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2023-08-02 21:53:35 +00:00
# todo: clean this mess up
import copy
import h5py
import json
import logging
import numpy as np
import os
import random
import torch
import itertools
2023-08-02 21:53:35 +00:00
from .config import cfg
from .emb.qnt import trim, trim_random, repeat_extend_audio, merge_audio, decode_to_file
2023-09-04 02:27:13 +00:00
from .utils.sampler import Sampler
2023-08-02 21:53:35 +00:00
from collections import defaultdict
from functools import cache, cached_property
from itertools import groupby, zip_longest
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Any
from torch import Tensor
from import DataLoader, Dataset as _Dataset
from import DistributedSampler
2023-08-02 21:53:35 +00:00
from import tqdm
# torch.multiprocessing.set_sharing_strategy("file_system")
_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
# to-do: clean up this symmap mess
2023-08-02 21:53:35 +00:00
def get_phone_symmap():
return cfg.tokenizer.get_vocab()
2023-08-02 21:53:35 +00:00
def tokenize( phones ):
return cfg.tokenizer.encode( "".join(phones) )
def get_lang_symmap():
return {
"en": 0,
"ja": 1,
def get_tone_symmap():
return {
"neutral": 0,
2023-08-02 21:53:35 +00:00
return symmap
def get_task_symmap():
return {
"<tts>": 0,
"<tts-c>": 1,
"<ns>": 2,
"<sr>": 3,
"<tse>": 4,
"<soe>": 5,
"<mask>": 6,
"<eoe>": 7,
2023-08-02 21:53:35 +00:00
def _replace_file_extension(path, suffix):
return (path.parent /".")[0]).with_suffix(suffix)
def _get_quant_extension():
return ".dac" if cfg.inference.audio_backend == "dac" else ""
def _get_phone_extension():
return ".json" if cfg.inference.audio_backend == "dac" else ".phn.txt"
def _get_quant_path(path):
return _replace_file_extension(path, _get_quant_extension())
def _get_phone_path(path):
return _replace_file_extension(path, _get_phone_extension())
_total_durations = {}
def _calculate_durations( type="training" ):
if type in _total_durations:
return _total_durations[type]
return 0
def _load_paths(dataset, type="training"):
2024-04-29 03:28:29 +00:00
return { cfg.get_spkr( cfg.data_dir / data_dir / "dummy" ): _load_paths_from_metadata( data_dir, type=type, validate=cfg.dataset.validate and type == "training" ) for data_dir in tqdm(dataset, desc=f"Parsing dataset: {type}") }
def _load_paths_from_metadata(dataset_name, type="training", validate=False):
data_dir = dataset_name if cfg.dataset.use_hdf5 else cfg.data_dir / dataset_name
_fn = _get_hdf5_paths if cfg.dataset.use_hdf5 else _get_paths_of_extensions
def _validate( entry ):
2024-04-29 03:28:29 +00:00
phones = entry['phones'] if "phones" in entry else 0
duration = entry['duration'] if "duration" in entry else 0
if type not in _total_durations:
_total_durations[type] = 0
2024-04-29 03:28:29 +00:00
_total_durations[type] += duration
return cfg.dataset.min_duration <= duration and duration <= cfg.dataset.max_duration and cfg.dataset.min_phones <= phones and phones <= cfg.dataset.max_phones
2024-04-29 03:28:29 +00:00
metadata_path = cfg.metadata_dir / f'{dataset_name}.json'
metadata = {}
2024-04-29 03:28:29 +00:00
if cfg.dataset.use_metadata and metadata_path.exists():
metadata = json.loads(open( metadata_path, "r", encoding="utf-8" ).read())
if len(metadata) == 0:
return _fn( data_dir, type if cfg.dataset.use_hdf5 else _get_quant_extension(), validate )
2024-04-29 03:28:29 +00:00
def key( dir, id ):
if not cfg.dataset.use_hdf5:
return data_dir / id
2024-04-29 03:28:29 +00:00
return f"/{type}/{_get_hdf5_path(data_dir)}/{id}"
return [ key(dir, id) for id in metadata.keys() if not validate or _validate(metadata[id]) ]
2023-08-02 21:53:35 +00:00
def _get_hdf5_path(path):
2024-04-29 03:28:29 +00:00
# to-do: better validation
return str(path)
2023-08-02 21:53:35 +00:00
def _get_hdf5_paths( data_dir, type="training", validate=False ):
data_dir = str(data_dir)
2023-08-02 21:53:35 +00:00
def _validate(child):
phones = child.attrs['phonemes']
