2015-04-08 20:47:55 +02:00

333 lines
12 KiB

* OpenGL-Framework *
* Copyright (c) 2013 Daniel Chappuis *
* *
* This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied warranty. *
* In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages arising from the *
* use of this software. *
* *
* Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose, *
* including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it *
* freely, subject to the following restrictions: *
* *
* 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not claim *
* that you wrote the original software. If you use this software in a *
* product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be *
* appreciated but is not required. *
* *
* 2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be *
* misrepresented as being the original software. *
* *
* 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution. *
* *
// Librairies
#include "TextureReaderWriter.h"
#include <string>
#include <jpeglib.h>
#include <jerror.h>
using namespace openglframework;
using namespace std;
// Constants
const uint TextureReaderWriter::JPEG_COMPRESSION_QUALITY = 98;
// TGA file Header
#pragma pack(push, 1)
typedef struct {
unsigned char identsize; // size of ID field that follows 18 byte header (0 usually)
unsigned char colourmaptype; // type of colour map 0=none, 1=has palette
unsigned char imagetype; // type of image 0=none,1=indexed,2=rgb,3=grey,+8=rle packed
short colourmapstart; // first colour map entry in palette
short colourmaplength; // number of colours in palette
unsigned char colourmapbits; // number of bits per palette entry 15,16,24,32
short xstart; // image x origin
short ystart; // image y origin
short width; // image width in pixels
short height; // image height in pixels
unsigned char bits; // image bits per pixel 8,16,24,32
unsigned char descriptor; // image descriptor bits (vh flip bits)
// pixel data follows header
#pragma pack(pop)
// Load a texture from a file
void TextureReaderWriter::loadTextureFromFile(const std::string& filename,
Texture2D& textureToCreate) {
// Get the extension of the file
uint startPosExtension = filename.find_last_of(".");
string extension = filename.substr(startPosExtension+1);
// Load the file using the correct method
if (extension == "tga") {
readTGAPicture(filename, textureToCreate);
else if (extension == "jpg" || extension == "jpeg"){
readJPEGPicture(filename, textureToCreate);
else {
// Display an error message and throw an exception
string errorMessage("Error : the TextureLoader class cannot load a file with the extension .");
errorMessage += extension;
std::cerr << errorMessage << std::endl;
throw std::invalid_argument(errorMessage.c_str());
// Write a texture to a file
void TextureReaderWriter::writeTextureToFile(const std::string& filename,const Texture2D& texture) {
// Get the extension of the file
uint startPosExtension = filename.find_last_of(".");
string extension = filename.substr(startPosExtension+1);
// Write the file using the correct method
if (extension == "tga") {
writeTGAPicture(filename, texture);
else if (extension == "jpg" || extension == "jpeg"){
writeJPEGPicture(filename, texture);
else {
// Display an error message and throw an exception
string errorMessage("Error : the TextureReaderWriter class cannot write a file with the extension .");
errorMessage += extension;
std::cerr << errorMessage << std::endl;
throw std::invalid_argument(errorMessage.c_str());
// Load a TGA picture
void TextureReaderWriter::readTGAPicture(const std::string &filename, Texture2D& textureToCreate) {
// Open the file
std::ifstream stream(filename.c_str(), std::ios::binary);
// If we cannot open the file
if(!stream.is_open()) {
// Throw an exception and display an error message
string errorMessage("Error : Cannot open the file " + filename);
std::cerr << errorMessage << std::endl;
throw std::runtime_error(errorMessage);
TGA_HEADER header; *)(&header), sizeof(TGA_HEADER));
assert(header.width <= 4096 && header.width <= 4096 &&
header.imagetype == 2 && header.bits == 24);
// Read the file
uint width = header.width;
uint height = header.width;
uint sizeImg = width*height;
char* data = new char[sizeImg*3];
assert(data);, sizeImg*3);
for(uint i = 0; i < sizeImg; i++) {
unsigned pos = i*3;
unsigned char red = data[pos];
data[pos] = data[pos + 2];
data[pos + 2] = red;
// Close the stream
// Create the OpenGL texture using the picture data from the file
textureToCreate.create(width, height, GL_RGB, GL_RGB, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, data);
// Free the data memory
delete[] data;
// Write a TGA picture
