponents(mMemoryManager.getHeapAllocator()), mHingeJointsComponents(mMemoryManager.getHeapAllocator()),
mCollisionDetection(this, mProxyShapesComponents, mTransformComponents, mCollisionBodyComponents, mRigidBodyComponents, mMemoryManager),
mCollisionDetection(this, mCollidersComponents, mTransformComponents, mCollisionBodyComponents, mRigidBodyComponents, mMemoryManager),
mBodies(mMemoryManager.getHeapAllocator()), mEventListener(nullptr),
mName(worldSettings.worldName), mIsProfilerCreatedByUser(profiler != nullptr),
mIsLoggerCreatedByUser(logger != nullptr) {
@ -137,7 +137,7 @@ CollisionWorld::~CollisionWorld() {
assert(mBodies.size() == 0);
assert(mCollisionBodyComponents.getNbComponents() == 0);
assert(mTransformComponents.getNbComponents() == 0);
assert(mProxyShapesComponents.getNbComponents() == 0);
assert(mCollidersComponents.getNbComponents() == 0);
// Create a collision body and add it to the world
@ -222,11 +222,11 @@ void CollisionWorld::setBodyDisabled(Entity bodyEntity, bool isDisabled) {
mRigidBodyComponents.setIsEntityDisabled(bodyEntity, isDisabled);
// For each proxy-shape of the body
const List<Entity>& proxyShapesEntities = mCollisionBodyComponents.getProxyShapes(bodyEntity);
for (uint i=0; i < proxyShapesEntities.size(); i++) {
// For each collider of the body
const List<Entity>& collidersEntities = mCollisionBodyComponents.getColliders(bodyEntity);
for (uint i=0; i < collidersEntities.size(); i++) {
mProxyShapesComponents.setIsEntityDisabled(proxyShapesEntities[i], isDisabled);
mCollidersComponents.setIsEntityDisabled(collidersEntities[i], isDisabled);
// Disable the joints of the body if necessary
@ -288,16 +288,16 @@ bool CollisionWorld::testOverlap(CollisionBody* body1, CollisionBody* body2) {
return mCollisionDetection.testOverlap(body1, body2);
// Return the current world-space AABB of given proxy shape
// Return the current world-space AABB of given collider
* @param proxyShape Pointer to a proxy shape
* @return The AAABB of the proxy shape in world-space
* @param collider Pointer to a collider
* @return The AAABB of the collider in world-space
AABB CollisionWorld::getWorldAABB(const ProxyShape* proxyShape) const {
AABB CollisionWorld::getWorldAABB(const Collider* collider) const {
if (proxyShape->getBroadPhaseId() == -1) {
if (collider->getBroadPhaseId() == -1) {
return AABB();
return mCollisionDetection.getWorldAABB(proxyShape);
return mCollisionDetection.getWorldAABB(collider);
@ -36,7 +36,7 @@
#include "components/CollisionBodyComponents.h"
#include "components/RigidBodyComponents.h"
#include "components/TransformComponents.h"
#include "components/ProxyShapeComponents.h"
#include "components/ColliderComponents.h"
#include "components/JointComponents.h"
#include "components/BallAndSocketJointComponents.h"
#include "components/FixedJointComponents.h"
@ -90,8 +90,8 @@ class CollisionWorld {
/// Transform Components
TransformComponents mTransformComponents;
/// Proxy-Shapes Components
ProxyShapeComponents mProxyShapesComponents;
/// Collider Components
ColliderComponents mCollidersComponents;
/// Joint Components
JointComponents mJointsComponents;
@ -213,8 +213,8 @@ class CollisionWorld {
/// Return the current world-space AABB of given proxy shape
AABB getWorldAABB(const ProxyShape* proxyShape) const;
/// Return the current world-space AABB of given collider
AABB getWorldAABB(const Collider* collider) const;
/// Return the name of the world
const std::string& getName() const;
@ -225,7 +225,7 @@ class CollisionWorld {
friend class CollisionDetectionSystem;
friend class CollisionBody;
friend class RigidBody;
friend class ProxyShape;
friend class Collider;
friend class ConvexMeshShape;
friend class CollisionCallback::ContactPair;
friend class OverlapCallback::OverlapPair;
@ -51,11 +51,11 @@ DynamicsWorld::DynamicsWorld(const Vector3& gravity, MemoryManager& memoryManage
: CollisionWorld(memoryManager, worldSettings, logger, profiler),
mContactSolverSystem(mMemoryManager, *this, mIslands, mCollisionBodyComponents, mRigidBodyComponents,
mProxyShapesComponents, mConfig),
mCollidersComponents, mConfig),
mConstraintSolverSystem(*this, mIslands, mRigidBodyComponents, mTransformComponents, mJointsComponents,
mBallAndSocketJointsComponents, mFixedJointsComponents, mHingeJointsComponents,
mDynamicsSystem(*this, mCollisionBodyComponents, mRigidBodyComponents, mTransformComponents, mProxyShapesComponents, mIsGravityEnabled, mGravity),
mDynamicsSystem(*this, mCollisionBodyComponents, mRigidBodyComponents, mTransformComponents, mCollidersComponents, mIsGravityEnabled, mGravity),
mIsSleepingEnabled(mConfig.isSleepingEnabled), mRigidBodies(mMemoryManager.getPoolAllocator()),
@ -142,8 +142,8 @@ void DynamicsWorld::update(decimal timeStep) {
// Update the state (positions and velocities) of the bodies
// Update the proxy-shapes components
// Update the colliders components
if (mIsSleepingEnabled) updateSleepingBodies(timeStep);
@ -34,7 +34,7 @@
using namespace reactphysics3d;
// Constructor
OverlappingPairs::OverlappingPairs(MemoryAllocator& persistentMemoryAllocator, MemoryAllocator& temporaryMemoryAllocator, ProxyShapeComponents& proxyShapeComponents,
OverlappingPairs::OverlappingPairs(MemoryAllocator& persistentMemoryAllocator, MemoryAllocator& temporaryMemoryAllocator, ColliderComponents &colliderComponents,
CollisionBodyComponents& collisionBodyComponents, RigidBodyComponents& rigidBodyComponents, Set<bodypair> &noCollisionPairs, CollisionDispatch &collisionDispatch)
: mPersistentAllocator(persistentMemoryAllocator), mTempMemoryAllocator(temporaryMemoryAllocator),
mNbPairs(0), mConcavePairsStartIndex(0), mPairDataSize(sizeof(uint64) + sizeof(int32) + sizeof(int32) + sizeof(Entity) +
@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ OverlappingPairs::OverlappingPairs(MemoryAllocator& persistentMemoryAllocator, M
mNbAllocatedPairs(0), mBuffer(nullptr),
mProxyShapeComponents(proxyShapeComponents), mCollisionBodyComponents(collisionBodyComponents),
mColliderComponents(colliderComponents), mCollisionBodyComponents(collisionBodyComponents),
mRigidBodyComponents(rigidBodyComponents), mNoCollisionPairs(noCollisionPairs), mCollisionDispatch(collisionDispatch) {
// Allocate memory for the components data
@ -69,11 +69,11 @@ OverlappingPairs::~OverlappingPairs() {
mPersistentAllocator.release(it->second, sizeof(LastFrameCollisionInfo));
// Remove the involved overlapping pair to the two proxy-shapes
assert(mProxyShapeComponents.getOverlappingPairs(mProxyShapes1[i]).find(mPairIds[i]) != mProxyShapeComponents.getOverlappingPairs(mProxyShapes1[i]).end());
assert(mProxyShapeComponents.getOverlappingPairs(mProxyShapes2[i]).find(mPairIds[i]) != mProxyShapeComponents.getOverlappingPairs(mProxyShapes2[i]).end());
// Remove the involved overlapping pair to the two colliders
assert(mColliderComponents.getOverlappingPairs(mColliders1[i]).find(mPairIds[i]) != mColliderComponents.getOverlappingPairs(mColliders1[i]).end());
assert(mColliderComponents.getOverlappingPairs(mColliders2[i]).find(mPairIds[i]) != mColliderComponents.getOverlappingPairs(mColliders2[i]).end());
@ -144,11 +144,11 @@ void OverlappingPairs::removePair(uint64 pairId) {
mPersistentAllocator.release(it->second, sizeof(LastFrameCollisionInfo));
// Remove the involved overlapping pair to the two proxy-shapes
assert(mProxyShapeComponents.getOverlappingPairs(mProxyShapes1[index]).find(pairId) != mProxyShapeComponents.getOverlappingPairs(mProxyShapes1[index]).end());
assert(mProxyShapeComponents.getOverlappingPairs(mProxyShapes2[index]).find(pairId) != mProxyShapeComponents.getOverlappingPairs(mProxyShapes2[index]).end());
// Remove the involved overlapping pair to the two colliders
assert(mColliderComponents.getOverlappingPairs(mColliders1[index]).find(pairId) != mColliderComponents.getOverlappingPairs(mColliders1[index]).end());
assert(mColliderComponents.getOverlappingPairs(mColliders2[index]).find(pairId) != mColliderComponents.getOverlappingPairs(mColliders2[index]).end());
// Destroy the pair
@ -204,9 +204,9 @@ void OverlappingPairs::allocate(uint64 nbPairsToAllocate) {
uint64* newPairIds = static_cast<uint64*>(newBuffer);
int32* newPairBroadPhaseId1 = reinterpret_cast<int32*>(newPairIds + nbPairsToAllocate);
int32* newPairBroadPhaseId2 = reinterpret_cast<int32*>(newPairBroadPhaseId1 + nbPairsToAllocate);
Entity* newProxyShapes1 = reinterpret_cast<Entity*>(newPairBroadPhaseId2 + nbPairsToAllocate);
Entity* newProxyShapes2 = reinterpret_cast<Entity*>(newProxyShapes1 + nbPairsToAllocate);
Map<uint64, LastFrameCollisionInfo*>* newLastFrameCollisionInfos = reinterpret_cast<Map<uint64, LastFrameCollisionInfo*>*>(newProxyShapes2 + nbPairsToAllocate);
Entity* newColliders1 = reinterpret_cast<Entity*>(newPairBroadPhaseId2 + nbPairsToAllocate);
Entity* newColliders2 = reinterpret_cast<Entity*>(newColliders1 + nbPairsToAllocate);
Map<uint64, LastFrameCollisionInfo*>* newLastFrameCollisionInfos = reinterpret_cast<Map<uint64, LastFrameCollisionInfo*>*>(newColliders2 + nbPairsToAllocate);
bool* newNeedToTestOverlap = reinterpret_cast<bool*>(newLastFrameCollisionInfos + nbPairsToAllocate);
bool* newIsActive = reinterpret_cast<bool*>(newNeedToTestOverlap + nbPairsToAllocate);
NarrowPhaseAlgorithmType* newNarrowPhaseAlgorithmType = reinterpret_cast<NarrowPhaseAlgorithmType*>(newIsActive + nbPairsToAllocate);
@ -219,8 +219,8 @@ void OverlappingPairs::allocate(uint64 nbPairsToAllocate) {
memcpy(newPairIds, mPairIds, mNbPairs * sizeof(uint64));
memcpy(newPairBroadPhaseId1, mPairBroadPhaseId1, mNbPairs * sizeof(int32));
memcpy(newPairBroadPhaseId2, mPairBroadPhaseId2, mNbPairs * sizeof(int32));
memcpy(newProxyShapes1, mProxyShapes1, mNbPairs * sizeof(Entity));
memcpy(newProxyShapes2, mProxyShapes2, mNbPairs * sizeof(Entity));
memcpy(newColliders1, mColliders1, mNbPairs * sizeof(Entity));
memcpy(newColliders2, mColliders2, mNbPairs * sizeof(Entity));
memcpy(newLastFrameCollisionInfos, mLastFrameCollisionInfos, mNbPairs * sizeof(Map<uint64, LastFrameCollisionInfo*>));
memcpy(newNeedToTestOverlap, mNeedToTestOverlap, mNbPairs * sizeof(bool));
memcpy(newIsActive, mIsActive, mNbPairs * sizeof(bool));
@ -235,8 +235,8 @@ void OverlappingPairs::allocate(uint64 nbPairsToAllocate) {
mPairIds = newPairIds;
mPairBroadPhaseId1 = newPairBroadPhaseId1;
mPairBroadPhaseId2 = newPairBroadPhaseId2;
mProxyShapes1 = newProxyShapes1;
mProxyShapes2 = newProxyShapes2;
mColliders1 = newColliders1;
mColliders2 = newColliders2;
mLastFrameCollisionInfos = newLastFrameCollisionInfos;
mNeedToTestOverlap = newNeedToTestOverlap;
mIsActive = newIsActive;
@ -247,18 +247,18 @@ void OverlappingPairs::allocate(uint64 nbPairsToAllocate) {
// Add an overlapping pair
uint64 OverlappingPairs::addPair(ProxyShape* shape1, ProxyShape* shape2) {
uint64 OverlappingPairs::addPair(Collider* shape1, Collider* shape2) {
RP3D_PROFILE("OverlappingPairs::addPair()", mProfiler);
const Entity proxyShape1 = shape1->getEntity();
const Entity proxyShape2 = shape2->getEntity();
const Entity collider1 = shape1->getEntity();
const Entity collider2 = shape2->getEntity();
const uint proxyShape1Index = mProxyShapeComponents.getEntityIndex(proxyShape1);
const uint proxyShape2Index = mProxyShapeComponents.getEntityIndex(proxyShape2);
const uint collider1Index = mColliderComponents.getEntityIndex(collider1);
const uint collider2Index = mColliderComponents.getEntityIndex(collider2);
const CollisionShape* collisionShape1 = mProxyShapeComponents.mCollisionShapes[proxyShape1Index];
const CollisionShape* collisionShape2 = mProxyShapeComponents.mCollisionShapes[proxyShape2Index];
const CollisionShape* collisionShape1 = mColliderComponents.mCollisionShapes[collider1Index];
const CollisionShape* collisionShape2 = mColliderComponents.mCollisionShapes[collider2Index];
const bool isShape1Convex = collisionShape1->isConvex();
const bool isShape2Convex = collisionShape2->isConvex();
@ -291,8 +291,8 @@ uint64 OverlappingPairs::addPair(ProxyShape* shape1, ProxyShape* shape2) {
new (mPairIds + index) uint64(pairId);
new (mPairBroadPhaseId1 + index) int32(shape1->getBroadPhaseId());
new (mPairBroadPhaseId2 + index) int32(shape2->getBroadPhaseId());
new (mProxyShapes1 + index) Entity(shape1->getEntity());
new (mProxyShapes2 + index) Entity(shape2->getEntity());
new (mColliders1 + index) Entity(shape1->getEntity());
new (mColliders2 + index) Entity(shape2->getEntity());
new (mLastFrameCollisionInfos + index) Map<uint64, LastFrameCollisionInfo*>(mPersistentAllocator);
new (mNeedToTestOverlap + index) bool(false);
new (mIsActive + index) bool(true);
@ -302,11 +302,11 @@ uint64 OverlappingPairs::addPair(ProxyShape* shape1, ProxyShape* shape2) {
// Map the entity with the new component lookup index
mMapPairIdToPairIndex.add(Pair<uint64, uint64>(pairId, index));
// Add the involved overlapping pair to the two proxy-shapes
assert(mProxyShapeComponents.mOverlappingPairs[proxyShape1Index].find(pairId) == mProxyShapeComponents.mOverlappingPairs[proxyShape1Index].end());
assert(mProxyShapeComponents.mOverlappingPairs[proxyShape2Index].find(pairId) == mProxyShapeComponents.mOverlappingPairs[proxyShape2Index].end());
// Add the involved overlapping pair to the two colliders
assert(mColliderComponents.mOverlappingPairs[collider1Index].find(pairId) == mColliderComponents.mOverlappingPairs[collider1Index].end());
assert(mColliderComponents.mOverlappingPairs[collider2Index].find(pairId) == mColliderComponents.mOverlappingPairs[collider2Index].end());
@ -328,8 +328,8 @@ void OverlappingPairs::movePairToIndex(uint64 srcIndex, uint64 destIndex) {
mPairIds[destIndex] = mPairIds[srcIndex];
mPairBroadPhaseId1[destIndex] = mPairBroadPhaseId1[srcIndex];
mPairBroadPhaseId2[destIndex] = mPairBroadPhaseId2[srcIndex];
new (mProxyShapes1 + destIndex) Entity(mProxyShapes1[srcIndex]);
new (mProxyShapes2 + destIndex) Entity(mProxyShapes2[srcIndex]);
new (mColliders1 + destIndex) Entity(mColliders1[srcIndex]);
new (mColliders2 + destIndex) Entity(mColliders2[srcIndex]);
new (mLastFrameCollisionInfos + destIndex) Map<uint64, LastFrameCollisionInfo*>(mLastFrameCollisionInfos[srcIndex]);
mNeedToTestOverlap[destIndex] = mNeedToTestOverlap[srcIndex];
mIsActive[destIndex] = mIsActive[srcIndex];
@ -354,8 +354,8 @@ void OverlappingPairs::swapPairs(uint64 index1, uint64 index2) {
uint64 pairId = mPairIds[index1];
int32 pairBroadPhaseId1 = mPairBroadPhaseId1[index1];
int32 pairBroadPhaseId2 = mPairBroadPhaseId2[index1];
Entity proxyShape1 = mProxyShapes1[index1];
Entity proxyShape2 = mProxyShapes2[index1];
Entity collider1 = mColliders1[index1];
Entity collider2 = mColliders2[index1];
Map<uint64, LastFrameCollisionInfo*> lastFrameCollisionInfo(mLastFrameCollisionInfos[index1]);
bool needTestOverlap = mNeedToTestOverlap[index1];
bool isActive = mIsActive[index1];
@ -371,8 +371,8 @@ void OverlappingPairs::swapPairs(uint64 index1, uint64 index2) {
mPairIds[index2] = pairId;
mPairBroadPhaseId1[index2] = pairBroadPhaseId1;
mPairBroadPhaseId2[index2] = pairBroadPhaseId2;
new (mProxyShapes1 + index2) Entity(proxyShape1);
new (mProxyShapes2 + index2) Entity(proxyShape2);
new (mColliders1 + index2) Entity(collider1);
new (mColliders2 + index2) Entity(collider2);
new (mLastFrameCollisionInfos + index2) Map<uint64, LastFrameCollisionInfo*>(lastFrameCollisionInfo);
mNeedToTestOverlap[index2] = needTestOverlap;
mIsActive[index2] = isActive;
@ -396,8 +396,8 @@ void OverlappingPairs::destroyPair(uint64 index) {
mLastFrameCollisionInfos[index].~Map<uint64, LastFrameCollisionInfo*>();
@ -409,11 +409,11 @@ void OverlappingPairs::updateOverlappingPairIsActive(uint64 pairId) {
const uint64 pairIndex = mMapPairIdToPairIndex[pairId];
const Entity proxyShape1 = mProxyShapes1[pairIndex];
const Entity proxyShape2 = mProxyShapes2[pairIndex];
const Entity collider1 = mColliders1[pairIndex];
const Entity collider2 = mColliders2[pairIndex];
const Entity body1 = mProxyShapeComponents.getBody(proxyShape1);
const Entity body2 = mProxyShapeComponents.getBody(proxyShape2);
const Entity body1 = mColliderComponents.getBody(collider1);
const Entity body2 = mColliderComponents.getBody(collider2);
const bool isBody1Enabled = !mCollisionBodyComponents.getIsEntityDisabled(body1);
const bool isBody2Enabled = !mCollisionBodyComponents.getIsEntityDisabled(body2);
@ -27,13 +27,13 @@
// Libraries
#include "collision/ProxyShape.h"
#include "collision/Collider.h"
#include "containers/Map.h"
#include "containers/Pair.h"
#include "containers/Set.h"
#include "containers/containers_common.h"
#include "utils/Profiler.h"
#include "components/ProxyShapeComponents.h"
#include "components/ColliderComponents.h"
#include "components/CollisionBodyComponents.h"
#include "components/RigidBodyComponents.h"
#include <cstddef>
@ -96,9 +96,9 @@ struct LastFrameCollisionInfo {
// Class OverlappingPairs
* This class contains pairs of two proxy collision shapes that are overlapping
* This class contains pairs of two colliders that are overlapping
* during the broad-phase collision detection. A pair is created when
* the two proxy collision shapes start to overlap and is destroyed when they do not
* the two colliders start to overlap and is destroyed when they do not
* overlap anymore. Each contains a contact manifold that
* store all the contact points between the two bodies.