duration = child.attrs['duration']
if type not in _total_durations:
_total_durations[type] = 0
2023-10-06 14:26:52 +00:00
_total_durations[type] += child.attrs['duration']
return cfg.dataset.min_duration <= duration and duration <= cfg.dataset.max_duration and cfg.dataset.min_phones <= phones and phones <= cfg.dataset.max_phones
2024-04-29 03:28:29 +00:00
key = f"/{type}/{_get_hdf5_path(data_dir)}"
return [ Path(f"{key}/{child.attrs['id']}") for child in cfg.hdf5[key].values() if not validate or _validate(child) ] if key in cfg.hdf5 else []
def _get_paths_of_extensions( path, extensions=_get_quant_extension(), validate=False ):
if isinstance(path, str):
path = Path(path)
def _validate(path):
if "".join(path.suffixes) not in extensions:
return False
if not _get_phone_path(path).exists() or not _get_quant_path(path).exists():
return False
if not validate:
return True
# to-do: find an easy way to determine size from pickled quants without loading
# to-do: find a consistent way to derive phoneme count from filesize (probably can't due to utf-8)
phones = len(_get_phones(_get_phone_path(path))) # _get_phone_path(path).stat().st_size // 2 + 1
return cfg.dataset.min_phones <= phones and phones <= cfg.dataset.max_phones
return [ p for p in list(path.iterdir()) if _validate(p) ] if path.exists() and path.is_dir() else []
2023-08-02 21:53:35 +00:00
def _load_quants(path) -> Tensor:
if _get_quant_extension() == ".dac":
qnt = np.load(_get_quant_path(path), allow_pickle=True)[()]
return torch.from_numpy(qnt["codes"].astype(int))[0][:, :].t().to(torch.int16)
return torch.load(_get_quant_path(path))[0][:, :].t().to(torch.int16)
2023-08-02 21:53:35 +00:00
# prune consecutive spaces
def _cleanup_phones( phones, targets=[" "]):
return [ p for i, p in enumerate(phones) if p not in targets or ( p in targets and p != phones[i-1] ) ]
2023-08-02 21:53:35 +00:00
2023-08-21 02:36:02 +00:00
def _get_phones(path, language="en"):
if _get_quant_extension() == ".json":
metadata = json.loads(open(_get_phone_path(path), "r", encoding="utf-8").read())
content = metadata["phonemes"]
content = open(_get_phone_path(path), "r", encoding="utf-8").read().split(" ")
return "".join(content)
2023-08-02 21:53:35 +00:00
def _interleaved_reorder(l, fn):
groups = defaultdict(list)
for e in l:
groups = {k: groups[k] for k in sorted(groups)}
for interleaved in zip_longest(*groups.values()):
for value in interleaved:
if value is not None:
yield value
class Dataset(_Dataset):
def __init__(
extra_paths_by_spkr_name: dict[str, list] = {},
self._head = None
2023-08-19 01:58:07 +00:00
self.sampler = None
2023-08-02 21:53:35 +00:00
self.paths = [] = training
self.dataset_type = "training" if else "validation"
self.dataset = if else cfg.dataset.validation
self.sampler_type = cfg.dataset.sample_type if self.dataset_type == "training" else "path"
# to-do: do not do validation if there's nothing in the validation
# this just makes it be happy
if len(self.dataset) == 0:
self.dataset =
# dict of paths keyed by speaker names
self.paths_by_spkr_name = _load_paths(self.dataset, self.dataset_type)
# cull speakers if they do not have enough utterances
if cfg.dataset.min_utterances > 0:
keys = list(self.paths_by_spkr_name.keys())
for key in keys:
if len(self.paths_by_spkr_name[key]) < cfg.dataset.min_utterances:
del self.paths_by_spkr_name[key]
self.paths = list(itertools.chain.from_iterable(self.paths_by_spkr_name.values()))
2023-09-04 02:27:13 +00:00
self.samplers = { name: Sampler( paths, keep_all=True ) for name, paths in self.paths_by_spkr_name.items() }
# dict of speakers keyed by speaker group
self.spkrs_by_spkr_group = {}
for data_dir in self.dataset:
spkr = cfg.get_spkr( data_dir / "dummy" )
spkr_group = cfg.get_spkr_group( data_dir / "dummy" )
if spkr not in self.paths_by_spkr_name or len(self.paths_by_spkr_name[spkr]) < cfg.dataset.min_utterances:
if spkr_group not in self.spkrs_by_spkr_group:
self.spkrs_by_spkr_group[spkr_group] = []