void TextureReaderWriter::writeTGAPicture(const std::string& filename, const Texture2D& texture) {
assert(texture.getID() != 0);
// Bind the corresponding texture
glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, texture.getID());
uint sizeImg = texture.getWidth() * texture.getHeight();
// Get the bytes form the OpenGL texture
char* data = new char[sizeImg * 3];
glGetTexImage(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, GL_RGB, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, data);
// Open the file
std::ofstream stream(filename.c_str(), std::ios::binary);
// If the file cannot be opened
if(!stream.is_open()) {
// Throw an exception and display an error message
string errorMessage("Error : Cannot create/access the file " + filename);
std::cerr << errorMessage << std::endl;
delete[] data;
throw std::runtime_error(errorMessage);
// Fill in the TGA header
TGA_HEADER header;
header.identsize = 0; // size of ID field that follows 18 byte header (0 usually)
header.colourmaptype = 0; // type of colour map 0=none, 1=has palette
header.imagetype = 2; // type of image 0=none,1=indexed,2=rgb,3=grey,+8=rle packed
header.colourmapstart = 0; // first colour map entry in palette
header.colourmaplength = 0; // number of colours in palette
header.colourmapbits=0; // number of bits per palette entry 15,16,24,32
header.xstart = 0; // image x origin
header.ystart = 0; // image y origin
header.width = (short)texture.getWidth(); // image width in pixels
header.height = (short)texture.getHeight(); // image height in pixels
header.bits = 24; // image bits per pixel 8,16,24,32
header.descriptor = 0; // image descriptor bits (vh flip bits)
// Write the header to the file
stream.write((char*)(&header), sizeof(TGA_HEADER));
// Write the bytes to the file
for(uint i = 0; i < sizeImg; i++) {
unsigned pos = i*3;
unsigned char red = data[pos];
data[pos] = data[pos + 2];
data[pos + 2] = red;
stream.write(data, sizeImg*3);
// Close the file
// Delete the data
delete[] data;
// Unbind the corresponding texture
glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0);
// Read a JPEG picture
void TextureReaderWriter::readJPEGPicture(const std::string& filename, Texture2D& textureToCreate) {
struct jpeg_decompress_struct info;
struct jpeg_error_mgr error;
info.err = jpeg_std_error(&error);
// Open the file
FILE* file = fopen(filename.c_str(), "rb");
// If we cannot open the file
if (!file) {
// Throw an exception and display an error message
string errorMessage("Error : Cannot open the file " + filename);
std::cerr << errorMessage << std::endl;
throw std::runtime_error(errorMessage);
jpeg_stdio_src(&info, file);
jpeg_read_header(&info, true);
unsigned long x = info.output_width;
unsigned long y = info.output_height;
int channels = info.num_components;
assert(channels == 3);
unsigned long size = x * y * 3;
BYTE* data = new BYTE[size];
BYTE* p1 = data;
BYTE** p2 = &p1;
int numlines = 0;
while(info.output_scanline < info.output_height) {
numlines = jpeg_read_scanlines(&info, p2, 1);
*p2 += numlines * 3 * info.output_width;
jpeg_finish_decompress(&info); //finish decompressing this file
// Close the file
// Create the OpenGL texture
textureToCreate.create(x, y, GL_RGB, GL_RGB, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, data);
// Free allocated memory
delete[] data;
// Write a JPEG picture
void TextureReaderWriter::writeJPEGPicture(const std::string& filename, const Texture2D& texture) {
struct jpeg_compress_struct info;
struct jpeg_error_mgr error;
info.err = jpeg_std_error(&error);
// Open the file
FILE* file = fopen(filename.c_str(), "wb");
if (!file) {
// Throw an exception and display an error message
string errorMessage("Error : Cannot write JPEG picture into the file " + filename);
std::cerr << errorMessage << std::endl;
throw std::runtime_error(errorMessage);
// Get the bytes form the OpenGL texture
char* data = new char[texture.getWidth() * texture.getHeight() * 3];
glGetTexImage(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, GL_RGB, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, data);
jpeg_stdio_dest(&info, file);
info.image_width = texture.getWidth();
info.image_height = texture.getHeight();
info.input_components = 3;
info.in_color_space = JCS_RGB;
jpeg_set_quality(&info, JPEG_COMPRESSION_QUALITY, true);
jpeg_start_compress(&info, true);
// Write the data into the file
JSAMPROW rowPointer;
int rowStride = texture.getWidth() * 3;
while (info.next_scanline < info.image_height) {
rowPointer = (JSAMPROW) &data[info.next_scanline * rowStride];
jpeg_write_scanlines(&info, &rowPointer, 1);
// Close the file
// Free allocated memory
delete[] data;