@ -148,11 +148,11 @@ class OverlappingPairs {
/// Array with the broad-phase Ids of the second shape
int32* mPairBroadPhaseId2;
/// Array of Entity of the first proxy-shape of the convex vs convex pairs
Entity* mProxyShapes1;
/// Array of Entity of the first collider of the convex vs convex pairs
Entity* mColliders1;
/// Array of Entity of the second proxy-shape of the convex vs convex pairs
Entity* mProxyShapes2;
/// Array of Entity of the second collider of the convex vs convex pairs
Entity* mColliders2;
/// Temporal coherence collision data for each overlapping collision shapes of this pair.
/// Temporal coherence data store collision information about the last frame.
@ -173,8 +173,8 @@ class OverlappingPairs {
/// True if the first shape of the pair is convex
bool* mIsShape1Convex;
/// Reference to the proxy-shapes components
ProxyShapeComponents& mProxyShapeComponents;
/// Reference to the colliders components
ColliderComponents& mColliderComponents;
/// Reference to the collision body components
CollisionBodyComponents& mCollisionBodyComponents;
@ -218,7 +218,7 @@ class OverlappingPairs {
/// Constructor
OverlappingPairs(MemoryAllocator& persistentMemoryAllocator, MemoryAllocator& temporaryMemoryAllocator,
ProxyShapeComponents& proxyShapeComponents, CollisionBodyComponents& collisionBodyComponents,
ColliderComponents& colliderComponents, CollisionBodyComponents& collisionBodyComponents,
RigidBodyComponents& rigidBodyComponents, Set<bodypair>& noCollisionPairs,
CollisionDispatch& collisionDispatch);
@ -232,7 +232,7 @@ class OverlappingPairs {
OverlappingPairs& operator=(const OverlappingPairs& pair) = delete;
/// Add an overlapping pair
uint64 addPair(ProxyShape* shape1, ProxyShape* shape2);
uint64 addPair(Collider* shape1, Collider* shape2);
/// Remove a component at a given index
void removePair(uint64 pairId);
@ -249,11 +249,11 @@ class OverlappingPairs {
/// Return the starting index of the convex vs concave pairs
uint64 getConvexVsConcavePairsStartIndex() const;
/// Return the entity of the first proxy-shape
Entity getProxyShape1(uint64 pairId) const;
/// Return the entity of the first collider
Entity getCollider1(uint64 pairId) const;
/// Return the entity of the second proxy-shape
Entity getProxyShape2(uint64 pairId) const;
/// Return the entity of the second collider
Entity getCollider2(uint64 pairId) const;
/// Notify if a given pair is active or not
void setIsPairActive(uint64 pairId, bool isActive);
@ -295,18 +295,18 @@ class OverlappingPairs {
friend class CollisionDetectionSystem;
// Return the entity of the first proxy-shape
inline Entity OverlappingPairs::getProxyShape1(uint64 pairId) const {
// Return the entity of the first collider
inline Entity OverlappingPairs::getCollider1(uint64 pairId) const {
assert(mMapPairIdToPairIndex[pairId] < mNbPairs);
return mProxyShapes1[mMapPairIdToPairIndex[pairId]];
return mColliders1[mMapPairIdToPairIndex[pairId]];
// Return the entity of the second proxy-shape
inline Entity OverlappingPairs::getProxyShape2(uint64 pairId) const {
// Return the entity of the second collider
inline Entity OverlappingPairs::getCollider2(uint64 pairId) const {
assert(mMapPairIdToPairIndex[pairId] < mNbPairs);
return mProxyShapes2[mMapPairIdToPairIndex[pairId]];
return mColliders2[mMapPairIdToPairIndex[pairId]];
// Notify if a given pair is active or not
@ -53,7 +53,7 @@
#include "collision/shapes/HeightFieldShape.h"
#include "collision/PolyhedronMesh.h"
#include "collision/shapes/AABB.h"
#include "collision/ProxyShape.h"
#include "collision/Collider.h"
#include "collision/RaycastInfo.h"
#include "collision/TriangleMesh.h"
#include "collision/PolyhedronMesh.h"
@ -35,10 +35,10 @@
using namespace reactphysics3d;
// Constructor
BroadPhaseSystem::BroadPhaseSystem(CollisionDetectionSystem& collisionDetection, ProxyShapeComponents& proxyShapesComponents,
BroadPhaseSystem::BroadPhaseSystem(CollisionDetectionSystem& collisionDetection, ColliderComponents& collidersComponents,
TransformComponents& transformComponents, RigidBodyComponents &rigidBodyComponents)
:mDynamicAABBTree(collisionDetection.getMemoryManager().getPoolAllocator(), DYNAMIC_TREE_AABB_GAP),
mProxyShapesComponents(proxyShapesComponents), mTransformsComponents(transformComponents),
mCollidersComponents(collidersComponents), mTransformsComponents(transformComponents),
mRigidBodyComponents(rigidBodyComponents), mMovedShapes(collisionDetection.getMemoryManager().getPoolAllocator()),
mCollisionDetection(collisionDetection) {
@ -76,30 +76,30 @@ void BroadPhaseSystem::raycast(const Ray& ray, RaycastTest& raycastTest,
mDynamicAABBTree.raycast(ray, broadPhaseRaycastCallback);
// Add a proxy collision shape into the broad-phase collision detection
void BroadPhaseSystem::addProxyCollisionShape(ProxyShape* proxyShape, const AABB& aabb) {
// Add a collider into the broad-phase collision detection
void BroadPhaseSystem::addCollider(Collider* collider, const AABB& aabb) {
assert(proxyShape->getBroadPhaseId() == -1);
assert(collider->getBroadPhaseId() == -1);
// Add the collision shape into the dynamic AABB tree and get its broad-phase ID
int nodeId = mDynamicAABBTree.addObject(aabb, proxyShape);
int nodeId = mDynamicAABBTree.addObject(aabb, collider);
// Set the broad-phase ID of the proxy shape
mProxyShapesComponents.setBroadPhaseId(proxyShape->getEntity(), nodeId);
// Set the broad-phase ID of the collider
mCollidersComponents.setBroadPhaseId(collider->getEntity(), nodeId);
// Add the collision shape into the array of bodies that have moved (or have been created)
// during the last simulation step
addMovedCollisionShape(proxyShape->getBroadPhaseId(), proxyShape);
addMovedCollisionShape(collider->getBroadPhaseId(), collider);
// Remove a proxy collision shape from the broad-phase collision detection
void BroadPhaseSystem::removeProxyCollisionShape(ProxyShape* proxyShape) {
// Remove a collider from the broad-phase collision detection
void BroadPhaseSystem::removeCollider(Collider* collider) {
assert(proxyShape->getBroadPhaseId() != -1);
assert(collider->getBroadPhaseId() != -1);
int broadPhaseID = proxyShape->getBroadPhaseId();
int broadPhaseID = collider->getBroadPhaseId();
mProxyShapesComponents.setBroadPhaseId(proxyShape->getEntity(), -1);
mCollidersComponents.setBroadPhaseId(collider->getEntity(), -1);
// Remove the collision shape from the dynamic AABB tree
@ -109,31 +109,31 @@ void BroadPhaseSystem::removeProxyCollisionShape(ProxyShape* proxyShape) {
// Update the broad-phase state of a single proxy-shape
void BroadPhaseSystem::updateProxyShape(Entity proxyShapeEntity, decimal timeStep) {
// Update the broad-phase state of a single collider
void BroadPhaseSystem::updateCollider(Entity colliderEntity, decimal timeStep) {
// Get the index of the proxy-shape component in the array
uint32 index = mProxyShapesComponents.mMapEntityToComponentIndex[proxyShapeEntity];
// Get the index of the collider component in the array
uint32 index = mCollidersComponents.mMapEntityToComponentIndex[colliderEntity];
// Update the proxy-shape component
updateProxyShapesComponents(index, 1, timeStep);
// Update the collider component
updateCollidersComponents(index, 1, timeStep);
// Update the broad-phase state of all the enabled proxy-shapes
void BroadPhaseSystem::updateProxyShapes(decimal timeStep) {
// Update the broad-phase state of all the enabled colliders
void BroadPhaseSystem::updateColliders(decimal timeStep) {
RP3D_PROFILE("BroadPhaseSystem::updateProxyShapes()", mProfiler);
RP3D_PROFILE("BroadPhaseSystem::updateColliders()", mProfiler);
// Update all the enabled proxy-shape components
if (mProxyShapesComponents.getNbEnabledComponents() > 0) {
updateProxyShapesComponents(0, mProxyShapesComponents.getNbEnabledComponents(), timeStep);
// Update all the enabled collider components
if (mCollidersComponents.getNbEnabledComponents() > 0) {
updateCollidersComponents(0, mCollidersComponents.getNbEnabledComponents(), timeStep);
// Notify the broad-phase that a collision shape has moved and need to be updated
void BroadPhaseSystem::updateProxyShapeInternal(int32 broadPhaseId, ProxyShape* proxyShape, const AABB& aabb, const Vector3& displacement) {
void BroadPhaseSystem::updateColliderInternal(int32 broadPhaseId, Collider* collider, const AABB& aabb, const Vector3& displacement) {
assert(broadPhaseId >= 0);
@ -146,33 +146,33 @@ void BroadPhaseSystem::updateProxyShapeInternal(int32 broadPhaseId, ProxyShape*
// Add the collision shape into the array of shapes that have moved (or have been created)
// during the last simulation step
addMovedCollisionShape(broadPhaseId, proxyShape);
addMovedCollisionShape(broadPhaseId, collider);
// Update the broad-phase state of some proxy-shapes components
void BroadPhaseSystem::updateProxyShapesComponents(uint32 startIndex, uint32 nbItems, decimal timeStep) {
// Update the broad-phase state of some colliders components
void BroadPhaseSystem::updateCollidersComponents(uint32 startIndex, uint32 nbItems, decimal timeStep) {
RP3D_PROFILE("BroadPhaseSystem::updateProxyShapesComponents()", mProfiler);
RP3D_PROFILE("BroadPhaseSystem::updateCollidersComponents()", mProfiler);
assert(nbItems > 0);
assert(startIndex < mProxyShapesComponents.getNbComponents());
assert(startIndex + nbItems <= mProxyShapesComponents.getNbComponents());
assert(startIndex < mCollidersComponents.getNbComponents());
assert(startIndex + nbItems <= mCollidersComponents.getNbComponents());
// Make sure we do not update disabled components
startIndex = std::min(startIndex, mProxyShapesComponents.getNbEnabledComponents());
uint32 endIndex = std::min(startIndex + nbItems, mProxyShapesComponents.getNbEnabledComponents());
startIndex = std::min(startIndex, mCollidersComponents.getNbEnabledComponents());
uint32 endIndex = std::min(startIndex + nbItems, mCollidersComponents.getNbEnabledComponents());
nbItems = endIndex - startIndex;
assert(nbItems >= 0);
// For each proxy-shape component to update
// For each collider component to update
for (uint32 i = startIndex; i < startIndex + nbItems; i++) {
// TODO : Can we remove this test
const int32 broadPhaseId = mProxyShapesComponents.mBroadPhaseIds[i];
const int32 broadPhaseId = mCollidersComponents.mBroadPhaseIds[i];
if (broadPhaseId != -1) {
const Entity& bodyEntity = mProxyShapesComponents.mBodiesEntities[i];
const Entity& bodyEntity = mCollidersComponents.mBodiesEntities[i];
const Transform& transform = mTransformsComponents.getTransform(bodyEntity);
// If there is a dynamics component for the current entity
@ -187,10 +187,10 @@ void BroadPhaseSystem::updateProxyShapesComponents(uint32 startIndex, uint32 nbI
// Recompute the world-space AABB of the collision shape
AABB aabb;
mProxyShapesComponents.mCollisionShapes[i]->computeAABB(aabb, transform * mProxyShapesComponents.mLocalToBodyTransforms[i]);
mCollidersComponents.mCollisionShapes[i]->computeAABB(aabb, transform * mCollidersComponents.mLocalToBodyTransforms[i]);
// Update the broad-phase state for the proxy collision shape
updateProxyShapeInternal(broadPhaseId, mProxyShapesComponents.mProxyShapes[i], aabb, displacement);
// Update the broad-phase state for the collider
updateColliderInternal(broadPhaseId, mCollidersComponents.mColliders[i], aabb, displacement);
@ -198,7 +198,7 @@ void BroadPhaseSystem::updateProxyShapesComponents(uint32 startIndex, uint32 nbI
// Add a collision shape in the array of shapes that have moved in the last simulation step
// and that need to be tested again for broad-phase overlapping.