self.spkrs_by_spkr_group[spkr_group].append( spkr )
self.spkr_groups = list(self.spkrs_by_spkr_group.keys())
self.spkr_samplers = { name: Sampler( [*set(speakers)], keep_all=True ) for name, speakers in self.spkrs_by_spkr_group.items() }
2023-09-04 02:27:13 +00:00
if self.sampler_type == "path":
self.paths = [*_interleaved_reorder(self.paths, self.get_speaker)]
self.noise_paths = _load_paths(cfg.dataset.noise, "noise")
self.noise_paths = list(itertools.chain.from_iterable(self.noise_paths.values()))
2023-08-02 21:53:35 +00:00
self.phone_symmap = phone_symmap or self._get_phone_symmap()
self.spkr_symmap = self._get_spkr_symmap()
self.spkr_group_symmap = self._get_spkr_group_symmap()
self.lang_symmap = self._get_lang_symmap()
self.tone_symmap = self._get_tone_symmap()
self.task_symmap = self._get_task_symmap()
2023-08-02 21:53:35 +00:00
# assert len(self.phone_symmap) < 256, "Unique token count should be [0,255] to fit within uint8"
self.text_dtype = torch.uint8 if len(self.phone_symmap) < 256 else torch.int16
if len(self.paths) == 0:
raise ValueError(f"No valid path is found for {self.dataset_type}")
2023-08-02 21:53:35 +00:00
#self.duration = _total_durations[self.dataset_type] if self.dataset_type in _total_durations else 0
self.duration = _calculate_durations(self.dataset_type)
2023-08-02 21:53:35 +00:00
def phones(self):
return sorted(set().union(*[_get_phones(path) for path in self.paths]))
def get_speaker(self, path):
if isinstance(path, str):
path = Path(path)
res = cfg.get_spkr(path)
return res
def get_speaker_group(self, path):
if isinstance(path, str):
path = Path(path)
res = cfg.get_spkr_group(path)
return res
def get_language(self, speaker_group):
lang = "en"
for k, v in cfg.dataset.speaker_languages.items():
if speaker_group in v:
lang = k
return lang
2023-08-02 21:53:35 +00:00
def spkrs(self):
return sorted({self.get_speaker(path) for path in self.paths})
2023-08-02 21:53:35 +00:00
def tasks(self):
return cfg.dataset.tasks_list # ["tts", "tts", "ns", "sr", "tse", "tts", "tts"] # , "cse", "nse"
2023-09-04 02:27:13 +00:00
def save_state_dict(self, path):
state_dict = {
"samplers": { name: sampler.current_pool for name, sampler in self.samplers.items() }
}, path)
def load_state_dict(self, path):
state_dict = torch.load(path)
if "samplers" in state_dict:
# better than naively setting the entire object
for name, sampler in state_dict["samplers"].items():
if name not in self.samplers:
self.samplers[name].current_pool = sampler
def _get_phone_symmap(self):
return get_phone_symmap()
2023-08-02 21:53:35 +00:00
def _get_spkr_symmap(self):
return {s: i for i, s in enumerate(self.spkrs)}
def _get_spkr_group_symmap(self):
return {s: i for i, s in enumerate(self.spkr_groups)}
def _get_lang_symmap(self):
return get_lang_symmap()
def _get_tone_symmap(self):
return get_tone_symmap()
def _get_task_symmap(self):
return get_task_symmap()
def get_task_token( self, token, levels=cfg.model.max_levels ):
if not hasattr(self, "task_symmap"):
self.task_symmap = self._get_task_symmap()
return torch.Tensor([[ self.task_symmap[f'<{token}>'] for _ in range(levels) ]]).to(dtype=torch.int16)
def sample_noise(self):
path = random.choice(self.noise_paths)
if cfg.dataset.use_hdf5:
key = _get_hdf5_path(path)
qnt = torch.from_numpy(cfg.hdf5[key]["audio"][:, :]).to(torch.int16)
qnt = _load_quants(path)
return qnt
2023-08-18 00:07:59 +00:00
def sample_speakers(self, ignore=[]):
choices = set(self.spkrs) - set(ignore)
return random.choice([*choices])
2023-08-02 21:53:35 +00:00
def sample_prompts(self, spkr_name, ignore):
prom_list = []
choices = set(self.paths_by_spkr_name[spkr_name]) - {ignore}
choices = [*choices]
# no other utterances, it'd make more sense to prune speakers with only one utterance in the validation step
2023-08-02 21:53:35 +00:00
if len(choices) == 0:
choices = [*set(self.paths_by_spkr_name[spkr_name])]
2023-08-02 21:53:35 +00:00
raise ValueError(
f"Failed to find another different utterance for {spkr_name}."
2023-08-02 21:53:35 +00:00
# shuffle it up a bit
prom_length = 0
if cfg.experimental:
trim_length = random.randint(cfg.dataset.frames_per_second * 3, cfg.dataset.frames_per_second * 6) # [3 seconds, 6 seconds]
#trim_length = max(2, int(np.random.normal(loc=5, scale=1.25) * cfg.dataset.frames_per_second))
trim_length = int(cfg.dataset.prompt_duration * cfg.dataset.frames_per_second) + random.randint(-cfg.dataset.frames_per_second, cfg.dataset.frames_per_second)
2023-08-02 21:53:35 +00:00
for _ in range(cfg.dataset.max_prompts):
path = random.choice(choices)
if cfg.dataset.use_hdf5:
key = _get_hdf5_path(path)
qnt = torch.from_numpy(cfg.hdf5[key]["audio"][:, :]).to(torch.int16)
2023-08-02 21:53:35 +00:00
qnt = _load_quants(path)
if cfg.dataset.prompt_duration > 0 and trim_length < qnt.shape[0]:
qnt = trim( qnt, trim_length )
2023-08-02 21:53:35 +00:00
prom_length += qnt.shape[0]
2023-08-02 21:53:35 +00:00
if prom_length >= trim_length or random.random() > cfg.dataset.random_utterance:
2023-08-02 21:53:35 +00:00
# might be better to decode => concat waveforms with silence in between => reencode
# as you technically can't just append encodec sequences together like this without issues
2023-08-02 21:53:35 +00:00
prom =
if cfg.dataset.prompt_duration > 0 and trim_length < prom.shape[0]:
prom = trim( prom, trim_length )
2023-08-02 21:53:35 +00:00
return prom
def __getitem__(self, index):
if self.sampler_type == "group":
spkr_group = self.spkr_groups[index]
#spkr_group_id = self.spkr_group_symmap[spkr_group]
spkr_name = self.spkr_samplers[spkr_group].sample()
spkr_id = self.spkr_symmap[spkr_name]
path = self.samplers[spkr_name].sample()
elif self.sampler_type == "speaker":
spkr_name = self.spkrs[index]
spkr_id = self.spkr_symmap[spkr_name]
2023-09-04 02:27:13 +00:00
path = self.samplers[spkr_name].sample()
spkr_group = self.get_speaker_group(path)
#spkr_group_id = self.spkr_group_symmap[spkr_group]
2023-08-02 21:53:35 +00:00
path = self.paths[index]
spkr_name = self.get_speaker(path)
spkr_id = self.spkr_symmap[spkr_name]
spkr_group = self.get_speaker_group(path)
#spkr_group_id = self.spkr_group_symmap[spkr_group]
2023-08-02 21:53:35 +00:00
if cfg.dataset.use_hdf5:
key = _get_hdf5_path(path)
2024-04-29 03:28:29 +00:00
if key not in cfg.hdf5:
raise RuntimeError(f'Key of Path ({path}) not in HDF5: {key}')
text = cfg.hdf5[key]["text"][:]
resps = cfg.hdf5[key]["audio"][:, :]
text = torch.from_numpy(text).to(self.text_dtype)
resps = torch.from_numpy(resps).to(torch.int16)
2023-08-02 21:53:35 +00:00
text = torch.tensor(tokenize( _get_phones( path ) )).to(self.text_dtype)
2023-08-02 21:53:35 +00:00
resps = _load_quants(path)
lang = torch.tensor([ self.lang_symmap[ self.get_language(spkr_group) ]]).to(torch.uint8)
# append additional prompts in an attempt to artifically increase lengths / offer new data
if cfg.experimental and cfg.dataset.max_resps > 1 and random.random() < cfg.dataset.p_resp_append:
choices = [*(set(self.paths_by_spkr_name[spkr_name]) - {path})]
if len(choices) > 0:
for _ in range( cfg.dataset.max_resps - 1 ):
sampled_path = random.choice(choices)
choices = [*(set(choices) - {sampled_path})]
if cfg.dataset.use_hdf5:
key = _get_hdf5_path(sampled_path)
txt = cfg.hdf5[key]["text"][:]
qnt = cfg.hdf5[key]["audio"][:, :]
txt = np.array( txt )
txt = torch.from_numpy(txt).to(self.text_dtype)
qnt = torch.from_numpy(qnt).to(torch.int16)
#txt = torch.tensor([*map(self.phone_symmap.get, _get_phones(sampled_path))]).to(self.text_dtype)
txt = torch.tensor(tokenize(_get_phones(sampled_path))).to(self.text_dtype)
qnt = _load_quants(sampled_path)
# <s>[original text] [new text]</s>
# removes the original text's </s>, includes a space, and remove the new text's <s>
text = torch.concat([ text[:-1], torch.tensor([self.phone_symmap[" "]]).to(torch.int16), txt[1:] ])
# might be better to decode => concat waveforms with silence in between => reencode
# as you technically can't just append encodec sequences together like this without issues
resps = torch.concat([ resps, qnt ])
2023-08-02 21:53:35 +00:00
task = "tts"
trim_length = int(cfg.dataset.prompt_duration * cfg.dataset.frames_per_second)
proms = self.sample_prompts(spkr_name, ignore=path) if random.random() < cfg.dataset.random_utterance else resps
# Disabled until I swap over to a better method
task = random.choice(self.tasks)
# ensure a speaker has at least four utterances
# default to tts if not
if len(set(self.paths_by_spkr_name[spkr_name]) - {path}) < 4:
task = "tts"
noise_scale = 0.25
if task == "tts" or task == "tts-c":
trim_length = int(cfg.dataset.prompt_duration * cfg.dataset.frames_per_second)
2023-09-02 18:39:17 +00:00
# demote if the target is too short
if task == "tts-c" and trim_length * 2 >= resps.shape[0]:
task = "tts"
# VALL-E continuous
# ignore if target utterance is shorter than prompt duration
# to-do: actually do this for the AR only as I don't think the paper trained the NAR for this
2023-09-02 18:39:17 +00:00