void BroadPhaseSystem::addMovedCollisionShape(int broadPhaseID, ProxyShape* proxyShape) {
void BroadPhaseSystem::addMovedCollisionShape(int broadPhaseID, Collider* collider) {
assert(broadPhaseID != -1);
@ -206,7 +206,7 @@ void BroadPhaseSystem::addMovedCollisionShape(int broadPhaseID, ProxyShape* prox
// Notify that the overlapping pairs where this shape is involved need to be tested for overlap
// Compute all the overlapping pairs of collision shapes
@ -214,7 +214,7 @@ void BroadPhaseSystem::computeOverlappingPairs(MemoryManager& memoryManager, Lis
RP3D_PROFILE("BroadPhaseSystem::computeOverlappingPairs()", mProfiler);
// Get the list of the proxy-shapes that have moved or have been created in the last frame
// Get the list of the colliders that have moved or have been created in the last frame
List<int> shapesToTest = mMovedShapes.toList(memoryManager.getPoolAllocator());
// Ask the dynamic AABB tree to report all collision shapes that overlap with the shapes to test
@ -236,16 +236,16 @@ decimal BroadPhaseRaycastCallback::raycastBroadPhaseShape(int32 nodeId, const Ra
decimal hitFraction = decimal(-1.0);
// Get the proxy shape from the node
ProxyShape* proxyShape = static_cast<ProxyShape*>(mDynamicAABBTree.getNodeDataPointer(nodeId));
// Get the collider from the node
Collider* collider = static_cast<Collider*>(mDynamicAABBTree.getNodeDataPointer(nodeId));
// Check if the raycast filtering mask allows raycast against this shape
if ((mRaycastWithCategoryMaskBits & proxyShape->getCollisionCategoryBits()) != 0) {
if ((mRaycastWithCategoryMaskBits & collider->getCollisionCategoryBits()) != 0) {
// Ask the collision detection to perform a ray cast test against
// the proxy shape of this node because the ray is overlapping
// the collider of this node because the ray is overlapping
// with the shape in the broad-phase
hitFraction = mRaycastTest.raycastAgainstShape(proxyShape, ray);
hitFraction = mRaycastTest.raycastAgainstShape(collider, ray);
return hitFraction;
@ -30,7 +30,7 @@
#include "collision/broadphase/DynamicAABBTree.h"
#include "containers/LinkedList.h"
#include "containers/Set.h"
#include "components/ProxyShapeComponents.h"
#include "components/ColliderComponents.h"
#include "components/TransformComponents.h"
#include "components/RigidBodyComponents.h"
#include <cstring>
@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ namespace reactphysics3d {
class CollisionDetectionSystem;
class BroadPhaseSystem;
class CollisionBody;
class ProxyShape;
class Collider;
class MemoryManager;
class Profiler;
@ -100,7 +100,7 @@ class BroadPhaseRaycastCallback : public DynamicAABBTreeRaycastCallback {
// Class BroadPhaseSystem
* This class represents the broad-phase collision detection. The
* goal of the broad-phase collision detection is to compute the pairs of proxy shapes
* goal of the broad-phase collision detection is to compute the pairs of colliders
* that have their AABBs overlapping. Only those pairs of bodies will be tested
* later for collision during the narrow-phase collision detection. A dynamic AABB
* tree data structure is used for fast broad-phase collision detection.
@ -114,8 +114,8 @@ class BroadPhaseSystem {
/// Dynamic AABB tree
DynamicAABBTree mDynamicAABBTree;
/// Reference to the proxy-shapes components
ProxyShapeComponents& mProxyShapesComponents;
/// Reference to the colliders components
ColliderComponents& mCollidersComponents;
/// Reference to the transform components
TransformComponents& mTransformsComponents;
@ -139,18 +139,18 @@ class BroadPhaseSystem {
// -------------------- Methods -------------------- //
/// Notify the Dynamic AABB tree that a proxy-shape needs to be updated
void updateProxyShapeInternal(int32 broadPhaseId, ProxyShape* proxyShape, const AABB& aabb, const Vector3& displacement);
/// Notify the Dynamic AABB tree that a collider needs to be updated
void updateColliderInternal(int32 broadPhaseId, Collider* collider, const AABB& aabb, const Vector3& displacement);
/// Update the broad-phase state of some proxy-shapes components
void updateProxyShapesComponents(uint32 startIndex, uint32 nbItems, decimal timeStep);
/// Update the broad-phase state of some colliders components
void updateCollidersComponents(uint32 startIndex, uint32 nbItems, decimal timeStep);
public :
// -------------------- Methods -------------------- //
/// Constructor
BroadPhaseSystem(CollisionDetectionSystem& collisionDetection, ProxyShapeComponents& proxyShapesComponents,
BroadPhaseSystem(CollisionDetectionSystem& collisionDetection, ColliderComponents& collidersComponents,
TransformComponents& transformComponents, RigidBodyComponents& rigidBodyComponents);
/// Destructor
@ -162,21 +162,21 @@ class BroadPhaseSystem {
/// Deleted assignment operator
BroadPhaseSystem& operator=(const BroadPhaseSystem& algorithm) = delete;
/// Add a proxy collision shape into the broad-phase collision detection
void addProxyCollisionShape(ProxyShape* proxyShape, const AABB& aabb);
/// Add a collider into the broad-phase collision detection
void addCollider(Collider* collider, const AABB& aabb);
/// Remove a proxy collision shape from the broad-phase collision detection
void removeProxyCollisionShape(ProxyShape* proxyShape);
/// Remove a collider from the broad-phase collision detection
void removeCollider(Collider* collider);
/// Update the broad-phase state of a single proxy-shape
void updateProxyShape(Entity proxyShapeEntity, decimal timeStep);
/// Update the broad-phase state of a single collider
void updateCollider(Entity colliderEntity, decimal timeStep);
/// Update the broad-phase state of all the enabled proxy-shapes
void updateProxyShapes(decimal timeStep);
/// Update the broad-phase state of all the enabled colliders
void updateColliders(decimal timeStep);
/// Add a collision shape in the array of shapes that have moved in the last simulation step
/// and that need to be tested again for broad-phase overlapping.
void addMovedCollisionShape(int broadPhaseID, ProxyShape* proxyShape);
void addMovedCollisionShape(int broadPhaseID, Collider* collider);
/// Remove a collision shape from the array of shapes that have moved in the last simulation
/// step and that need to be tested again for broad-phase overlapping.
@ -185,8 +185,8 @@ class BroadPhaseSystem {
/// Compute all the overlapping pairs of collision shapes
void computeOverlappingPairs(MemoryManager& memoryManager, List<Pair<int32, int32>>& overlappingNodes);
/// Return the proxy shape corresponding to the broad-phase node id in parameter
ProxyShape* getProxyShapeForBroadPhaseId(int broadPhaseId) const;
/// Return the collider corresponding to the broad-phase node id in parameter
Collider* getColliderForBroadPhaseId(int broadPhaseId) const;
/// Return true if the two broad-phase collision shapes are overlapping
bool testOverlappingShapes(int32 shape1BroadPhaseId, int32 shape2BroadPhaseId) const;
@ -219,9 +219,9 @@ inline void BroadPhaseSystem::removeMovedCollisionShape(int broadPhaseID) {
// Return the proxy shape corresponding to the broad-phase node id in parameter
inline ProxyShape* BroadPhaseSystem::getProxyShapeForBroadPhaseId(int broadPhaseId) const {
return static_cast<ProxyShape*>(mDynamicAABBTree.getNodeDataPointer(broadPhaseId));
// Return the collider corresponding to the broad-phase node id in parameter
inline Collider* BroadPhaseSystem::getColliderForBroadPhaseId(int broadPhaseId) const {
return static_cast<Collider*>(mDynamicAABBTree.getNodeDataPointer(broadPhaseId));
@ -51,15 +51,15 @@ using namespace std;
// Constructor
CollisionDetectionSystem::CollisionDetectionSystem(CollisionWorld* world, ProxyShapeComponents& proxyShapesComponents, TransformComponents& transformComponents,
CollisionDetectionSystem::CollisionDetectionSystem(CollisionWorld* world, ColliderComponents& collidersComponents, TransformComponents& transformComponents,
CollisionBodyComponents& collisionBodyComponents, RigidBodyComponents& rigidBodyComponents, MemoryManager& memoryManager)
: mMemoryManager(memoryManager), mProxyShapesComponents(proxyShapesComponents),
: mMemoryManager(memoryManager), mCollidersComponents(collidersComponents),
mCollisionDispatch(mMemoryManager.getPoolAllocator()), mWorld(world),
mOverlappingPairs(mMemoryManager.getPoolAllocator(), mMemoryManager.getSingleFrameAllocator(), mProxyShapesComponents,
mOverlappingPairs(mMemoryManager.getPoolAllocator(), mMemoryManager.getSingleFrameAllocator(), mCollidersComponents,
collisionBodyComponents, rigidBodyComponents, mNoCollisionPairs, mCollisionDispatch),
mBroadPhaseSystem(*this, mProxyShapesComponents, transformComponents, rigidBodyComponents),
mBroadPhaseSystem(*this, mCollidersComponents, transformComponents, rigidBodyComponents),
mNarrowPhaseInput(mMemoryManager.getSingleFrameAllocator(), mOverlappingPairs), mPotentialContactPoints(mMemoryManager.getSingleFrameAllocator()),
mPotentialContactManifolds(mMemoryManager.getSingleFrameAllocator()), mContactPairs1(mMemoryManager.getPoolAllocator()),
mContactPairs2(mMemoryManager.getPoolAllocator()), mPreviousContactPairs(&mContactPairs1), mCurrentContactPairs(&mContactPairs2),
@ -153,18 +153,18 @@ void CollisionDetectionSystem::updateOverlappingPairs(const List<Pair<int32, int
// Skip pairs with same overlapping nodes
if (nodePair.first != nodePair.second) {
// Get the two proxy-shapes
const Entity proxyShape1Entity = mMapBroadPhaseIdToProxyShapeEntity[nodePair.first];
const Entity proxyShape2Entity = mMapBroadPhaseIdToProxyShapeEntity[nodePair.second];
// Get the two colliders
const Entity collider1Entity = mMapBroadPhaseIdToColliderEntity[nodePair.first];
const Entity collider2Entity = mMapBroadPhaseIdToColliderEntity[nodePair.second];
const uint proxyShape1Index = mProxyShapesComponents.getEntityIndex(proxyShape1Entity);
const uint proxyShape2Index = mProxyShapesComponents.getEntityIndex(proxyShape2Entity);
const uint collider1Index = mCollidersComponents.getEntityIndex(collider1Entity);
const uint collider2Index = mCollidersComponents.getEntityIndex(collider2Entity);
// Get the two bodies
const Entity body1Entity = mProxyShapesComponents.mBodiesEntities[proxyShape1Index];
const Entity body2Entity = mProxyShapesComponents.mBodiesEntities[proxyShape2Index];
const Entity body1Entity = mCollidersComponents.mBodiesEntities[collider1Index];
const Entity body2Entity = mCollidersComponents.mBodiesEntities[collider2Index];
// If the two proxy collision shapes are from the same body, skip it
// If the two colliders are from the same body, skip it
if (body1Entity != body2Entity) {
// Compute the overlapping pair ID
@ -174,18 +174,18 @@ void CollisionDetectionSystem::updateOverlappingPairs(const List<Pair<int32, int
auto it = mOverlappingPairs.mMapPairIdToPairIndex.find(pairId);
if (it == mOverlappingPairs.mMapPairIdToPairIndex.end()) {
const unsigned short shape1CollideWithMaskBits = mProxyShapesComponents.mCollideWithMaskBits[proxyShape1Index];
const unsigned short shape2CollideWithMaskBits = mProxyShapesComponents.mCollideWithMaskBits[proxyShape2Index];
const unsigned short shape1CollideWithMaskBits = mCollidersComponents.mCollideWithMaskBits[collider1Index];
const unsigned short shape2CollideWithMaskBits = mCollidersComponents.mCollideWithMaskBits[collider2Index];
const unsigned short shape1CollisionCategoryBits = mProxyShapesComponents.mCollisionCategoryBits[proxyShape1Index];
const unsigned short shape2CollisionCategoryBits = mProxyShapesComponents.mCollisionCategoryBits[proxyShape2Index];
const unsigned short shape1CollisionCategoryBits = mCollidersComponents.mCollisionCategoryBits[collider1Index];
const unsigned short shape2CollisionCategoryBits = mCollidersComponents.mCollisionCategoryBits[collider2Index];
// Check if the collision filtering allows collision between the two shapes
if ((shape1CollideWithMaskBits & shape2CollisionCategoryBits) != 0 &&
(shape1CollisionCategoryBits & shape2CollideWithMaskBits) != 0) {
ProxyShape* shape1 = mProxyShapesComponents.mProxyShapes[proxyShape1Index];
ProxyShape* shape2 = mProxyShapesComponents.mProxyShapes[proxyShape2Index];
Collider* shape1 = mCollidersComponents.mColliders[collider1Index];
Collider* shape2 = mCollidersComponents.mColliders[collider2Index];
// Check that at least one collision shape is convex
if (shape1->getCollisionShape()->isConvex() || shape2->getCollisionShape()->isConvex()) {
@ -219,29 +219,29 @@ void CollisionDetectionSystem::computeMiddlePhase(NarrowPhaseInput& narrowPhaseI
// For each possible convex vs convex pair of bodies
for (uint64 i=0; i < mOverlappingPairs.getNbConvexVsConvexPairs(); i++) {
assert(mProxyShapesComponents.getBroadPhaseId(mOverlappingPairs.mProxyShapes1[i]) != -1);
assert(mProxyShapesComponents.getBroadPhaseId(mOverlappingPairs.mProxyShapes2[i]) != -1);
assert(mProxyShapesComponents.getBroadPhaseId(mOverlappingPairs.mProxyShapes1[i]) != mProxyShapesComponents.getBroadPhaseId(mOverlappingPairs.mProxyShapes2[i]));
assert(mCollidersComponents.getBroadPhaseId(mOverlappingPairs.mColliders1[i]) != -1);
assert(mCollidersComponents.getBroadPhaseId(mOverlappingPairs.mColliders2[i]) != -1);
assert(mCollidersComponents.getBroadPhaseId(mOverlappingPairs.mColliders1[i]) != mCollidersComponents.getBroadPhaseId(mOverlappingPairs.mColliders2[i]));