if task == "tts-c":
proms = resps[:trim_length, :]
resps = resps[trim_length:, :]
proms = [self.get_task_token(task), proms] )
proms = self.sample_prompts(spkr_name, ignore=path) if random.random() < cfg.dataset.random_utterance else resps
# noise suppression || speech removal
elif task == "ns" or task == "sr":
# sample random noise
2023-08-18 00:07:59 +00:00
noise = self.sample_noise()
# extend the noise to fill the target audio
noise = repeat_extend_audio(noise, resps.shape[0])
# create the input prompt by merging the target audio with the noise
proms = merge_audio( resps, noise, scale=[1, noise_scale], device="cpu" )
# set the target to just be the noise if <sr>
if task == "sr":
resps = noise
# prepend the task token
proms = [self.get_task_token(task), proms] )
# set the text prompt to empty to train without a guided text prompt
if random.random() < 0.5:
text = torch.tensor([1, 2]).to(self.text_dtype)
# target speech extraction
elif task == "tse":
# sample a random, clean, utterance for the target speaker
clean_proms = self.sample_prompts(spkr_name, ignore=path)
# sample a random, clean utterance from a different speaker
other_proms = self.sample_prompts(self.sample_speakers(ignore=[spkr_name]), ignore="")
# overlay the random speaker over the target audio
smallest_size = min(resps.shape[0], other_proms.shape[0])
if other_proms.shape[0] == smallest_size:
noisy_proms = merge_audio( resps[:smallest_size, :], other_proms, scale=[1, random.uniform(0.5, 0.75)], device="cpu" )
noisy_proms = [ noisy_proms, resps[smallest_size:, :] ] )
noisy_proms = merge_audio( resps, other_proms[:smallest_size, :], scale=[1, random.uniform(0.5, 0.75)], device="cpu" )
noisy_proms = [ noisy_proms, other_proms[smallest_size:, :] ] )
# stitch together the promps
proms = [clean_proms, self.get_task_token(task), noisy_proms] )
# set the text prompt to empty to train without a guided text prompt
if random.random() < 0.5:
text = torch.tensor([1, 2]).to(self.text_dtype) # <s></s>
# speech editing would require higher quality transcription data (phoneme level/word level) unfortunately
# as I need to get a good clean point to trim into
# clean speech editing
elif task == "cse" or task == "nse":
choices = set(self.paths_by_spkr_name[spkr_name]) - {path}
sampled = random.sample([*choices], 4)
if cfg.dataset.use_hdf5:
texts = [ torch.from_numpy(cfg.hdf5[_get_hdf5_path(path)]["text"][:]).to(self.text_dtype) for path in sampled ]
qnts = [ torch.from_numpy(cfg.hdf5[_get_hdf5_path(path)]["audio"][:, :]).to(torch.int16) for path in sampled ]
texts = [ torch.tensor([*map(self.phone_symmap.get, _get_phones(path))]).to(self.text_dtype) for path in sampled ]
qnts = [ _load_quants(path) for path in sampled ]
# remove <s></s>
for i in range(len(texts)):
texts[i] = texts[i][1:-1]
pre_text, mid_text, post_text, edit_text = texts
pre_prom, mid_prom, post_prom, edit_prom = qnts
# randomly drop out pre
if random.random() < 0.125:
pre_text = None
pre_prom = None
# randomly drop out post
if random.random() < 0.125:
post_text = None
post_prom = None
# create new text
text =
[ torch.Tensor( [ 1 ] ).to(dtype=self.text_dtype) ] + # <s>
([ pre_text, torch.Tensor( [ 3 ] ).to(dtype=self.text_dtype) ] if pre_text is not None else []) + # pre_text + space'
[ edit_text ] + # 'edit text'
([ torch.Tensor( [ 3 ] ).to(dtype=self.text_dtype), post_text ] if post_text is not None else []) + # 'space' + edit_text
[ torch.Tensor( [ 2 ] ).to(dtype=self.text_dtype) ] # </s>
if task == "nse":
# sample random noise
noise = self.sample_noise()
# it might be better to extend the noise to the sum of the pre+mid+post or pre+edit+post to keep the noise truly coherent
# but it's noise, it's supposed to be random
def noise_proms( p ):
# ignore if we turned it off
if p is None:
return None
# extend the noise to fill the target audio
n = repeat_extend_audio(noise, p.shape[0])
# merge the noise over the utterance
return merge_audio(p, n, scale=[1, noise_scale], device="cpu")
# apply noise to all pieces
pre_prom = noise_proms( pre_prom )
mid_prom = noise_proms( mid_prom )
post_prom = noise_proms( post_prom )
edit_prom = noise_proms( edit_prom )
mid_prom = self.get_task_token("mask")
# create new proms
proms =
([ pre_prom ] if pre_prom is not None else []) +
[self.get_task_token("soe")] +
[ mid_prom ] + # is <mask> if task is CSE
[self.get_task_token("eoe")] +
([ post_prom ] if post_prom is not None else [])
# create new resp
resps =
([ pre_prom ] if pre_prom is not None else []) +
[ edit_prom ] +
([ post_prom ] if post_prom is not None else [])
raise Exception(f'Undefined task: {task}')
# emulate SVC
# takes in an utterance of the target speaker, a target utterenace as a reference clip as the input prompt
# targets an utterance of the target speaker with the same tempo + pitch + etc as the reference clip
# NOTE: I do not have a clue how to go about this. I *could* dynamically generate clips through RVC here, but I imagine the penalty would be astronomical
# ahead-of-time dataset preparation of a shit ton of RVC clips might be the key.
# aside from that, I have no clue how to go about training this, as this is entirely a proof of concept task.
elif task == "svc":
# sample a random, clean utterance for the target speaker
proms = self.sample_prompts(spkr_name, ignore=path) if random.random() < cfg.dataset.random_utterance else resps
# sample a reference clip from a different speaker
ref_proms = self.sample_rvc(self.sample_speakers(ignore=[spkr_name]))
resps =
# stitch together the promps
proms = [proms, self.get_task_token(task), ref_proms] )
# set the text prompt to empty to train without a guided text prompt
if random.random() < 0.5:
text = torch.tensor([1, 2]).to(self.text_dtype)
2023-08-18 00:07:59 +00:00
# trim to fit to requested prom/resps levels
proms = proms[:, :cfg.model.prom_levels]
resps = resps[:, :cfg.model.prom_levels]
2023-08-02 21:53:35 +00:00
return dict(
2023-08-02 21:53:35 +00:00
2023-08-02 21:53:35 +00:00
def head_(self, n):
self._head = n
def training_(self, value): = value
def __len__(self):
if self.sampler_type == "group":
return min(len(self.spkr_groups), self._head or len(self.spkr_groups))
if self.sampler_type == "speaker":
return min(len(self.spkrs), self._head or len(self.spkrs))
2023-08-02 21:53:35 +00:00
return min(len(self.paths), self._head or len(self.paths))
def pin_memory(self):
self.text = self.text.pin_memory()
self.proms = self.proms.pin_memory()
self.resps = self.resps.pin_memory()
self.resp = self.resp.pin_memory()
return self
def collate_fn(samples: list[dict]):
batch: dict[str, Any] = {k: [s[k] for s in samples] for k in samples[0]}
return batch
def _seed_worker(worker_id):
worker_seed = torch.initial_seed() % 2**32
def _create_dataloader(dataset, training):
sampler = None
shuffle = True
if cfg.distributed and training:
sampler = DistributedSampler(dataset)
shuffle = False
2023-08-02 21:53:35 +00:00
return DataLoader(
batch_size=cfg.hyperparameters.batch_size if training else cfg.evaluation.batch_size,
2023-08-02 21:53:35 +00:00
2023-08-24 22:05:56 +00:00
persistent_workers=cfg.dataset.workers > 1,
2023-08-02 21:53:35 +00:00
pin_memory=False, # True,
2023-08-02 21:53:35 +00:00
def create_datasets():
train_dataset = Dataset( training=True )
val_dataset = Dataset( phone_symmap=train_dataset.phone_symmap, training=False )
2023-08-02 21:53:35 +00:00
2023-09-04 02:27:13 +00:00
train_state_path = cfg.relpath / ""
if train_state_path.exists():
train_dataset.load_state_dict( train_state_path )
2023-08-02 21:53:35 +00:00
return train_dataset, val_dataset
def create_train_val_dataloader():
train_dataset, val_dataset = create_datasets()
subtrain_dataset = copy.deepcopy(train_dataset)
if subtrain_dataset.sampler_type == "path":
2023-08-02 21:53:35 +00:00
train_dl = _create_dataloader(train_dataset, training=True)
val_dl = _create_dataloader(val_dataset, training=False)
subtrain_dl = _create_dataloader(subtrain_dataset, training=False)
2023-08-02 21:53:35 +00:00"#samples (train): {len(train_dataset)}.")"#samples (val): {len(val_dataset)}.")"#samples (subtrain): {len(subtrain_dataset)}.")"#duration (train): {str(train_dataset.duration)}.")"#duration (val): {str(val_dataset.duration)}.")"#duration (subtrain): {str(subtrain_dataset.duration)}.")