// Check that at least one body is enabled (active and awake) and not static
if (mOverlappingPairs.mIsActive[i]) {
const Entity proxyShape1Entity = mOverlappingPairs.mProxyShapes1[i];
const Entity proxyShape2Entity = mOverlappingPairs.mProxyShapes2[i];
const Entity collider1Entity = mOverlappingPairs.mColliders1[i];
const Entity collider2Entity = mOverlappingPairs.mColliders2[i];
const uint proxyShape1Index = mProxyShapesComponents.getEntityIndex(proxyShape1Entity);
const uint proxyShape2Index = mProxyShapesComponents.getEntityIndex(proxyShape2Entity);
const uint collider1Index = mCollidersComponents.getEntityIndex(collider1Entity);
const uint collider2Index = mCollidersComponents.getEntityIndex(collider2Entity);
CollisionShape* collisionShape1 = mProxyShapesComponents.mCollisionShapes[proxyShape1Index];
CollisionShape* collisionShape2 = mProxyShapesComponents.mCollisionShapes[proxyShape2Index];
CollisionShape* collisionShape1 = mCollidersComponents.mCollisionShapes[collider1Index];
CollisionShape* collisionShape2 = mCollidersComponents.mCollisionShapes[collider2Index];
NarrowPhaseAlgorithmType algorithmType = mOverlappingPairs.mNarrowPhaseAlgorithmType[i];
// No middle-phase is necessary, simply create a narrow phase info
// for the narrow-phase collision detection
narrowPhaseInput.addNarrowPhaseTest(mOverlappingPairs.mPairIds[i], i, proxyShape1Entity, proxyShape2Entity, collisionShape1, collisionShape2,
narrowPhaseInput.addNarrowPhaseTest(mOverlappingPairs.mPairIds[i], i, collider1Entity, collider2Entity, collisionShape1, collisionShape2,
algorithmType, mMemoryManager.getSingleFrameAllocator());
@ -250,9 +250,9 @@ void CollisionDetectionSystem::computeMiddlePhase(NarrowPhaseInput& narrowPhaseI
const uint64 convexVsConcaveStartIndex = mOverlappingPairs.getConvexVsConcavePairsStartIndex();
for (uint64 i=convexVsConcaveStartIndex; i < convexVsConcaveStartIndex + mOverlappingPairs.getNbConvexVsConcavePairs(); i++) {
assert(mProxyShapesComponents.getBroadPhaseId(mOverlappingPairs.mProxyShapes1[i]) != -1);
assert(mProxyShapesComponents.getBroadPhaseId(mOverlappingPairs.mProxyShapes2[i]) != -1);
assert(mProxyShapesComponents.getBroadPhaseId(mOverlappingPairs.mProxyShapes1[i]) != mProxyShapesComponents.getBroadPhaseId(mOverlappingPairs.mProxyShapes2[i]));
assert(mCollidersComponents.getBroadPhaseId(mOverlappingPairs.mColliders1[i]) != -1);
assert(mCollidersComponents.getBroadPhaseId(mOverlappingPairs.mColliders2[i]) != -1);
assert(mCollidersComponents.getBroadPhaseId(mOverlappingPairs.mColliders1[i]) != mCollidersComponents.getBroadPhaseId(mOverlappingPairs.mColliders2[i]));
// Check that at least one body is enabled (active and awake) and not static
if (mOverlappingPairs.mIsActive[i]) {
@ -281,26 +281,26 @@ void CollisionDetectionSystem::computeMiddlePhaseCollisionSnapshot(List<uint64>&
const uint64 pairIndex = mOverlappingPairs.mMapPairIdToPairIndex[pairId];
assert(pairIndex < mOverlappingPairs.getNbPairs());
const Entity proxyShape1Entity = mOverlappingPairs.mProxyShapes1[pairIndex];
const Entity proxyShape2Entity = mOverlappingPairs.mProxyShapes2[pairIndex];
const Entity collider1Entity = mOverlappingPairs.mColliders1[pairIndex];
const Entity collider2Entity = mOverlappingPairs.mColliders2[pairIndex];
const uint proxyShape1Index = mProxyShapesComponents.getEntityIndex(proxyShape1Entity);
const uint proxyShape2Index = mProxyShapesComponents.getEntityIndex(proxyShape2Entity);
const uint collider1Index = mCollidersComponents.getEntityIndex(collider1Entity);
const uint collider2Index = mCollidersComponents.getEntityIndex(collider2Entity);
assert(mProxyShapesComponents.getBroadPhaseId(proxyShape1Entity) != -1);
assert(mProxyShapesComponents.getBroadPhaseId(proxyShape2Entity) != -1);
assert(mProxyShapesComponents.getBroadPhaseId(proxyShape1Entity) != mProxyShapesComponents.getBroadPhaseId(proxyShape2Entity));
assert(mCollidersComponents.getBroadPhaseId(collider1Entity) != -1);
assert(mCollidersComponents.getBroadPhaseId(collider2Entity) != -1);
assert(mCollidersComponents.getBroadPhaseId(collider1Entity) != mCollidersComponents.getBroadPhaseId(collider2Entity));
CollisionShape* collisionShape1 = mProxyShapesComponents.mCollisionShapes[proxyShape1Index];
CollisionShape* collisionShape2 = mProxyShapesComponents.mCollisionShapes[proxyShape2Index];
CollisionShape* collisionShape1 = mCollidersComponents.mCollisionShapes[collider1Index];
CollisionShape* collisionShape2 = mCollidersComponents.mCollisionShapes[collider2Index];
NarrowPhaseAlgorithmType algorithmType = mOverlappingPairs.mNarrowPhaseAlgorithmType[pairIndex];
// No middle-phase is necessary, simply create a narrow phase info
// for the narrow-phase collision detection
narrowPhaseInput.addNarrowPhaseTest(pairId, pairIndex, proxyShape1Entity, proxyShape2Entity, collisionShape1, collisionShape2,
narrowPhaseInput.addNarrowPhaseTest(pairId, pairIndex, collider1Entity, collider2Entity, collisionShape1, collisionShape2,
algorithmType, mMemoryManager.getSingleFrameAllocator());
@ -311,9 +311,9 @@ void CollisionDetectionSystem::computeMiddlePhaseCollisionSnapshot(List<uint64>&
const uint64 pairId = concavePairs[p];
const uint64 pairIndex = mOverlappingPairs.mMapPairIdToPairIndex[pairId];
assert(mProxyShapesComponents.getBroadPhaseId(mOverlappingPairs.mProxyShapes1[pairIndex]) != -1);
assert(mProxyShapesComponents.getBroadPhaseId(mOverlappingPairs.mProxyShapes2[pairIndex]) != -1);
assert(mProxyShapesComponents.getBroadPhaseId(mOverlappingPairs.mProxyShapes1[pairIndex]) != mProxyShapesComponents.getBroadPhaseId(mOverlappingPairs.mProxyShapes2[pairIndex]));
assert(mCollidersComponents.getBroadPhaseId(mOverlappingPairs.mColliders1[pairIndex]) != -1);
assert(mCollidersComponents.getBroadPhaseId(mOverlappingPairs.mColliders2[pairIndex]) != -1);
assert(mCollidersComponents.getBroadPhaseId(mOverlappingPairs.mColliders1[pairIndex]) != mCollidersComponents.getBroadPhaseId(mOverlappingPairs.mColliders2[pairIndex]));
computeConvexVsConcaveMiddlePhase(pairIndex, mMemoryManager.getSingleFrameAllocator(), narrowPhaseInput);
@ -324,14 +324,14 @@ void CollisionDetectionSystem::computeConvexVsConcaveMiddlePhase(uint64 pairInde
RP3D_PROFILE("CollisionDetectionSystem::computeConvexVsConcaveMiddlePhase()", mProfiler);
const Entity proxyShape1 = mOverlappingPairs.mProxyShapes1[pairIndex];
const Entity proxyShape2 = mOverlappingPairs.mProxyShapes2[pairIndex];
const Entity collider1 = mOverlappingPairs.mColliders1[pairIndex];
const Entity collider2 = mOverlappingPairs.mColliders2[pairIndex];
const uint proxyShape1Index = mProxyShapesComponents.getEntityIndex(proxyShape1);
const uint proxyShape2Index = mProxyShapesComponents.getEntityIndex(proxyShape2);
const uint collider1Index = mCollidersComponents.getEntityIndex(collider1);
const uint collider2Index = mCollidersComponents.getEntityIndex(collider2);
Transform& shape1LocalToWorldTransform = mProxyShapesComponents.mLocalToWorldTransforms[proxyShape1Index];
Transform& shape2LocalToWorldTransform = mProxyShapesComponents.mLocalToWorldTransforms[proxyShape2Index];
Transform& shape1LocalToWorldTransform = mCollidersComponents.mLocalToWorldTransforms[collider1Index];
Transform& shape2LocalToWorldTransform = mCollidersComponents.mLocalToWorldTransforms[collider2Index];
Transform convexToConcaveTransform;
@ -340,13 +340,13 @@ void CollisionDetectionSystem::computeConvexVsConcaveMiddlePhase(uint64 pairInde
ConcaveShape* concaveShape;
const bool isShape1Convex = mOverlappingPairs.mIsShape1Convex[pairIndex];
if (isShape1Convex) {
convexShape = static_cast<ConvexShape*>(mProxyShapesComponents.mCollisionShapes[proxyShape1Index]);
concaveShape = static_cast<ConcaveShape*>(mProxyShapesComponents.mCollisionShapes[proxyShape2Index]);
convexShape = static_cast<ConvexShape*>(mCollidersComponents.mCollisionShapes[collider1Index]);
concaveShape = static_cast<ConcaveShape*>(mCollidersComponents.mCollisionShapes[collider2Index]);
convexToConcaveTransform = shape2LocalToWorldTransform.getInverse() * shape1LocalToWorldTransform;
else { // Collision shape 2 is convex, collision shape 1 is concave
convexShape = static_cast<ConvexShape*>(mProxyShapesComponents.mCollisionShapes[proxyShape1Index]);
concaveShape = static_cast<ConcaveShape*>(mProxyShapesComponents.mCollisionShapes[proxyShape2Index]);
convexShape = static_cast<ConvexShape*>(mCollidersComponents.mCollisionShapes[collider1Index]);
concaveShape = static_cast<ConcaveShape*>(mCollidersComponents.mCollisionShapes[collider2Index]);
convexToConcaveTransform = shape1LocalToWorldTransform.getInverse() * shape2LocalToWorldTransform;
@ -383,7 +383,7 @@ void CollisionDetectionSystem::computeConvexVsConcaveMiddlePhase(uint64 pairInde
// Create a narrow phase info for the narrow-phase collision detection
narrowPhaseInput.addNarrowPhaseTest(mOverlappingPairs.mPairIds[pairIndex], pairIndex, proxyShape1, proxyShape2, isShape1Convex ? convexShape : triangleShape,
narrowPhaseInput.addNarrowPhaseTest(mOverlappingPairs.mPairIds[pairIndex], pairIndex, collider1, collider2, isShape1Convex ? convexShape : triangleShape,
isShape1Convex ? triangleShape : convexShape,
shape1LocalToWorldTransform, shape2LocalToWorldTransform,
mOverlappingPairs.mNarrowPhaseAlgorithmType[pairIndex], allocator);
@ -542,11 +542,11 @@ void CollisionDetectionSystem::computeSnapshotContactPairs(NarrowPhaseInput& nar
computeSnapshotContactPairs(convexPolyhedronVsConvexPolyhedronBatch, overlapPairs);
// Notify that the overlapping pairs where a given proxy-shape is involved need to be tested for overlap
void CollisionDetectionSystem::notifyOverlappingPairsToTestOverlap(ProxyShape* proxyShape) {
// Notify that the overlapping pairs where a given collider is involved need to be tested for overlap
void CollisionDetectionSystem::notifyOverlappingPairsToTestOverlap(Collider* collider) {
// Get the overlapping pairs involved with this proxy-shape
List<uint64>& overlappingPairs = mProxyShapesComponents.getOverlappingPairs(proxyShape->getEntity());
// Get the overlapping pairs involved with this collider
List<uint64>& overlappingPairs = mCollidersComponents.getOverlappingPairs(collider->getEntity());
for (uint i=0; i < overlappingPairs.size(); i++) {
@ -567,8 +567,8 @@ void CollisionDetectionSystem::computeSnapshotContactPairs(NarrowPhaseInfoBatch&
if (narrowPhaseInfoBatch.isColliding[i]) {
// Add the pair of bodies in contact into the list
overlapPairs.add(Pair<Entity, Entity>(mProxyShapesComponents.getBody(narrowPhaseInfoBatch.proxyShapeEntities1[i]),
overlapPairs.add(Pair<Entity, Entity>(mCollidersComponents.getBody(narrowPhaseInfoBatch.colliderEntities1[i]),
@ -673,8 +673,8 @@ void CollisionDetectionSystem::createContacts() {
contactPair.nbToTalContactPoints += nbContactPoints;
// We create a new contact manifold
ContactManifold contactManifold(contactPair.body1Entity, contactPair.body2Entity, contactPair.proxyShape1Entity,
contactPair.proxyShape2Entity, contactPointsIndex, nbContactPoints);
ContactManifold contactManifold(contactPair.body1Entity, contactPair.body2Entity, contactPair.collider1Entity,
contactPair.collider2Entity, contactPointsIndex, nbContactPoints);
// Add the contact manifold
@ -741,8 +741,8 @@ void CollisionDetectionSystem::createSnapshotContacts(List<ContactPair>& contact
contactPair.nbToTalContactPoints += nbContactPoints;
// We create a new contact manifold
ContactManifold contactManifold(contactPair.body1Entity, contactPair.body2Entity, contactPair.proxyShape1Entity,
contactPair.proxyShape2Entity, contactPointsIndex, nbContactPoints);
ContactManifold contactManifold(contactPair.body1Entity, contactPair.body2Entity, contactPair.collider1Entity,
contactPair.collider2Entity, contactPointsIndex, nbContactPoints);
// Add the contact manifold
@ -860,15 +860,15 @@ void CollisionDetectionSystem::initContactsWithPreviousOnes() {
// Remove a body from the collision detection
void CollisionDetectionSystem::removeProxyCollisionShape(ProxyShape* proxyShape) {
void CollisionDetectionSystem::removeCollider(Collider* collider) {
const int proxyShapeBroadPhaseId = proxyShape->getBroadPhaseId();
const int colliderBroadPhaseId = collider->getBroadPhaseId();
assert(proxyShapeBroadPhaseId != -1);
assert(colliderBroadPhaseId != -1);
// Remove all the overlapping pairs involving this proxy shape
List<uint64>& overlappingPairs = mProxyShapesComponents.getOverlappingPairs(proxyShape->getEntity());
// Remove all the overlapping pairs involving this collider
List<uint64>& overlappingPairs = mCollidersComponents.getOverlappingPairs(collider->getEntity());
while(overlappingPairs.size() > 0) {
// TODO : Remove all the contact manifold of the overlapping pair from the contact manifolds list of the two bodies involved
@ -877,10 +877,10 @@ void CollisionDetectionSystem::removeProxyCollisionShape(ProxyShape* proxyShape)
// Remove the body from the broad-phase
// Ray casting method
@ -893,7 +893,7 @@ void CollisionDetectionSystem::raycast(RaycastCallback* raycastCallback,
RaycastTest rayCastTest(raycastCallback);
// Ask the broad-phase algorithm to call the testRaycastAgainstShape()
// callback method for each proxy shape hit by the ray in the broad-phase
// callback method for each collider hit by the ray in the broad-phase
mBroadPhaseSystem.raycast(ray, rayCastTest, raycastWithCategoryMaskBits);
@ -980,17 +980,17 @@ void CollisionDetectionSystem::processPotentialContacts(NarrowPhaseInfoBatch& na
// If the overlapping pair contact does not exists yet
if (pairContact == nullptr) {
const Entity proxyShape1Entity = narrowPhaseInfoBatch.proxyShapeEntities1[i];
const Entity proxyShape2Entity = narrowPhaseInfoBatch.proxyShapeEntities2[i];
const Entity collider1Entity = narrowPhaseInfoBatch.colliderEntities1[i];
const Entity collider2Entity = narrowPhaseInfoBatch.colliderEntities2[i];
const Entity body1Entity = mProxyShapesComponents.getBody(proxyShape1Entity);
const Entity body2Entity = mProxyShapesComponents.getBody(proxyShape2Entity);
const Entity body1Entity = mCollidersComponents.getBody(collider1Entity);
const Entity body2Entity = mCollidersComponents.getBody(collider2Entity);
assert(!mWorld->mCollisionBodyComponents.getIsEntityDisabled(body1Entity) || !mWorld->mCollisionBodyComponents.getIsEntityDisabled(body2Entity));
const uint newContactPairIndex = contactPairs->size();
ContactPair overlappingPairContact(pairId, body1Entity, body2Entity,
proxyShape1Entity, proxyShape2Entity,
collider1Entity, collider2Entity,
newContactPairIndex, mMemoryManager.getHeapAllocator());
pairContact = &((*contactPairs)[newContactPairIndex]);
@ -1086,9 +1086,9 @@ void CollisionDetectionSystem::reducePotentialContactManifolds(List<ContactPair>
// If there are two many contact points in the manifold
if (manifold.potentialContactPointsIndices.size() > MAX_CONTACT_POINTS_IN_MANIFOLD) {
Entity proxyShape1 = mOverlappingPairs.mProxyShapes1[mOverlappingPairs.mMapPairIdToPairIndex[manifold.pairId]];
Entity collider1 = mOverlappingPairs.mColliders1[mOverlappingPairs.mMapPairIdToPairIndex[manifold.pairId]];
Transform shape1LocalToWorldTransoform = mProxyShapesComponents.getLocalToWorldTransform(proxyShape1);
Transform shape1LocalToWorldTransoform = mCollidersComponents.getLocalToWorldTransform(collider1);
// Reduce the number of contact points in the manifold
reduceContactPoints(manifold, shape1LocalToWorldTransoform, potentialContactPoints);
@ -1453,8 +1453,8 @@ void CollisionDetectionSystem::filterOverlappingPairs(Entity bodyEntity, List<ui
// For each possible collision pair of bodies
for (uint i=0; i < mOverlappingPairs.getNbPairs(); i++) {
if (mProxyShapesComponents.getBody(mOverlappingPairs.mProxyShapes1[i]) == bodyEntity ||
mProxyShapesComponents.getBody(mOverlappingPairs.mProxyShapes2[i]) == bodyEntity) {
if (mCollidersComponents.getBody(mOverlappingPairs.mColliders1[i]) == bodyEntity ||
mCollidersComponents.getBody(mOverlappingPairs.mColliders2[i]) == bodyEntity) {
if (i < mOverlappingPairs.getNbConvexVsConvexPairs()) {
@ -1474,11 +1474,11 @@ void CollisionDetectionSystem::filterOverlappingPairs(Entity body1Entity, Entity
// For each possible collision pair of bodies
for (uint i=0; i < mOverlappingPairs.getNbPairs(); i++) {
const Entity proxyShape1Body = mProxyShapesComponents.getBody(mOverlappingPairs.mProxyShapes1[i]);
const Entity proxyShape2Body = mProxyShapesComponents.getBody(mOverlappingPairs.mProxyShapes2[i]);
const Entity collider1Body = mCollidersComponents.getBody(mOverlappingPairs.mColliders1[i]);
const Entity collider2Body = mCollidersComponents.getBody(mOverlappingPairs.mColliders2[i]);
if ((proxyShape1Body == body1Entity && proxyShape2Body == body2Entity) ||
(proxyShape1Body == body2Entity && proxyShape2Body == body1Entity)) {
if ((collider1Body == body1Entity && collider2Body == body2Entity) ||
(collider1Body == body2Entity && collider2Body == body1Entity)) {
if (i < mOverlappingPairs.getNbConvexVsConvexPairs()) {
@ -1495,8 +1495,8 @@ EventListener* CollisionDetectionSystem::getWorldEventListener() {
return mWorld->mEventListener;
// Return the world-space AABB of a given proxy shape
const AABB CollisionDetectionSystem::getWorldAABB(const ProxyShape* proxyShape) const {
assert(proxyShape->getBroadPhaseId() > -1);
return mBroadPhaseSystem.getFatAABB(proxyShape->getBroadPhaseId());
// Return the world-space AABB of a given collider
const AABB CollisionDetectionSystem::getWorldAABB(const Collider* collider) const {
assert(collider->getBroadPhaseId() > -1);
return mBroadPhaseSystem.getFatAABB(collider->getBroadPhaseId());
@ -41,7 +41,7 @@
#include "collision/narrowphase/CollisionDispatch.h"
#include "containers/Map.h"
#include "containers/Set.h"
#include "components/ProxyShapeComponents.h"
#include "components/ColliderComponents.h"
#include "components/TransformComponents.h"
/// ReactPhysics3D namespace
@ -80,8 +80,8 @@ class CollisionDetectionSystem {
/// Memory manager
MemoryManager& mMemoryManager;
/// Reference the proxy-shape components
ProxyShapeComponents& mProxyShapesComponents;
/// Reference the collider components
ColliderComponents& mCollidersComponents;
/// Collision Detection Dispatch configuration
CollisionDispatch mCollisionDispatch;
@ -98,8 +98,8 @@ class CollisionDetectionSystem {
/// Broad-phase system
BroadPhaseSystem mBroadPhaseSystem;
/// Map a broad-phase id with the corresponding entity of the proxy-shape
Map<int, Entity> mMapBroadPhaseIdToProxyShapeEntity;
/// Map a broad-phase id with the corresponding entity of the collider
Map<int, Entity> mMapBroadPhaseIdToColliderEntity;
/// Narrow-phase collision detection input
NarrowPhaseInput mNarrowPhaseInput;
@ -267,7 +267,7 @@ class CollisionDetectionSystem {
// -------------------- Methods -------------------- //
/// Constructor
CollisionDetectionSystem(CollisionWorld* world, ProxyShapeComponents& proxyShapesComponents,
CollisionDetectionSystem(CollisionWorld* world, ColliderComponents& collidersComponents,
TransformComponents& transformComponents, CollisionBodyComponents& collisionBodyComponents, RigidBodyComponents& rigidBodyComponents,
MemoryManager& memoryManager);
@ -283,17 +283,17 @@ class CollisionDetectionSystem {
/// Set the collision dispatch configuration
CollisionDispatch& getCollisionDispatch();
/// Add a proxy collision shape to the collision detection
void addProxyCollisionShape(ProxyShape* proxyShape, const AABB& aabb);
/// Add a collider to the collision detection
void addCollider(Collider* collider, const AABB& aabb);
/// Remove a proxy collision shape from the collision detection
void removeProxyCollisionShape(ProxyShape *proxyShape);
/// Remove a collider from the collision detection
void removeCollider(Collider* collider);
/// Update a proxy collision shape (that has moved for instance)
void updateProxyShape(Entity proxyShapeEntity, decimal timeStep);
/// Update a collider (that has moved for instance)
void updateCollider(Entity colliderEntity, decimal timeStep);
/// Update all the enabled proxy-shapes
void updateProxyShapes(decimal timeStep);
/// Update all the enabled colliders
void updateColliders(decimal timeStep);
/// Add a pair of bodies that cannot collide with each other
void addNoCollisionPair(Entity body1Entity, Entity body2Entity);
@ -302,10 +302,10 @@ class CollisionDetectionSystem {
void removeNoCollisionPair(Entity body1Entity, Entity body2Entity);
/// Ask for a collision shape to be tested again during broad-phase.
void askForBroadPhaseCollisionCheck(ProxyShape* shape);
void askForBroadPhaseCollisionCheck(Collider* shape);
/// Notify that the overlapping pairs where a given proxy-shape is involved need to be tested for overlap
void notifyOverlappingPairsToTestOverlap(ProxyShape* proxyShape);
/// Notify that the overlapping pairs where a given collider is involved need to be tested for overlap
void notifyOverlappingPairsToTestOverlap(Collider* collider);
/// Report contacts
void reportContacts();
@ -351,8 +351,8 @@ class CollisionDetectionSystem {
/// Return the world-space AABB of a given proxy shape
const AABB getWorldAABB(const ProxyShape* proxyShape) const;
/// Return the world-space AABB of a given collider
const AABB getWorldAABB(const Collider* collider) const;
// -------------------- Friendship -------------------- //
@ -367,17 +367,17 @@ inline CollisionDispatch& CollisionDetectionSystem::getCollisionDispatch() {
// Add a body to the collision detection
inline void CollisionDetectionSystem::addProxyCollisionShape(ProxyShape* proxyShape, const AABB& aabb) {
inline void CollisionDetectionSystem::addCollider(Collider* collider, const AABB& aabb) {
// Add the body to the broad-phase
mBroadPhaseSystem.addProxyCollisionShape(proxyShape, aabb);
mBroadPhaseSystem.addCollider(collider, aabb);
int broadPhaseId = mProxyShapesComponents.getBroadPhaseId(proxyShape->getEntity());
int broadPhaseId = mCollidersComponents.getBroadPhaseId(collider->getEntity());
// Add the mapping between the proxy-shape broad-phase id and its entity
mMapBroadPhaseIdToProxyShapeEntity.add(Pair<int, Entity>(broadPhaseId, proxyShape->getEntity()));
// Add the mapping between the collider broad-phase id and its entity
mMapBroadPhaseIdToColliderEntity.add(Pair<int, Entity>(broadPhaseId, collider->getEntity()));
// Add a pair of bodies that cannot collide with each other
@ -393,7 +393,7 @@ inline void CollisionDetectionSystem::removeNoCollisionPair(Entity body1Entity,
// Ask for a collision shape to be tested again during broad-phase.
/// We simply put the shape in the list of collision shape that have moved in the
/// previous frame so that it is tested for collision again in the broad-phase.
inline void CollisionDetectionSystem::askForBroadPhaseCollisionCheck(ProxyShape* shape) {
inline void CollisionDetectionSystem::askForBroadPhaseCollisionCheck(Collider* shape) {
if (shape->getBroadPhaseId() != -1) {
mBroadPhaseSystem.addMovedCollisionShape(shape->getBroadPhaseId(), shape);
@ -410,16 +410,16 @@ inline MemoryManager& CollisionDetectionSystem::getMemoryManager() const {
return mMemoryManager;
// Update a proxy collision shape (that has moved for instance)
inline void CollisionDetectionSystem::updateProxyShape(Entity proxyShapeEntity, decimal timeStep) {
// Update a collider (that has moved for instance)
inline void CollisionDetectionSystem::updateCollider(Entity colliderEntity, decimal timeStep) {
// Update the proxy-shape component
mBroadPhaseSystem.updateProxyShape(proxyShapeEntity, timeStep);
// Update the collider component
mBroadPhaseSystem.updateCollider(colliderEntity, timeStep);
// Update all the enabled proxy-shapes
inline void CollisionDetectionSystem::updateProxyShapes(decimal timeStep) {
// Update all the enabled colliders
inline void CollisionDetectionSystem::updateColliders(decimal timeStep) {
@ -31,7 +31,7 @@
#include "utils/Profiler.h"
#include "engine/Island.h"
#include "components/CollisionBodyComponents.h"
#include "components/ProxyShapeComponents.h"
#include "components/ColliderComponents.h"
#include "collision/ContactManifold.h"
using namespace reactphysics3d;
@ -44,12 +44,12 @@ const decimal ContactSolverSystem::SLOP = decimal(0.01);
// Constructor
ContactSolverSystem::ContactSolverSystem(MemoryManager& memoryManager, DynamicsWorld& world, Islands& islands, CollisionBodyComponents& bodyComponents,
RigidBodyComponents& rigidBodyComponents, ProxyShapeComponents& proxyShapeComponents,
RigidBodyComponents& rigidBodyComponents, ColliderComponents& colliderComponents,
const WorldSettings& worldSettings)
:mMemoryManager(memoryManager), mWorld(world), mContactConstraints(nullptr), mContactPoints(nullptr),
mIslands(islands), mAllContactManifolds(nullptr), mAllContactPoints(nullptr),
mBodyComponents(bodyComponents), mRigidBodyComponents(rigidBodyComponents),
mProxyShapeComponents(proxyShapeComponents), mIsSplitImpulseActive(true),
mColliderComponents(colliderComponents), mIsSplitImpulseActive(true),
mWorldSettings(worldSettings) {
@ -169,8 +169,8 @@ void ContactSolverSystem::initializeForIsland(uint islandIndex) {
ContactPoint& externalContact = (*mAllContactPoints)[c];
// Get the contact point on the two bodies
Vector3 p1 = mProxyShapeComponents.getLocalToWorldTransform(externalManifold.proxyShapeEntity1) * externalContact.getLocalPointOnShape1();
Vector3 p2 = mProxyShapeComponents.getLocalToWorldTransform(externalManifold.proxyShapeEntity2) * externalContact.getLocalPointOnShape2();
Vector3 p1 = mColliderComponents.getLocalToWorldTransform(externalManifold.colliderEntity1) * externalContact.getLocalPointOnShape1();
Vector3 p2 = mColliderComponents.getLocalToWorldTransform(externalManifold.colliderEntity2) * externalContact.getLocalPointOnShape2();
new (mContactPoints + mNbContactPoints) ContactPointSolver();
mContactPoints[mNbContactPoints].externalContact = &externalContact;
@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ class RigidBody;
class CollisionBodyComponents;
class DynamicsComponents;
class RigidBodyComponents;
class ProxyShapeComponents;
class ColliderComponents;
// Class ContactSolverSystem
@ -319,8 +319,8 @@ class ContactSolverSystem {
/// Reference to the dynamics components
RigidBodyComponents& mRigidBodyComponents;
/// Reference to the proxy-shapes components
ProxyShapeComponents& mProxyShapeComponents;
/// Reference to the colliders components
ColliderComponents& mColliderComponents;
/// True if the split impulse position correction is active
bool mIsSplitImpulseActive;
@ -363,7 +363,7 @@ class ContactSolverSystem {
/// Constructor
ContactSolverSystem(MemoryManager& memoryManager, DynamicsWorld& world, Islands& islands, CollisionBodyComponents& bodyComponents,