assert isinstance(subtrain_dl.dataset, Dataset)
return train_dl, subtrain_dl, val_dl
# parse dataset into better to sample metadata
def create_dataset_metadata( skip_existing=True ):
symmap = get_phone_symmap()
root = str(cfg.data_dir)
metadata_root = str(cfg.metadata_dir)
2024-04-29 03:28:29 +00:00
cfg.metadata_dir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
def add( dir, type="training", audios=True, texts=True ):
name = str(dir)
name = name.replace(root, "")
metadata_path = Path(f"{metadata_root}/{name}.json")
metadata = {} if not metadata_path.exists() else json.loads(open(str(metadata_path), "r", encoding="utf-8").read())
if not os.path.isdir(f'{root}/{name}/'):
# tqdm.write(f'{root}/{name}')
files = os.listdir(f'{root}/{name}/')
# grab IDs for every file
ids = { file.replace(_get_quant_extension(), "").replace(_get_phone_extension(), "") for file in files }
for id in tqdm(ids, desc=f"Processing {name}"):
audio_exists = os.path.exists(f'{root}/{name}/{id}{_get_quant_extension()}') if audios else True
text_exists = os.path.exists(f'{root}/{name}/{id}{_get_phone_extension()}') if texts else True
if not audio_exists or not text_exists:
key = f'{type}/{name}/{id}'
if skip_existing and key in metadata:
if id not in metadata:
metadata[id] = {}
# audio
if audios:
if _get_quant_extension() == ".dac":
dac = np.load(f'{root}/{name}/{id}{_get_quant_extension()}', allow_pickle=True)[()]
qnt = torch.from_numpy(dac["codes"].astype(int))[0].t().to(dtype=torch.int16)
duration = dac["metadata"]["original_length"] / dac["metadata"]["sample_rate"]
metadata[id]["metadata"] = {
"original_length": dac["metadata"]["original_length"],
"sample_rate": dac["metadata"]["sample_rate"],
qnt = torch.load(f'{root}/{name}/{id}{_get_quant_extension()}')[0].t()
duration = qnt.shape[0] / cfg.dataset.frames_per_second
metadata[id]["duration"] = duration
metadata[id]["duration"] = 0
# text
if texts:
if _get_phone_extension() == ".json":
json_metadata = json.loads(open(f'{root}/{name}/{id}{_get_phone_extension()}', "r", encoding="utf-8").read())
content = json_metadata["phonemes"]
txt = json_metadata["text"]
content = open(f'{root}/{name}/{id}{_get_phone_extension()}', "r", encoding="utf-8").read().split(" ")
txt = ""
phn = cfg.tokenizer.encode("".join(content))
phn = np.array(phn).astype(np.uint8)
metadata[id]["phones"] = len(phn)
metadata[id]["transcription"] = txt
except Exception as e:
#raise e
print(id, e)
with open(str(metadata_path), "w", encoding="utf-8") as f:
f.write( json.dumps( metadata ) )
# training
for data_dir in tqdm(sorted(, desc="Processing Training"):
add( data_dir, type="training" )
# validation
for data_dir in tqdm(sorted(cfg.dataset.validation), desc='Processing Validation'):
add( data_dir, type="validation" )
# noise
for data_dir in tqdm(sorted(cfg.dataset.noise), desc='Processing Noise'):
add( data_dir, type="noise", texts=False )
# parse yaml to create an hdf5 file
def create_dataset_hdf5( skip_existing=True ):
cfg.dataset.use_hdf5 = True
2023-08-02 21:53:35 +00:00
symmap = get_phone_symmap()
2024-04-29 03:28:29 +00:00
root = str(cfg.data_dir)
metadata_root = str(cfg.metadata_dir)
2023-08-02 21:53:35 +00:00
hf = cfg.hdf5
2024-04-29 03:28:29 +00:00
cfg.metadata_dir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
2023-08-02 21:53:35 +00:00
def add( dir, type="training", audios=True, texts=True ):
2024-04-29 03:28:29 +00:00
name = str(dir)
name = name.replace(root, "")
metadata_path = Path(f"{metadata_root}/{name}.json")
metadata = {} if not metadata_path.exists() else json.loads(open(str(metadata_path), "r", encoding="utf-8").read())
2023-08-02 21:53:35 +00:00
if not os.path.isdir(f'{root}/{name}/'):
# tqdm.write(f'{root}/{name}')
files = os.listdir(f'{root}/{name}/')
# grab IDs for every file
ids = { file.replace(_get_quant_extension(), "").replace(_get_phone_extension(), "") for file in files }
2023-08-02 21:53:35 +00:00
for id in tqdm(ids, desc=f"Processing {name}"):
audio_exists = os.path.exists(f'{root}/{name}/{id}{_get_quant_extension()}') if audios else True
text_exists = os.path.exists(f'{root}/{name}/{id}{_get_phone_extension()}') if texts else True
2023-08-02 21:53:35 +00:00
if not audio_exists or not text_exists:
2023-08-02 21:53:35 +00:00
key = f'{type}/{name}/{id}'
2024-04-29 03:28:29 +00:00
if skip_existing and key in hf:
2024-04-29 03:28:29 +00:00
group = hf.create_group(key) if key not in hf else hf[key]