RigidBodyComponents& rigidBodyComponents, ProxyShapeComponents& proxyShapeComponents,
RigidBodyComponents& rigidBodyComponents, ColliderComponents& colliderComponents,
const WorldSettings& worldSettings);
/// Destructor
@ -32,8 +32,8 @@ using namespace reactphysics3d;
// Constructor
DynamicsSystem::DynamicsSystem(DynamicsWorld& world, CollisionBodyComponents& collisionBodyComponents, RigidBodyComponents& rigidBodyComponents,
TransformComponents& transformComponents, ProxyShapeComponents& proxyShapeComponents, bool& isGravityEnabled, Vector3& gravity)
:mWorld(world), mCollisionBodyComponents(collisionBodyComponents), mRigidBodyComponents(rigidBodyComponents), mTransformComponents(transformComponents), mProxyShapeComponents(proxyShapeComponents),
TransformComponents& transformComponents, ColliderComponents& colliderComponents, bool& isGravityEnabled, Vector3& gravity)
:mWorld(world), mCollisionBodyComponents(collisionBodyComponents), mRigidBodyComponents(rigidBodyComponents), mTransformComponents(transformComponents), mColliderComponents(colliderComponents),
mIsGravityEnabled(isGravityEnabled), mGravity(gravity) {
@ -97,12 +97,12 @@ void DynamicsSystem::updateBodiesState() {
transform.setPosition(centerOfMassWorld - transform.getOrientation() * centerOfMassLocal);
// Update the local-to-world transform of the proxy-shapes
for (uint32 i=0; i < mProxyShapeComponents.getNbEnabledComponents(); i++) {
// Update the local-to-world transform of the colliders
for (uint32 i=0; i < mColliderComponents.getNbEnabledComponents(); i++) {
// Update the local-to-world transform of the proxy-shape
mProxyShapeComponents.mLocalToWorldTransforms[i] = mTransformComponents.getTransform(mProxyShapeComponents.mBodiesEntities[i]) *
// Update the local-to-world transform of the collider
mColliderComponents.mLocalToWorldTransforms[i] = mTransformComponents.getTransform(mColliderComponents.mBodiesEntities[i]) *
@ -31,7 +31,7 @@
#include "components/CollisionBodyComponents.h"
#include "components/RigidBodyComponents.h"
#include "components/TransformComponents.h"
#include "components/ProxyShapeComponents.h"
#include "components/ColliderComponents.h"
namespace reactphysics3d {
@ -60,8 +60,8 @@ class DynamicsSystem {
/// Reference to the transform components
TransformComponents& mTransformComponents;
/// Reference to the proxy-shapes components
ProxyShapeComponents& mProxyShapeComponents;
/// Reference to the colliders components
ColliderComponents& mColliderComponents;
/// Reference to the variable to know if gravity is enabled in the world
bool& mIsGravityEnabled;
@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ class DynamicsSystem {
/// Constructor
DynamicsSystem(DynamicsWorld& world, CollisionBodyComponents& collisionBodyComponents,
RigidBodyComponents& rigidBodyComponents, TransformComponents& transformComponents,
ProxyShapeComponents& proxyShapeComponents, bool& isGravityEnabled, Vector3& gravity);
ColliderComponents& colliderComponents, bool& isGravityEnabled, Vector3& gravity);
/// Destructor
~DynamicsSystem() = default;
@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ class Logger {
enum class Level {Error = 1, Warning = 2, Information = 4};
/// Log categories
enum class Category {World, Body, Joint, ProxyShape};
enum class Category {World, Body, Joint, Collider};
/// Log verbosity level
enum class Format {Text, HTML};
@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ class Logger {
case Category::World: return "World";
case Category::Body: return "Body";
case Category::Joint: return "Joint";
case Category::ProxyShape: return "ProxyShape";
case Category::Collider: return "Collider";
@ -253,7 +253,7 @@ class Logger {
".joint .category, .joint > .message { "
"color: #bf8040; "
"} "
".proxyshape .category, .proxyshape > .message { "
".collider .category, .collider > .message { "
"color: #9933ff; "
"} "
".warning { "
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -83,11 +83,11 @@ class TestPointInside : public Test {
Transform mLocalShapeToWorld;
Transform mLocalShape2ToWorld;
// Proxy Shapes
ProxyShape* mBoxProxyShape;
ProxyShape* mSphereProxyShape;
ProxyShape* mCapsuleProxyShape;
ProxyShape* mConvexMeshProxyShape;
// Colliders
Collider* mBoxCollider;
Collider* mSphereCollider;
Collider* mCapsuleCollider;
Collider* mConvexMeshCollider;
public :
@ -125,13 +125,13 @@ class TestPointInside : public Test {
// Create collision shapes
mBoxShape = mPhysicsCommon.createBoxShape(Vector3(2, 3, 4));
mBoxProxyShape = mBoxBody->addCollisionShape(mBoxShape, mShapeTransform);
mBoxCollider = mBoxBody->addCollider(mBoxShape, mShapeTransform);
mSphereShape = mPhysicsCommon.createSphereShape(3);
mSphereProxyShape = mSphereBody->addCollisionShape(mSphereShape, mShapeTransform);
mSphereCollider = mSphereBody->addCollider(mSphereShape, mShapeTransform);
mCapsuleShape = mPhysicsCommon.createCapsuleShape(3, 10);
mCapsuleProxyShape = mCapsuleBody->addCollisionShape(mCapsuleShape, mShapeTransform);
mCapsuleCollider = mCapsuleBody->addCollider(mCapsuleShape, mShapeTransform);
mConvexMeshCubeVertices[0] = Vector3(-2, -3, 4);
mConvexMeshCubeVertices[1] = Vector3(2, -3, 4);
@ -163,15 +163,15 @@ class TestPointInside : public Test {
mConvexMeshPolyhedronMesh = mPhysicsCommon.createPolyhedronMesh(mConvexMeshPolygonVertexArray);
mConvexMeshShape = mPhysicsCommon.createConvexMeshShape(mConvexMeshPolyhedronMesh);
Transform convexMeshTransform(Vector3(10, 0, 0), Quaternion::identity());
mConvexMeshProxyShape = mConvexMeshBody->addCollisionShape(mConvexMeshShape, mShapeTransform);
mConvexMeshCollider = mConvexMeshBody->addCollider(mConvexMeshShape, mShapeTransform);
// Compound shape is a capsule and a sphere
Vector3 positionShape2(Vector3(4, 2, -3));
Quaternion orientationShape2 = Quaternion::fromEulerAngles(-3 * PI / 8, 1.5 * PI/ 3, PI / 13);
Transform shapeTransform2(positionShape2, orientationShape2);
mLocalShape2ToWorld = mBodyTransform * shapeTransform2;
mCompoundBody->addCollisionShape(mCapsuleShape, mShapeTransform);
mCompoundBody->addCollisionShape(mSphereShape, shapeTransform2);
mCompoundBody->addCollider(mCapsuleShape, mShapeTransform);
mCompoundBody->addCollider(mSphereShape, shapeTransform2);
/// Destructor
@ -195,7 +195,7 @@ class TestPointInside : public Test {
/// Test the ProxyBoxShape::testPointInside() and
/// Test the testPointInside() and
/// CollisionBody::testPointInside() methods
void testBox() {
@ -225,34 +225,34 @@ class TestPointInside : public Test {
rp3d_test(!mBoxBody->testPointInside(mLocalShapeToWorld * Vector3(-1, 4, -2.5)));
rp3d_test(!mBoxBody->testPointInside(mLocalShapeToWorld * Vector3(1, -2, 4.5)));
// Tests with ProxyBoxShape
rp3d_test(mBoxProxyShape->testPointInside(mLocalShapeToWorld * Vector3(0, 0, 0)));
rp3d_test(mBoxProxyShape->testPointInside(mLocalShapeToWorld * Vector3(-1.9, 0, 0)));
rp3d_test(mBoxProxyShape->testPointInside(mLocalShapeToWorld * Vector3(1.9, 0, 0)));
rp3d_test(mBoxProxyShape->testPointInside(mLocalShapeToWorld * Vector3(0, -2.9, 0)));
rp3d_test(mBoxProxyShape->testPointInside(mLocalShapeToWorld * Vector3(0, 2.9, 0)));
rp3d_test(mBoxProxyShape->testPointInside(mLocalShapeToWorld * Vector3(0, 0, -3.9)));
rp3d_test(mBoxProxyShape->testPointInside(mLocalShapeToWorld * Vector3(0, 0, 3.9)));
rp3d_test(mBoxProxyShape->testPointInside(mLocalShapeToWorld * Vector3(-1.9, -2.9, -3.9)));
rp3d_test(mBoxProxyShape->testPointInside(mLocalShapeToWorld * Vector3(1.9, 2.9, 3.9)));
rp3d_test(mBoxProxyShape->testPointInside(mLocalShapeToWorld * Vector3(-1, -2, -1.5)));
rp3d_test(mBoxProxyShape->testPointInside(mLocalShapeToWorld * Vector3(-1, 2, -2.5)));
rp3d_test(mBoxProxyShape->testPointInside(mLocalShapeToWorld * Vector3(1, -2, 3.5)));
// Tests with Collider
rp3d_test(mBoxCollider->testPointInside(mLocalShapeToWorld * Vector3(0, 0, 0)));
rp3d_test(mBoxCollider->testPointInside(mLocalShapeToWorld * Vector3(-1.9, 0, 0)));
rp3d_test(mBoxCollider->testPointInside(mLocalShapeToWorld * Vector3(1.9, 0, 0)));
rp3d_test(mBoxCollider->testPointInside(mLocalShapeToWorld * Vector3(0, -2.9, 0)));
rp3d_test(mBoxCollider->testPointInside(mLocalShapeToWorld * Vector3(0, 2.9, 0)));
rp3d_test(mBoxCollider->testPointInside(mLocalShapeToWorld * Vector3(0, 0, -3.9)));
rp3d_test(mBoxCollider->testPointInside(mLocalShapeToWorld * Vector3(0, 0, 3.9)));
rp3d_test(mBoxCollider->testPointInside(mLocalShapeToWorld * Vector3(-1.9, -2.9, -3.9)));
rp3d_test(mBoxCollider->testPointInside(mLocalShapeToWorld * Vector3(1.9, 2.9, 3.9)));
rp3d_test(mBoxCollider->testPointInside(mLocalShapeToWorld * Vector3(-1, -2, -1.5)));
rp3d_test(mBoxCollider->testPointInside(mLocalShapeToWorld * Vector3(-1, 2, -2.5)));
rp3d_test(mBoxCollider->testPointInside(mLocalShapeToWorld * Vector3(1, -2, 3.5)));
rp3d_test(!mBoxProxyShape->testPointInside(mLocalShapeToWorld * Vector3(-2.1, 0, 0)));
rp3d_test(!mBoxProxyShape->testPointInside(mLocalShapeToWorld * Vector3(2.1, 0, 0)));
rp3d_test(!mBoxProxyShape->testPointInside(mLocalShapeToWorld * Vector3(0, -3.1, 0)));
rp3d_test(!mBoxProxyShape->testPointInside(mLocalShapeToWorld * Vector3(0, 3.1, 0)));
rp3d_test(!mBoxProxyShape->testPointInside(mLocalShapeToWorld * Vector3(0, 0, -4.1)));
rp3d_test(!mBoxProxyShape->testPointInside(mLocalShapeToWorld * Vector3(0, 0, 4.1)));
rp3d_test(!mBoxProxyShape->testPointInside(mLocalShapeToWorld * Vector3(-2.1, -3.1, -4.1)));
rp3d_test(!mBoxProxyShape->testPointInside(mLocalShapeToWorld * Vector3(2.1, 3.1, 4.1)));
rp3d_test(!mBoxProxyShape->testPointInside(mLocalShapeToWorld * Vector3(-10, -2, -1.5)));
rp3d_test(!mBoxProxyShape->testPointInside(mLocalShapeToWorld * Vector3(-1, 4, -2.5)));
rp3d_test(!mBoxProxyShape->testPointInside(mLocalShapeToWorld * Vector3(1, -2, 4.5)));
rp3d_test(!mBoxCollider->testPointInside(mLocalShapeToWorld * Vector3(-2.1, 0, 0)));
rp3d_test(!mBoxCollider->testPointInside(mLocalShapeToWorld * Vector3(2.1, 0, 0)));
rp3d_test(!mBoxCollider->testPointInside(mLocalShapeToWorld * Vector3(0, -3.1, 0)));
rp3d_test(!mBoxCollider->testPointInside(mLocalShapeToWorld * Vector3(0, 3.1, 0)));
rp3d_test(!mBoxCollider->testPointInside(mLocalShapeToWorld * Vector3(0, 0, -4.1)));
rp3d_test(!mBoxCollider->testPointInside(mLocalShapeToWorld * Vector3(0, 0, 4.1)));
rp3d_test(!mBoxCollider->testPointInside(mLocalShapeToWorld * Vector3(-2.1, -3.1, -4.1)));
rp3d_test(!mBoxCollider->testPointInside(mLocalShapeToWorld * Vector3(2.1, 3.1, 4.1)));
rp3d_test(!mBoxCollider->testPointInside(mLocalShapeToWorld * Vector3(-10, -2, -1.5)));
rp3d_test(!mBoxCollider->testPointInside(mLocalShapeToWorld * Vector3(-1, 4, -2.5)));
rp3d_test(!mBoxCollider->testPointInside(mLocalShapeToWorld * Vector3(1, -2, 4.5)));
/// Test the ProxySphereShape::testPointInside() and
/// Test the Collider::testPointInside() and
/// CollisionBody::testPointInside() methods
void testSphere() {
@ -278,30 +278,30 @@ class TestPointInside : public Test {
rp3d_test(!mSphereBody->testPointInside(mLocalShapeToWorld * Vector3(-2, 2, -1.5)));
rp3d_test(!mSphereBody->testPointInside(mLocalShapeToWorld * Vector3(1.5, -2, 2.5)));
// Tests with ProxySphereShape
rp3d_test(mSphereProxyShape->testPointInside(mLocalShapeToWorld * Vector3(0, 0, 0)));
rp3d_test(mSphereProxyShape->testPointInside(mLocalShapeToWorld * Vector3(2.9, 0, 0)));
rp3d_test(mSphereProxyShape->testPointInside(mLocalShapeToWorld * Vector3(-2.9, 0, 0)));
rp3d_test(mSphereProxyShape->testPointInside(mLocalShapeToWorld * Vector3(0, 2.9, 0)));
rp3d_test(mSphereProxyShape->testPointInside(mLocalShapeToWorld * Vector3(0, -2.9, 0)));
rp3d_test(mSphereProxyShape->testPointInside(mLocalShapeToWorld * Vector3(0, 0, 2.9)));
rp3d_test(mSphereProxyShape->testPointInside(mLocalShapeToWorld * Vector3(0, 0, 2.9)));
rp3d_test(mSphereProxyShape->testPointInside(mLocalShapeToWorld * Vector3(-1, -2, -1.5)));
rp3d_test(mSphereProxyShape->testPointInside(mLocalShapeToWorld * Vector3(-1, 2, -1.5)));
rp3d_test(mSphereProxyShape->testPointInside(mLocalShapeToWorld * Vector3(1, -2, 1.5)));
// Tests with Collider
rp3d_test(mSphereCollider->testPointInside(mLocalShapeToWorld * Vector3(0, 0, 0)));
rp3d_test(mSphereCollider->testPointInside(mLocalShapeToWorld * Vector3(2.9, 0, 0)));
rp3d_test(mSphereCollider->testPointInside(mLocalShapeToWorld * Vector3(-2.9, 0, 0)));
rp3d_test(mSphereCollider->testPointInside(mLocalShapeToWorld * Vector3(0, 2.9, 0)));
rp3d_test(mSphereCollider->testPointInside(mLocalShapeToWorld * Vector3(0, -2.9, 0)));
rp3d_test(mSphereCollider->testPointInside(mLocalShapeToWorld * Vector3(0, 0, 2.9)));
rp3d_test(mSphereCollider->testPointInside(mLocalShapeToWorld * Vector3(0, 0, 2.9)));
rp3d_test(mSphereCollider->testPointInside(mLocalShapeToWorld * Vector3(-1, -2, -1.5)));
rp3d_test(mSphereCollider->testPointInside(mLocalShapeToWorld * Vector3(-1, 2, -1.5)));
rp3d_test(mSphereCollider->testPointInside(mLocalShapeToWorld * Vector3(1, -2, 1.5)));
rp3d_test(!mSphereProxyShape->testPointInside(mLocalShapeToWorld * Vector3(3.1, 0, 0)));
rp3d_test(!mSphereProxyShape->testPointInside(mLocalShapeToWorld * Vector3(-3.1, 0, 0)));
rp3d_test(!mSphereProxyShape->testPointInside(mLocalShapeToWorld * Vector3(0, 3.1, 0)));
rp3d_test(!mSphereProxyShape->testPointInside(mLocalShapeToWorld * Vector3(0, -3.1, 0)));