group.attrs['id'] = id
group.attrs['type'] = type
group.attrs['speaker'] = name
2024-04-29 03:28:29 +00:00
if id not in metadata:
metadata[id] = {}
# audio
if audios:
if _get_quant_extension() == ".dac":
2024-04-29 03:28:29 +00:00
dac = np.load(f'{root}/{name}/{id}{_get_quant_extension()}', allow_pickle=True)[()]
qnt = torch.from_numpy(dac["codes"].astype(int))[0].t().to(dtype=torch.int16)
duration = dac["metadata"]["original_length"] / dac["metadata"]["sample_rate"]
metadata[id]["metadata"] = {
2024-04-29 03:28:29 +00:00
"original_length": dac["metadata"]["original_length"],
"sample_rate": dac["metadata"]["sample_rate"],
qnt = torch.load(f'{root}/{name}/{id}{_get_quant_extension()}')[0].t()
duration = qnt.shape[0] / cfg.dataset.frames_per_second
2024-04-29 03:28:29 +00:00
qnt = qnt.numpy().astype(np.int16)
if "audio" not in group:
group.create_dataset('audio', data=qnt, compression='lzf')
group.attrs['duration'] = duration
metadata[id]["duration"] = duration
group.attrs['duration'] = 0
metadata[id]["duration"] = 0
# text
if texts:
2024-04-29 03:28:29 +00:00
if _get_phone_extension() == ".json":
json_metadata = json.loads(open(f'{root}/{name}/{id}{_get_phone_extension()}', "r", encoding="utf-8").read())
content = json_metadata["phonemes"]
2024-04-29 03:28:29 +00:00
txt = json_metadata["text"]
content = open(f'{root}/{name}/{id}{_get_phone_extension()}', "r", encoding="utf-8").read().split(" ")
2024-04-29 03:28:29 +00:00
txt = ""
phn = cfg.tokenizer.encode("".join(content))
phn = np.array(phn).astype(np.uint8)
2024-04-29 03:28:29 +00:00
if "text" not in group:
group.create_dataset('text', data=phn, compression='lzf')
group.attrs['phonemes'] = len(phn)
2024-04-29 03:28:29 +00:00
group.attrs['transcription'] = txt
metadata[id]["phones"] = len(phn)
2024-04-29 03:28:29 +00:00
metadata[id]["transcription"] = txt
group.attrs['phonemes'] = 0
metadata[id]["phones"] = 0
except Exception as e:
#raise e
print(id, e)
2024-04-29 03:28:29 +00:00
2024-04-29 03:28:29 +00:00
with open(str(metadata_path), "w", encoding="utf-8") as f:
f.write( json.dumps( metadata ) )
2023-08-02 21:53:35 +00:00
# training
2024-04-29 03:28:29 +00:00
for data_dir in tqdm(sorted(, desc="Processing Training"):
2023-08-02 21:53:35 +00:00
add( data_dir, type="training" )
# validation
2024-04-29 03:28:29 +00:00
for data_dir in tqdm(sorted(cfg.dataset.validation), desc='Processing Validation'):
2023-08-02 21:53:35 +00:00
add( data_dir, type="validation" )
# noise
2024-04-29 03:28:29 +00:00
for data_dir in tqdm(sorted(cfg.dataset.noise), desc='Processing Noise'):
add( data_dir, type="noise", texts=False )
2023-08-02 21:53:35 +00:00
# write symmap
if "symmap" in hf:
del hf['symmap']
2023-08-02 21:53:35 +00:00
hf.create_dataset('symmap', data=json.dumps(symmap))
2023-08-02 21:53:35 +00:00
if __name__ == "__main__":
import argparse
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser("Save trained model to path.")
parser.add_argument("--action", type=str)
parser.add_argument("--tasks", type=str)
args = parser.parse_args()
task = args.action
cfg.dataset.workers = 1
class LoggerOveride:
def info(self, *args):
_logger = LoggerOveride()
if args.action == "hdf5":
elif args.action == "metadata":
elif args.action == "sample":
train_dl, subtrain_dl, val_dl = create_train_val_dataloader()
samples = {
"training": [ next(iter(train_dl)), next(iter(train_dl)) ],
"evaluation": [ next(iter(subtrain_dl)), next(iter(subtrain_dl)) ],
"validation": [ next(iter(val_dl)), next(iter(val_dl)) ],
for k, v in samples.items():
for i in range(len(v)):
del v[i]['proms']
del v[i]['resps']
print(f'{k}:', v)
2023-09-04 02:27:13 +00:00
train_dl.dataset.save_state_dict(cfg.relpath / "")
elif args.action == "tasks":
index = 0
cfg.dataset.tasks_list = args.tasks.split(",")
train_dl, subtrain_dl, val_dl = create_train_val_dataloader()
batch = next(iter(train_dl))
for text, resps, proms, task in zip(batch["text"], batch["resps"], batch["proms"], batch["task"]):
if task not in cfg.dataset.tasks_list:
print(text, task, cfg.model.prom_levels)
2023-08-21 02:36:02 +00:00
print( proms.shape, resps.shape )
tokens = 0
tokens += sum([ text.shape[0] for text in batch["text"] ])
tokens += sum([ resps.shape[0] for resps in batch["resps"] ])
print( tokens )
decode_to_file( proms, f"./data/{task}.proms.wav", device="cpu" )
decode_to_file( resps, f"./data/{task}.resps.wav", device="cpu" )