rp3d_test(!mSphereProxyShape->testPointInside(mLocalShapeToWorld * Vector3(0, 0, 3.1)));
rp3d_test(!mSphereProxyShape->testPointInside(mLocalShapeToWorld * Vector3(0, 0, -3.1)));
rp3d_test(!mSphereProxyShape->testPointInside(mLocalShapeToWorld * Vector3(-2, -2, -2)));
rp3d_test(!mSphereProxyShape->testPointInside(mLocalShapeToWorld * Vector3(-2, 2, -1.5)));
rp3d_test(!mSphereProxyShape->testPointInside(mLocalShapeToWorld * Vector3(1.5, -2, 2.5)));
rp3d_test(!mSphereCollider->testPointInside(mLocalShapeToWorld * Vector3(3.1, 0, 0)));
rp3d_test(!mSphereCollider->testPointInside(mLocalShapeToWorld * Vector3(-3.1, 0, 0)));
rp3d_test(!mSphereCollider->testPointInside(mLocalShapeToWorld * Vector3(0, 3.1, 0)));
rp3d_test(!mSphereCollider->testPointInside(mLocalShapeToWorld * Vector3(0, -3.1, 0)));
rp3d_test(!mSphereCollider->testPointInside(mLocalShapeToWorld * Vector3(0, 0, 3.1)));
rp3d_test(!mSphereCollider->testPointInside(mLocalShapeToWorld * Vector3(0, 0, -3.1)));
rp3d_test(!mSphereCollider->testPointInside(mLocalShapeToWorld * Vector3(-2, -2, -2)));
rp3d_test(!mSphereCollider->testPointInside(mLocalShapeToWorld * Vector3(-2, 2, -1.5)));
rp3d_test(!mSphereCollider->testPointInside(mLocalShapeToWorld * Vector3(1.5, -2, 2.5)));
/// Test the ProxyCapsuleShape::testPointInside() and
/// Test the Collider::testPointInside() and
/// CollisionBody::testPointInside() methods
void testCapsule() {
@ -352,55 +352,55 @@ class TestPointInside : public Test {
rp3d_test(!mCapsuleBody->testPointInside(mLocalShapeToWorld * Vector3(2.5, -5, 2.6)));
rp3d_test(!mCapsuleBody->testPointInside(mLocalShapeToWorld * Vector3(2.5, -5, -2.7)));
// Tests with ProxyCapsuleShape
rp3d_test(mCapsuleProxyShape->testPointInside(mLocalShapeToWorld * Vector3(0, 0, 0)));
rp3d_test(mCapsuleProxyShape->testPointInside(mLocalShapeToWorld * Vector3(0, 5, 0)));
rp3d_test(mCapsuleProxyShape->testPointInside(mLocalShapeToWorld * Vector3(0, -5, 0)));
rp3d_test(mCapsuleProxyShape->testPointInside(mLocalShapeToWorld * Vector3(0, -6.9, 0)));
rp3d_test(mCapsuleProxyShape->testPointInside(mLocalShapeToWorld * Vector3(0, 6.9, 0)));
rp3d_test(mCapsuleProxyShape->testPointInside(mLocalShapeToWorld * Vector3(0, 0, 1.9)));
rp3d_test(mCapsuleProxyShape->testPointInside(mLocalShapeToWorld * Vector3(0, 0, -1.9)));
rp3d_test(mCapsuleProxyShape->testPointInside(mLocalShapeToWorld * Vector3(1.9, 0, 0)));
rp3d_test(mCapsuleProxyShape->testPointInside(mLocalShapeToWorld * Vector3(-1.9, 0, 0)));
rp3d_test(mCapsuleProxyShape->testPointInside(mLocalShapeToWorld * Vector3(0.9, 0, 0.9)));
rp3d_test(mCapsuleProxyShape->testPointInside(mLocalShapeToWorld * Vector3(0.9, 0, -0.9)));
rp3d_test(mCapsuleProxyShape->testPointInside(mLocalShapeToWorld * Vector3(0, 5, 1.9)));
rp3d_test(mCapsuleProxyShape->testPointInside(mLocalShapeToWorld * Vector3(0, 5, -1.9)));
rp3d_test(mCapsuleProxyShape->testPointInside(mLocalShapeToWorld * Vector3(1.9, 5, 0)));
rp3d_test(mCapsuleProxyShape->testPointInside(mLocalShapeToWorld * Vector3(-1.9, 5, 0)));
rp3d_test(mCapsuleProxyShape->testPointInside(mLocalShapeToWorld * Vector3(0.9, 5, 0.9)));
rp3d_test(mCapsuleProxyShape->testPointInside(mLocalShapeToWorld * Vector3(0.9, 5, -0.9)));
rp3d_test(mCapsuleProxyShape->testPointInside(mLocalShapeToWorld * Vector3(0, -5, 1.9)));
rp3d_test(mCapsuleProxyShape->testPointInside(mLocalShapeToWorld * Vector3(0, -5, -1.9)));
rp3d_test(mCapsuleProxyShape->testPointInside(mLocalShapeToWorld * Vector3(1.9, -5, 0)));
rp3d_test(mCapsuleProxyShape->testPointInside(mLocalShapeToWorld * Vector3(-1.9, -5, 0)));
rp3d_test(mCapsuleProxyShape->testPointInside(mLocalShapeToWorld * Vector3(0.9, -5, 0.9)));
rp3d_test(mCapsuleProxyShape->testPointInside(mLocalShapeToWorld * Vector3(0.9, -5, -0.9)));
rp3d_test(mCapsuleProxyShape->testPointInside(mLocalShapeToWorld * Vector3(-1.7, -4, -0.9)));
rp3d_test(mCapsuleProxyShape->testPointInside(mLocalShapeToWorld * Vector3(-1, 2, 0.4)));
rp3d_test(mCapsuleProxyShape->testPointInside(mLocalShapeToWorld * Vector3(1.3, 1, 1.5)));
// Tests with Collider
rp3d_test(mCapsuleCollider->testPointInside(mLocalShapeToWorld * Vector3(0, 0, 0)));
rp3d_test(mCapsuleCollider->testPointInside(mLocalShapeToWorld * Vector3(0, 5, 0)));
rp3d_test(mCapsuleCollider->testPointInside(mLocalShapeToWorld * Vector3(0, -5, 0)));
rp3d_test(mCapsuleCollider->testPointInside(mLocalShapeToWorld * Vector3(0, -6.9, 0)));
rp3d_test(mCapsuleCollider->testPointInside(mLocalShapeToWorld * Vector3(0, 6.9, 0)));
rp3d_test(mCapsuleCollider->testPointInside(mLocalShapeToWorld * Vector3(0, 0, 1.9)));
rp3d_test(mCapsuleCollider->testPointInside(mLocalShapeToWorld * Vector3(0, 0, -1.9)));
rp3d_test(mCapsuleCollider->testPointInside(mLocalShapeToWorld * Vector3(1.9, 0, 0)));
rp3d_test(mCapsuleCollider->testPointInside(mLocalShapeToWorld * Vector3(-1.9, 0, 0)));
rp3d_test(mCapsuleCollider->testPointInside(mLocalShapeToWorld * Vector3(0.9, 0, 0.9)));
rp3d_test(mCapsuleCollider->testPointInside(mLocalShapeToWorld * Vector3(0.9, 0, -0.9)));
rp3d_test(mCapsuleCollider->testPointInside(mLocalShapeToWorld * Vector3(0, 5, 1.9)));
rp3d_test(mCapsuleCollider->testPointInside(mLocalShapeToWorld * Vector3(0, 5, -1.9)));
rp3d_test(mCapsuleCollider->testPointInside(mLocalShapeToWorld * Vector3(1.9, 5, 0)));
rp3d_test(mCapsuleCollider->testPointInside(mLocalShapeToWorld * Vector3(-1.9, 5, 0)));
rp3d_test(mCapsuleCollider->testPointInside(mLocalShapeToWorld * Vector3(0.9, 5, 0.9)));
rp3d_test(mCapsuleCollider->testPointInside(mLocalShapeToWorld * Vector3(0.9, 5, -0.9)));
rp3d_test(mCapsuleCollider->testPointInside(mLocalShapeToWorld * Vector3(0, -5, 1.9)));
rp3d_test(mCapsuleCollider->testPointInside(mLocalShapeToWorld * Vector3(0, -5, -1.9)));
rp3d_test(mCapsuleCollider->testPointInside(mLocalShapeToWorld * Vector3(1.9, -5, 0)));
rp3d_test(mCapsuleCollider->testPointInside(mLocalShapeToWorld * Vector3(-1.9, -5, 0)));
rp3d_test(mCapsuleCollider->testPointInside(mLocalShapeToWorld * Vector3(0.9, -5, 0.9)));
rp3d_test(mCapsuleCollider->testPointInside(mLocalShapeToWorld * Vector3(0.9, -5, -0.9)));
rp3d_test(mCapsuleCollider->testPointInside(mLocalShapeToWorld * Vector3(-1.7, -4, -0.9)));
rp3d_test(mCapsuleCollider->testPointInside(mLocalShapeToWorld * Vector3(-1, 2, 0.4)));
rp3d_test(mCapsuleCollider->testPointInside(mLocalShapeToWorld * Vector3(1.3, 1, 1.5)));
rp3d_test(!mCapsuleProxyShape->testPointInside(mLocalShapeToWorld * Vector3(0, -13.1, 0)));
rp3d_test(!mCapsuleProxyShape->testPointInside(mLocalShapeToWorld * Vector3(0, 13.1, 0)));
rp3d_test(!mCapsuleProxyShape->testPointInside(mLocalShapeToWorld * Vector3(0, 0, 3.1)));
rp3d_test(!mCapsuleProxyShape->testPointInside(mLocalShapeToWorld * Vector3(0, 0, -3.1)));
rp3d_test(!mCapsuleProxyShape->testPointInside(mLocalShapeToWorld * Vector3(3.1, 0, 0)));
rp3d_test(!mCapsuleProxyShape->testPointInside(mLocalShapeToWorld * Vector3(-3.1, 0, 0)));
rp3d_test(!mCapsuleProxyShape->testPointInside(mLocalShapeToWorld * Vector3(0, 5, 3.1)));
rp3d_test(!mCapsuleProxyShape->testPointInside(mLocalShapeToWorld * Vector3(0, 5, -3.1)));
rp3d_test(!mCapsuleProxyShape->testPointInside(mLocalShapeToWorld * Vector3(3.1, 5, 0)));
rp3d_test(!mCapsuleProxyShape->testPointInside(mLocalShapeToWorld * Vector3(-3.1, 5, 0)));
rp3d_test(!mCapsuleProxyShape->testPointInside(mLocalShapeToWorld * Vector3(2.5, 5, 2.6)));
rp3d_test(!mCapsuleProxyShape->testPointInside(mLocalShapeToWorld * Vector3(2.5, 5, -2.7)));
rp3d_test(!mCapsuleProxyShape->testPointInside(mLocalShapeToWorld * Vector3(0, -5, 3.1)));
rp3d_test(!mCapsuleProxyShape->testPointInside(mLocalShapeToWorld * Vector3(0, -5, -3.1)));
rp3d_test(!mCapsuleProxyShape->testPointInside(mLocalShapeToWorld * Vector3(3.1, -5, 0)));
rp3d_test(!mCapsuleProxyShape->testPointInside(mLocalShapeToWorld * Vector3(-3.1, -5, 0)));
rp3d_test(!mCapsuleProxyShape->testPointInside(mLocalShapeToWorld * Vector3(2.5, -5, 2.6)));
rp3d_test(!mCapsuleProxyShape->testPointInside(mLocalShapeToWorld * Vector3(2.5, -5, -2.7)));
rp3d_test(!mCapsuleCollider->testPointInside(mLocalShapeToWorld * Vector3(0, -13.1, 0)));
rp3d_test(!mCapsuleCollider->testPointInside(mLocalShapeToWorld * Vector3(0, 13.1, 0)));
rp3d_test(!mCapsuleCollider->testPointInside(mLocalShapeToWorld * Vector3(0, 0, 3.1)));
rp3d_test(!mCapsuleCollider->testPointInside(mLocalShapeToWorld * Vector3(0, 0, -3.1)));
rp3d_test(!mCapsuleCollider->testPointInside(mLocalShapeToWorld * Vector3(3.1, 0, 0)));
rp3d_test(!mCapsuleCollider->testPointInside(mLocalShapeToWorld * Vector3(-3.1, 0, 0)));
rp3d_test(!mCapsuleCollider->testPointInside(mLocalShapeToWorld * Vector3(0, 5, 3.1)));
rp3d_test(!mCapsuleCollider->testPointInside(mLocalShapeToWorld * Vector3(0, 5, -3.1)));
rp3d_test(!mCapsuleCollider->testPointInside(mLocalShapeToWorld * Vector3(3.1, 5, 0)));
rp3d_test(!mCapsuleCollider->testPointInside(mLocalShapeToWorld * Vector3(-3.1, 5, 0)));
rp3d_test(!mCapsuleCollider->testPointInside(mLocalShapeToWorld * Vector3(2.5, 5, 2.6)));
rp3d_test(!mCapsuleCollider->testPointInside(mLocalShapeToWorld * Vector3(2.5, 5, -2.7)));
rp3d_test(!mCapsuleCollider->testPointInside(mLocalShapeToWorld * Vector3(0, -5, 3.1)));
rp3d_test(!mCapsuleCollider->testPointInside(mLocalShapeToWorld * Vector3(0, -5, -3.1)));
rp3d_test(!mCapsuleCollider->testPointInside(mLocalShapeToWorld * Vector3(3.1, -5, 0)));
rp3d_test(!mCapsuleCollider->testPointInside(mLocalShapeToWorld * Vector3(-3.1, -5, 0)));
rp3d_test(!mCapsuleCollider->testPointInside(mLocalShapeToWorld * Vector3(2.5, -5, 2.6)));
rp3d_test(!mCapsuleCollider->testPointInside(mLocalShapeToWorld * Vector3(2.5, -5, -2.7)));
/// Test the ProxyConvexMeshShape::testPointInside() and
/// Test the Collider::testPointInside() and
/// CollisionBody::testPointInside() methods
void testConvexMesh() {
@ -430,31 +430,31 @@ class TestPointInside : public Test {
rp3d_test(!mConvexMeshBody->testPointInside(mLocalShapeToWorld * Vector3(-1, 4, -2.5)));
rp3d_test(!mConvexMeshBody->testPointInside(mLocalShapeToWorld * Vector3(1, -2, 4.5)));
// Tests with ProxyConvexMeshShape
rp3d_test(mConvexMeshProxyShape->testPointInside(mLocalShapeToWorld * Vector3(0, 0, 0)));
rp3d_test(mConvexMeshProxyShape->testPointInside(mLocalShapeToWorld * Vector3(-1.9, 0, 0)));
rp3d_test(mConvexMeshProxyShape->testPointInside(mLocalShapeToWorld * Vector3(1.9, 0, 0)));
rp3d_test(mConvexMeshProxyShape->testPointInside(mLocalShapeToWorld * Vector3(0, -2.9, 0)));
rp3d_test(mConvexMeshProxyShape->testPointInside(mLocalShapeToWorld * Vector3(0, 2.9, 0)));
rp3d_test(mConvexMeshProxyShape->testPointInside(mLocalShapeToWorld * Vector3(0, 0, -3.9)));
rp3d_test(mConvexMeshProxyShape->testPointInside(mLocalShapeToWorld * Vector3(0, 0, 3.9)));
rp3d_test(mConvexMeshProxyShape->testPointInside(mLocalShapeToWorld * Vector3(-1.9, -2.9, -3.9)));
rp3d_test(mConvexMeshProxyShape->testPointInside(mLocalShapeToWorld * Vector3(1.9, 2.9, 3.9)));
rp3d_test(mConvexMeshProxyShape->testPointInside(mLocalShapeToWorld * Vector3(-1, -2, -1.5)));
rp3d_test(mConvexMeshProxyShape->testPointInside(mLocalShapeToWorld * Vector3(-1, 2, -2.5)));
rp3d_test(mConvexMeshProxyShape->testPointInside(mLocalShapeToWorld * Vector3(1, -2, 3.5)));
// Tests with Collider
rp3d_test(mConvexMeshCollider->testPointInside(mLocalShapeToWorld * Vector3(0, 0, 0)));
rp3d_test(mConvexMeshCollider->testPointInside(mLocalShapeToWorld * Vector3(-1.9, 0, 0)));
rp3d_test(mConvexMeshCollider->testPointInside(mLocalShapeToWorld * Vector3(1.9, 0, 0)));
rp3d_test(mConvexMeshCollider->testPointInside(mLocalShapeToWorld * Vector3(0, -2.9, 0)));
rp3d_test(mConvexMeshCollider->testPointInside(mLocalShapeToWorld * Vector3(0, 2.9, 0)));
rp3d_test(mConvexMeshCollider->testPointInside(mLocalShapeToWorld * Vector3(0, 0, -3.9)));
rp3d_test(mConvexMeshCollider->testPointInside(mLocalShapeToWorld * Vector3(0, 0, 3.9)));
rp3d_test(mConvexMeshCollider->testPointInside(mLocalShapeToWorld * Vector3(-1.9, -2.9, -3.9)));
rp3d_test(mConvexMeshCollider->testPointInside(mLocalShapeToWorld * Vector3(1.9, 2.9, 3.9)));
rp3d_test(mConvexMeshCollider->testPointInside(mLocalShapeToWorld * Vector3(-1, -2, -1.5)));
rp3d_test(mConvexMeshCollider->testPointInside(mLocalShapeToWorld * Vector3(-1, 2, -2.5)));
rp3d_test(mConvexMeshCollider->testPointInside(mLocalShapeToWorld * Vector3(1, -2, 3.5)));
rp3d_test(!mConvexMeshProxyShape->testPointInside(mLocalShapeToWorld * Vector3(-2.1, 0, 0)));
rp3d_test(!mConvexMeshProxyShape->testPointInside(mLocalShapeToWorld * Vector3(2.1, 0, 0)));
rp3d_test(!mConvexMeshProxyShape->testPointInside(mLocalShapeToWorld * Vector3(0, -3.1, 0)));
rp3d_test(!mConvexMeshProxyShape->testPointInside(mLocalShapeToWorld * Vector3(0, 3.1, 0)));
rp3d_test(!mConvexMeshProxyShape->testPointInside(mLocalShapeToWorld * Vector3(0, 0, -4.1)));
rp3d_test(!mConvexMeshProxyShape->testPointInside(mLocalShapeToWorld * Vector3(0, 0, 4.1)));
rp3d_test(!mConvexMeshProxyShape->testPointInside(mLocalShapeToWorld * Vector3(-2.1, -3.1, -4.1)));
rp3d_test(!mConvexMeshProxyShape->testPointInside(mLocalShapeToWorld * Vector3(2.1, 3.1, 4.1)));
rp3d_test(!mConvexMeshProxyShape->testPointInside(mLocalShapeToWorld * Vector3(-10, -2, -1.5)));
rp3d_test(!mConvexMeshProxyShape->testPointInside(mLocalShapeToWorld * Vector3(-1, 4, -2.5)));
rp3d_test(!mConvexMeshProxyShape->testPointInside(mLocalShapeToWorld * Vector3(1, -2, 4.5)));
rp3d_test(!mConvexMeshCollider->testPointInside(mLocalShapeToWorld * Vector3(-2.1, 0, 0)));
rp3d_test(!mConvexMeshCollider->testPointInside(mLocalShapeToWorld * Vector3(2.1, 0, 0)));
rp3d_test(!mConvexMeshCollider->testPointInside(mLocalShapeToWorld * Vector3(0, -3.1, 0)));
rp3d_test(!mConvexMeshCollider->testPointInside(mLocalShapeToWorld * Vector3(0, 3.1, 0)));
rp3d_test(!mConvexMeshCollider->testPointInside(mLocalShapeToWorld * Vector3(0, 0, -4.1)));
rp3d_test(!mConvexMeshCollider->testPointInside(mLocalShapeToWorld * Vector3(0, 0, 4.1)));
rp3d_test(!mConvexMeshCollider->testPointInside(mLocalShapeToWorld * Vector3(-2.1, -3.1, -4.1)));
rp3d_test(!mConvexMeshCollider->testPointInside(mLocalShapeToWorld * Vector3(2.1, 3.1, 4.1)));
rp3d_test(!mConvexMeshCollider->testPointInside(mLocalShapeToWorld * Vector3(-10, -2, -1.5)));
rp3d_test(!mConvexMeshCollider->testPointInside(mLocalShapeToWorld * Vector3(-1, 4, -2.5)));
rp3d_test(!mConvexMeshCollider->testPointInside(mLocalShapeToWorld * Vector3(1, -2, 4.5)));
/// Test the CollisionBody::testPointInside() method
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ Box::Box(const openglframework::Vector3& size, reactphysics3d::PhysicsCommon& ph
mBody = world->createCollisionBody(mPreviousTransform);
// Add the collision shape to the body
mProxyShape = mBody->addCollisionShape(mBoxShape, rp3d::Transform::identity());
mCollider = mBody->addCollider(mBoxShape, rp3d::Transform::identity());
// If the Vertex Buffer object has not been created yet
if (totalNbBoxes == 0) {
@ -106,7 +106,7 @@ Box::Box(const openglframework::Vector3& size, float mass, reactphysics3d::Physi
rp3d::RigidBody* body = world->createRigidBody(mPreviousTransform);
// Add the collision shape to the body
mProxyShape = body->addCollisionShape(mBoxShape, rp3d::Transform::identity(), mass);
mCollider = body->addCollider(mBoxShape, rp3d::Transform::identity(), mass);
mBody = body;
@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ class Box : public PhysicsObject {
float mSize[3];
rp3d::BoxShape* mBoxShape;
rp3d::ProxyShape* mProxyShape;
rp3d::Collider* mCollider;
/// Scaling matrix (applied to a cube to obtain the correct box dimensions)
openglframework::Matrix4 mScalingMatrix;
@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ Capsule::Capsule(float radius, float height, rp3d::PhysicsCommon& physicsCommon,
mBody = world->createCollisionBody(mPreviousTransform);
// Add a collision shape to the body and specify the mass of the shape
mProxyShape = mBody->addCollisionShape(mCapsuleShape, rp3d::Transform::identity());
mCollider = mBody->addCollider(mCapsuleShape, rp3d::Transform::identity());
mTransformMatrix = mTransformMatrix * mScalingMatrix;
@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ Capsule::Capsule(float radius, float height, float mass, reactphysics3d::Physics
rp3d::RigidBody* body = dynamicsWorld->createRigidBody(mPreviousTransform);
// Add a collision shape to the body and specify the mass of the shape
mProxyShape = body->addCollisionShape(mCapsuleShape, rp3d::Transform::identity(), mass);
mCollider = body->addCollider(mCapsuleShape, rp3d::Transform::identity(), mass);
mBody = body;
@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ class Capsule : public PhysicsObject {
/// Collision shape
rp3d::CapsuleShape* mCapsuleShape;
rp3d::ProxyShape* mProxyShape;
rp3d::Collider* mCollider;
/// Previous transform (for interpolation)
rp3d::Transform mPreviousTransform;
@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ ConcaveMesh::ConcaveMesh(rp3d::PhysicsCommon& physicsCommon, rp3d::CollisionWorl
mBody = world->createCollisionBody(mPreviousTransform);
// Add a collision shape to the body and specify the mass of the collision shape
mProxyShape = mBody->addCollisionShape(mConcaveShape, rp3d::Transform::identity());
mCollider = mBody->addCollider(mConcaveShape, rp3d::Transform::identity());
// Create the VBOs and VAO
@ -106,7 +106,7 @@ ConcaveMesh::ConcaveMesh(float mass, reactphysics3d::PhysicsCommon& physicsCommo
rp3d::RigidBody* body = dynamicsWorld->createRigidBody(mPreviousTransform);
// Add a collision shape to the body and specify the mass of the collision shape
mProxyShape = body->addCollisionShape(mConcaveShape, rp3d::Transform::identity(), mass);
mCollider = body->addCollider(mConcaveShape, rp3d::Transform::identity(), mass);
mBody = body;
@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ class ConcaveMesh : public PhysicsObject {
/// Collision shape
rp3d::ConcaveMeshShape* mConcaveShape;
rp3d::ProxyShape* mProxyShape;
rp3d::Collider* mCollider;
/// Scaling matrix
openglframework::Matrix4 mScalingMatrix;
@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ ConvexMesh::ConvexMesh(rp3d::PhysicsCommon& physicsCommon, rp3d::CollisionWorld*
mBody = world->createCollisionBody(mPreviousTransform);
// Add a collision shape to the body and specify the mass of the collision shape
mProxyShape = mBody->addCollisionShape(mConvexShape, rp3d::Transform::identity());
mCollider = mBody->addCollider(mConvexShape, rp3d::Transform::identity());
// Create the VBOs and VAO
@ -139,7 +139,7 @@ ConvexMesh::ConvexMesh(float mass, rp3d::PhysicsCommon& physicsCommon, rp3d::Dyn
rp3d::RigidBody* body = dynamicsWorld->createRigidBody(mPreviousTransform);
// Add a collision shape to the body and specify the mass of the collision shape
mProxyShape = body->addCollisionShape(mConvexShape, rp3d::Transform::identity(), mass);
mCollider = body->addCollider(mConvexShape, rp3d::Transform::identity(), mass);
mBody = body;
@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ class ConvexMesh : public PhysicsObject {
/// Collision shape
rp3d::ConvexMeshShape* mConvexShape;
rp3d::ProxyShape* mProxyShape;
rp3d::Collider* mCollider;
/// Scaling matrix
openglframework::Matrix4 mScalingMatrix;
@ -72,9 +72,9 @@ Dumbbell::Dumbbell(rp3d::PhysicsCommon& physicsCommon, rp3d::DynamicsWorld* dyna
rp3d::RigidBody* body = dynamicsWorld->createRigidBody(mPreviousTransform);
// Add the three collision shapes to the body and specify the mass and transform of the shapes
mProxyShapeSphere1 = body->addCollisionShape(mSphereShape, transformSphereShape1, massSphere);
mProxyShapeSphere2 = body->addCollisionShape(mSphereShape, transformSphereShape2, massSphere);
mProxyShapeCapsule = body->addCollisionShape(mCapsuleShape, transformCylinderShape, massCylinder);
mColliderSphere1 = body->addCollider(mSphereShape, transformSphereShape1, massSphere);
mColliderSphere2 = body->addCollider(mSphereShape, transformSphereShape2, massSphere);
mColliderCapsule = body->addCollider(mCapsuleShape, transformCylinderShape, massCylinder);
mBody = body;
@ -125,9 +125,9 @@ Dumbbell::Dumbbell(reactphysics3d::PhysicsCommon &physicsCommon, rp3d::Collision
mBody = world->createCollisionBody(mPreviousTransform);
// Add the three collision shapes to the body and specify the mass and transform of the shapes
mProxyShapeSphere1 = mBody->addCollisionShape(mSphereShape, transformSphereShape1);
mProxyShapeSphere2 = mBody->addCollisionShape(mSphereShape, transformSphereShape2);
mProxyShapeCapsule = mBody->addCollisionShape(mCapsuleShape, transformCylinderShape);
mColliderSphere1 = mBody->addCollider(mSphereShape, transformSphereShape1);
mColliderSphere2 = mBody->addCollider(mSphereShape, transformSphereShape2);
mColliderCapsule = mBody->addCollider(mCapsuleShape, transformCylinderShape);
mTransformMatrix = mTransformMatrix * mScalingMatrix;
@ -44,9 +44,9 @@ class Dumbbell : public PhysicsObject {
/// Collision shapes
rp3d::CapsuleShape* mCapsuleShape;
rp3d::SphereShape* mSphereShape;
rp3d::ProxyShape* mProxyShapeCapsule;
rp3d::ProxyShape* mProxyShapeSphere1;
rp3d::ProxyShape* mProxyShapeSphere2;
rp3d::Collider* mColliderCapsule;
rp3d::Collider* mColliderSphere1;
rp3d::Collider* mColliderSphere2;
/// Scaling matrix (applied to a sphere to obtain the correct sphere dimensions)
openglframework::Matrix4 mScalingMatrix;
@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ HeightField::HeightField(rp3d::PhysicsCommon& physicsCommon, rp3d::CollisionWorl
mBody = world->createCollisionBody(mPreviousTransform);
// Add a collision shape to the body and specify the mass of the collision shape
mProxyShape = mBody->addCollisionShape(mHeightFieldShape, rp3d::Transform::identity());
mCollider = mBody->addCollider(mHeightFieldShape, rp3d::Transform::identity());
// Create the VBOs and VAO
@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ HeightField::HeightField(float mass, reactphysics3d::PhysicsCommon& physicsCommo
rp3d::RigidBody* body = dynamicsWorld->createRigidBody(mPreviousTransform);
// Add a collision shape to the body and specify the mass of the collision shape
mProxyShape = body->addCollisionShape(mHeightFieldShape, rp3d::Transform::identity(), mass);
mCollider = body->addCollider(mHeightFieldShape, rp3d::Transform::identity(), mass);
mBody = body;
@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ class HeightField : public PhysicsObject {
/// Collision shape
rp3d::HeightFieldShape* mHeightFieldShape;
rp3d::ProxyShape* mProxyShape;
rp3d::Collider* mCollider;
/// Scaling matrix
openglframework::Matrix4 mScalingMatrix;
@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ Sphere::Sphere(float radius, rp3d::PhysicsCommon& physicsCommon, rp3d::Collision
mBody = world->createCollisionBody(mPreviousTransform);
// Add a collision shape to the body and specify the mass of the shape
mProxyShape = mBody->addCollisionShape(mCollisionShape, rp3d::Transform::identity());
mCollider = mBody->addCollider(mCollisionShape, rp3d::Transform::identity());
mTransformMatrix = mTransformMatrix * mScalingMatrix;
@ -90,7 +90,7 @@ Sphere::Sphere(float radius, float mass, rp3d::PhysicsCommon& physicsCommon,rea
rp3d::RigidBody* body = world->createRigidBody(mPreviousTransform);
// Add a collision shape to the body and specify the mass of the shape
mProxyShape = body->addCollisionShape(mCollisionShape, rp3d::Transform::identity(), mass);
mCollider = body->addCollider(mCollisionShape, rp3d::Transform::identity(), mass);
mBody = body;
@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ class Sphere : public PhysicsObject {
/// Collision shape
rp3d::SphereShape* mCollisionShape;
rp3d::ProxyShape* mProxyShape;
rp3d::Collider* mCollider;
/// Scaling matrix (applied to a sphere to obtain the correct sphere dimensions)
openglframework::Matrix4 mScalingMatrix;
@ -331,13 +331,13 @@ void ContactManager::onContact(const CallbackData& callbackData) {
openglframework::Vector3 contactNormal(normal.x, normal.y, normal.z);
rp3d::Vector3 point1 = contactPoint.getLocalPointOnShape1();
point1 = contactPair.getProxyShape1()->getLocalToWorldTransform() * point1;
point1 = contactPair.getCollider1()->getLocalToWorldTransform() * point1;
openglframework::Vector3 position1(point1.x, point1.y, point1.z);
mContactPoints.push_back(SceneContactPoint(position1, contactNormal, openglframework::Color::red()));
rp3d::Vector3 point2 = contactPoint.getLocalPointOnShape2();
point2 = contactPair.getProxyShape2()->getLocalToWorldTransform() * point2;
point2 = contactPair.getCollider2()->getLocalToWorldTransform() * point2;
openglframework::Vector3 position2(point2.x, point2.y, point2.z);
mContactPoints.push_back(SceneContactPoint(position2, contactNormal, openglframework::Color::blue()));
@ -199,7 +199,7 @@ void Scene::onContact(const rp3d::CollisionCallback::CallbackData& callbackData)
rp3d::CollisionCallback::ContactPoint contactPoint = contactPair.getContactPoint(c);
rp3d::Vector3 point = contactPair.getProxyShape1()->getLocalToWorldTransform() * contactPoint.getLocalPointOnShape1();
rp3d::Vector3 point = contactPair.getCollider1()->getLocalToWorldTransform() * contactPoint.getLocalPointOnShape1();
rp3d::Vector3 normalWorld = contactPoint.getWorldNormal();
openglframework::Vector3 normal = openglframework::Vector3(normalWorld.x, normalWorld.y, normalWorld.z);
SceneContactPoint contact(openglframework::Vector3(point.x, point.y, point.z), normal, openglframework::Color::red());
@ -443,13 +443,13 @@ void SceneDemo::renderAABBs(const openglframework::Matrix4& worldToCameraMatrix)
// For each physics object of the scene
for (std::vector<PhysicsObject*>::iterator it = mPhysicsObjects.begin(); it != mPhysicsObjects.end(); ++it) {
// For each proxy shape of the object
for (uint i=0; i < (*it)->getCollisionBody()->getNbProxyShapes(); i++) {
// For each collider of the object
for (uint i=0; i < (*it)->getCollisionBody()->getNbColliders(); i++) {
rp3d::ProxyShape* proxyShape = (*it)->getCollisionBody()->getProxyShape(i);
rp3d::Collider* collider = (*it)->getCollisionBody()->getCollider(i);
// Get the broad-phase AABB corresponding to the proxy shape
rp3d::AABB aabb = mPhysicsWorld->getWorldAABB(proxyShape);
// Get the broad-phase AABB corresponding to the collider
rp3d::AABB aabb = mPhysicsWorld->getWorldAABB(collider);
openglframework::Vector3 aabbCenter(aabb.getCenter().x, aabb.getCenter().y, aabb.getCenter().z);
openglframework::Vector3 aabbMin(aabb.getMin().x, aabb.getMin().y, aabb.getMin().z);
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